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Selected documents on the CIA in Ecuador in the 1950s from the CIA's Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room. More documents are also available in the e-archivo ecuatoriano.
The second report the Central Intelligence Group (CIG, immediate forerunner of the CIA) published on Ecuador that includes a report on an Indigenous conference and communist efforts to organize an agricultural cooperative.
Source: Central Intelligence Group (CIG), "Communist Party Activities," May 21, 1947, CIA Electronic Reading Room,
A CIA information report on PCE finances with the name of the treasurer of the central committee of the province of Pichincha redacted.
Source: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), "PCE Finances," May 16, 1949, CIA Electronic Reading Room,
A manifesto from the central committee of the Communist Party of Ecuador that defends the lives of the Ecuadorian people in the face of an economic crisis.
Source: PCE, “Por la defensa de la vida del pueblo: Manifiesto del Comité Central del Partido Comunista,” March 1, 1949, included in CIA, "Handbill of Partido Comunista del Ecuador," April 8, 1949,
Report on the Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of Ecuador.
Source: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), "Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of Ecuador (PCE) Held at Ambato," October 7, 1952, CIA Electronic Reading Room,
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