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Second Congress of Ecuadorean Indians

On resolution of the Ecuadorean Federation of Indians, whose General Secretary is the Indian Dolores Cacuango, the Second Congress of Ecuadorean Indians was held February 7-10 of this year.

The order of business at the above-mentioned Congress was as follows:

February 7. Preliminary Session. Discussion of rules. Naming of the Chairman who will preside at the Opening Session. Presentation of credentials.

February 8. Opening Session. Opening address by the General Secretary of the Indian Confederation, Comrade Dolores Cacuango.

Nomination of the President of the Congress. Report of the ac­tivities of the Ecuadorean Federation of Indians (F. E. I.) by the Secretary General of the Central Committee for Indian Defense, Comrade Luis F. Alvaro. Discussion of the same by the various delegations. Report on the work of the Acting Deputy for the Ecuadorean Indians, Dr. Ricardo Torres Paredes. Discussion. Address by an Indian Delegate welcoming the Congress.

February 9. Report of delegates from the various Communities. Discussion: Study of laws directly concerning the Indians: Constitution, Law for the Organization and Management of the Communes, Juridical Statute for the Rural Communities, Law for the Political Ad­ministrative Management, Labor Code. Minimum Wage for agricultural workers. Houses for the Indian Federation. The newspaper "Ñucanchic Allpa". The "Tigua" Cooperative. Reports by the Delegation. Revision of the Statutes of the Indian Federation.

February 10. Revision of the Statutes of the Indian Federation. Course for developing the capabilities of Indian youth. Course for Indian nurses and home economists. Resolutions on the reports. Re­solutions on projects for revision of laws directly affecting Indians.
Closing Session. The importance of the competition in handicraft and plastic arts produced or inspired by the Indians.

Source: "Second Congress of Ecuadorean Indians," Boletín Indigenista 6, no. 1 (March 1946): 32-35.

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