Vol. I




This section lists every bibliography of ecuatoriana in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, and the Natural Sciences published before Jan. 1996 and for which I was able to obtain or to establish a satisfactory description as of July 1997.

As of the late 1990s, the history of bibliography in Ecuador remained to be written. The only attempt to establish some of the benchmarks was Alfredo Chaves's still indispensable 1958 Fuentes principales de la bibliografía ecuatoriana (item 54). According to Chaves the first bibliography "realizado en el Ecuador" was Juan de Velasco's Cátalogo de algunos escritores antiguos y modernos del Perú y Quito (Quito: Impr. del Gobierno, 1885; 6 p.). However, Velasco's Cátalogo was not a bibliography per se but the bibliographic apparatus of his Historia del reino de Quito (item 1532), reprinted from the original edition thereof (Quito: Impr. del Gobierno, 1841-1844; 3 v.).

It could be argued that the first Ecuadorian bibliography was the posthumously published Bibliotheca americana (1964-1965) of Antonio de Alcedo (1736-1812). There are difficulties with this contention too, however. Although quiteño born, Alcedo was a Spaniard in every sense that mattered, and his subject was the Americas at large, not his colony of birth. Nonetheless, his Bibliotheca americana (item 2) remains a major source of information on sixteenth-, seventeenth-, and eighteenth-century publications on the New World, including the future Ecuador.

The earliest bibliography of ecuatoriana per se therefore appears to be Nicolás Anrique Reyes's 1891 Noticia de algunas publicaciones ecuatorianas anteriores a 1792 (item 8).

Bibliographic control of ecuatoriana also had yet and perhaps still remains to be achieved. The Biblioteca General de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, however, endeavored to register national publications in the second half of the 1970s (see items 9-11), and the Cuenca branch of the Banco Central del Ecuador's Centro de Investigación y Cultura made a comparable effort in the late 1970s and the 1980s (see items 65, 12, and 20, in that order). Both attempts at bibliographic control were commendable, but far from complete. Unfortunately, the Centro de Investigación y Cultura's Anuario bibliográfico ecuatoriano died with the 1987 issue. That I have been unable to determine when the Biblioteca General de la Universidad Central del Ecuador's Bibliografía ecuatoriana or the annual cumulation thereof (items 9-11) ceased to be published is symptomatic of the lack of bibliographic control and of the difficulty in doing research in and on Ecuador.

When the first manuscript catalog of a library was compiled in Ecuador is unknown. I suspect that it will turn out to have been an inventory of the holdings of the Dominican predecesor of the Biblioteca de la Universidad Central or of the Jesuit forerunner of the Biblioteca Nacional. The first printed catalog of a library was that of the Biblioteca Pública del Azuay, each vol. of which was individually entitled: I, Ciencias eclesiásticas (Cuenca: Impr. de la Universidad, 1890); II, Jurisprudencia (1890); IV, Historia (1890)--vol. 3 never appeared; V, Literatura (1891); VI, Ciencias; VII, Medicina (1891); VIII, Artes y oficios (1891). The most recent published catalogs of libraries as of July 1997, were the ongoing Diccionario bibliográfico ecuatoriano of the Biblioteca Ecuatoriana "Aurelio Espinosa Pólit" (item 26) and the CD-ROM catalog of the library of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.

The earliest bibliography of works on the history--in the broad sense --of Ecuador, albeit only of the colonial period, was Nicolás Espinosa Cordero's 1934 Bibliografía ecuatoriana (item 68). The first comprehensive register of ecuatoriana, including historical materials, was Carlos Manuel Larrea's 1948-1953 Bibliografía científica del Ecuador (item 110). The most complete as well as up-to-date bibliography of works on and published sources for the reconstruction of the history of Ecuador used to be Robert E. Norris's 1978 Guía bibliográfica para el estudio de la historia ecuatoriana (item 150).

In addition to the bibliographies and bibliographical studies already mentioned and listed below, see: Rodrigo Fierro Benítez's Catálogo del libro ecuatoriano de medicina: obras seleccionadas, siglo XVIII hasta 1995 (Quito: Academia Ecuatoriana de Medicina, 1995; 169 p.) and his Bibliografía científica medica ecuatoriana publicada en el exterior (Quito: Casa de la cultura ecuatoriana "Benjamín Carrión," 1995; 422 p. [Colección: Bibliografía científica ecuatoriana; no.1]); and Jorge Núñez Sánchez's La historiografía ecuatoriana (item 265) that lists and discusses some important works not seen by me.

1. Albán, María Elena. "Bibliografía de filosofía ecuatoriana," Revista de historia de las ideas, 2ª época, 4 (1983), 263-275.

A roster of works that express philosophical views of Ecuadorians. See also item 46.

2. Alcedo y Bejarano, Antonio de. Bibliotheca americana: catálogo de los autores que han escrito de la América en diferentes idiomas, y noticia de su vida y patria, años en que vivieron, y obras que escribieron (1807), introducción de Jorge A. Garcés G. Quito: Museo Municipal de Arte e Historia, 1964-1965. 2 v. (Publicaciones del Museo Municipal de Arte e Historia; vol. 32, t. 1-2)

The first complete publication of this monumental work. Previewed by Gonzalo Zaldumbide in: "El diccionario inédito de Alcedo," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 2:3/4 (ene./abr. 1921), 71-93.

3. Alcina Franch, José. Bibliografía de trabajo. Madrid: Departamento de Antropología y Etnología de América, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1974. 74 leaves.

A working bibliography of materials on the anthropology and archaeology of Ecuador.

4. Alvarado, Rafael. Indice de traducciones ecuatorianas, 2ª ed. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1957. 54 p.

A reprint; originally published in: Revista, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 11:17 (1956), 349-388. Lists translations from Spanish into other European languages of national works, mostly literary. The first edition appeared as: "Indice de traducciones ecuatorianas para el repertorio internacional de traducciones Index translation de la UNESCO," Boletín de informaciones científicas nacionales (Quito), 6:59 (1954), 505-528.

5. Alzamora C., Lucía. Ecuador, aspectos socio-económicos: bibliografía, 2ª ed. Quito: Junta Nacional de Planificación y Coordinación Económica: Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, 1977. 212 p.

A revised and augmented edition of the author's: Ecuador, aspectos socio-económicos e integración económica: bibliografía. Quito: Sección Publicaciones, JUNAPLA, 1976. ii, 182 p. Both are bibliographies of materials on social and economic conditions.

6. Andrade Chiriboga, Alfonso. Hemeroteca azuaya. Cuenca: Edit. El Mercurio, 1950. 2 v.

A bibliography of nineteenth-century newspapers of Cuenca.

7. Andrade Marín, Luciano. "La bibliografía geográfica ecuatoriana y los geógrafos ecuatorianos," Anales de la Universidad Central, 23:328 (1949), 19-38.

A bibliography of works on the geography of the country and of works by national geographers.

8. Anrique Reyes, Nicolás. Noticia de algunas publicaciones ecuatorianas anteriores a 1792. Santiago de Chile: Impr. Nacional, 1891. 23 p.

Apparently the first bibliography of ecuatoriana as well as the first bibliography of early Ecuadorian imprints. It registered four Ambato and eleven Quito titles. Also published in: Revista ecuatoriana, 4:3:39 (mar. 1892), 112-122.

9. Anuario bibliográfico ecuatoriano 1975. Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Biblioteca General, 1976. 374 p.

10. Anuario bibliográfico ecuatoriano 1976 y 1977. Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Biblioteca General, 1978. 427 p.

11. Anuario bibliográfico ecuatoriano 1978 y 1979. Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Biblioteca General, 1981. 143 p.

Items 9-11 constitute a serial, the complete chronology of which remains to be determined. Each vol. includes author, title, and subject indexes. The 1975 issue appears to be "vol. 1," and cumulates the first six issues of Bibliografía ecuatoriana, a bimonthly that began with año 1, no. 1 (ene./feb. 1975) and succumbed sometime thereafter. The 1976-1977 issue corresponds to no. 8/9 of the Bibliografía ecuatoriana, and the 1978-1979 issue to no. 10, if not no. 10/11. The annual cumulation--of which the 1978-1979 issue (item 11) may have been the last published--is also defunct. Together with its bimonthly counterpart this annual constituted a notable attempt to establish control over national publications. Not related to items 12, 20, and 65.

12. Anuario bibliográfico ecuatoriano ... 1982-1987. Cuenca: Banco Central del Ecuador, Centro de Investigación y Cultura, 1984-1991. 7 v.

Not to be confused with items 9-11. The Anuario for 1983 appeared in two vols. Indispensable for materials published in the 1980s. Each vol. includes an author index. Continues: Ecuador, bibliografía analítica (item 65). See also: Bibliografía retrospectiva ecuatoriana (item 20).

13. Arcos, Gualberto. "Aporte para la bibliografía del Archipiélago de las Galápagos," Anales de la Universidad Central, 56:296 (abr./jun. 1936), 629-644.

A bibliography of works on the Galápagos Islands. See also item 5849.

14. Ayala Mora, Enrique. "Ecuador," The Cambridge History of Latin America, vol. 11, Bibliographic Essays, edited by Leslie Bethell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 826-832.

A revised version of the bibliographic essay that accompanies item 2223. Covers the years since 1930.

15. Bákula, Juan Miguel. Perú y Ecuador: tiempos y testimonios de una vecindad, 1ª ed. Lima: CEPEI : FOMCIENCIAS, 1992. 3 v.

Vol. 1 (410 p.) is entirely given over to bibliography. References to many other Peruvian and even more Ecuadorian publications are to be found in the notes to vols. 2 and 3, to which access may be had via the "Indice onomástico" at the end of vol. 3. Vols. 2-3 also constitute a balanced, comprehensive, more or less objective, and scholarly treatment of the boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru, of the history of the Upper Amazon Basin, and relations in general between the two countries by a Peruvian intellectual. The author, a retired career diplomat, is respected in both countries.

16. Barrera B., Jaime. "Bibliografía para el estudio de la prehistoria ecuatoriana," Anales de la Universidad Central, 58:299 (ene./mayo 1937), 99-149.

A bibliographic essay on the prehispanic period. Arranged chronologically. Reprinted in: Indianistas, indianófilos, indigenistas (item 7946), p. 63-116.

17. Bayle, Constantino. "Notas sobre bibliografía jesuítica de Mainas," Missionalia hispánica, 6:17 (1949), 277-317.

A bibliography of materials on the Jesuit missions of the colonial period in the Upper Amazon Basin. The works in question are also studies of and sources on the ethnography, geography, and history of the Oriente during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries.

18. Bibliografía de autores ecuatorianos. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1978. 474 p.

Lists works of Ecuadorian authors held by the Biblioteca Nacional del Ecuador.

19. "Bibliografía de Pablo Muñoz Vega," Cultura, 9:25 (mayo/ago. 1986), 121-143.

A register of writings of and on the twentieth-century cardinal archbishop of Quito.

20. Bibliografía retrospectiva ecuatoriana e índice acumulativo 1978-1985. Cuenca: Banco Central del Ecuador, Centro de Investigación y Cultura, 1991. 400 p.

Supplements and provides a cumulative personal and corporate body author index to Ecuador, bibliografía analítica (item 65) and Anuario bibliográfico ecuatoriano (item 12). Unfortunately the commendable efforts of the Cuenca branch of the Banco Central's Centro de Investigación y Cultura to compile and publish continuing and retrospective bibliographies of works published in and on the country were curtailed by the political climate and economic crisis of the 1990s.

21. Bibliografía sobre administración ecuatoriana y materias afines. Quito: Instituto de Estudios Administrativos, Universidad Central del Ecuador, 1967. 95 p.

A bibliography of materials on public administration of/in Ecuador and related topics.

22. Bibliografía social, económica y política del Ecuador. Quito: Junta Nacional de Planificación y Coordinación Económica, Sección de Investigaciones Sociales, [1973]. 2 v.

An important attempt to compile a national bibliography of social scientific materials, including historical. Unfortunately this work suffers from incomplete descriptions and misspellings of authors's names.

23. Bibliographie sur l'Equateur = Bibliography on Ecuador. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Development Centre, 1985. iii, 85 p.

Apparently a general bibliography; indicative of materials available in France.

24. Biblioteca de Autores Nacionales "Carlos A. Rolando." XXV aniversario de la fundación de la Biblioteca de Autores Nacionales "Carlos A. Rolando," 1913-1938. Guayaquil: Impr. i Tall. Municipales, 1938. 104 p.

A list of works of national authors in this major collection.

25. Biblioteca de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Catálogo de obras de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Derecho. Quito: Edit. Universitaria, 1957. 100 p.

A register of works in the Law Library of the Central University.

26. Biblioteca Ecuatoriana "Aurelio Espinosa Pólit." Diccionario bibliográfico ecuatoriano, dirigido por Julián G. Bravo Santillán con la colaboración de Wilson C. Vega Vega y Víctor H. Vaca Bravo. Quito: Biblioteca Ecuatoriana "Aurelio Espinos Pólit," 1989-<1999>. <8> v.

An exceptionally comprehensive bibliography of national authors as well as a catalog of the largest collection of ecuatoriana in the world. It includes newspaper articles, pamphlets, and other ephemera. Indexed by author, subject, and year of publication. Not an easy tool to use, however, inasmuch as entries are entered by year of publication under author rather than alphabetically by title under author. Furthermore, authors's names are given only once, at the beginning of the list of his/her publications, rendering this bibliography almost impossible to scan. Limited to materials held by the Biblioteca Ecuatoriana "Aurelio Espinosa Pólit." Tomo 1, A-An, consists of 6,347 entries; t. 2, An-Ba, of 8,387 entries; t. 3, Ba-Cam, of 8,339 entries; t. 4, Cañ-Coh, of 8,215 entries; t. 5, Col-Cor, of 6,333 entries; t. 6, Cos-CH, of 5,962 entries; t. 7, D-EC of 5,772 entries; t. 8, Ech-Esp of 4,593 entries.

27. Biblioteca Nacional del Ecuador. Incunables y libros raros y curiosos de los siglos XV, XVI, XVII y XVIII, de la sección llamada "Hispanoamericana." Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1959. 108 p.

Describes pre-1800 separates, mostly European but also some early Ecuadorian imprints, held by the National Library.

28. Boletín bibliográfico ecuatoriano. Vol. 1, no. 1 (ene./mar., 1967)-v. 1, no. 2 (abr./jun. 1967). Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1967. 2 nos.

29. Bravo, Julián G. "La bibliografía mariana de los siglos XVII y XVIII en la Audiencia de Quito," Revista del Instituto de Historia Eclesiástica Ecuatoriana, 7 (1983), 83-115.

A major guide to Marian publications of the colonial period. At the same time a partial guide to early Ecuadorian imprints. Also published as a separate: Quito: [s.n.], 1984. 56 p.

30. Bristow, Clement Roger. An Annotated Bibliography of Ecuadorian Geology. London: H.M.S.O., 1981. ii, 38 p.

31. Bromley, R.J. Bibliografía del Ecuador: ciencias sociales, económicas y geográficas. Quito: Junta Nacional de Planificación y Coordinación Económica, 1970. 61 p.

A bibliography of social scientific studies. Includes an author index. Also published: Talence, France: Centre d'études de géografie tropicale, 1970. (Travaux et documents de géographie tropicale; no. 2)

32. Bueno C., Ricardo. Ensayo bibliográfico de los escritos del Ilmo. y Rvdmo. Dr. Dn. Federico González Suárez, arzobispo de Quito. Quito: Tip. de la "Prensa Católica," 1925. xxviii, 143 p.

An annotated guide to the writings of the archbishop historian. See also item 165. Also published in a "2ª ed.": Homenaje a la memoria del Ilmo. y Rvmo. Sr. Dr. D. Federico González Suárez: ensayo bibliográfico de sus obras y escritos. Quito: Impr. del Ministerio de Gobierno, 1943. 149 p.

33. Cárdenas Reyes, María Cristina. José Peralta y el liberalismo: análisis documental. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, Centro de Investigación y Cultura, 1988. 319 p.

34. Cárdenas Reyes, María Cristina. "La producción periodística de José Peralta," Revista IDIS, 18 (ene. 1988), 39-66.

Items 33 and 34 are bibliographies of publications of and on the Liberal ideologue (1855-1937). Item 33 also registers materials on liberalism and the Liberal period (1895-1925).

35. Carrera M., Lelia; and Lucila Córtez Miranda. "Bibliografía colonial ecuatoriana," Anales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, 63:308 (ene./jun. 1940), 576-652.

A bibliography of materials of and on the colonial period.

36. Carvalho-Neto, Paulo de. "Bibliografía afro-ecuatoriana: (1ª y 2ª entregas)," Humanitas (Quito), 4:2 (1963), 5-19.

37. Carvalho-Neto, Paulo de. "Bibliografía del folklore ecuatoriano: (1ª y 2ª entregas)," Anales de la Universidad Central, 93:348 (mayo 1964), 111-168.

Registers 179 items. Annotated.

38. Carvalho-Neto, Paulo de. "Bibliografía del folklore ecuatoriano: 3ª entrega," Revista del folklore ecuatoriano, 1 (oct. 1965), 211-216.

Items 36-38 are the first systematic attempts to register folklore materials of/on Ecuador by the founder of modern folklore studies in the country.

39. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana. Catálogo general de publicaciones de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1944-1965. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1965. 219 p.

An annotated list of works published by the Casa de la Cultura and its branches from 1944 through 1965. Includes notes on authors.

40. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamín Carrión." Catálogo de obras publicadas por la Editorial de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamín Carrión." Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamín Carrión," 1980. 47 p.

Supplements item 39.

41. Castillo, Abel Romeo. "Ediciones del Canto a Bolívar publicadas en la vida de Olmedo," Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, 13:31/32 (1962), 60-72.

Apparently a complete register of coeval editions of Olmedo's Canto a Bolívar.

42. Castillo, Abel Romeo. La imprenta de Guayaquil independiente: 1821-1822, 2ª ed. corr. y aum. Guayaquil: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1982. xiii, 202 p.

The most complete study, as of July 1997, of early imprints in Guayaquil. This edition includes previously published essays by Gustavo Arboleda R., Pedro Carbo, Juan B. Ceriola, and José Gabriel Pino Roca on the early history of the printing press in the port city. The original or "first" edition was: La imprenta de Guayaquil independiente, 1821-1822: historia, bibliografía, catálogo, notas, facsímiles. Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1956. xvi, 204 p.

43. Castillo, Abel Romeo. "El primer periodista y el primer periódico ecuatoriano," Anales del Archivo Nacional de Historia y Museo Unico, época 2ª, 1 (1939), 126-137.

On El Patriota de Guayaquil, which the late Castillo had been in the process of reprinting year by year (see item 1801) and its editor, Francisco María Roca.

44. Castillo, Abel Romeo. "Los primeros diarios de Guayaquil (1860-1884)," Revista de la Universidad de Guayaquil, 2ª época, 8:10 (1971), 5-30.

On the first daily newspapers in the port city.

45. Castillo, Abel Romeo. "Los primeros periódicos guayaquileños: breve catálogo bibliográfico," Revista de la Universidad de Guayaquil, 2ª época, 7:9 (dic. 1969/feb. 1970), 29-54.

Covers the years 1821-1830.

46. "Catálogo de libros de filosofía en el Ecuador," Cultura, 2:4 (mayo/ago. 1979), 389-415.

A list of philosophy books published in the country, by national authors, or on "Ecuadorian philosophy."

47. Ciudad de papel. 1 (ene. 1994)-. Quito: Centro de Investigaciones CIUDAD, 1994-.

A bibliographic bulletin, mostly given over to materials on urbanization.

48. Clagett, Helen Lord. A Guide to the Law and Legal Literature of Ecuador. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1947. viii, 100 p.

Considerably dated but still useful.

49. Cordero Iñiguez, Juan. "Bibliografía cronológico [de y sobre Honorato Vásquez]," Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos de Cuenca, 49 (1985), 29-61.

50. Cordero Iñiguez, Juan. Bibliografía ecuatoriana de artesanías y artes populares. Cuenca: Centro Interamericano de Artesanías y Artes Populares, 1980. xxii, 373 p.

Registers 999 items. Broader in coverage than the title implies. Well indexed.

51. Cordero Iñiguez, Juan; and Bernarda Crespo Cordero. Bibliografía azuaya del siglo XIX. Cuenca: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1989. 370 p.

A well done year by year listing of 3,701 items published in Cuenca and by cuencanos elsewhere at one time or another in the 1800s. Annotated. Indexed by author and subject matter. Exceptionally comprehensive inasmuch as the compilers included broadsheets, periodical articles, and contributions to festschriften.

52. Corkill, David. Ecuador. Oxford, Eng.: Clio Press, 1989. xxi, 155 p. (World Bibliographical Series; vol. 101)

Useful for general readers and beginning researchers, but too limited for post baccalaureate or advanced research. Describes 557 items in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Each entry is annotated. Emphasizes English language and therefore by default general Latin American, South American, and Andean materials rather than Ecuadorian materials per se, reflecting the limited library holdings in Great Britain on Ecuador. Indexed by authors, titles, and subjects.

53. Cueva, Juan Martín; and Monica Sánchez. Bibliografía ecuatoriana sobre pequeña y mediana empresa. Quito: INSOTEC, Unidad de Investigaciones de Política Industrial, Centro de Documentación e Información, [1988?]. 134 p.


54. Chaves, Alfredo. Fuentes principales de la bibliografía ecuatoriana. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1958. 24 p.

The pioneering attempt to establish a bibliography of national, regional, and local bibliographies. Relatively full yet curiously incomplete. But less than bibliographic adequate control and the difficulty in laying hands on all appropriate publications have to be taken into account.

55. Chaves, Alfredo. Primer registro bibliográfico de artes plásticas en el Ecuador. Quito: Impr. de la Universidad, 1942. [40] p. (i.e., p. 77-116).

Lists 302 articles and books.

Published together with: José Alfredo Llerena, La pintura ecuatoriana del siglo XX (item 3889).

56. Deas, Malcolm. "Ecuador," The Cambridge History of Latin America, vol. 11, Bibliographic Essays, edited by Leslie Bethell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 474-476.

57. Deas, Malcolm. "Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador," The Cambridge History of Latin America, vol. 11, Bibliographic Essays, edited by Leslie Bethell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 274-283.

This and the preceding item are revised and updated bibliographic essays, the original versions of which appeared in vols. 3 and 5 of The Cambridge History of Latin America (items 2041 and 2396). They cite and evaluate literature on the first 100 years of the national period (i.e., from 1830 through 1930).

58. Delaunay, Daniel. Demografía en el Ecuador, una bibliografía; Poblaciones de las parroquias: Ecuador, 1950-1982. Quito: Centro Ecuatoriano de Investigación Geográfica, 1985. 16, 69 p. (Documentos de investigación, Centro Ecuatoriano de Investigación Geográfica. Serie Demografía y geografía de la población; no. 1-2)

The first title is a bibliography of demographic studies on the country. The second, coauthored with Blanca Carrera and Juan León, is a correction of the global results of the 1950, 1962, 1974, and 1982 censuses.

59. Delgado Santos, Francisco. El libro en el Ecuador: situación, perspectivas. Bogotá: Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe, 1987. 65 p.

For a more recent commentary on the status of book publishing and the book trade in the country see: Carl W. Deal's Academic Publishing in Ecuador. Albuquerque: SALALM Secretariat, General Library, University of New Mexico, 1994. 34 p. (Latin American Information Series; 4)

60. Destruge, Camilo. Historia de la prensa de Guayaquil. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1982. 2 v.

A reprint with an introductory study by Abel Romeo Castillo; originally published: Quito: Tip. y Encuadernación Salesianas, 1924-1925. 2 v. (Memorias de la Academia Nacional de Historia; 2-3). An exceptionally important contribution to the history of newspapers in Guayaquil. A treasure trove of bibliographic data. Also a major study of cultural and political developments in the port city in the 1800s and early 1900s. Vol. 2 includes an appendix on: "Revistas literarias, científicas, etc; Periódicos jocosos, de caricaturas etc.; Almanaques y guías de la ciudad."

61. Díaz Cueva, Miguel. Bibliografía de Fray Vicente Solano. Cuenca: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Azuay, 1965. 318 p.

62. Díaz Cueva, Miguel. Bibliografía de Honorato Vázquez. Cuenca: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Azuay, 1955. 192 p.

Items 61 and 62 are model bibliographies. They list and describe in chronological order and exquisite detail virtually every, if not every, original publication of Solano's and of Vázquez's oeuvre. Item 61 also analyzes Solano's Obras (item 5181).

63. Díaz Cueva, Miguel. "Bibliografía ecuatoriana sobre derecho societario," Memoria de la Superintendencia de Compañías del Ecuador, 1964-1979 (Quito: Superintendencia de Compañías del Ecuador, 1979), p. 321-327.

64. Economic Aspects of Agricultural Development in Ecuador: A Bibliography of Materials Dealing with Ecuador in the Land Tenure Center Library, compiled by the staff of the Land Tenure Library. Madison: Land Tenure Center, 1972. 28 p.

65. Ecuador, bibliografía analítica: indice periódico de publicaciones nacionales y extranjeras sobre el Ecuador. Año 1, no. 1 (jul. 1979)-Año 3, no. 3 (dic. 1982). Cuenca: Banco Central del Ecuador, Centro de Investigación y Cultura, 1979-1982. 9 no.

Organized by disciplines. Includes analytics of anthologies and periodicals. Indexed by author. The inaugural issue covered publications of 1978. Continued by: Anuario bibliográfico ecuatoriano (item 12).

66. Espín Lastra, Alfonso R. "Biblioteca General de la Universidad Central: sección de libros coloniales que pertenecieron a la Universidad de San Gregorio Magno y luego a la biblioteca del doctor Eugenio Espejo," Cuadernos de arte y poesía (Quito), 9 (mar. 1960), 108-147.

Lists 489 early works.

Reprinted in: Anales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, 84:344 (1960), 363-398.

67. Espín Lastra, Alfonso R. Libros coloniales de la Universidad Central: catálogo general. Quito: Edit. Universitaria, 1963. 105 p.

Organized by subjects.

68. Espinosa Cordero, Nicolás. Bibliografía ecuatoriana: noticias de las obras literarias y científicas que forman el caudal bibliográfico de la Real Audiencia de Quito, hoy República del Ecuador, con breves datos biográficos de sus autores, 1534-1809. Cuenca: Impr. del Colegio Nacional "Benigo Malo," 1934. viii, 171 p.

A notable attempt to establish the output of authors of the colonial period. Arranged chronologically by century. Includes biographical data. See also the author's later Fuentes para la historia ecuatoriana (item 70).

69. Espinosa Cordero, Nicolás. Estudios literarios y bibliográficos. Impr. del Colegio Nacional "Benigno Malo," 1934. 265 p.

Partial contents: "Don Luis Cordero: ensayo bibliográfico, que se publica con motivo del primer centenario de su nacimiento" (p. 1-32); "Inventario bibliográfico de la ciencia azuaya" (p. 59-91); and the separately published Bibliografía ecuatoriana (item 68) (p. 93-206).

70. Espinosa Cordero, Nicolás. Fuentes para la historia ecuatoriana: primera parte, 1531-1809. Cuenca: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Azuay, 1952. 64 p.

The only part published. A basic guide to materials of and on the colonial period.

71. Espinosa Pólit, Aurelio. Datos bibliográficos de Monseñor Manuel María Pólit Laso. Quito: Edit. "La Sociedad," 1943. 50 p.

72. Estrella, Eduardo. Principales fuentes de la bibliografía médica ecuatoriana. Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, 1988. 67 p.

73. Exposición del libro, organizada por el Ministerio de Educación Pública: biblioteca ecuatoriana que comprende los diez últimos años de publicaciones. Quito: Tall. Gráf. de Educación, 1940. 77 p.

Cover title: Exposición del libro ecuatoriano: diez años de publicaciones nacionales, 1930-1940. A year by year and subject by subject account. Reflects the acquisitions of the Biblioteca Nacional between and inclusive of 1930 and 1940.

74. Exposición del periodismo ecuatoriano. Quito: Biblioteca Nacional del Ecuador, 1941. 119 p.

75. Exposición y feria anual del libro ecuatoriano: Biblioteca Municipal de Guayaquil. Guayaquil: Impr. y Tall. Municipales, 1933. 53 p.

It is not known how many "annual" expositions and book fairs were held, but given the adverse state of the economy in the 1930s, it is unlikely that there were more than a few, if in fact more than one was held.

76. Fauroux, Emmanuel. "Las fuentes impresas para el estudio histórico, político, económico y social de la Provincia de Loja," Cultura, 5:15 (ene./abr. 1983), 371-435.

Includes many little known materials, especially theses, local newspapers, and periodical articles.

77. Fichas bibliográficas de la historia del Ecuador y del Azuay. Cuenca: Universidad de Cuenca, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales IDIS, 1978. 2 v.

Important because of the inclusion of some local and regional, not elsewhere registered publications. Contents: vol. 1, Obras generales, precolonia, colonia, independencia y Gran Colombia (iii, 117 leaves); vol. 2, República, estructura del Estado (Poder Ejecutivo), estructura del Estado (Poder Legislativo) (122 p.).

78. Fischer, Sabine. "Bibliografía sobre la industria ecuatoriana," Revista ciencias sociales (Quito), 5:15/16 (1984), 263-273.

79. Freire Rubio, Edgar. "El autor y el libro ecuatorianos en 1992," Crónica del río, 4/5 (sept. 1993), 93-101.

80. Freire Rubio, Edgar. Desde el mostrador del librero, 1ª ed. Quito: Edit. Grijalbo Ecuatoriana, 1990-<1996>. <3> v.

Vol. 1 subtitled: Lo que el país editó desde junio de 1987 a julio de 1990, but includes in appendix "Lo que el Ecuador editó de agosto a diciembre de 1990." Vol. 2: Quito: Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Sociales: Ediciones Abya-Yala. Vol. 3 subtitled: Lo que el Ecuador editó desde enero de 1992 a diciembre de 1994; and published by: Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas, Subsecretaría de Cultura, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Continues item 81.

81. Freire Rubio, Edgar. El libro nacional: ese desconocido: lo que el país editó desde enero de 1986 a junio de 1987. Guayaquil: Edit. de la Universidad de Guayaquil, 1987. 91 p.

Items 80 and 81 are month-by-month listing of national publications of books and periodicals issued between Jan. 1986 and Dec. 1995, and, therefore, a quasi-continuation of items 16, 20, and 65. Primarily useful as guides to what was/is being published. Unfortunately, however, they do not include the majority of government documents. Both items 80 and 81, however, do include insightful and informative articles--originally published in El Comercio, Hoy, and La Hora as were the lists of publications--on booksellers and the book trade in Ecuador.

82. Gangotena y Jijón, Cristóbal de. "Bibliografía del periodismo nacional: adiciones," Boletín de la Biblioteca Nacional del Ecuador, nueva ser., 3 (mar./abr. 1926), 173-176.

Supplements item 83.

83. Gangotena y Jijón, Cristóbal de. "Ensayo de bibliografía del periodismo en el Ecuador," Boletín de la Biblioteca Nacional del Ecuador, nueva ser., 1 (dic. 1925), 46-86.

Items 82-83 are included here within for the sake of completeness. But they have long since been superseded, especially by Ojeda (item 151).

84. Gondard, Pierre. Repertorio bibliográfico de los trabajos realizados con la participación de ORSTOM: Ecuador 1962-1986 = Repertoire bibliographique des travaux réalisés avec la participation de l'ORSTOM: Equateur 1962-1986. Quito, Ecuador and Montellier, France: ORSTOM, 1986. 69 p.

Also sometimes cited as: Ecuador 1962-1986: repertorio bibliográfico de los trabajos realizados con la participación de ORSTOM = Equateur 1962-1986: repertoire bibliographique des travaux realises avec la participation de l'ORSTOM. See also item 339.

85. González Suárez, Federico. "Bibliografía ecuatoriana: la imprenta en el Ecuador durante el tiempo de la colonia, 1750-1792," Anales de la Universidad de Quito, 7:48 (jul. 1892), 269-279.

Registers 29 imprints. Superseded by Stols (item 187), but still important because it reproduces in facsimile the title pages of said imprints. Also published as a separate: Quito: Impr. de la Universidad, 1892. 36 p. And in: Revista ecuatoriana, 4:43 (jul. 1892), 265-279. See also vol. 7, chaps. 2 and 3 of the archbishop historian's Historia general (item 1388).

86. Graham, Ann. Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, General Libraries, 1978. 26 p. (Selected References Sources, University of Texas at Austin. General Libraries; no. 33)

Considerably dated, but useful as an indicator of how little used to be available in the United States, even at a major research library, on Ecuador.

87. Grijalva Cobo, Adriana; and Samuel Guerra Bravo, "Bibliografía sobre Vicente Rocafuerte," Cultura, 6:16 (mayo/ago. 1983), 417-430.

88. Guía bibliográfica de geografía física del Ecuador, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de Ciencias Geográficas. Quito: Ediciones de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1990. 73 p.

Annotates articles, books, and reports published in the 1970s and 1980s. Broader in coverage than the title implies. Includes an author index and an index by provinces.

89. Guzmán C., José H. Tecnología agropecuaria del Ecuador. Cuenca: Gráficas Hernández Cía. Ltda., 1988. 343 p.

An idiosyncratic bibliography of materials on Ecuadorian agriculture, based largely on Guzman's own holdings. Describes many unpublished studies and sources.

90. Hamerly, Michael T. "El antiguo Rejistro Municipal (¿1835?-1861) de Guayaquil," Revista del Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 4:7 (jun. 1975), 64-70a.

Includes an issue by issue list.

91. Hamerly, Michael T. "La demografía histórica del Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia: una bibliografía preliminar," Revista del Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 3:6 (dic. 1974), 24-63.

Includes some materials, especially published sources, not incorporated in this work.

92. Hampe Martínez, Teodoro. "Sumaria bibliografía sobre los cronistas del Perú," Boletín de la Biblioteca Nacional (Lima), 40:93/94 (1985), 5-57.

Reviews and lists the original and the most important (in Hampe Martínez's view) modern editions of the chronicles of the Spanish conquest of the Perus and of the civil wars between the conquistadores.

93. Handelsman, Michael H. El modernismo en las revistas literarias del Ecuador, 1895-1930: ensayo preliminar y bibliografía. Cuenca: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Azuay, 1981. 132 p.

Primarily a bibliography (p. 37-127). Based on holdings of the Biblioteca de Autores Nacionales "Carlos A. Rolando," housed in the Biblioteca Municipal of Guayaquil.

94. Hart, George C. A Collection of Ecuadorian Laws at Indiana University. Bloomington: Indiana University Libraries, Government Publications Department, [1975?]. 80 p.

95. Holm, Olaf. "Bibliografía antropológica ecuatoriana," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 42 (1975), 379-406; 44 (ene. 1982), 131-153.

Continues: Holm's "Bibliografía ecuatoriana" (item 98).

96. Holm, Olaf. "Bibliografía antropológica ecuatoriana," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 1:1 (1981), 174-186; 4:4 (1984), 161-172; 5:5 (1985), 219-237; 7:7 (1987), 183-189.

Continues preceding item (95).

97. Holm, Olaf. "Bibliografía de autores nacionales y extranjeros, relacionada con temas antropológicos ecuatorianos," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 21:38 (1971), 233-261; 22:39 (1972), 234-260; 23:40 (1973), 203-232.

Continues: Holm's "Bibliografía" (item 99). Continued by Holm's "Bibliografía ecuatoriana" (item 98).

98. Holm, Olaf. "Bibliografía ecuatoriana: sobre temas históricos y antropológicos ecuatorianas reunidos hasta el año 1974," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 24:41 (1974), 185-209.

Continues: Holm's "Bibliografía de autores nacionales y extranjeros" (item 97). Continued by: Holm's "Bibliografía antropológica ecuatoriana" (item 95).

99. Holm, Olaf. "Bibliografía: publicaciones sobre temas antropológicos del Ecuador o relacionadas con las investigaciones ecuatorianas," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 18:34/35 (1968), 240-251.

Intended to supplement and update Carlos Manuel Larrea's Bibliografía científica del Ecuador: antropología, etnografía, arqueología, prehistoria, lingüística, 3ª ed. (item 112). Continues Holm's "Bibliografía antropológica y miscelánea," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 17:33 (1967/1968), 285-306, apparently the first in the series, discovered too late to list separately. Continued by: Holm's "Bibliografía de autores nacionales y extranjeros" (item 97).

100. Ibarra, Hernán. Ecuador, bibliografía analítica agraria, 1900-1982. Quito: Ediciones CIESE, con el auspicio de ILDIS, 1982. 419 p.

Annotated and indexed.

101. Indice de tesis universitarias sobre temas económicas, 1900-1984, Julio Oleas Montalvo [et al.]. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1989. 409 p. (Fuentes para la historia económica del Ecuador. Serie Indices de documentación; 2)

See also: Solano de la Sala Veintemilla, Germán. Indice de folletos sobre temas económicos y sociales del Ecuador. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1991. 299 p. (Fuentes para la historia económica del Ecuador. Serie Indices de documentación; 3)

102. Inventario de estadísticas demográficas y socioeconómicas de la República del Ecuador. Quito: Junta Nacional de Planificación y Coordinación Económica, 1974. 57 p.

A useful guide to published and unpublished statistical compendia as of mid-1974.

103. Itzstein, Gertraud; and Heiko Prumers. Einführende Bibliographie zur Archäologie Ecuador = Bibliografía básica sobre la arqueología del Ecuador. Bonn: Seminar für Volkerkunde der Universitat Bonn, 1981. 110 p.

Lists approximately 1,200 studies of the prehispanic period published between 1900 and 1980.

104. Jaramillo, Miguel Angel. "Bibliografía de Honorato Vázquez," Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos de Cuenca, 19 (jun. 1931), 290-309.

105. Jaramillo, Miguel Angel. "Bibliografía quiteña," Gaceta municipal (Quito), 19:79 (oct./dic. 1934), 7-29.

106. Jaramillo, Miguel Angel. Ensayo de bibliografía nacional. Cuenca: Impr. Municipal, 1925. 43 p.

107. Jaramillo, Miguel Angel. Exposición del libro azuayo: indice bibliográfico. Cuenca: Impr. de la Universidad, 1939-1940. xiv, 142 p.

Also published in: Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos de Cuenca, 33/34 (1939/1940), 80-230.

108. Jaramillo, Miguel Angel. Indice bibliográfico de la Biblioteca "Jaramillo" de Escritos Nacionales. Cuenca: Impr. de la Universidad, 1932. ii, 355 p.

109. Jaramillo, Miguel Angel. Indice bibliográfico de las revistas de la Biblioteca "Jaramillo" de Escritos Nacionales. Cuenca: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Azuay, 1953. 180 p.

Items 108 and 109 are catalogs of books by national authors and of national periodicals in the Jaramillo collection, now part of the Biblioteca de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Azuay. N.B. Item 109 is an issue by issue account.

110. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. Bibliografía científica del Ecuador. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1948-1953. 5 v. in 1.

Vols. 2-5 paged continuously. Registers 8,732 items. Covers through 1946. Contents: t. 1, Geografía, descripciones generales, viajes, datos estadísticos; t. 2, Geología, petrografía, mineralogía, paleontología, vulcanología, botánica y zoología; t. 3, Antropología, etnografía, arqueología, lingüística, folklore, prehistoria, historia antigua; t. 4, Historia general, historia de la cultura, historia eclesiástica, cuestiones políticas, etc.; t. 5, Apéndices e indices.

111. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. Bibliografía científica del Ecuador, 2ª ed. Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispanica, 1952. 492 p.

Registers 9,300 items. Advanced coverage through 1949.

112. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. Bibliografía científica del Ecuador: antropología, etnografía, arqueología, prehistoria, lingüistica, 3ª ed. Quito: Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones, 1968. 289 p.

Covers anthropological and related publications through 1966. Registers 2,235 items. Indexed by subject. Only vol. of third ed. issued.

113. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "Bibliografía de Cristóbal de Gangotena y Jijón," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 34:83 (ene./jun. 1954), 122-127.

A comprehensive listing of Gangotena y Jijón's publications, of which there appear to have been 72 altogether. Gangotena y Jijón's genealogies are especially important inasmuch as they were based on considerable original research and his own private collection, rich in manuscript originals and coeval copies.

114. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "Bibliografía de Gabriel García Moreno: en el centenario de su asesinato, 1875-1975," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 58:125 (ene./jun. 1975), 130-150.

Also published as a separate: Quito: Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones, 1975. 43 p. And reprinted as "Bibliografía de y sobre Gabriel García Moreno," Bibliografía ecuatoriana, 7 (1976), 80-95.

115. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "Bibliografía histórica ecuatoriana: publicaciones hechas en 1953," Museo Histórico, 6:20 (jun. 1954), 56-73.

Lists 68 items. Annotated. Also published in: Boletín de informaciones científicas nacionales, 6:60 (mayo/abr. 1954), 609-632.

116. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "Dos incunables ecuatorianos y algunos rarísimos impresos coloniales en Lima," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 27:69 (ene./jun. 1947), 91-95.

Added a previously unknown 1759 Ambato imprint to the registry.

117. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "Más incunables americanos y otros seis impresos coloniales en Lima," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 27:70 (jul./dic. 1947), 297-305.

Added a 1757 Ambato and eleven early Quito imprints to the registry.

118. Larrea Holgín, Juan. Bibliografía jurídica del Ecuador. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1970. 178 p.

Registers 2,153 items. Indexed.

119. Larrea Holgín, Juan. Bibliografía jurídica del Ecuador, 2ª ed. Quito: Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones, 1974. 321 p.

Registers 4,040 items. Poorly proofed. Indexed.

120. Larrea Holgín, Juan. Bibliografía jurídica del Ecuador, 3ª ed. Guayaquil: EDINO, 1993. 634 p.

Registers 6,319 items. Thematically organized. Subject indexed.

121. Lavallé, Bernard. Bibliografía francesa sobre el Ecuador (1968-1993): ciencias humanas, sociales y de la tierra. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional; [Paris]: Maison des pays ibériques, 1995. 156 p.

Registers 1,479 works published in France on Ecuador in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, and the Natural Sciences between and inclusive of 1968 and 1993. Indexed.

122. Ledergerber C., Paulina. "Tesis en antropología ecuatoriana aprobadas por universidades del Canadá y Estados Unidos," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 3:3 (1983), 213-217; 6:6 (1986), 189-191.

A useful but incomplete listing.

123. León, Luis A. "Bibliografía nacional y extranjera sobre el indio ecuatoriano," Cuestiones indígenas del Ecuador, (item 7938), p. 263-302.

A 1946 bibliography. Registers 571 items.

124. León, Luis A. "Bibliografía sobre enfermedad de Chagas en el Ecuador," Carlos Chagas (1879-1934) y la tripanosomiasis americana (Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Sección Ciencias Biológicas, 1980), p. 63-71.

125. Libros y bibliotecas: revista trimestral de biblioeconomía. Año 1, no. 1 (mar. 1939)-? Guayaquil: Impr. y Tall., Municipales, 1939-?

"Organo de la Biblioteca de Autores Nacionales 'Carlos A. Rolando.'" his periodical ceased to be published some years ago, but I was unable to ascertain the particulars of its demise.

126. Luzuriaga, Gerardo A. "Bibliografía del teatro ecuatoriano," Cultura, 5:13 (mayo/ago. 1982), 227-232.

127. Luzuriaga, Gerardo A. Bibliografía del teatro ecuatoriano, 1900-1982. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1984. 131 p.

128. Luzuriaga C., Carlos; and Clarence Zuvekas, Jr. An Annotated Bibliography of Income, Income Distribution, and Levels of Living in Rural Ecuador. Washington, D.C.: Rural Development Division, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, Agency for International Development, 1979. x, 97 p.

A preliminary version of item 129.

129. Luzuriaga C., Carlos; and Clarence Zuvekas, Jr. Income Distribution and Poverty in Rural Ecuador, 1950-1979: A Survey of the Literature. Tempe: Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University, 1983. xiii, 238 p.

Not only surveys but also "reviews and interprets the literature on income distribution and levels of living in rural Ecuador since 1950" (p. xiii). Therefore a major portrait of socioeconomic conditions as well as an analysis of the corresponding literature, including some government documents not here within listed. See especially chap. 6, "Case Studies" (p. 99-164). Unfortunately this data rich study is not indexed.

130. Madera, Luis F. Periódicos ibarreños. Ibarra: Tip. El Comercio, 1927. 34 p.

131. Madero Moreira, Mauro; and Francisco Parra Gil. Indice de la bibliografía médica ecuatoriana. Guayaquil: Edit. del Núcleo del Guayas de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1971. xxvi, 493 p.

A comprehensive bibliography of medical materials. Indispensable for research on history of medicine and related topics. Lists 6,663 articles published between 1883 and 1968, by subject and author, and approximately 1,500 books published between 1785 and 1968, by author.

132. Maiguashca, Juan. "Bibliografía selectiva de historia económica del Ecuador: dividida en épocas y área temáticas, desde 1521 hasta 1910," Historia económica en América Latina, 1ª ed. (México: SepSetentas, 1972), vol. 2, p. 197-213.

See also item 254.

133. Márquez Tapia, Ricardo. Autobibliografía del Sr. Dr. Ricardo Márquez Tapia. Quito: Tall. Gráf. Nacionales, 1967. 137 p.

A bare bones listing of the writings, including unpublished, of the prolific Márquez Tapia, a physician turned historian, and of Ezequiel Márquez, his father.

134. Márquez Tapia, Ricardo. "Bibliografía ecuatoriana: bosquejo preliminar," Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos de Cuenca, 1 (ene. 1921), 280-287.

135. Maxwell, Michael B. Bibliografía del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano en el Ecuador 1950-1980: con suplemento 1981-1985, 2ª ed. Quito: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, 1985. 67 p.

Inasmuch as the Summer Institute of Linguistics was expelled from the country in the early 1980s, probably a complete listing of its work in Ecuador. 1ª ed.: Quito: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, 1980.

136. Medina, José Toribio. La imprenta en en [sic] Quito (1760-1818): notas bibliográficas. Santiago de Chile: Impr. Elzeviriana, 1904. 86 p.

Registers 43 items. Superseded by Stols (item 187). Most recent reprint as of July, 1997: Amsterdam: N. Israel, 1964.

137. Medina, José Toribio. Noticias bibliográficas, referentes a las primeras producciones de la imprenta en algunas ciudades de la América Española: (Ambato, Angostura, Curazao, Guayaquil, etc.). Santiago de Chile: Impr. Elzeviriana, 1904. xii, 116 p.

Registers six Ambato titles and two putative Guayaquil items, the first of which definitely was not printed in the port city as Medina suspected.

138. Mesa, Rosa Quintero. Ecuador. Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms, 1973. xxxii, 142 p. (Latin American Serial Documents; vol. 8)

An indispensable, comprehensive guide to official and government published serials of Ecuador and a quasi-union list of North American library holdings thereof. It cannot be over emphasized that very few of the titles uncovered by Mesa appear in the Union List of Serials and the various supplements thereto.

139. Miller, Eugene Willard; and Ruby M. Miller. The Third World: Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador: a Bibliography. Monticello, Ill.: Vance Bibliographies, 1990. 33 p.

Too general to be of much use to anyone except beginning researchers and casual readers.

140. Miño, Wilson. La comercialización agropecuaria en el Ecuador: guía bibliográfica comentada. Quito: FLASCO: ILDIS, 1986. 96 p.

Annotates 110 works on commercial agriculture published between 1975 and 1986.

141. Miras, Claude de; Gustavo Rodríguez; and Roberto Roggiero. Bibliografía comentada sobre el sector informal urbano, 1ª ed. Quito: CEDIME: ORSTOM: ILDIS, 1992. 179 p. (Guayaquil futuro)

Consists of 498 entries. Includes Ecuadorian publications on the informal sector of urban economies. Indexed by author and subject.

142. Miyata, Kenneth. A Check List of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Ecuador, with a Bibliography of Ecuadorian Herpetology. Washington, D.C.: Division of Reptiles and Amphibians, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 1982. 70 p.

143. Muñoz, Bonifacio. Obras de autores ecuatorianos: catálogo especial de la Librería Sucre ... Quito: Tip. y Encuadernación Tip. y Encuad. Salesianas, 1920. 144 p.

144. Muñoz, Leonardo J. Hojas volantes que se han publicado en las diversas provincias del Ecuador, 1790-1920. Quito: Impr. del Ministerio del Gobierno, 1941. 16 p.

As of July 1997, apparently the only bibliography to have been compiled of broadsheets and fliers.

145. Muñoz Chávez, Ricardo. Bibliografía jurídica del Azuay, colaboradores: Rodrigo Abad Gómez, Juan Cordero Iñiguez, Diego Mora Castro. Cuenca: Banco Central del Ecuador, Centro de Investigación y Cultura, 1991. 380 p.

Describes 2,680 books and articles, licentiate and doctoral theses. Includes an introductory study on lawyers and legal societies in Cuenca. Indexed by subject.

146. Naranjo, Plutarco; and Carlos A. Rolando. Juan Montalvo, estudio bibliográfico. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1966. 2 v.

Vol. 1 is an analysis of Los escritos de Montalvo; vol. 2, Bibliografía montalvina, lists publications of and on Montalvo in chronological order through early 1966. Indexed. N.B. Naranjo incorporated and expanded upon Rolando's Don Juan Montalvo, 1832-1932 (item 174). Hence, the inclusion of Rolando's name in the credits.

147. Navas C., Bolivar. Bibliografía ecuatoriana de ciencias sociales aplicadas a la vida rural, la reforma agraria y colonización. Quito: Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, Oficina Nacional en Ecuador, 1971. ii, 131 p.

148. Noia, John de. Ecuador. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1947. 56 p. (Guide to the Official Publications of the Other American Republics; 9)

A comprehensive guide to government publications of the 1800s and the first half of the 1900s.

149. Norris, Robert E. "Estudios norteamericanos sobre el Ecuador," Anales de la Universidad de Cuenca, 27:3/4 (jul./dic. 1971), 179-189.

150. Norris, Robert E. Guía bibliográfica para el estudio de la historia ecuatoriana. Austin: Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 1978. ix, 295 p.

The most comprehensive guide to Ecuadorian historiography in its day. Lists 3,577 plus books, pamphlets, articles, theses, and miscellaneous manuscripts. Annotates some items. Marred by errors of commission as well as of omission, however. Indexed by authors and subjects.

151. Ojeda V., Alejandro. "Estadística de la prensa nacional siguiendo el orden cronológico y clasificado por provincias desde enero de 1792 hasta diciembre de 1940," Informe del señor Ministro de Hacienda y Crédito Público al H. Congreso Nacional (Quito: Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público, 1941), 2ª pte., p. 243-345.

An exceptionally comprehensive guide to newspapers. A province by province, year by year list. Not always reliable, however, as to beginning and ending dates of publication.

152. Oleas G., Angel F. Catálogo modelo: Biblioteca del Convento de Santo Domingo, Quito. Quito: Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología; Brussels: Reino de Bélgica; Quito: Comunidad Dominicana de Quito, 1992. viii, 347 p.

Samples holdings of Library of Dominican Convent in Quito to exemplify how a level two catalog, employing current, internationally agreed upon bibliographic norms, should be constructed. Of minor utility as a subject bibliography, however, inasmuch as it describes only 250 items.

153. Patch, Richard Wilbur. Bibliography of the Andean Countries: A Selected, Current, Annotated Bibliography Relating to Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, Drawn from Reasonably Accessible Works Published in English and Spanish. New York: American Universities Field Staff, 1958. 23 p.

Includes only eight entries for Ecuador. A good example of how little used to be available in the United States.

154. Paz y Miño, Luis Telmo. Bibliografía geográfica ecuatoriana. Quito: Impr. Nacional, 1927. 69 p.

Registers 751 items.

Also published in: Boletín de la Biblioteca Nacional del Ecuador, 2:10 (1927), 178-200; 2:11 (1927), 234-278.

155. Pérez Concha, Jorge. "Bibliografía histórica naval ecuatoriana," Revista del Instituto de Historia Marítima, 8:15 (dic. 1993), 135-164.

156. Pérez Sáinz, Juan Pablo. "Debate bibliográfico: urbanización, sector informal y pobladores," Ecuador debate, 11 (jun. 1986), 195-202.

157. Pinto Gamboa, W. Fernando; and Carmen Bejarano de Núñez. Repertorio bibliográfico de la literatura latinoamericana, dirigido por Luis Alberto Sánchez. T. 4. Cuba-Ecuador. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1962. 242 p.

Includes title and author indexes.

158. Pita Sevilla, Edgar; Peter C. Meier; and Pablo Samaniego Ponce. Bibliografía artesanal del Ecuador. Quito: Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1984. 56 p.

159. Pons E., Olga; and Marcía Oviedo P. Catálogo colectivo de publicaciones periódicas en bibliotecas agrícolas del Ecuador. Quito: Asociación Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas Agrícolas, Filial Ecuador, 1973. 285 p.

160. Restrepo G., Marco. Amazonia ecuatoriana: reseña bibliográfica comentada, 1950-1992. Quito: Centro de Investigación de los Movimientos Sociales del Ecuador, 1992. 373 p.

A major bibliography of materials on the Oriente. Annotated.

161. Resumenes analíticos en educación. 1/30 (ago./sept. 1981)-. Quito: CIPTE; REDUC, 1981-.

The Ecuadorian equivalent of ERIC Resources in Education.

162. Rivera, Guillermo. A Tentative Bibliography of the Belles-Lettres of Ecuador. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Council on Hispano-American Studies, 1934. 76 p.

The pioneering bibliography of Ecuadorian literature. See also items 166 and 199.

163. Rivet, Paul. "Index bibliographique de l'ethnographe ancienne de l'Equateur," in René Verneau and Paul Rivet, Ethnographie ancienne de l'Equateur (item 1282), vol. 2, p. i-xli.

Apparently the earliest bibliography of Ecuadorian antiquities.

164. Roca Gutiérrez, Jaime. Bibliografía sobre planificación urbana de Guayaquil. Guayaquil: Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo, Dirección Regional Guayaquil: Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, 1984. 2 p., 40 leaves.

165. Rolando, Carlos A. "Apéndice a un estudio bibliográfico acerca de los escritos del Ilmo. González Suárez," Dios y patria (Riobamba), 5:18 (abr. 1928), 117-133.

Supplements item 32.

166. Rolando, Carlos A. Las bellas letras en el Ecuador. Guayaquil: Impr. i Tall. Municipales, 1944. 157, xii p.

Arranged by Universal Decimal classification. Includes an author index. Supplemented and updated but not altogether superseded by Welch and Gutiérrez (item 199).

167. Rolando, Carlos A. "Bibliografía de Eloy Alfaro," Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, 11:26/28 (1958), 5-69.

168. Rolando, Carlos A. Bibliografía médica ecuatoriana. Guayaquil: Tip. de la Benemérita Sociedad Filantropica del Guayas, 1953. 387, 55 p.

169. Rolando, Carlos A. Catálogo de la bibliografía nacional: (Biblioteca de Autores Nacionales de Carlos A. Rolando) Guayaquil: Impr. Mercantil, 1913. 135 p.

170. Rolando, Carlos A. Catálogo decimal de la Biblioteca de Autores Nacionales. Guayaquil: Impr. y Tall. Municipales, 1947. 268 p.

171. Rolando, Carlos A. Crónica del periodismo en el Ecuador. Guayaquil: Tip. de la Sociedad Filantrópica del Guayas, 1947. 1 v. (145 p.)

A calendar of newspapers. Only vol. 1, 1792-1849, was published. But continued in item 172.

172. Rolando, Carlos A. "Crónica del periodismo en el Ecuador: año de 1850 a 1869," Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, 10:23/24 (1955), 55-94.

173. Rolando, Carlos A. Cronología del periodismo ecuatoriano; Pseudónimos de la prensa nacional. Guayaquil: Impr. i Papelería Mercantil, 1920-1934. 2 v.

Vol. 2 printed by: Impr. de la Sociedad Filantrópica del Guayas. Two works in one: 1) Rolando's first attempt at a chronology of the press, listing newspapers issued through Oct. 1920; 2) a key to pseudonyms used by journalists. See also items 175 and 419.

174. Rolando, Carlos A. Don Juan Montalvo, 1832-1932. Guayaquil: Impr. y Tall. Municipales, 1932. 22 p.

A bibliography. Organized chronologically. Updated by Plutarco Naranjo in item 146.

175. Rolando, Carlos A. "Obras anónimas y pseudónimas del Ecuador," Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, 6:8/11 (1941), 186-223.

176. Romero Arteta, Oswaldo. Bibliografía del P. Aurelio Espinosa Pólit, S.I.: y reseña de los críticos de sus obras. Quito: Edit. "Don Bosco," 1961. 194 p.

177. Romero Arteta, Oswaldo. Bibliografía [de Remigio Crespo Toral] Quito: Academia Ecuatoriana de la Lengua, 1957. x, 179 p.

178. Romero Arteta, Oswaldo. "La literatura ecuatoriana en las tesis doctorales de las universidades norteamericanas desde 1943 a 1985," Revista iberoamericana, 54:144/145 (jul./dic. 1988), 1011-1018.

An annotated list of dissertations on literary authors and literature. Arranged chronologically.

179. Rosero Jácome, Rocio; and Jackeline Contreras. Bibliografía sobre la mujer en el Ecuador. Quito: ILDIS, 1988. 164 p.

180. Ruiz, Lucia; and Nancy Sánchez. Pobreza urbana en el Ecuador: bibliografía nacional, 1ª ed. Quito: UNICEF: CIUDAD, Centro de Investigaciones, 1994. 239 p.

As of July 1997, the most comprehensive and up-to-date bibliography on urban poverty, especially in Guayaquil and Quito and the major secondary cities.

181. Ruiz, Silvana. Bibliografía seleccionada para el estudio de aspectos urbanos en el Ecuador: el caso de Quito. Quito: Centro de Investigaciones CIUDAD, 1981. iv, 66 p.

182. San Cristóval, Evaristo. Bibliografía, la controversia limítrofe entre el Perú y el Ecuador. Lima: Librería e Impr. Gil, 1937. 113 p.

Issued in fascicules. Therefore not all copies may be complete. A bibliography of studies and published sources on the boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru.

183. San Martín Caro, Alejandro; and Rafael Caro. Relaciones peruano-ecuatorianas: guía bibliográfica de las publicaciones existentes en las bibliotecas de acceso público de Lima. Lima: Centro Peruano de Investigaciones Internacionales, 1985. 62 p.

A useful guide to materials on Ecuadorian and Peruvian relations in libraries open to the public in Lima, but not nearly as comprehensive as Juan Miguel Bákula's Perú y Ecuador (item 15).

184. Schwab, Federico. "Algunos periódicos desconocidos del Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia," Fénix (Lima), 4 (2º sem. 1945), 894-909.

185. Sheppard, George. "Bibliografía de la geología del Ecuador," Anales de la Universidad Central, 46:276 (1931), 285-298.

Lists 104 items.

186. Smith, Ronna. "Prosa de Ortiz: bibliografía," Cultura, 6:16 (mayo/ago. 1983), 197-210.

A bibliography of the prose writings of Adalberto Ortiz (1914-).

187. Stols, Alexandre A.M. Historia de la imprenta en el Ecuador de 1755 a 1830. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1956. xv, 261 p.

A model as well as comprehensive but not exhaustive bibliography of early Ecuadorian imprints (275 books and 29 periodicals). In this regard, it should be noted that there are a considerable number of pre-1831 publications in archives, libraries, museums, and private collections in Guayaquil, Cuenca, and elsewhere not seen by or known to Stols, who apparently limited his research to Quito. Nonetheless, it cannot be overemphasized that Stols's work is the most complete bibliography of early ecuatoriana that had been attempted as of July 1997. It is also technically sound.

188. Uhle, Max. "Bibliografía ampliada sobre etnología y arqueología del Ecuador," Anales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, 42:267 (1929), 53-83.

Revises and updates item 189.

189. Uhle, Max. "Bibliografía sobre etnología y arqueología del Ecuador," Anales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, 37:257 (jul./sept. 1926), 167-177.

Describes 168 items.

190. Uribe, Maruja; Blanca Cecilia Salazar; and Margarita Hernández. Bibliografía selectiva sobre desarrollo rural en el Ecuador. Bogotá: Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, OEA, Oficina en Colombia, Biblioteca IICa, 1979. ii, 203 p.

Broader in coverage than the title implies. Includes a directory of 121 organizations and lists 139 periodicals as well as 1,549 books and articles.

191. Vega y Vega, Wilson. Bibliografía de Dr. Julio Tobar Donoso. Quito: W. Vega y Vega, 1994. 181 p.

Apparently encompasses Tobar Donoso's complete output. Describes and analyzes 568 published books, articles (newspaper as well as periodical), prologues, and reviews in chronological order.

192. Vega y Vega, Wilson. "José María Vargas: bibliografía," Memoria, Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Investigaciones Históricas y Geográficas, 1 (1989-1990), 181-244.

Registers 839 publications of Father Vargas in chronological order from 1925 through 1988.

193. Viajeros, científicos, maestros: misiones alemanas en el Ecuador: Quito, Galerías Artes, septiembre-diciembre, 1989. Quito: Artes Centro Cultural: Proyecto EBI, 1989. 195 p.

A catalog of an exhibit of books, pamphlets, and other materials.

194. Villavicencio, César. Anuario de la prensa ecuatoriana. Guayaquil: Biblioteca Municipal de Guayaquil, 1893-1895. 3 v.

Covers the years 1892-1894.

195. Vivar Correa, Víctor León. "Hombres y cosas del Ecuador: noticia de algunas publicaciones ecuatorianas," Revista ecuatoriana, 4:41 (mayo 1892), 199-208; 4:42 (jun. 1892), 217-225.

196. Watiunk', Karus; and Juan Bottasso. Bibliografía general de la nación jívaro. Sucúa: Mundo Shuar, 1978. 192 p.

Also: Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1983. N.B. Abya-Yala is the successor to Mundo Shuar.

197. Watson, Gayle Hudgens. Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela: An Annotated Guide to Reference Materials in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1971. 279 p.

Useful for works published through 1960s, including some not to be found here within. Registers and comments upon 894 articles, books, and periodicals. Arranged by subjects and within subject by author, including issuing corporate body. Ecuador is the least well covered, partly because of the relative lack of bibliographic production vis-a-vis Colombia and Venezuela, partly because the University of Texas at Austin and Southern Methodist University in Dallas, where this work was done, had not collected systematically or well on Ecuador. Lacks a country index.

198. Welch, Thomas L. The Indians of South America: A Bibliography. Washington, D.C.: Columbus Memorial Library, Organization of American States, 1987. xii, 594 p.

199. Welch, Thomas L.; and René L. Gutiérrez. Bibliografía de la literatura ecuatoriana. Washington, D.C.: Biblioteca Colón, Organización de los Estados Americanos, 1989. xii, 291 p.

Beware the pitfalls in this and the preceding item. Unpublished theses, for example, are described as though they were published works. Nonetheless, both list many important and sometimes obscure materials.

200. Wiles, Dawn Ann. Some Geographical Aspects of Ecuador: An Annotated Critical Bibliography of Periodical and Serial Literature. Baton Rouge: Institute of Latin American Studies, Louisiana State University, 1970. 50 p.

A substantial register of pre-1970 articles on the geography of Ecuador.