Período prehispánico



Vol. I




Although Federico González Suárez was the founder of scientific historiography in Ecuador, his pioneering works on the prehispanic period --the 1878 Estudio histórico sobre los Cañaris (item 895) and the first volume together with the accompanying archaeological atlas of his Historia general (item 1388)--were those of an amateur and an autodidact. The first professional survey of the "antiquities" of the country was René Verneau and Paul Rivet's 1912-1922 two volume Ethnographie ancienne de l'Equateur (item 1282). For González Suárez's understandable but ill founded reaction to Verneau and Rivet, see the archbishop-historian's Notas arqueológicas (item 896).

The first important vade mecum was Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño's 1941-1947 four volume El Ecuador interandino y occidental antes de la conquista española (item 972)--largely based on Jijón y Caamaño's own extensive field work--for a digest of which see his posthumously published Antropología prehispánica (item 969). N.B. Jijón y Caamaño was the first Ecuadorian to attempt to establish successions of cultures and to publish the data on which his conclusions were based.

As of July 1997, the most recent, up-to-date, and scholarly introductions to the prehispanic period were: Aurelia Bravomalo de Espinosa's 1992 Ecuador ancestral (item 739) and Ernesto Salazar's 1995 Entre mitos y fábulas (item 1178). Also important as surveys were the chapters in the Nueva historia del Ecuador (item 615) by Salazar (items 1183 and 1179--in that order), Jorge G. Marcos (items 1029 and 1026), José Echeverría Almeida (item 824), Segundo E. Moreno Yánez (item 1062), and Udo Oberem (item 1088). Moreno Yánez's contribution is especially interesting because he came close to achieving a "history" of the prehispanic period.

Two other general work that deserves special attention are the late Father Pedro Porras's 1987 Manual de arqueología ecuatoriana (item 1140), and vol. 1 of Historia del arte ecuatoriano (item 3854). Porras used to be one of the few archaeologists and the only Ecuadorian to have done field work in the Oriente. Vol. 1 of Historia del arte ecuatoriano (in the four vol. version) is given over almost entirely to the prehispanic developments in general, not just to art, and constituted a solid survey at the time of its publication (1977). Unfortunately the authorship of the sections on the Formative, Regional Development, and Integration periods was not specified, but it is known that Hernan Crespo Toral, the late Olaf Holm, Jorge Marcos, and the prematurely deceased Presley Norton--all respected authorities--played major roles in their drafting and editing.

Although Betty Megger's 1966 Ecuador (item 1041) has long since been superseded by the findings of later scholars, her book continued to be the only overview of the "prehistory" of the country in English. Insofar as "Formative" period and early "Regional Development" period developments on the central-south coast are concerned, see Donald W. Lathrap's also dated 1975 Ancient Ecuador: Culture, Clay and Creativity, 3000-300 B.C. (item 996), and Karl Dieter Gartelmann's somewhat more recent but less scholarly 1985 Digging Up Prehistory (item 880), primarily an account of archaeological developments on the coast.

Another recent, exceptionally important work on the archaeology of the coast is the Primer Encuentro de Investigadores de la Costa Ecuatoriana en Europa: arqueología, etnohistoria, antropología sociocultural, Alvarez, Aurelio [et al.],1ª ed. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1995. 568 p. It includes a useful list of the publications of José Alcina Franch, Silvia Alvarez, F. Jean Bouchard, Alejandro Cerda Esteve, Mercedes Guinea Bueno, María Luisa Laviana Cuetos, Jorge Marcos, Josefina Palop Martínez, and Montserrat Ventura i Oller on the "Area Septentrional Andina" (p. 535-553).

The prehispanic period in what would become Ecuador cannot be understood without taking into account developments in neighboring Peru and elsewhere in the Andean culture area. At the time this bibliography was compiled, the best of the most recent surveys were: Michael E. Moseley's The Incas and Their Ancestors: The Archaeology of Peru (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992); Craig Morris and Adriana Von Hagen's The Inka Empire and Its Andean Origins (New York: Abbeville Press, 1993); and from the historical point of view, María Rostworowski de Diez Canseco's fundamental Historia del Tahuantinsuyu, 4a ed. (Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1992), the product of forty years of archival research.

Rostworowski de Diez Canseco's work, also available in an English version, History of the Inca Realm(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), should force a revision of many of the myths regarding not only the struggle for supremacy between Huascar and Atahualpa but also the alleged "nationality" of Atahualpa and the implications thereof. That Atahualpa was a cuzqueño and full fledged Inca in every sense are no longer subject to doubt.

Perhaps the most controversial theme in the history of the prehispanic period is whether the "Kingdom of Quito" existed. I for one do not believe that it did. Nonetheless, the term "Kingdom of Quito" or "Reino de Quito" has been employed in the annotations to this section and in the subject headings in reference to the mythical "polity" created by Juan de Velasco. For a detailed discussion of the furor the negation of Velasco's Cara and/or Shyri "Reino de Quito" used to generate, see Neptalí Zuñiga's Atahualpa (item 3698), esp. p. 42-76. See also item 202.

Furthermore, I do not believe that the "Kingdom of Quito" came into existence during the colonial period either, at least, not as usually defined. Juridically the "Reino de Quito" was created and did exist by imperial fiat. Institutionally it corresponded to the Presidency, if not the Audiencia, of Quito--jurisdictionally and therefore territorially two distinct entities. But in fact there appear to have been at least three "kingdoms" during the colonial period, the independence period, and for some time thereafter during the national period as well: the "kingdoms" of Cuenca (i.e., the southern highlands), Guayaquil (the central and southern coast), and Quito (the northern and central highlands).

659. 5000 años de ocupación, Parque Nacional Machalilla, Presley Norton, Marco Vinicio García, editores. Quito: Centro Cultural Artes; Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1992. 102 p.

660. Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (Salinas, Ecuador, 1971), edición de Jorge G. Marcos y Presley Norton. Guayaquil: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, 1982. xiii, 495 p.

661. Agro, Robert J. "Algunas sugerencias ambientales determinantes que se relacionan con la geografía política del Perú preincásico y del sur del Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 22:39 (1972), 186-209.

662. Alcina Franch, José. La arqueología de Esmeraldas (Ecuador): introducción general. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales, 1979. 165 p. (Memorias de la Misión Arqueológica Española en el Ecuador; vol. 1)

A solid survey of the prehistory of Esmeraldas. Based on nearly a decade of extensive as well as intensive field and archival research by a team of Spanish archaeologists and historians. For other volumes in this set see items 796, 909, and 1203, and for papers on related findings and results, items 700, 759, 777, 783, 908, 910, 911, 1165. 1204-1206, and 1268.

663. Alcina Franch, José, "La arqueología de Esmeraldas, Ecuador: una investigación interdisciplinaria," Cuadernos hispanoamericanos, 298 (abr. 1975), 132-159.

This items and items 664, 665, 670, and 672 are reports by Alcina Franch on the field work done in the 1970s by himself and other members of the "Proyecto Arqueología de Esmeraldas." The first report appears to have been Alcina Franch's "Exploración arqueológica en costa de Esmeraldas, Ecuador," Revista española de antropología americana, 6 (1971), 125-142.

664. Alcina Franch, José. "La arqueología de Esmeraldas: un proyecto de investigación interdisciplinaria," Boletín de informaciones científicas nacionales (Quito), 15:109/110 (1979), 130-139.

665. Alcina Franch, José. "Un bosquejo de la arqueología de Esmeraldas," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 25:42 (1975), 9-50.

666. Alcina Franch, José. "Las cabezas-clava de Ingapirca, Ecuador," Indiana, 8 (1983), 229-242.

667. Alcina Franch, José. "Excavaciones arqueológicas en Ingapirca, Ecuador," Historiografía y bibliografía americanistas, 21 (1977), 237-240.

668. Alcina Franch, José. "Los indios Cañaris de la sierra sur del Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 6:6 (1986), 141-188.

A solid statement as to what was known, as of the mid-1980s, from archaeological, ethnohistorical, and linguistic studies and sources, and what could be inferred about the Cañar Indians before and after they were subdued by the Incas.

669. Alcina Franch, José. "Ingapirca: arquitectura y áreas de asentamiento," Revista española de antropología americana, 8 (1978), 127-146.

670. Alcina Franch, José. "Investigaciones arqueológicas en la Provincia de Esmeraldas (Ecuador)," Historiografía y bibliografía americanistas, 21 (1977), 241-247.

671. Alcina Franch, José. "El modelo teórico de 'jefatura' y su aplicación al área andina septentrional norte," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 265-288.

672. Alcina Franch, José. "El proyecto de arqueología de Esmeraldas (Ecuador)," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 56:121 (ene./jun. 1973), 55-76.

673. Alcina Franch, José. "Tomebamba y el problema de los indios Cañaris de la sierra sur del Ecuador," Anuario de estudios americanos, 37 (1980), 403-433.

674. Alcina Franch, José. "La vasija trípode como rasgo diagnóstico para la determinación de influencias mesoamericana en el area andina," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 349-357.

675. Alcina Franch, José; and María Carmen García Palacios. "Materias primas y tecnología en Esmeraldas," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976, vol. 9a (Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac, 1979), p. 303-318.

676. Alejandro Valdez, Erasmo. "Terrazas arqueológicas de San Lucas, Provincia de Loja," Revista de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, 9 (ago. 1987), 209-222.

677. Almeida, Napoleón. "El período de integración en el sur de la Provincia de Loja," Cultura, 5:15 (ene./abr. 1983), 89-97.

Originally published in: Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, 11:3/4 (jui./déc. 1982), 29-37.

678. Almeida Reyes, Eduardo. "Aspectos de la agricultura prehistórica del Ecuador," Quitumbe, 4 (1976), 1-17.

679. Almeida Reyes, Eduardo; and Holguer Jara Chávez. El pucará de Rumicucho. Quito:Museos del Banco Central del Ecuador, 1984. 156 p.

680. Alvarez, Silvia G. Tecnología prehispánica, naturaleza y organización cooperativa en la Cuenca del Guayas, 1ª ed. Guayaquil: CEAA-ESPOL, 1989. 245 p.

681. Anawalt, Patricia Rieff. "Ancient Cultural Contacts between Ecuador, West Mexico, and the American Southwest: Clothing Similarities," Latin American Antiquity, 3 (1992), 114-129.

682. Andrade Marín, Luciano. "La excavación arqueológica de Huaraquí," Boletín de informaciones científicas nacionales (Quito), 5:54 (mayo 1953), 746-758.

683. Andrade Marín, Luciano. El Reino de Quito. Quito: Edit. "Los Andes," 1954. 260 p.

Supports the thesis that a prehispanic Kingdom of Quito existed.

684. Andrade Reimers, Luis. El siglo heroico. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, Centro de Investigación y Cultura, 1992. 281 p. (Colección histórica; vol. 22)

A noteworthy but considerably biased attempt to reconstruct the history of the Inca conquest of what is now Ecuador, the alleged civil war between "Quito" and "Cuzco"--the least satisfactory section of the work--and the Spanish conquest of what would become the Kingdom of Quito. In Andrade's hands, Atahualpa becomes a hero "franco y leal por temperamento ..." See also items 1307 and 1308.

685. Aráuz, Julio. La Tolita. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1946. 89 p.

Historiographically interesting but archaeologically superficial.

686. Arellano, A. Jorge. "Asentamientos arqueológicos tardíos del período de integración en la Cuenca del Río Chumbo, Ecuador," Sarance, 16 (ago. 1992), 173-204.

687. Arias Palacios, Hugo. Evolución socioeconómica del Ecuador: sociedades primitivas y período colonial. Guayaquil: Departamento de Publicaciones, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Guayaquil, 1980. 310 p.

A major analysis of economic and social events and developments of the prehispanic and colonial periods. Unfortunately this work has not had much of an impact on the historiography of either period, probably because it appeared in a limited, poorly distributed edition. At the same time, it should be noted that Arias was not familiar with all of the relevant literature.

688. Archäologisch Funde aus Ecuador, herausgegeben von Helmut Schindler; mit Beitragen von Udo Oberem, Roswith Hartmann, Hennng Bischof. Munchen: Staatliches Museum fur Völkerkunde, 1991. 87 p.

689. Arqueología de la costa ecuatoriana: nuevos enfoques, editor Jorge Marcos. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional; Guayaquil: ESPOL, 1986. 300 p.

A set of essays by Jorge G. Marcos, Donald W. Lathrap, James A. Zeidler, Deborah M. Pearsall, and Silvia Alvarez on rescue archaeology, with particular reference to local and regional sites.

690. Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador: simposio del 45º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Universidad de los Andes, 1-7 julio 1985, Bogotá, Colombia, compiladores: José Alcina Franch, Segundo E. Moreno Yánez. Guayaquil: Banco Central del Ecuador; Quito: Abya- Yala, 1986. 288 p.

Papers presented at the 45th International Congress of Americanists. Contributions on Ecuador are entered separately under their authors.

691. Arriaga, Jesús. Apuntes de arqueología Cañar. Cuenca: Universidad de Cuenca, 1965. 120 p.

Reprint; originally published: Cuenca: Impr. del Clero, 1922. 103 p. Also reprinted in Anales de la Universidad de Cuenca, 21:3 (jul./sept. 1965), 399-512.

692. Artieda, Alfonso Aníbal. Cochasqui: historia de una civilización destruida. Quito: Tip. Hispana, 1978. 37 leaves.

693. Athens, J. Stephen. Evolutionary Process in Complex Societies and the Late Period Cara Occupation of Northern Highland Ecuador. 1978. xix, 310 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of New Mexico.

Published in Spanish as: El proceso evolutivo en las sociedades complejas y la ocupación del período tardío Cara en los Andes septentrionales del Ecuador. Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 1980. 307 p. (Colección Pendoneros; 2)

694. Athens, J. Stephen. "Formative Period Occupations in the Highlands of Northern Ecuador: A Comment on Meyers," American Antiquity, 48:3 (July 1978), 493-496.

See item 1052.

695. Athens, J. Stephen. "Pampuentsa 1: un sitio arqueológico cerca del Río Macuma en el Oriente ecuatoriano," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 4:4 (1984), 129-140.

696. Athens, J. Stephen. "The Site of Pampuentsa and the Pastaza Phase in Southeastern Lowland Ecuador," Ñawpa Pacha, 24 (1986), 111-124.

697. Athens, J. Stephen. "Teoría evolutiva y montículos prehistóricos de la sierra septentrional del Ecuador," Sarance, 7 (oct. 1979), 29-44.

698. Athens, J. Stephen; and Alan J. Osborn. Investigaciones arqueológicas en la sierra norte del Ecuador: dos estudios preliminares. Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 1974. 108 p.

699. Barnes, Monica; and David Fleming. "Charles-Marie de la Condamine's Report on Ingapirca and the Development of Scientific Field Work in the Andes, 1735-1744," Andean Past, 2 (1989), 175-236.

Translates into English La Condamine's report on Ingapira and comments upon its value as source for reconstruction of the site and its functions. Perhaps the most important point Barnes and Fleming make is that archaeologists too often overlook the labors of their predecessors and cultivators of other fields.

700. Barriuso Pérez, María Angeles. "Sistemas de enterramiento en Atacames (Esmeraldas)," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976, vol. 9a (Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac, 979), p. 245-257.

701. Barros Grez, Daniel. "La escritura entre los Cañaris," Actas de la Sociedad Científica de Chile, 3 (1893), 162-170.

Reprinted in: Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 9 (abr. 1986), 251-262.

702. Batchelor, Bruce E. "Los camellones de Cayambe en la sierra del Ecuador," América indígena, 40:4 (oct./dic. 1980), 671-689.

703. Baumann, Peter. Valdivia: d. Entdeckung d. ältesten Kultur Amerikas. Frankfurt am Maine: Fischer Taschenbuch, 1981. 222 p.

Reprint; originally published: Hamburg: Hoffman und Campe, 1978. 276 p. A popular introduction to prehispanic cultures of Ecuador at large, not just to that of Valdivia.

704. Bedoya Maruri, Angel Nicanor. La arqueología en la región interandina de Ecuador, 2ª ed. aum. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1978. 271 p.

An important but somewhat dated study of various sites, in the highlands. Based on field work as well as archaeological and ethnohistorical studies and sources.

705. Bedoya Maruri, Angel Nicanor. Aspectos de la arqueología en la región de Cañar. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1965. 223, [50] p.

706. Bedoya Maruri, Angel Nicanor. Recientes investigaciones arqueológicas en la Provincia de Imbabura. Quito: Instituto Geográfico Militar, 1990. 124 p.

707. Bedoya Maruri, Angel Nicanor. "Ruinas arqueológicas en la Provincia de Loja," Memorias del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 202-206.

708. Bedoya Maruri, Angel Nicanor. "Las ruinas de Pachuzala y el Cerro de Callo," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 11/12:28/29 (1962-1963), 85-97.

Presents the evidence from chronicles and travel accounts on the Inca, possibly pre-Inca ruins of Pachuzala, near Quito.

709. Bell, Robert E. "Evidence of a Fluted Point Tradition in Ecuador," American Antiquity, 26:3 (July 1960), 102-106.

710. Bell, Robert E. Investigaciones arqueológicas en el sitio de El Inga = Archeological Investigations at the Site of El Inga. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1965. 330 p.

In Spanish and English.

711. Bell, Robert E. "Obsidian Hydration Studies in Highland Ecuador (El Inga)," American Antiquity, 42:1 (Jan. 1977), 68-77.

712. Benavides Solís, Jorge. La arquitectura y el urbanismo de Cochasquí. Quito: Departamento de Cultura de la Universidad Central, 1986. 84 p.

713. Bennett, Wendell Clark. Excavations in the Cuenca Region, Ecuador. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1946. 84 p.

714. Berenguer R., José; and José Echeverría Almeida. "Propesta metodológica para el registro de sitios arqueológicos en los Andes septentrionales del Ecuador: sistema regional de designación y ficha de prospección," Sarance, 7 (oct. 1979), 5-28.

715. Bergsøe, Paul. The Gilding Process and the Metallurgy of Copper and Lead among the Pre-Columbian Indians. Copenhagen: Danmarks Naturvidenskabelige Samfund, 1938. 58 p.

716. Bergsøe, Paul. The Metallurgy and Technology of Gold and Platinum among the Pre-Columbian Indians, English translation by F.C. Reynolds. Copenhagen: Danmarks Naturvidenskabelige Samfund i Kommission hos G.E.C. Gad, 1937. 44 p.

Items 715 and 716 are analyses of copper, lead, gold, platinum, and alloys artifacts from Atacames and La Tolita sites.

717. Bischof, Henning. "The Origins of Pottery in South America: Recent Radiocarbon Dates from Southwest Ecuador," Atti del XL Congreso Internazionale degli Americanisti (Rome and Genoa: Tilgher, 1972), vol. 1, p. 269-281.

Regarding the evidence for pre-Valdivia ceramics.

718. Bischof, Henning. "San Pedro und Valdivia: Frühe Keramikkomplexe an der Küste Südwest Ekuadors: ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des südamerikanischen Formativums," Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleischenden Archäologie, 1 (1979), 335-389.

719. Bischof, Henning; and Julio Viteri Gamboa. "Pre-Valdivia Occupations on the Southwest Coast of Ecuador," American Antiquity, 37:4 (Oct. 1972), 548-551.

720. Bodenhorst, Benno. "Los sellos cerámicos de Manabí," Antropología ecuatoriana, 2/3 (1983-1984), 23-40.

721. Bolaños Baldassari, Aldo. "Observaciones generales sobre la arqueología del Río Napo," Gaceta arqueológica andina, 17 (1990), 41-48.

722. Bollaert, William. Antiquarian, Ethnological, and Other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru, and Chili: With Observations on the Pre-Incarial, Incarial and Other Monuments of Peruvian Nations. London: Trübner & Co., 1860. 279 p.

Based on the author's second sojourn in South America in 1853-1854.

723. Bonifaz, Emilio. Cazadores prehistóricos del Ilaló. Quito: Offset Ecuador, 1979. 115 p.

An amateur archaeologist and big game hunter's interpretations of how the Paleo-Indians of Ilaló used the artifacts found at that site to hunt and to trap.

724. Bonifaz, Emilio. "Comentarios arqueológicos," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 7:7 (1987), 55-58.

A critical review of Mayer-Oakes's El Inga (item 1037).

725. Bonifaz, Emilio. "Datación por la hidratación de la obsidiana," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 5:5 (1985), 123-128.

726. Bonifaz, Emilio. Dating of Obsidian Artifacts of the Ilaló Region of Ecuador. Quito: E. Bonifaz, 1977. 8 p.

727. Bonifaz, Emilio. Microlitos arqueológicos. Quito: E. Bonifaz, 1972. 34 p.

728. Bonifaz, Emilio. "Notas sobre la arqueología de la zona del Ilaló," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 6:6 (1986), 85-88.

729. Bonifaz, Emilio. "Nueva aproximación para la antigüedad de obsidianas de la región Ilaló," Boletín histórico (Quito), 3:11/12 (jul./dic. 1979), 130-144.

730. Bonifaz, Emilio. Obsidianas del paleo-indio de la región del Ilaló. Quito: E. Bonifaz, 1978. 104 p.

731. Bonifaz, Emilio. "Origen del hombre ecuatoriano," Sarance: revista del Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 4 (jul. 1977), 5-14.

732. Bonifaz, Emilio; Sylvia Elizondo; and Bernard Vandermeersch. "El hombre fósil de Punín, resto fósil no. 2 (Ecuador, América del Sur)," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 65:139/140 (ene./dic. 1982), 5-24.

733. Bouchard, Jean-François. "Evidencias de relaciones interculturales en la región norte (sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador)," Relaciones interculturales en el area ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 29-44.

Reexamines the question of cultural influence of the central coast of Ecuador upon the north coast of Ecuador and the southern coast of Colombia during the Late Formative and Regional Development periods.

734. Bouchard, Jean-François. "Las más antiguas culturas precolombinas del Pacífico ecuatorial septentrional," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 109-129.

See also Bouchard's "El formativo final y el desarrollo regional en el litoral pacífico nor-ecuatorial," Gaceta arqueológica andina, 6:22 (1992), 5-21, in which he argues that local adaptation to mangrove and other swamps was disrupted circa AD 300 when La Tolita and associated sites were abandoned (albeit only temporarily).

735. Brainerd, George W. "A Cylindrical Stamp from Ecuador," Masterkey, 27:1 (Jan./Feb. 1953), 14-17.

Maintains that a stamp found just south of modern Esmeraldas, with stylized speech scrolls, is indicative of contact with Mesoamerica.

736. Braun, Robert. "Nuevo análisis del Cerro Narrío" in: Donald Collier and John V. Murra, Reconocimientos y excavaciones en el sur del Ecuador (item 782), p. 143-165.

737. Braun, Robert. "The Formative as Seen from the Southern Ecuadorian Highlands," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 41-99.

738. Bravo Guerreira, María Concepción. "Relaciones culturales de los grupos indígenas de la costa norte peruana y la región interandina del sur del Ecuador," Relaciones interculturales en el area ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 45-55.

739. Bravomalo de Espinosa, Aurelia. Ecuador ancestral. Quito: Artes Gráf. Señal, 1992. 280 p.

A descriptive summary of field research results by period, region, and cultural complex. A comprehensive, balanced survey. Well illustrated.

740. Bray, Tamara L. "Archaeological Survey in Northern Highland Ecuador: Inca Imperialism and the País Caranqui," World Archaeology, 24:2 (Oct. 1992), 218-233.

Utilizes field data to examine the processes of Inca imperialism in the northern highlands. The relative absence of trade goods in Inca period sites implies that the Incas may have sought to transform the local organization of production by "stressing conformity with the imperial model" inasmuch as the economic organization of the "País Caranqui" before its occupation by the Incas "emphasized long-distance exchange as one of the primary means of obtaining desired extra-local goods." Also published in Spanish as: "Los Incas en el norte del Ecuador: estrategias de incorporación y control en la frontera imperial," Memoria, MARKA, 3 (1993), 167-187.

741. Brothwell, Don; and Richard Burleigh. "The Human Cranium from Punin, Ecuador: With Particular Reference to Morphology and Dating," Journal of Archaeological Science, 7:1 (Mar. 1980), 97-99.

742. Brothwell, Don; and Richard Burleigh. "On Sinking Otavalo Man," Journal of Archaeological Science, 4:3 (Sept. 1977), 291-294.

Ecuador has its Piltdown Man too. But Punin Man is not a fake and may in fact be quite old, at least for the Americas.

743. Bruhns, Karen Olsen. "Intercambio entre la costa y la sierra en el formativo tardío: nuevas evidencias del Azuay," Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 57-74.

Drawing on her field work at Pirincay, Bruhns demonstrates that trade in luxury items and the raw materials for the production of those items between the coast, the highlands, and the Upper Amazon Basin was "an integral part of the local economy" by the Late Formative.

744. Bruhns, Karen Olsen. "Prehispanic Weaving and Spinning Implements from Southern Ecuador," Textile Museum Journal, 27-28 (1988-1989), 70-77.

745. Bruhns, Karen Olsen. "Los talleres de cristal de roca de Pirincay, Provincia del Azuay," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 7 (1987), 91-100.

746. Bruhns, Karen Olsen; and Norman Hammond. "A Reply to Damp," Journal of Field Archaeology, 11:4 (Winter 1984), 428-429.

See item 806.

747. Bruhns, Karen Olsen; and Norman Hammond. "A Visit to Valdivia," Journal of Field Archaeology, 10:4 (Winter 1983), 485-487.

748. Bruhns, Karen Olsen; James H. Burton; and George R. Miller. "Excavations at Pirincay in the Paute Valley of Southern Ecuador, 1985-1988," Antiquity, 64:243 (June 1990), 221-233.

See also item 912.

749. Buchwald, Otto von; and Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño. "Notas acerca de la arqueología del Guayas," Boletín de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estudios Históricos Americanos, 1:3 (oct./nov. 1918), 237-252.

750. Buitrón, Aníbal. "Reconocimiento arqueológico del alto Ecuador austral," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 22:59 (ene./jun. 1942), 153-173.

Preliminary report on work of the Institute of Andean Research project in southern Ecuador (1941-1942).

751. Burger, Richard L.; Frank Asaro; and Helen V. Michel. "The Sources of Obsidian for Artifacts from Chobshi Cave, Ecuador," Andean Past, 2 (1989), 33-38.

Apparently "the occupants of Chobshi Cave in the southern highlands of Ecuador obtained [the] obsidian [they worked] directly or indirectly from two primary sources in the Ilalo [sic] region of the northern highlands." See also items 828, 961, and 1020.

752. Burgos Guevara, Hugo. El guaman, el puma y el amaru: formación estructural del gobierno indígena del Ecuador, versión ampliada y mejorada. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1995. 383 p.

An ethnohistorical study of the political system and history of the Incas in what would become Ecuador and of the role of the descendants of Atahualpa during the colonial period in what the author refers to as the "cacicazgo incaico." Revised version of author's 1975 doctoral thesis (v, 353 leaves; University of Illinois) and a somewhat different interpretation of political and social developments on the eve of the Spanish conquest. Burgos Guevara argues that the Chinchasuyu Incas were on the verge of establishing a new or second empire, centered on Quito and Tomebamba and that Atahualpa was "el primer gobernador de lo que podría llamarse el estado nativo moderno ..." His contention, however, is nothing more or less than a restatement of the traditional "Reino de Quito" thesis, albeit somewhat modified.

753. Bushnell, G.H.S. "An Archaeological Collection from Macas, on the Eastern Slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes," Man, 46:2 (Jan./Feb. 1946), 2-6.

754. Bushnell, G.H.S. The Archaeology of the Santa Elena Peninsula in South-West Ecuador. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951. xiv, 154 p.

A report on the Guangala, Engoroy, and Manteño cultures. Based on field work, conducted in the 1930s.

755. Bushnell, G.H.S. "Semejanzas y relaciones entre Mesoamérica, el Ecuador y el Perú: unas observaciones en la cultura," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 37-40.

756. Buys, Jozef E.; and Victoria Dominguez. "Arqueología de Cumbaya, Provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador," Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 75-95.

757. Buys, Jozef E.; and Victoria Dominguez. "Excavaciones arqueológicas en Cumbaya, Provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 7 (1987), 31-48.

Items 756 and 757 are preliminary reports of field work on an agricultural settlement, apparently dating from the second century before the Christian era, approximately 10 km. east of Quito. The ceramics found "indicate close contacts with coastal cultures like Jama-Coaque and La Tolita, probably linked to an exchange system that may have involved obsidian and metal."

758. Byrd, Kathleen Mary. Changing Animal Utilization Patterns and Their Implications: Southwest Ecuador (6500 B.C.-A.D. 1400) 1976. viii, 155 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida.

759. Cabada, Juan José. "Elementos de adorno personal en la cultura material de Atacames, Esmeraldas (Ecuador)," Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 97-112.

760. Cadena, A.; and Jean-François Bouchard. "Las figurillas zoomorfas de cerámica del litoral pacífico ecuatorial, región de La Tolita, Ecuador, y de Tumaco, Colombia," Bulletin de l'Institut français d'etudes andines, 9:3/4 (1980), 49-68.

761. Caillavet, Chantal. "La adaptación de la dominación incaica a las sociedades autóctonas de la frontera septentrional del imperio: (territorio Otavalo, Ecuador)," Revista andina, 3:6 (dic. 1985), 403-423.

762. Caillavet, Chantal. "Les chefferies préhispaniques du nord de l'Equateur: formes d'habitat et organisation territoriale," Bulletín de l'Institut français d'études andines, 18:2 (1988), 41-59.

Analyzes a 1582 tributary lists to determine probable population size and distribution and organization by chiefdoms prior to the Spanish conquest.

Also published in Spanish as: "Las jefeturas prehispánicas del norte del Ecuador: formas de hábitat y organización territorial," Memoria, MARKA, año 2, no. 2 (nov. 1991), 1-25.

763. Caillavet, Chantal. "Etnohistoria ecuatoriana: nuevos datos sobre el Otavalo prehispánico," Cultura, 4:11 (sept./dic. 1981), 109-127.

764. Caillavet, Chantal. "Los grupos étnicos prehispánicos del sur del Ecuador según las fuentes etnohistóricas," Memorias del primer Simposio Europeo sobre Antropología del Ecuador (item 603), p. 127-158.

Also published in French as: "Les groupes etniques préhispaniques selon les sources ethnohistoriques," Loja prehispanique (item 1013), p. 289-1013.

765. Caillavet, Chantal. "Toponimia histórica, arqueología y formas prehispánicas de agricultura en la región de Otavalo, Ecuador," Bulletín de l'Institut français d'études andines, 12:3/4 (1983), 1-21.

766. Cameron, William R.; and William J. Meyer-Oakes. "A Fluted Lanceolate Point from El Inga, Ecuador," Ñawpa Pacha, 7/8 (1969/1970), 55-64.

767. Carluci, María Angelica. "Antiguas tradiciones líticas del paleoindio ecuatoriano," Humanitas, 6:2 (1968), 51-67.

768. Carluci, María Angelica. "El cráneo de Otavalo: medidas y ubicación racial," Memorias del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 250-258.

769. Carluci, María Angelica. "La obsidiana y su importancia en la industria litica del paleoindio ecuatoriano," Boletín de informaciones científicas nacionales, 11:94 (1961), 19-36.

770. Carluci, María Angelica. "Puntas de proyectil: tipos, técnicas y areas de distribución en el Ecuador andino," Humanitas, 4:1 (1963), 5-56.

771. Carluci, María Angelica. "Recientes investigaciones arqueológicas en la Isla de La Plata," Humanitas, 6:1 (1966), 33-65.

772. Carmichael, Elizabeth; Warwick Bray; and John Erikson. "Informe preliminar de las investigaciones arqueológicas en el área de Minas, Río Jubones, Ecuador," Revista de antropología, 6 (jul. 1979), 130-142.

773. Carrera Andrade, Jorge. El camino del sol: historia de un reino desaparecido. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1959. 372 p.

774. Carrera Andrade, Jorge. El fabuloso Reino de Quito. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1963. 285 p.

Items 773 and 774 are literary approaches to the prehispanic period. They incorporate popular legends and native traditions as well as observations of early European authors.

775. Carrera Colín, Juan. "Las botellas de asa y pico de Cotocollao: discusión preliminar en torno a su origen y evolución," Antropología ecuatoriana, 4/5 (1986/1987), 51-61.

Suggests several lines of evolution from bottle gourd prototype to stirrup spout and double spout vessels.

776. Cedeño Sánchez, José Viliulfo. "Lo sagrado y lo profano de la cultura manteña," Memorias del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 28-41.

777. Ciudad Ruiz, Andrés. "Las cubiertas de incensario de la Propicia, Esmeraldas, Ecuador," Revista española de antropología americana, 11 (1981), 103-111.

778. Cochasquí: estudios arqueológicos, (compilador) Udo Oberem. Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 1981. 3 v. (Colección Pendoneros; 3-5)

Consists of detailed reports on the field work undertaken at this major site, now a national park, in the 1960s and 1970s. See also item 861.

779. Cody, Bertha Parker. "Gold Ornaments of Ecuador," Masterkey, 15:3 (May 1941), 87-95.

780. Cole, John Rice. Stone Tools from Ceramic Period Cultures of Southwest Ecuador. 1977. vii, 345 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Columbia University.

781. Collier, Donald. "The Archaeology of Ecuador," Handbook of South American Indians, vol. 2 (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of American Ethnology, 1946), p. 767-784.

782. Collier, Donald; and John V. Murra. Survey and Excavations in Southern Ecuador. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1943. 108 p.

Reports on field reconnaissance of Chimborazo, Cañar, Azuay, and Loja, and site excavations in Cañar. Also published in Spanish as: Reconocimiento y excavaciones en el Sur del Ecuador, revisión y coordinación por Juan Cordero I., traducción del inglés por Lucas Astudillo L. Cuenca: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1982. 165 p.

783. Colón de Carvajal, Anunciada; and Joaquín Meco. "Análisis de los materiales metacológicos de 'La Propicia,' Esmeraldas," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976, vol. 9a (Paris: Société international des américanistes, 1979), p. 351-360.

784. Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (1º: 1976: Ibarra, Ecuador) Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología: reunido en Ibarra, Ecuador, del 20 al 24 de septiembre de 1976. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1979. 268 p.

785. Corbett, John Maxwell. "Some Unusual Ceramics from Esmeraldas, Ecuador," American Antiquity, 19:2 (Oct. 1953), 145-152.

786. Cordero Iñiguez, Juan. "Las culturas originales y el incario: capítulo de una interpretación social del arte ecuatoriano," Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos de Cuenca, 48 (1983), 193-246.

787. Cordero Iñiguez, Juan. Ingapirca y Tomebamba: guía de los complejos arqueológicos y museos = Arqueological [sic] Sites and Museums Guide = Guide des sites archéologiques et museums. Cuenca: Monsalve Moreno Cía. Ltda., [1993]. 69 p.

In Spanish, English, and French. "Versión ampliada de Cañaris e Incas." Cuenca: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1987. 30 p. See also: Cordero Iñiguez, Juan; and Antonio Fresco González. Nueva imagen de Ingapirca. Cuenca: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1995. 95 p.

788. Cordero Palacios, Octavio. El Azuay histórico: los Cañaris y los Inco-Cañaris. Cuenca: Edit. Amazonas, 1981. 146 p.

Reprint; originally published: Cuenca, 1926. See also following item.

789. Cordero Palacios, Octavio. El quechua y el cañari: contribución para la historia precuencana de las provincias azuayas. Cuenca: Concejo Municipal, 1924. xvi, vi, 335 p.

790. Córdova Jaramillo, Diana E. "Petroglifos," Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 124-128.

791. Crespo Toral, Hernán, "Nacimiento y evolución de la botella silbato," Humanitas (Quito), 6:1 (1966), 66-87.

792. Crespo Toral, Hernán, "Queros ecuatorianos," Humanitas (Quito), 7:1 (1969-1970), 7-34.

793. Cueva Jaramillo, Juan. "El arte de la metalurgia en el Ecuador prehispánico," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 2 (1970) 217-231.

794. Cueva Jaramillo, Juan. "Descubrimientos arqueológicos en Ingapirca," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 3 (1971), 215-226.

795. Cueva Jaramillo, Juan; and Albert Meyers. "Investigaciones arqueológicas en Ingapirca," Antropología ecuatoriana, 4/5 (1986/1987), 73-91.

Items 794 and 795 report results of the authors's 1970 field work.

796. La Cultura Tiaone, por Miguel Rivera Dorado [et al.]. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales, 1984. 383 p. (Memorias de la Misión Arqueológica Española en el Ecuador; 4)

797. Currie, Elizabeth J. Prehistory of the Southern Manabi Coast, Ecuador: Lopez Viejo. Oxford: Tempvs Reparatvm, 1995. iii, 64 p. (BAR International Series; 618)

Detailed report on author's excavations in 1992 and 1993 of a "production área for luxury ornaments, that in all likelihood contributed to the long-distance trade" in which the seafaring league of Manteño merchants engaged up and down the Pacific coast from Mexico through Peru.

798. Chase, Thomas. "Restos faunicos," in Karen E. Stothert, La prehistoria temprana de la Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador (item 1235), p. 171-178.

799. Chiriboga N., Angel Isaac. "En tierra cañari: las armas de cobre," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 29:74 (jul./dic. 1949), 250-254.

800. Christensen, Ross T. An Archaeological Study of the Illescas-Jubones Coast of Northern Peru and Southern Ecuador. 1956. xxvi, 416 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Arizona.

Presents the results of the first scientific excavations in the Province of El Oro.

801. Christensen, Ross T. "A Recent Excavation in Southern Coastal Ecuador," Bulletin of the University Archaeological Society, 5 (Oct. 1954), 30-54.

Also published in Spanish as: "Una excavación reciente en la costa meridional del Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 5:13/14 (ago. 1955), 83-92. The Spanish version includes an evaluation by Olaf Holm of Christensen's findings and interpretations (p. 91-92).

802. Damp, Jonathan E. "Architecture of the Early Valdivia Village," American Antiquity, 49:3 (July 1984), 573-585.

A report on author's study of the architecture of the early Valdivia village sites of Real Alto and Loma Alta. Household units from said sites "exhibit domestic patterning in sleeping areas, cooking, tool working, cotton spinning, garbage disposal, and burial of the dead."

803. Damp, Jonathan E. La primera ocupación Valdivia de Real Alto: patrones económicos, arquitectónicos e ideológicos. Guayaquil: Escuela Politécnica del Litoral, Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos y Antropológicos; Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1988. 148 p.

Publishes Damp's Ph.D. thesis: Better Homes and Gardens: the Life and Death of the Early Valdivia Community. 1979. University of Calgary, Alberta.

804. Damp, Jonathan E. "Environmental Variability, Agriculture, and Settlement Processes in Coastal Ecuador (3300-1500 B.C.)," Current Anthropology, 25:1 (Feb. 1984), 106-111.

805. Damp, Jonathan E. "Pretexto, contexto y falacias en la Isla de la Plata," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 7 (1987), 109-121.

A critique of Marcos and Norton's "Interpretación sobre la arqueología de la Isla de la Plata" (item 1033).

806. Damp, Jonathan E. "Salvaging Sites and Specimens: To Fake or Not to Fake," Journal of Field Archaeology, 11:4 (Winter 1984), 427-428.

Part of the exchange between Damp, on the one hand, and Bruhns and Hammond, on the other (see items 746 and 747).

807. Damp, Jonathan E.; Deborah M. Pearsall; and Lawrence T. Kaplan. "Beans for Valdivia," Science, 212 (May 15,1981), 811-812.

Also published in Spanish as: "La evidencia agrícola en Valdivia temprano," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 7 (1987), 49-53.

808. De Paepe, Paul; and Josef E. Buys. "Análisis mineralógico y químico de la cerámica procedente del sitio arqueológico Jardín del Este, Cumbayá, Provincia de Pichincha," Gaceta arqueológica andina, 20 (1990), 5-18.

See also item 1149.

809. DeBoer, Warren R. Traces behind the Esmeraldas Shore: Prehistory of the Santiago-Cayapas Region, Ecuador. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1996. xvii, 234 p.

An eminently readable account of archaeological research on the área inland from La Tolita.

810. Una Década de arqueología en la ESPOL, Silvia G. Alvarez, editor. Guayaquil: Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos y Antropológicos, 1991. 1 v. in various paginations.

811. Di Capua, Constanza. "Análisis morfológico y estético de algunos fragmentos de la cultura Valdivia," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 56:121 (ene./jul. 1973), 102-114.

812. Di Capua, Constanza. "Consideraciones sobre una exposición de sellos arqueológicos," Antropología ecuatoriana, 2/3 (1983-1984), 79-103.

813. Di Capua, Constanza. "Shamán y jaguar," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 157-169.

814. Di Capua, Constanza. "Valdivia Figurines and Puberty Rituals: an Hypothesis," Andean Past, 4 (1994), 229-279.

815. Dorsey, George Amos. Archaeological Investigations on the Island of La Plata, Ecuador. Chicago: Field Columbian Museum, 1901. p. 248-280. (Anthropological Series, Field Columbian Museum; vol. 2, no. 5)

Reports on the first archaeological work done on La Plata (1892). Dorsey found an Inca burial. The associated pottery are in the Field Museum of Natural History and have been restudied by Colin McEwan and María Isabel Silva (see item 1038). Reprinted: New York: Kraus, 1968.

816. Dorsinfang-Smets, A. "Céramique de la province d'Esméraldas," Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire (Brussels), ser. 4, 21:1(jan. 1949), 87-90.

817. Drake, Robert J. "Some Marine Shells Used by Prehistoric Indians in Ecuador," Nautilus, 65:4 (Apr. 1952), 120-122.

818. Echeverría Almeida, José. "Area septentrional andina oeste, formas de producción concretas en la cultura Valdivia: el control racionalizado del manglar," Antropología ecuatoriana, 2/3 (1983-1984), 7-22.

819. Echeverría Almeida, José. "Contribución al conocimiento arqueológico de la Provincia de Pichincha: sitios Chilibulo y Chillogallo," Estudios arqueológicos: Antillas y tierras bajas de Sudamérica, Ecuador (item 853), p. 181-225.

820. Echeverría Almeida, José. "Figurinas 'prehistóricas' de la Provincia de Pichincha," Revista de la Universidad Católica (Quito), 3:10 (1975), 171-188.

821. Echeverría Almeida, José. Glosario arqueológico. Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 1981. 343 p. (Colección Pendoneros; 1)

822. Echeverría Almeida, José. "Investigaciones arqueológicas en Tazones (Atacames, Esmeraldas)," Segundo Encuentro de Historia y Realidad Económica y Social del Ecuador (item 574), vol. 1, p. 617-628.

A working paper on results of field work at the Cueva del Duende and adjacent sites. The collected materials, mostly ceramic, pertain to the Jama-Coaque phase (500 B.C.-500 D.C.).

823. Echeverría Almeida, José. "Localizaciones culturales del área norandina del Ecuador," Cultura, 7:21 (ene./abr. 1985), 83-94.

824. Echeverría Almeida, José. "Los primeros poblados," Nueva historia del Ecuador (item 615), vol. 1, p. 181-222.

A good review of the state of archaeological knowledge circa 1980 regarding the emergence of such early "towns" as Cotocollao in the northern highlands and of Tolita, Bahía, and Coaque on the coast.

825. Echeverría Almeida, José. "La vivienda prehispánica en los Andes septentrionales del Ecuador," Sarance, 14 (ago. 1990), 41-71.

826. Ecuador al rescate de su pasado = Ecuador regains its past. Quito: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador: Museo del Banco Central del Ecuador; Washington, D.C.: Organización de los Estados Americanos, 1984. [52] p.

In Spanish and English. Regarding the recovery in 1983 of 9,263 artifacts from an Italian collector. Includes an outline of the prehispanic period and representative examples of the pieces that had been illegally exported.

827. Ecuador indígena: estudios arqueológicos y etnográficos de la sierra norte, Víctor Pablo Echeverría A. [et al.], 2ª ed. Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología; Quito: Abya Yala, 1988. 195 p.

The second issue of Ecuador indígena.

828. "Ecuadorian Obsidian Sources Used for Artifact Production, and Methods for Provenance Assignments," Frank Asaro [et al.], Latin American Antiquity, 5:3 (Sept. 1994), 257-277.

See also its companion piece (item 961).

829. Edwards, Clinton R. Aboriginal Watercraft on the Pacific Coast of South America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965. x, 160 p.

A major study of the balsa and other prehispanic seagoing vessels.

830. Erazo Vallejo, Marco T. "Estudio petrográfico de objetos arqueológicos de las provincias australes del Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 10:27 (1961), 113-126.

831. Errázuriz, Jaime. Tumaco-La Tolita: una cultura precolombina desconocida = An Unknown Precolumbian Culture. Bogotá: Valencia Editores, 1980. 316 p.

In Spanish and English.

832. Espinoza Soriano, Waldemar. Los Cayambes y Carangues, siglos XV-XVI: el testimonio de la etnohistoria. Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 1983-1988. 3 v. (Colección Pendoneros; 61)

A comprehensive study of the ethnic groups of the Cayambes and Carangues before the Inca and Spanish conquests, under the Incas, and subsequently the Spaniards. Based on the archaeological research of others (e.g., item 778) and on extensive archival research.

833. Espinoza Soriano, Waldemar. "El curaca de los Cayambes y su sometimiento al imperio español, siglos XV y XVI," Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, 9:1/2 (1980), 89-119.

834. Espinoza Soriano, Waldemar. Etnohistoria ecuatoriana: estudios y documentos, 1ª ed. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1988. 396 p.

835. Espinoza Soriano, Waldemar. "Los mitmas huayacuntu en Quito o guarniciones para la represión armada: siglos XV y XVI," Revista del Museo Nacional (Lima), 41 (1975), 351-394.

836. Espinoza Soriano, Waldemar. "El reino de los Chono, al este de Guayaquil, siglos XV y XVI: el testimonio de la arqueología y la etnohistoria," Historia y cultura (Lima), 13/14 (1981), 7-60.

837. Espinoza Soriano, Waldemar. "La vida pública de un príncipe inca residente en Quito en los siglos XV y XVI," Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, 7:3/4 (1978), 1-31.

838. Estrada, Emilio. Arqueología de Manabí central. Guayaquil: Museo Víctor Emilio Estrada, 1962. 205 p.

Items 838-847 are the work of an amateur turned professional. They are based on considerable field work and more or less sound laboratory analysis.

839. Estrada, Emilio. "Cronología de la Cuenca del Guayas," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 7:19/21 (dic. 1957), 232-235.

Also published in: Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 37:89 (ene./jun. 1957), 84-89.

840. Estrada, Emilio. Las culturas pre-clásicas, formativas o arcaicas del Ecuador. Guayaquil: Museo Víctor Emilio Estrada, 1958. 113 p.

Reprinted: Guayaquil: Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 1975.

841. Estrada, Emilio. Ensayo preliminar sobre arqueología del Milagro. Guayaquil: Museo Víctor Emilio Estrada, 1954. 111 p.

Reprinted: Guayaquil: Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 1979

842. Estrada, Emilio. Los Huancavilcas: últimas civilizaciones pre-históricas de la costa del Guayas. Guayaquil: Museo Víctor Emilio Estrada, 1957. 82 p.

Reprinted: Guayaquil: Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 1979.

843. Estrada, Emilio. The Jambelí Culture of South Coastal Ecuador. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1964. 75 p.

844. Estrada, Emilio. Nuevos elementos en la cultura Valdivia: sus posibles contactos transpacíficos. Quito: Sub-Comité Ecuatoriano de Antropología, Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1961. 14 p.

Reprinted: Guayaquil: Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 1979.

845. Estrada, Emilio. Prehistoria de Manabí. Guayaquil: Museo Víctor Emilio Estrada, 1957. 176 p.

Reprinted: Guayaquil: Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 1979.

846. Estrada, Emilio. Ultimas civilizaciones prehistóricas de la Cuenca del Río Guayas. Guayaquil: Museo Víctor Emilio Estrada, 1957. 87 p.

Reprinted: Guayaquil: Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 1979.

847. Estrada, Emilio. Valdivia: un sitio arqueológico formativo en la costa de la Provincia del Guayas, Ecuador. Guayaquil: Museo Víctor Emilio Estrada, 1956. 11 p.

Reprinted: Guayaquil: Archivo Histórico del Guayas, 1979.

848. Estrada, Emilio; and Clifford Evans. "Cultural development in Ecuador," Aboriginal Cultural Development in Latin America: an Interpretative Review, edited by Betty J. Meggers and Clifford Evans (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1963), p. 77-88.

849. Estrada, Emilio; and Betty J. Meggers. "A Complex of Traits of Probable Transpacific Origin on the Coast of Ecuador," American Anthropologist, 63:5:1 (Oct. 1961), 913-939.

850. Estrada, Emilio; Betty J. Meggers; and Clifford Evans. "The Jambeli Culture of South Coastal Ecuador," Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 115:3492 (1964), 483-558.

851. Estrada Ycaza, Julio. "La invasión imaginaria," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 18:34/35 (1968), 3-20.

Argues against alleged Inca invasion of the central and southern coast and the incorporation of the littoral ethnic groups into the Tahuantinsuyu.

852. Estrada Ycaza, Julio. "Mito y nacionalidad," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 17:33 (1967), 169-183.

Argues against the existence of Velasco's "Reino de Quito."

853. Estudios arqueológicos: Antillas y tierras bajas de Sudamérica, Ecuador, Betty J. Meggers [et al.]. Quito: Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1977. 271 p.

854. Estudios sobre la arqueología del Ecuador, editado por Udo Oberem. Bonn: Bonner Amerikanistische Studien, 1975. 129 p.

855. Evans, Clifford; and Betty J. Meggers. Archaeological Investigations on the Río Napo, Eastern Ecuador. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1968. xvi, 127 p. + 94 p. of plates.

Reports the results of field work conducted in 1956.

856. Evans, Clifford; and Betty J. Meggers. "Cronología relativa y absoluta en la costa del Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 10:27 (1961), 147-152.

857. Evans, Clifford; and Betty J. Meggers. "Preliminary Report on Archaeological Investigations in the Guayas Basin, Ecuador = Informe preliminar sobre las investigaciones arqueológicas realizadas en la Cuenca del Guayas, Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 4:12 (dic. 1954), 307-336.

In English and Spanish.

858. Evans, Clifford; and Betty J. Meggers. "Técnicas decorativas: diagnósticos y variantes regionales Chorrera, un análisis preliminar," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 121-133.

859. Evans, Clifford; and Betty J. Meggers. "Valdivia: An Early Formative Culture of Ecuador," Archaeology, 11:3 (Sept. 1958), 175-182.

860. Evans, Clifford; Betty J. Meggers; and Emilio Estrada. Cultura Valdivia. Guayaquil: Museo Víctor Emilio Estrada, 1959. 126 p.

861. Excavaciones en Cochasqui, Ecuador, 1964-1965, edición de Udo Oberem y Wolfgang W. Wurster. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1989. 264 p.

An account of excavations undertaken to ascertain building materials, construction techniques, and coeval usage of monumental earth platforms at Cochasqui Site. Describes pottery (classified by vessel shape), worked stone, fauna, human remains, and miscellaneous artifacts in detail. The twenty-four C14 dates reported extend from AD 930 through 1560. See also item 779.

862. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr. "The Archaeological Survey of Ecuador," El Palacio, 47:6 (June 1940), 137-145.

A report of the coeval state of archaeological research in and on the country. Also published in Spanish as: "Investigación arqueológica en el Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 19:55 (ene./jun. 1940), 103-108.

863. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr. "Characteristic Figurines from Esmeraldas," El Palacio, 52:11 (Nov. 1945), 221-245.

Also published as a separate: Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research, 1945. 25 p. (School of American Research Papers; new ser., no. 40)

864. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr. "The Excavation at La Libertad," El Palacio (Santa Fé), 48:2 (Feb. 1941), 38-42.

N.B. Ferdon was the second professionally trained archaeologist to undertake field work in the Peninsular of Santa Elena, Bushnell having been the first (see item 754).

Also published in Spanish as: "Excavaciones arqueológicas cerca de La Libertad, Provincia del Guayas," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 22:59 (ene./jun. 1941), 74-81.

865. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr. "Exploring Ecuador's Río Upano," El Palacio, 59:8 (Aug. 1952), 223-250.

866. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr. "Holocene Mangrove Formations on the Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador: Pluvial Indicators of Ecological Response to Physiographic Changes," American Antiquity, 46:3 (July 1981), 619-626.

Argues that "there has been no major prehistoric climatic shift on the Peninsula for any extensive time since its occupation by man . . ."

867. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr. "Preliminary Notes on the Artefacts from La Libertad, Ecuador," El Palacio, 48 (1941), 204-210.

868. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr. "Reconnaissance in Esmeraldas," El Palacio (Santa Fé), 47:12 (Dec. 1940), 257-272; 48:1 (Jan. 1941), 7-15.

869. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr.; and John Maxwell Corbett. "Depósitos arqueológicos de La Tolita," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 21:57 (ene./jun. 1941), 5-15.

Summarizes the authors's work at La Tolita.

870. Feriz, Hans. Ecuador 1960: verslag van een archaeologische studiereis. Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1960. 72 p.

871. Francisco, Alice E. An Archaeological Sequence From Carchi, Ecuador. 1969. vi, 276 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Univeristy of California, Berkeley.

The first scientific study of the archaeology of the northernmost province of the highlands.

872. Fresco González, Antonio. La arqueología de Ingapirca, Ecuador: costumbres funerarias, cerámica y otros materiales. Cuenca: Comisión del Castillo de Ingapirca, Consejo de Gobierno del Museo Arqueológico del Banco Central del Ecuador, 1984. 203 p.

Reports the results of the field work undertaken by the Misión Científica Española at Ingapirca in 1974 and 1975.

873. Fresco González, Antonio. "La red vial incaica en la sierra sur del Ecuador: algunos datos para su estudio," Cultura, 5:15 (ene./abr. 1983), 109-148.

874. Fresco González, Antonio. "El tambo incaico de paredones de Culebrillas," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 7 (nov. 1981), 137-143.

875. Fresco González, Antonio; and Wania Cobo. "Consideraciones etnohistóricas acerca de una tumba de pozo y cámara de Ingapirca," Revista española de antropología americana, 8 (1978), 147-161.

876. La Frontera del estado Inca: actas, edited by Tom D. Dillehay and Patricia J. Netherly. Oxford, Eng.: B.A.R., 1988. 275 p.

Papers presented at the 45th International Congress of Americanists (Bogotá, 1985).

877. Gallardo Moscoso, Hernán, "Arqueología del sombrero," Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 42-45.

878. Galván García, J.R.; and María Angeles Barriuso Pérez. "Estudio de las chaquiras de Atacames (Ecuador)," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 61-80.

879. Gardner, Judith S. "Pre-Columbian Textiles from Ecuador: Conservation Procedures and Preliminary Study," Technology and Conservation, 4:1 (1979), 24-30.

Also published in Spanish as: "Textiles precolombinos del Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 2:2 (1982), 9-23.

880. Gartelmann, Karl Dieter. Las huellas del jaguar: la arqueología en el Ecuador, 1ª ed. Quito: Impresora Mariscal, 1985. 399 p.

A popular introduction to the prehistory of Ecuador. Emphasizes the coast. Also published in English as: Digging Up Prehistory: The Archaeology of Ecuador, 1st ed. Quito: Ediciones Libri Mundi, 1986. 395 p.

881. Gillin, John. "An Urn from the Río Aguarico, Eastern Ecuador," American Anthropologist, 38:3 (July/Sept. 1936), 469-470.

882. Goff, Linda Ann. An Art Historical and Archaeological Ceramic Analysis From the Ecuadorian Northern Highlands. 1980. 2 v. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Washington University.

883. Gómez de la Torre Barba, Joaquín. "Historia y tradiciones del Padre Anello Oliva S.J.: la leyenda de Quitumbe, personaje mítico de nuestra prehistoria," Quitumbe, 3:3 (1973 ), 133-143.

884. Gondard, Pierre. "Inventario y organización del espacio precolombino en los Andes septentrionales del Ecuador," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 171-187.

885. Gondard, Pierre; and Freddy López. Inventario arqueológico preliminar de los Andes septentrionales del Ecuador. Quito: Museo del Banco Central del Ecuador, 1983. 274 p.

886. González C., Celiano E. "Estudios arqueológicos en el Cantón Zaruma," Boletín de informaciones científicas nacionales, 6:56 (ago./sept. 1953), 187-198; 6:57 (oct./nov. 1953), 303-313.

Reports on investigation of stone ruins at Cerro de Tocto.

887. González C., Celiano E. Petroglifos de la Provincia de El Oro: ensayo de estudio y comprensión. Ambato: Edit. Pío XII, 1982. 107 p.

888. González C., Celiano E. "Reconocimientos arqueológicos en el Cantón Zaruma," Humanitas, 6:1 (1966), 105-121.

An interim report on author's field work.

889. González de Merino, Juana. "Culturas del formativo temprano en el Ecuador: nuevos elementos y su difusión a otras áreas," Humanitas, 6:1 (1966), 122-129.

890. González de Merino, Juana. Investigación científica de arqueología en el sitio Milagro 1, Cantón Milagro, Provincia del Guayas. Guayaquil: Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación, 1984. 105 p.

891. González S., Víctor A. La comunidad gentilicia y los rasgos de su descomposición en el Ecuador. Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1979. 108 p.

An essay on regional development cultures of Bahía, Jama-Coaque, and Tolita. See also item 585.

892. González S., Víctor A. La sociedad nómada y su transición a la sedentaria en el Ecuador. Guayaquil: [s.n.], 1983. 53 p.

An essay on the emergence of agriculturally based groups on the coast.

893. González Suárez, Federico. Los aborígenes de Imbabura y del Carchi: investigaciones arqueológicas sobre los antiguos pobladores de las Provincias del Carchi y de Imbabura en la República del Ecuador. Quito: Tip. y Encuad. Salesiana, 1908. xiv, 145 p. + 1 atlas (41 plates).

894. González Suárez, Federico. Advertencias para buscar, coleccionar y clasificar objetos arqueológicos pertenecientes a los indígenas antiquos pobladores del territorio ecuatoriano. Quito: Impr. del Clero, 1914. xiv, 90 p.

895. González Suárez, Federico. Estudio histórico sobre los Cañaris: pobladores de la antigua Provincia del Azuay. Cuenca: Universidad del Azuay, 1965. 135 p.

Reprint; originally published in 100 copies: Quito: Impr. del Clero, 1878. viii, 55 p. Also reprints Carlos Manuel Larrea's "Introducción" to the 1922 Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos edition (p. 11-47). The pioneering study of the archaeology of the Cañaris and the first publication by an Ecuadorian national on the prehistory of Ecuador except of course for Juan de Velasco's Historia del Reino de Quito (Quito, 1841-1844; 3 v.). Based on excursions to sites and library research. Notwithstanding the adulation accorded the archbishop-historian by Larrea and other national scholars,"Our understanding of Ingapiraca was not made any clearer by . . . González Suárez . . ." who "seems to have changed his mind" regarding the site's nature and purpose every time he visited it according to Barnes and Fleming (item 699).

896. González Suárez, Federico. Notas arqueológicas, y, Prehistoria ecuatoriana. Puebla: Edit. J.M. Cajica, Jr., 1967. 306 p.

Reprint; originally published as separate monographs: Quito: Impr. del Clero, 1915 (vi, 212 p.); Quito: Ricardo Jaramillo, 1904 (vi, 88 p.) Also reprinted as: De prehistoria y de arqueología. Cuenca: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cuenca, 1968. 207 p. In Notas arqueológicas the archbishop-historian glosses and critiques Verneau and Rivet's Ethnographie ancienne de l'Equateur (item 1282).

897. Grijalva, Carlos Emilio. La expedición de Uhle a Guasmal, o sea, La protohistoria de Imbabura y Carchi. Quito: Edit. Chimborazo, 1937. 294 p.

898. Grijalva, Carlos Emilio. "Nombres y pueblos de la antigua Provincia de Imbabura," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 2:3/4 (ene./abr. 1921), 33-70.

899. Grove, David C. "The Meso-American Formative and South America," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 279-297.

900. Guevara, Darío. "Exégesis de topónimos indígenas ecuatorianos," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 57:124 (jul./dic. 1974), 274-298.

901. Guffroy, Jean. "Les débuts de la sédentarisation et de l'agriculture dans les Andes méridionales de l'Equateur," L'Anthropologie, 91:4 (1987), 873-888.

902. Guffroy, Jean. "Implantaciones humanas y ocupación del espacio en la Provincia de Loja durante la época prehispánica," Cultura, 8:24b (ene./abr. 1986), 579-591.

903. Guffroy, Jean. "Inhumaciones tardias en la región de Macará," Cultura, 5:15 (ene./abr. 1983), 99-108.

Originally published as: "Inhumations tardives dans la région de Macará" Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, 11:3/4 (jui./déc. 1982), 39-49.

904. Guffroy, Jean. Investigaciones arqueológicas en el sur de la Provincia de Loja. Loja: Misión Arqueológica Loja, [1981]. 50 p.

Reports preliminary results of the French archaeological survey of southern Loja. For more detailed results see items 901-903, 905, 906, and especially 1013.

905. Guffroy, Jean. "El poblamiento de la Provincia de Loja durante el período formativo: datos e hipótesis," Cultura, 5:15 (ene./abr. 1983), 59-63.

906. Guffroy, Jean. "Las tradiciones culturales formativas del Valle de Catamayo," Cultura, 5:15 (ene./abr. 1983), 65-72.

Originally published as: "Les traditions culturelles formatives de la vallée de Catamayo," Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, 11:3/4 (jui./déc. 1982), 3-11.

907. Guignabaudet, Philippe. "Nuevos descubrimientos arqueológicos en las tolas de Huaraquí," Boletín de informaciones científicas nacionales, 6:56 (ago./sept. 1953), 168-186.

908. Guinea Bueno, Mercedes. "El formativo de la región Sur de Esmeraldas: visto desde el yacimiento del Chévele," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 19-46.

See also: Guinea Bueno's "El desarrollo espacial del poblado de Atacames, Esmeraldas, Ecuador," Revista española de antropología americana, 24 (1994), 93-111, in which she traces the development of prehispanic Atacames from a small, dispersed hamlet to a large town during the Integration period; and her: "Subsistencia, ecología y explotación territorial en el poblado de Atacames, Ecuador," Revista española de antropología americana, 12 (1982), 131-155.

909. Guinea Bueno, Mercedes. Patrones de asentamiento en la arqueología de Esmeraldas (Ecuador) Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales, 1984. 243 p. (Memorias de la Misión Arqueológica Española en el Ecuador; 8)

A detailed report on settlement patterns in what is now the Province of Esmeraldas. The majority, if not in fact all, of prehispanic towns and villages were found along rivers and the shoreline. Also examines the issues of population density and therefore size and the economic bases of the settlements studied.

910. Guinea Bueno, Mercedes. "Relaciones comerciales en Esmeraldas como resultado del análisis de las cerámicas por difracción de rayos X y microscopia electrónica," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976, vol. 9a (Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac, 1979), p. 259-272.

911. Guinea Bueno, Mercedes. "Valoración de las evidencias de intercambio en la desembocadura del Río Esmeraldas: el problema cronológico," Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 127-146.

Maps and discusses the probable dating of various archaeological sites in the vicinity of the mouth of the Esmeraldas.

912. Hammond, Norman; and Karen Olsen Bruhns. "The Paute Valley Project in Ecuador, 1984," Antiquity, 61:1 (Mar. 1987), 50-56.

See also item 748.

913. Haro Alvear, Silvio Luis. Arqueología de Imbabura-Ecuador. Imbabura: Museo del Banco Central del Ecuador, 1979. 40 p.

914. Haro Alvear, Silvio Luis. El culto del agua en el Reino de Quito. Quito: Impr. "La Favorita," 1974. 90 p.

915. Haro Alvear, Silvio Luis. "El culto del sol y de la madre tierra en el Reino de Quito," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 65:139/140 (ene./dic. 1982), 186-217.

916. Haro Alvear, Silvio Luis. "Mitos de origen del Reino de Quito," Revista geográfica (Quito), 18 (1983), 76-93.

917. Haro Alvear, Silvio Luis. Mitos y cultos del Reino de Quito. Quito: Editora Nacional, 1980. 446 p.

918. Haro Alvear, Silvio Luis. "Montañas sagradas del Reino de Quito," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 56:121 (ene./jun. 1973), 115-142.

919. Haro Alvear, Silvio Luis. "Puruhá: estudios arqueológicos," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 1:2/3 (dic. 1951), 79-124; 2:6 (dic. 1952), 131-166; 3:9 (dic. 1953), 137-166; 4:10/11 (ago. 1954), 103-155.

920. Haro Alvear, Silvio Luis. Puruha, nación guerrera. Quito: Editora Nacional, 1977. 300 p.

921. Hartmann, Roswith. "La Exposición 'Tesoros del Ecuador' en Alemanía," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 51:131/132 (ene./dic. 1978), 129-144.

Notwithstanding the title, an introduction to the history of archaeology in Ecuador.

922. Hartmann, Roswith. "Mercados y ferias prehispánicas en el área andina," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 54:118 (jul./dic. 1971), 214-235.

923. Hartmann, Roswith. "El papel de los mitmas en el proceso de quechuización: el caso del Ecuador y la problemática de las fuentes," América indígena, 54:4 (oct./dic. 1994), 61-98.

Utilizes historical materials to reconstruct the probable distribution of languages and ethnic groups in the highlands as altered by the Inca practice of population redistribution, on the eve of the Spanish conquest. Stresses that the extant sources are not as revealing as for other parts of the former Tahuantinsuyu and therefore not altogether conclusive.

924. Hartmann, Roswith; and Olaf Holm. "La 'Romana' en tiempos prehispánicos y su uso actual en la costa del Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 1:1 (1981), 155-178.

925. Heras y Martínez, César Manuel. "Balao: un enclave arqueológico esmeraldeño," Revista española de antropología americana, 21 (1991), 77-119.

Describes ceramics encountered at an integration period site. See also Heras y Martínez's "La cerámica de integración de la costa nordecuatoriana: el caso esmeraldeño," Revista española de antropología americana, 24 (1994), 113-138.

926. Heras y Martínez, César Manuel; and Jesús Adánez Pavón. "Chimeneas cerámicas: un rasgo cultural de significación controvertida," Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 147-162.

Reexamines the usage of "ceramic chimneys" on the coast. Suggests that they may have not have been tombs per se but utilized as "drains" in burial mounds.

927. Heyerdahl, Thor. "Balsa Raft in Aboriginal Navigation off Peru and Ecuador, " Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 11:3 (Autumn 1955), 251-264.

928. Heyerdahl, Thor; and Arne Skjolsvold. Archaeological Evidence of Pre-Spanish Visits to the Galapagos Islands. Salt Lake City: Society for American Archaeology, 1956. 71 p.

Reprint; originally published in: American Antiquity, 22:2, pt. 3 (1956). Also reprinted: Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus Reprint, 1974; and: Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1990. 107 p.

929. Hill, Betsy Dupois. "A New Chronology of the Valdivia Ceramic Complex from the Coastal Zone of Guayas Province, Ecuador," Ñawpa Pacha, 10/12 (1972/1974), 1-32.

930. Holland, Leicester Bodine. "Note on Horns of Consecration," American Journal of Archaeology, 21:4 (Oct. 1917), 417-419.

931. Holm, Olaf. "Cámara funeraria No. 5 'Bellavista' (Ecuador)," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 12/13:28/29 (1962-1963), 129-157.

932. Holm, Olaf. Cortadura a piola: una técnica prehistórica. Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1969. 27 p.

933. Holm, Olaf. "El cucharón: un utensilio doméstico de la Cultura Manteña, Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 9/10:25/26 (ene. 1959-dic. 1960), 121-145.

934. Holm, Olaf. Cultura Manteña-Huancavilca. Guayaquil: Banco Central del Ecuador, Museo Antropológico y Pinacoteca, 1982. 48 p.

935. Holm, Olaf. Cultura Milagro-Quevedo, 2ª ed. rev. Guayaquil: Banco Central del Ecuador, Museo Antropológico y Pinacoteca, 1983. 28 p.

936. Holm, Olaf. Dientes de tiburón: el utensilio prehistórico y un comentario folklórico. Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1969. 22 p.

937. Holm, Olaf. Fuelles que son unos cañutos. Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1968. 30 p.

938. Holm, Olaf. "Las Islas Galápagos en la prehistoria ecuatoriana," Revista, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1:2 (ene./mar. 1964), 25-39.

939. Holm, Olaf. "Lanzas silvadoras," Estudios arqueológicos: Antillas y tierras bajas de Sudamérica, Ecuador (item 853), p. 71-88.

940. Holm, Olaf. "Navegación precolombina," Revista del Instituto de Historia Marítima, 16 (jul. 1994), 9-17.

941. Holm, Olaf. "Navegación precolombina I," Revista del Instituto de Historia Marítima, 1 (dic. 1986), 7-13.

942. Holm, Olaf. "Navegación precolombina II," Revista del Instituto de Historia Marítima, 2 (jun. 1987), 97-108.

943. Holm, Olaf. "Navegación precolombina III," Revista del Instituto de Historia Marítima, 3 (dic. 1987), 148-160.

944. Holm, Olaf. Los primeros hombres del Ecuador. Guayaquil: Museo Antropológico del Banco Central del Ecuador, 1981. 40 p.

945. Holm, Olaf. "Quipu o sapán: (un recurso mnemonico en el campo ecuatoriano)," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 18:34/35 (1968), 85-90.

946. Holm, Olaf. "Quito, la ciudad poblada más antigua del Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 48:106 (jul./dic. 1965), 159-161.

947. Holm, Olaf. "El tatuaje entre los aborígenes prepizarrinos de la costa ecuatoriana," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 3:7/8 (ago. 1953), 56-92.

948. Holm, Olaf. "Torteras vs. toberas," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 2ª época, 45 (1991 [i.e., 1993]), 103-114.

Regarding the use of molds in gold and silver casting.

949. Holm, Olaf. "El uso prehistórico de la resina fósil," Revista de la Universidad Católica (Guayaquil), 3:10 (nov. 1975), 65-73.

950. Hosler, Dorothy; Heather Lechtman; and Olaf Holm. Axe-Monies and Their Relatives. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1990. 103 p.

See also item 1148.

951. Howell, Carol L. "Daring to Deal With Huaqueros," Archaeology, 45:3 (May/June 1992), 56-58.

952. Huerta Rendón, Francisco. "'San Biritute,' señor de Zacachún," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 5:13/14 (ago. 1955), 46-65.

The unfortunate tale of an attempt at salvage archaeology. The statute of 'San Biritute' would have been better off left where it was found and where it was far better cared for, in Zacachún (Peninsula of Santa Elena)

953. Hyams, Edward; and George Ordish. The Last of the Incas: the Rise and Fall of an American Empire. New York: Dorset Press, 1963. 294 p.

A semi-scholarly account of the waxing and waning of the Tahuantinsuyu under Huayna Capac, Huascar, and Atahualpa.

954. Idrobo Urigüen, Jaime. Panorama histórico de la arqueología ecuatoriana. Cuenca: [s.n.], 1990. 107 p.

955. Idrobo Urigüen, Tarquino Aníbal. Contribución al conocimiento de la humanidad prehistórica del Ecuador. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1959. 114 p.

956. Idrobo Urigüen, Tarquino Aníbal. "Culebrillas: historia y arqueología de una laguna sagrada," Revista del Archivo Nacional de Historia, Sección del Azuay, 9 (1992), 93-111.

Also published in: Memoria, MARKA, año 2, no. 2 (nov. 1991), 107-126.

957. Idrobo Urigüen, Tarquino. "Tomebamba: primera fase de conquista en los Andes septentrionales," Revista del Archivo Nacional de Historia, Sección del Azuay, 6 (1986), 49-70.

958. Iglesias, Angel María. Los aborígenes de Cañar. Cuenca: El Carácter, 1964. 63 p.

959. Iglesias, Angel María. Los Cañaris: aspectos históricos y culturales. Cañar: Impr. América, 1987. 156 p.

960. El Indio ecuatoriano: pasado ancestral y problemas de aculturación. Valladolid: Seminario Americanista de la Universidad, 1980. 208 p.

961. "An Initial Consideration of Obsidian Procurement and Exchange in Pre-Hispanic Ecuador," Richard L. Burger [et al.], Latin American Antiquity, 5:3 (Sept. 1994), 228-255.

See also its companion piece (item 828).

962. Isaacson, John S. Volcanic Activity and Human Occupation of the Northern Andes: the Application of Tephrostratigraphic Techniques to the Problem of Human Settlement in the Western Montaña during the Ecuadorian Formative. 1987. xvii, 432 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)-- University of Illinois, Urbana.

963. Jackson, Donald. "Clasificación morfo-funcional y análisis de huellas de uso en un conjunto lítico del sitio arqueológico de Salango," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 7 (1987), 59-90.

964. Jaramillo P., Víctor Alejandro. "Artesanía lítica precolombina imbabureña," Sarance, 4 (jul. 1977), 46-54.

Also published in: Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 259-268.

965. Jaramillo P., Víctor Alejandro. "La cerámica Imbaya," Humanitas, 6:1 (1966), 164-193.

966. Jaramillo P., Víctor Alejandro. Paleolítico y neolítico de Imbabura. Otavalo: Edit. Gallocapitán, 1982. 351 p.

967. Jaramillo Paredes, Mario. Estudio histórico sobre Ingapirca. Quito: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1976. 171 p.

Summarizes work done at and on Ingapirca in the1970s.

968. Jarrín A., Irma. "Elementos comunes en Mesoamérica y en el área andina," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 359-381.

969. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. Antropología prehispánica del Ecuador: Resumen. Quito: Prensa Católica, 1952. 412 p.

Useful summary of Jijón's archaeological contributions, especially his opus magnus El Ecuador interandino y occidental (item 972). Reprinted: Quito: Embajada de España, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional; Museo Jijón y Caamaño, 1997. 387 p.

970. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. "Artefactos prehistóricos del Guayas," Boletín de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estudios Históricos Americanos, 1:3 (oct./dic. 1918), 253-275; 2:5 (mar./abr. 1919), 169.

971. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. Contribución al conocimiento de los aborígenes de la Provincia de Imbabura en la República del Ecuador. Madrid: Impr. Blass, 1912. 351 p.

972. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. El Ecuador interandino y occidental antes de la conquista española. Quito: Edit. Ecuatoriana, 1941-1947. 4 v.

Although superseded by subsequent work to some extent, especially insofar as interpretation of the data is concerned, still a basic source on the archaeology of the highlands and the coast. Jijón y Caamaño was the first Ecuadorian to attempt to establish successions of cultures and to publish the field data on which his conclusions were based.

973. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. Nueva contribución al conocimiento de los aborígenes de la Provincia de Imbabura. Madrid: Impr. Blass, 1919. 182 p.

Also published in Boletín de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estudios Históricos Americanos, 4:10 (ene./feb. 1920), 1-120; 4:11 (mar./abr. 1920), 183-244.

974. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. "Una punta de jabalina en Puengasí," Boletín de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estudios Históricos Americanos, 1:2 (ago./sept. 1918), 109-111.

975. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. Puruhá: contribución al conocimiento de los aborígenes de la Provincia de Chimborazo de la República del Ecuador. Quito: Impr. de la Universidad Central, 1927. 2 v.

Originally published in: Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 3:6 (jul./ago. 1921), 1-60; 5:12/14 (jul./dic. 1922), 205-291; 6:15/17 (ene./jun. 1923), 32-66; 7:19 (sept./oct. 1923), 185-193; 9:24/26 (jul./dic. 1924), 267-406.

976. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. El tesoro del Itschimbia (Quito-Ecuador) London: J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson, [1912]. 19 p.

977. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto. "Los tincullpas y notas acerca de la metalurgia de los aborígenes del Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 1:1 (jul./oct. 1920), 4-40.

978. Jijón y Caamaño, Jacinto; and Carlos Manuel Larrea. Un cementerio incasico en Quito y notas acerca de los Incas en el Ecuador. Quito: Impr. de la Universidad Central, 1918. 102 p.

Reprinted from: Revista de la Sociedad "Jurídico-Literaria," nueva ser., 20:58/59 (mar./abr. 1918), 159-260.

979. Kaddatz, Corinna. Kleidung und Schmuck im vorkolumbischen Esmeraldas. Bremen: Im Selbstverlang des Museums in Zusammenarbeit mit BAS, 1975. xi, 107 p.

980. Klepinger, Linda L. "Paleodemography of the Valdivia III Phase at Real Alto, Ecuador," American Antiquity, 44:2 (Apr. 1979), 305-309.

981. Knapp, Gregory W. Ecología cultural prehispánica del Ecuador. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1988. 206 p.

Based on author's doctoral dissertation (item 984). See also item 7689.

982. Knapp, Gregory W. "El nicho ecológico llanura húmeda, en la economía prehistórica de los Andes de altura," Sarance, 9 (1981), 83-96.

983. Knapp, Gregory W. "Riego precolonial en la sierra norte," Ecuador debate, 14 (1987), 17-45.

984. Knapp, Gregory W. Soil, Slope, and Water in the Equatorial Andes: A Study in Prehistoric Agricultural Adaptation. 1984. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Wisconsin at Madison. xvii, 377 leaves.

985. Knapp, Gregory W.; and David A. Preston. "Evidence of Prehistoric Ditched Fields on Sloping Land in Northern Highland Ecuador," Prehispanic Agricultural Fields in the Central Andes, (item 1139), vol. 2, p. 403-424.

986. Knapp, Gregory W.; and Roy Ryder. "Aspects of the Origin, Morphology, and Function of Ridged Fields in the Quito Altiplano, Ecuador," Drained Field Agriculture in Central and South America, edited by J.P. Darch (Oxford: B.A.R., 1983), p. 201-220.

Also published in Spanish as: "Aspectos del origen, morfología y función de los camellones en el altiplano de Quito," Cultura, 8:23 (sept./dic. 1985), 205-222.

987. Landázuri N., Cristóbal. Los curacazgos pastos prehispánicos: agricultura y comercio. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador; Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología; Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1995. 229 p. (Colección Pendoneros; 13)

An exceptionally detailed, well researched, and properly documented study of the economics of Pastos chiefdoms in what is now northern Ecuador. Based on several years of archival research in Ecuador, Colombia, and Spain. See also item 6177.

988. Landívar, Manuel Agustín. "El sitio arqueológico de Todos Santos," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 8 (ene. 1984), 138-152.

989. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. La cultura incásica del Ecuador: notas históricas y cronológicas. México, D.F.: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1965. 41 p. (Plan piloto del Ecuador)

A useful compendium of what could be inferred about the Incas in the future Ecuador from the chronicles and other post-Spanish conquest sources and archaeological studies.

990. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "El estudio sobre los Cañaris," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 24:63 (ene./jun. 1947), 20-44.

991. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "El misterio de las llamadas sillas de piedra de Manabí," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 37:90 (jul./dic. 1957), 232-259.

Concludes that what is now known to have been the stonework of the Bahía and Manteño cultures may have been introduced by "Mayan" immigrants from southern Mexico and/or Central America. Reprinted in item 599.

992. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "Nota acerca de dos objetos arqueológicos de oro hallados en Imbabura," Boletín de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estudios Históricos Americanos, 2:5 (mar./abr. 1919), 208-216.

Of no importance then or now. Larrea based this piece on drawings of two gold objects found during the excavation of the much delayed rail line to Esmeraldas. Reprinted in item 599.

993. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "Notas acerca de la arqueología de la Provincia de Esmeraldas: contribuciones al conocimiento de los aborígenes de 'La Tola'," Boletín de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Estudios Históricos Americanos , 3:7/8 (jul./oct. 1919), 85-109.

Consists of an introduction and what was a promising chapter one, "Descripción geográfica de la Provincia de Esmeraldas" of Larrea and Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño's early twentieth-century studies of the archaeology of La Tolita.

994. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. "Notas sobre la antigüedad del hombre en el Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 48:106 (jul./dic. 1965), 151-158.

Review the findings at El Inga, according to which "man" had been in the highlands since at least 9,000 years before present. Reprinted in item 599.

995. Larrea, Carlos Manuel. Prehistoria de la región andina del Ecuador. Quito: Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones, 1972. 207 p.

A more or less solid survey of what was known and could be inferred by the late 1960s. It is important to note, however, that the author was an armchair, not a field scholar.

996. Lathrap, Donald W. Ancient Ecuador: Culture, Clay and Creativity, 3000-300 B.C. = El Ecuador antiguo: cultura, cerámica y creatividad, 3000-300 a.c., text by Donald W. Lathrap; catalogue by Donald Collier and Helen Chandra. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1975. 110 p.

Lathrap's text is a major essay on the Formative cultures of the coast. Only the catalogue is in Spanish as well as English.

997. Lathrap, Donald W. The Upper Amazon. London: Thames and Hudson, 1970. 256 p.

Drawing on many years of field work by himself, his spouse, and students as well as by others, Lathrap delineates the "prehistory" of the Upper Amazon Basin as divided between and disputed by Ecuador and Peru. Argues "that the origins of Tropical Forest Culture were continental rather than Coastal and that Tropical Forest Culture had reached a reasonably high state of efficiency by 3000 B.C." and that therefore "Valdivia represents a branch of Tropical Forest Culture which was rather early extruded from the Amazon Basin and which settled in a locality that offered easily worked agricultural lands and, secondarily, fairly rich marine resources to make up the protein deficiency"--a thesis that he maintains and develops more fully in Ancient Ecuador (item 996).

998. Lathrap, Donald W.; Jorge G. Marcos; and James A. Zeidler. "Real Alto: an Ancient Ceremonial Center," Archaeology, 30:1 (Jan. 1977), 2-13.

999. Le Gouhir Rodas, José María. "Estudios de prehistoria ecuatoriana," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 18:54 (jul./dic. 1939), 38-58; 19:55 (ene./jun. 1940), 68-102.

Reviews limited fieldwork that had been done as of the 1930s and stresses the importance of colonial period accounts, especially the sixteenth-century chronicles, as sources in part one and defends Juan de Velasco's thesis regarding the millenarian Kingdom of Quito in part two.

1000. Le Gouhir Rodas, José María. "Tesis de prehistoria ecuatoriana," Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos de Cuenca, 9 (dic. 1923), 436-452; 10 (ago. 1924), 1-20.

1001. Lecoq, Patrice. "El período del desarrollo regional en el sur de la Provincia de Loja," Cultura, 5:15 (ene./abr. 1983), 73-88.

Originally published as: "La période de développement regional dans le Sud de la province de Loja," Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, 11:3/4 (jui./déc. 1982), 13-27.

1002. Ledergerber C., Paulina. "Comparación entre la cerámica bruñida Guangala (del Ecuador) y Nasca (del Perú)," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 62:133/134 (ene./dic. 1979), 291-360.

1003. Ledergerber C., Paulina. "El origen de un cuarto de siglo de investigaciones sobre la cultura Valdivia," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 65:139/140 (ene./dic 1982), 25-44.

Reviews the history of excavations of Valdivia sites. Includes an excellent bibliography.

1004. León, Luis A. "La mujer indígena en la régimen laboral incásico y colonial del Reino y de la Real Audiencia de Quito," América indígena, 35:3 (jul./set. 1975), 539-556.

1005. León Borja, Dora. "Prehistoria de la costa ecuatoriana," Anuario de estudios americanos, 21 (1964), 381-436.

At the time of its publication an important synthesis of what was known and could be surmised regarding the ethnic groups of the coast. Also published in: Anales de la Universidad de Cuenca, 22:1 (ene./marzo 1966), 33-84.

1006. "El Levantamiento tectónico y el formativo temprano en los Andes septentrionales," Jonathan Damp [et al.], Gaceta arqueológica andina, 17 (1990), 9-16.

Maintains that Real Alto when occupied was adjacent to the shore and that therefore early Valdivia culture was marine oriented. See also item 1090.

1007. Lippi, Ronald D. "Arqueología de los Yumbos," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 189-207.

1008. Lippi, Ronald D. "La arqueología de los Yumbos: resultados de prospecciones en el Pichincha occidental," Etnohistoria e historia de las América (Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes, 1988), p. 77-88.

Items 1007 and 1008 are important statements as to the emerging prehistory of the Yumbos in Western Pichincha. Based on field work conducted in 1984 and 1985, they join the results of archaeology to the ethnohistorical work of Frank Salomon on the Yumbos (e.g., item 1191).

1009. Lippi, Ronald D. "Paleotopography and Phosphate Analysis of a Buried Jungle Site in Ecuador," Journal of Field Archaeology, 15:1 (Spring 1988), 85-97.

The site is that of Nambillo in the Province of Pichincha.

1010. Lippi, Ronald D. La Ponga and the Machalilla Phase of Coastal Ecuador. 1983. 534 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Wisconsin, Madison.

1011. Lippi, Ronald D.; and Marco Suárez Capello. "Sondeos pedológicos en Nambillo: un método de prospección subterránea," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 5:5 (1985), 7-34.

Nambillo is a Formative period site (Cotocallao Phase) in the Parish of Mindo, Province of Pichincha.

1012. Lippi, Ronald D.; Robert Mck. Bird; and David M. Stemper. "Maíz primitivo encontrado en La Ponga, en un contexto Machalilla," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 3:3 (1983), 143-154.

Concludes that "two primitive varieties [of cultivated maize] were present on the coast of Ecuador by 1200 B.C." See also items 1023 and 1114. Also published in English as "Maize Recovered at La Ponga, an Early Ecuadorian Site," American Antiquity, 49:1 (Jan. 1994), 118-124.

1013. Loja prehispanique: recherches archéologiques dans les Andes meridionales de l'Equateur, par J. Guffroy [et al.]. Paris: Editions Recherche sur les civilisations, 1987. 342 p. (Travaux de l'Institut français d'études andines; 32)

Reports research conducted between 1979 and 1982 by members of the Institut français d'études andines and the Mission archeologique française de Loja, especially at the Vega Site.

1014. Loor, Wilfrido. "Caras y shiris," Gaceta municipal (Quito), 19:79 (oct./dic. 1934), 191-206.

1015. Loor, Wilfrido. Los indios de Manabí. Quito: Edit. Ecuatoriana, 1937. 155 p.

Based entirely on published materials. Accepts Max Uhle's thesis that the migrant Mayas were responsible for the emergence of high cultures on the coast and Velasco's Kingdom of Quito. Anachronistic in light of subsequent, mostly professional work. Republished in Loor's Manabí, prehistoria y conquista (item 6000).

1016. López y Sebastián, Lornezo Eladio. "Contribución al estudio de las culturas formativas en la costa norte del Ecuador," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 47-60.

1017. López y Sebastián, Lorenzo Eladio; and Chantal Caillavet. "La fase Tachina en el contexto cultural del horizonte Chorrera," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976, vol. 9a (Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac, 1979), p. 199-215.

1018. Lozano Castro, Alfredo. Cuenca, ciudad prehispana: significado y forma, 1ª ed. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala: Ciudad; Madrid: Centro de Investigación Urbana y Arquitectura Andina, 1991. 227 p.

Apparently a scholarly sound study of Inca Cuenca or Tomebamba. Of the pre-existing Cañari settlement, only the name is known, Guapdondelic.

1019. Lubinsky, Earl H. "Los cementerios de Anllulla: informe preliminar sobre una excavación arqueológica," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 57:123 (ene./jun. 1974), 16-23.

1020. Lynch, Thomas F. "Chobshi Cave in Retrospect," Andean Past, 2 (1989), 1-32.

Concludes that the Chobshi Cave, a lithic industry site, "represents an early stage in the diversification process or Archaic transition that followed the Paleo-Indian horizon." The results of the radiocarbon carbon tests, ranging from 8060 to 5585 B.C., agree "with the point types recovered, although the occupation may have been . . . longer . . ."

1021. Lynch, Thomas F.; and Susan Pollock. "La arqueología de la Cueva Negra de Chobshi," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 1:1 (1981), 92-119.

1022. Lyon, Patricia J. "Early Formative Period of Coastal Ecuador: Where Is the Evidence?," Ñawpa Pacha, 10/12 (1972-1974), 33-48.

1023. "Maize Recovered at La Ponga, an Early Ecuadorian Site," Ronald D. Lippi [et al.], American Antiquity, 49:1 (Jan. 1984), 118-124.

1024. Marcos, Jorge G. The Ceremonial Precinct at Real Alto: Organization of Time and Space in Valdivia Society. 1978. iv, 554 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1025. Marcos, Jorge G. "Cruising to Acapulco and Back with the Thorny Oyster Set: A Model for a Lineal Exchange System," Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society, 9:1/2 (Fall 1977/Spring 1978), 99-132.

Also published in Spanish as: "De ida y vuelta a Acapulco con mercaderes de mullu," Arqueología de la costa ecuatoriana: nuevos enfoques (item 684), p. 163-196.

1026. Marcos, Jorge G. "Economía e ideología en Andinoamérica septentrional," Nueva historia del Ecuador (item 615), vol. 2, p. 167-188.

A disappointingly brief and exceptionally disjointed chapter cobbled together from other better articulated and far more important works by Marcos himself.

1027. Marcos, Jorge G. "La investigación y enseñanza de la arqueología en el Ecuador," América indígena, 40:2 (abr./jun. 1980), 329-339.

1028. Marcos, Jorge G. "Los Morros," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas(item 660), p. 177-201.

1029. Marcos, Jorge G. "El origen de la agricultura," Nueva historia del Ecuador (item 615), vol. 1, p. 129-180.

An excellent summary of what was known or could be inferred as of the early 1980s, regarding the origins of agriculture in Ecuador. Not surprisingly emphasizes the importance of cultures of the coast, especially that of Valdivia.

1030. Marcos, Jorge G. "Puntas de proyectil bifaciales en la cultura Guangala, Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 20:37 (1970), 287-338.

1031. Marcos, Jorge G. Real Alto: la historia de un centro ceremonial Valdivia. Guayaquil: Escuela Politécnica del Litoral, Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos y Antropológicos; Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1988. 2 v.

Detailed report on more than two decades of field work at Real Alto, an early Formative Period site that was occupied for more than 3,000 years, from at least as early as 2,000 B.C.

1032. Marcos, Jorge G. "Woven Textiles in a Late Valdivia Context (Ecuador)," The Junius B. Bird Pre-Columbian Textile Conference : May 19th and 20th, 1973, Ann Pollard Rowe, Elizabeth P. Benson and Anne-Louise Schaffer, editors (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1979), p. 19-26.

Demonstrates that the ancient "Valdivians" wove cotton textiles at least as early as 3,000 years B.C. Also published in Spanish as: "Tejidos hechos en telar en un contexto Valdivia tardío," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 23:40 (1973), 163-184.

1033. Marcos, Jorge G.; and Presley Norton. "Interpretación sobre la arqueología de la Isla de la Plata," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 1:1 (1981), 136-154.

A report on Marcos, Norton, and Colin McEwan's 1978 excavations in which Inca materials were found. See also item 1038.

1034. Marotzke, Hans; and Francisca de Marotzke. Guayaquil y su variante cultural arqueológica. Guayaquil: Publicaciones Arqueológicas, 1970. 10 p.

1035. Masucci, Maria A. "Marine Shell Bead Production and the Role of Domestic Craft Activities in the Economy of the Guangala Phase, Southwest Ecuador," Latin American Antiquity, 6:1 (Mar. 1995), 70-84.

1036. Mayer, Eugen Friedrich. Vorspanische Metalwaffen und Werkzeuge in Ecuador = Armas y herramientas de metal prehispánicas en Ecuador. Mainz am Rhein: P. von Zabern, 1992. x, 142 p.

In German and Spanish Profusely illustrated.

1037. Mayer-Oakes, William. El Inga, a Paleo-Indian Site in the Sierra of Northern Ecuador. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1986. xiv, 235 p. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society; vol. 76, pt. 4)

1038. McEwan, Colin; and María Isabel Silva. "¿Que fueron a hacer los Incas en la costa central del Ecuador?," Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 163-185.

Argue that Inca burials and associated artifacts found on the island of La Plata, by Dorsey in 1892 (see item 815) and Jorge Marcos, Presley Norton, and McEwan in 1978 (item 1033), are indicative of the rites used by the Incas to demarcate the political and sacred incorporation of territory. Although the authors are convinced that there were Inca incursions into Manteño territory, they do not go so far as to argue that the Incas were successful in incorporating the central coast into the Tahuantinsuyu.

1039. McEwan, Gordon F.; and D. Bruce Dickson. "Valdivia, Jomon Fishermen, and the Nature of the North Pacific: Some Nautical Problems with the Meggers, Evans, and Estrada's (1965) Transoceanic Contact Thesis," American Antiquity, 43:3 (July 1978), 362-371.

Challenges Meggers, Evans, and Estrada's thesis "that storm-tossed Jomon fishermen drifted across the North Pacific to the coast of Ecuador and introduced pottery-making at the Valdivia site" as presented in items 849, 1042, and 1047.

1040. Meggers, Betty J. "Did Japanese Fishermen Really Reach Ecuador 5000 Years Ago?," Early Man, 2:4 (Winter 1980), 15-19.

1041. Meggers, Betty J. Ecuador. London: Thames and Hudson, 1966. 220 p.

At the time of its publication, an excellent introduction to the prehispanic period. Largely based on field work undertaken by the author, Clifford Evans (her late husband), and the late Emilio Estrada.

1042. Meggers, Betty J. "El origen transpacífico de la cerámica Valdivia: una revaluación," Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, 2 (1987), 9-31.

See also Meggers's restatement of her and Evan's thesis regarding the transpacific introduction of Valdivia ceramics from western Japan: "Jomon-Valdivia Similarities: Convergence or Contact?," NEARA Journal, 27 (1992), 23-32.

1043. Meggers, Betty J.; and Clifford Evans. "Comienzos de la producción agrícola en el Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 53:116 (jul./dic. 1970), 320-325.

1044. Meggers, Betty J.; and Clifford Evans. "Early Formative Period Chronology of the Ecuadorian Coast: A Correction," American Antiquity, 42:2 (Apr. 1977), 266-267.

1045. Meggers, Betty J.; and Clifford Evans. "Formative Period Cultures in the Guayas Basin, Coastal Ecuador," American Antiquity, 22:1 (Jan. 1957), 235-247.

1046. Meggers, Betty J.; and Clifford Evans. "Machalilla Culture: An Early Formative Period Complex on the Ecuadorian Coast," American Antiquity, 28:4 (Oct. 1962), 186-192.

See also the response by Donald W. Lathrap in ibid., 29:4 (Oct. 1963), 239-241.

1047. Meggers, Betty J.; Clifford Evans; and Emilio Estrada. Early Formative Period of Coastal Ecuador: The Valdivia and Machalilla Phases. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1965. xix, 234 p. + 196 p. of plates.

A comprehensive account of Estrada, Evans, and Meggers's major contributions to the study of the Formative period on the coast.

1048. Mejía, Leonardo. "La economía de la sociedad 'primitiva' ecuatoriana," Ecuador pasado y presente (item 572), p. 11-60.

1049. Mester, Ann M. "Un taller manteño de la concha madre perla del sitio Los Frailes, Manabí," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 5:5 (1985), 101-111.

See also Mester's doctoral dissertation: The Pearl Divers of Los Frailes: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Explorations of Sumptuary Good Trade and Cosmology in the North and Central Andes. 1990. xxiii, 558 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1050. Meyers, Albert. Die Inka in Ekuador. Bonn: Universität Bonn, Seminar für Völkerkunde, 1976. 186 p.

A doctoral dissertation on Inca influences in what would become Ecuador.

1051. Meyers, Thomas P. "Evidence of Prehistoric Irrigation in Northern Ecuador," Journal of Field Archaeology, 1:3/4 (1974), 309-313.

1052. Meyers, Thomas P. "Formative Period Occupations in the Highlands of Northern Ecuador," American Antiquity, 41:3 (July 1976), 353-360.

See also the exchanges between Betty J. Meggers, Clifford Evans, and Meyers in ibid., 42:2 (Apr. 1977), 266, and between J. Stephen Athens and Meyers in ibid., 43:3 (July 1978), 493-500.

1053. Meyers, Thomas P. "Formative Period Occupations in the Highlands of Northern Ecuador: Rejoinder to Athens," American Antiquity, 43:3 (July 1978), 497-500.

1054. Meyers, Thomas P.; and Van A. Reidhead. "Site Stratification in a Lacustrine Environment: Evidence from Highland Ecuador," Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 83 (1974), 65-73.

1055. Miller, George R.; and Anne L. Gill. "Zooarchaeology at Pirincay: A Formative Period Site in Highland Ecuador," Journal of Field Archaeology, 17:1 (Spring, 1990), 49-68.

1056. Miño Grijalva, Manuel. "Algunos problemas arqueológicos en la sierra norte del Ecuador," Estudios arqueológicos: Antillas y tierras bajas de Sudamérica, Ecuador (item 853), p. 161-180.

1057. Molestina Zaldumbide, María del Carmen. "Investigaciones arqueológicas en la zona negativo del Carchi o Capulí," Cultura, 7:21a (ene./abr. 1985), 31-82.

1058. Molestina Zaldumbide, María del Carmen. "Técnica utilizada en las vasijas funearias pertenecientes a la cultura negativa del Carchi en Cayambe," Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 24-27.

1059. Molestina Zaldumbide, María del Carmen. "Toctiuco, un sitio arqueológico en las faldas de Pichincha," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 57:122 (jul./dic. 1973), 124-152.

1060. Molina, Manuel Jesús. Arqueología ecuatoriana: los Cañaris. Roma: LAS; Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala 1992. 118 p.

Primarily useful for illustrations of stone carvings from the collection of the late Father Crespi, many of which have turned out to be "folk artifacts" of the twentieth century.

1061. Moreno Mora, Manuel. "El Reino preincaico de Quito," América (Quito), 9:58 (nov./dic. 1934), 317-343.

1062. Moreno Yánez, Segundo E. "Formaciones políticas tribales y señoríos étnicos," Nueva historia del Ecuador (item 615), vol. 2, p. 9-134.

A pioneering effort to write the history of the prehispanic period from the beginnings of agriculture through the Spanish conquest. Draws on ethnohistorical sources as well as archaeological data. Well worth reading.

1063. Mothes, Patricia. "La acequia del Pimampiro: riego tradicional en el norte del Ecuador," Ecuador debate, 14 (1987), 69-86.

1064. Munizaga, Juan R. "Intentional Cranial Deformation in the Pre-Columbian Populations of Ecuador," American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 45:3, pt. 2 (Nov. 1976), 687-694.

1065. Munizaga, Juan R. "Skeletal Remains from Sites of Valdivia and Machalilla Phases," (in) Betty J. Meggers, Clifford Evans, and Emilio Estrada, Early Formative Period of Coastal Ecuador (item 1047), p. 219-234.

1066. Murra, John V. "The Historic Tribes of Ecuador," Handbook of South American Indians, vol. 2 (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of American Ethology, 1946), p. 785-822.

1067. Murra, John V. "El tráfico de mullu en la costa del Pacífico," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 265-273.

1068. Muse, Michael C. "Cronología regional y relaciones de territorialidad en la región oeste del área septentrional andina, siglo XVI," Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 187-197.

Examines Manteño and Chono access to and control of resources.

1069. Muse, Michael C. "Products and Politics of a Milagro Entrepot: Peñón del Río, Guayas Basin, Ecuador," Research in Economic Anthropology, 13 (1991), 269-323.

1070. Naranjo, Plutarco. "Chamanaismo y poder en las culturas primitivas del Ecuador," Rituales y fiestas de las Américas (Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes, 1988), p. 269-277.

Reconstructs the history of the role of shamans, beginning with their apparent preeminence during the Formative period, through "subordination" to chiefs and priests on the eve of the Spanish conquest. Based on analysis of ceramic artifacts.

1071. Naranjo, Plutarco. "Plantas alimenticias del Ecuador precolombino," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 4:4 (1984), 63-82.

1072. "Navegación precolombina: el caso del litoral," José Alcina Franch [et al.], Revista española de antropología americana, 17 (1987), 35-73.

1073. Neira, Ignacio. "Algo sobre la cultura cañari," Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 80-84.

1074. Netherly, Patricia J. "Wandering Shellfish: New Insights into Intra-Regional Distribution Networks from Southeastern Coastal Ecuador," Perspectives on Andean Prehistory and Protohistory: Papers from the Third Annual Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, edited by Daniel H. Sandweiss and D. Peter Kvietok (Ithaca, N.Y.: Latin American Studies Institute, Cornell University, 1986), p. 9-17.

Preliminary report on the salvage program of survey and sample excavations undertaken within the impact área of the Tahuin Dam (i.e., the middle Arenillas Valley, El Oro) during the late 1970s.

1075. Nicholson, H.B. "On a Supposed Mesoamerican 'Thin Orange' Vessel from Ecuador," American Antiquity, 19:2 (Oct. 1953), 164-166.

1076. Noéjovich Ch., Héctor Omar. "Nota crítica sobre Native Lords of Quito in the Age of the Incas de Frank Salomon," Histórica (Lima), 15:2 (1991), 343-362.

Attempts to apply "Inca" or "Peruvian/Bolivian" models to "Ecuador." For Salomon's response see: ibid., 359-362.

1077. Norton, Presley. "Preliminary Observations on Loma Alta: An Early Valdivia Midden in Guayas Province, Ecuador," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 101-119.

1078. Norton, Presley. "El señorío de Salangone y la liga de mercaderes," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 131-143.

1079. Norton, Presley; Richard Lunnis; and Nigel Nayling. "Excavaciones en Salango, Provincia de Manabí, Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 3:3 (1983), 9-72.

1081. Nyberg, John Leroy. An Examination of Vessel Flutes from Pre-Hispanic Cultures of Ecuador. 1974. 531 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Minnesota.

1082. Oberem, Udo. "El acceso a recursos naturales de diferentes ecologías en la sierra ecuatoriana, siglo XVI," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976 (Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac, 1978), vol. 4, p. 51-64.

The seminal article on the "Ecuadorian" model of utilization of different ecological zones in the highlands. Reprinted in item 607 and in: Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 61:131/132 (ene./dic. 1978), 191-208.

1083. Oberem, Udo. "Algunos hallazgos arqueológicos de la sierra ecuatoriana, inicios de posibles relaciones con Mesoamérica," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 341-347.

1084. Oberem, Udo. "Aportes alemanes a la arqueología del Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 61:131/132 (ene./dic. 1978), 145-150.

1085. Oberem, Udo. "Complejo de fortalezas en el área andina," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 6:6 (1986), 103-116.

An introduction to an inadequately studied subject (as of July 1997) in Andean archaeology, forts in prehispanic Ecuador and Peru. See also item 1129.

1086. Oberem, Udo. "La fortaleza de montaña de Quitoloma," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 52:114 (jul./dic. 1969), 196-205.

1087. Oberem, Udo. "Montículos funerarios con pozo en Cochasquí," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 53:116 (jul./dic. 1970), 243-249.

1088. Oberem, Udo. "El período incaico en el Ecuador," Nueva historia del Ecuador (item 615), vol. 2, p. 135-166.

A superrior essay on the conquest of the future Ecuador by the Incas, of the incorporation of the highlands and their peoples into the Tahuantinsuyu, and of the major changes wrought by the Incas.

1089. "Obsidian Bearing Lava Flows and Pre-Columbian Artifacts from the Ecuadorian Andes: First New Multidisciplinary Data," G. Bigazzi [et al.], Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 6:1/2 (1992), 21-32.

1090. "On the Waterfront: Quaternary Environments and the Formative Occupation of Southwestern Ecuador," Jonathan E. Damp [et al.], Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, 5:2 (Apr. 1990), 171-185.

Argues that coastal uplift rather than aridity, social conflict, or demographic pressure was responsible for the eventual abandonment of Real Alto.

1091. Ortiz, Cecilia. "El problema del abastecimiento y sus mecanismos de solución en la economía aborigen: caso Puruhá," Quitumbe, 6 (1987), 15-20.

1092. Ortiz, Lenin. Pasado antiguo del Ecuador: evolución social. Quito: Consejo Provincial de Pichincha, 1981. 246 p.

1093. Ortiz de Villalba, Juan Santos. Antiguas culturas amazónicas ecuatorianas: fase Napo 1188-1480 D.C. Quito: Centro de Investigaciones Culturales de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana, 1981. 78 p.

1094. Palop Martínez, Josefina. "Los Cayapas en el siglo XVI," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 231-252.

Also published in: Etnohistoria e historia de las Américas (Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes, 1988), p. 61-76.

1095. Palop Martínez, Josefina. "Territorio y sociedad entre los Cayapas del siglo XVI," Anuario de estudios americanos, 47 (1990), 65-94.

An ethnohistorical analysis of the baptism lists of Friar Gaspar de Torres, who proselyted along the headwaters of the Mira, Mataje, Santiago, Cayapas, and Onzole Rivers in the 1590s. The Mercedarian baptized members of at least three, possibly four distinct ethnic groups, Cayapas, Malabas, and Lachas and Yambas according to Palop Martínez.

1096. Parducci Z., Resfa. "Un sello excepcional," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 18:34/35 (1968), 75-83.

1097. Parducci Z., Resfa. "Sellos antropomorfos de Manabí, Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 17:33 (1967), 143-167.

1098. Parducci Z., Resfa. "Sellos zoomorfos de Manabí (Ecuador)," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 12/13:28/29 (1962-1963), 123-128.

1099. Parducci Z., Resfa; and Ibrahim Parducci Z. "Un sitio arqueológico al norte de la Ciudad: fase Guayaquil," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 20:37 (1978), 57-154; 22:39 (1972), 97-185; 25:42 (1975), 155-284.

An extensive report on field work done in 1966 and 1967 in the midden of San Pedro in the Sabana Grande, an área of the port city long since built over. Apparently the site in question dates from the late Formative (circa 300 B.C.) and coincides with late Chorrera and early Guangala.

1100. Paredes, Domingo. Ecuador, ciencia y tecnología precolonial, 1ª ed. Quito: Edit. "El Duende," 1989. 142 p.

1101. Pareja Diezcanseco, Alfredo. Ecuador, de la prehistoria a la conquista española. Quito: Edit. Universitaria, 1979. 434 p.

1102. Parsons, James J. "Ridged Fields in the Río Guayas Valley, Ecuador," American Antiquity, 34:1 (Jan. 1969), 76-80.

Author's initial report on the presence of ridged fields and planting platforms in the Guayas River Basin.

Also published in Spanish as: "Campos de cultivos prehistóricos con camellones paralelos, en la Cuenca del Río Guayas, Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 23:40 (1973), 185-202.

1103. Parsons, James J.; and Roy Shlemon. "Nuevo informe sobre los campos elevados prehistóricos de la Cuenca del Guayas, Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 2:2 (1982), 31-37.

Updates Parsons's 1969 article. Reports on additional field work undertaken in 1976, according to which the areas along the R. Guayas and R. Babahoyo where raised field agriculture was practiced were much more extensively than previously thought. Supported by aerial reconnaissance photography.

1104. Paulsen, Allison C. A Chronology of Guangala and Libertad Ceramics of the Santa Elena Peninsula in South Coastal Ecuador. 1970. x, 244 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Columbia University.

1105. Paulsen, Allison C. "Environment and Empire: Climatic Factors in Andean Culture Change," World Archaeology, 8:2 (Oct. 1976), 121-132.

1106. Paulsen, Allison C. "Patterns of Maritime Trade Between South Coastal Ecuador and Western Mesoamerica, 1500 B.C.-A.D. 600," The Sea in the Pre-Columbian World: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, October 26th and 27th, 1974, Elizabeth P. Benson, editor (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections, 1977), p. 141-160.

Reviews the archaeological evidence, especially ceramic, for maritime contact between Mexico, Central America, Ecuador, and Peru, the epicenters of which Paulsen maintains to have been, in sequential order, the Machalilla, Engoroy, and Guangala "cultures." See also the appendix by Robert Sonin on "The Processes Involved in the Production of Iridescent-Painted Pottery Found Archaeologically on the South Coast of Ecuador," (p. 161-162) and the ensuing discussion between Michael D. Coe and Paulsen and between Donald W. Lathrap and Paulsen (p. 163-166).

1107. Paulsen, Allison C. "La secuencia de la cerámica de Guangala de la Peninsula de Santa Elena y sus implicaciones para un contacto prehistórico entre el Ecuador y América Central," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 203-210.

Details the evidence regarding contact by sea between the "Guangalans" and the peoples of Guanacaste Province and Nicoya Peninsula in western Costa Rica between 100 B.C. and A.D. 600.

1108. Paulsen, Allison C. "The Thorny Oyster and the Voice of God: Spondylus and Strombus in Andean Prehistory," American Antiquity, 39:4:pt. 1 (Oct. 1974), 597-607.

1109. Paz y Miño, Luis Telmo. "Las agrupaciones y lenguas indígenas del Ecuador, en 1500 y 1959," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 43:97 (ene./jun. 1961), 5-17.

Also published as a separate: Estudios sobre prehistoria ecuatoriana: las agrupaciones y lenguas indígenas del Ecuador en 1500 y en 1959. Quito: Industrias Gráficas "Lyma," 1961. 46 p. See also items 4514-4517.

1110. Pearsall, Deborah M. "Analysis of an Archaeological Maize Kernal Cache from Manabi Province, Ecuador," Economic Botany, 34:4 (Oct./Dec. 1980), 344-351.

Also published in Spanish as: "Un análisis del maíz arqueológico encontrado en la Provincia de Manabí," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 5:5 (1985), 91-99.

1111. Pearsall, Deborah M. La producción de alimentos en Real Alto: la aplicación de las técnicas etnobotánicas al problema de la subsistencia en el período formativo ecuatoriano. Guayaquil: Escuela Politécnica del Litoral, Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos y Antropológicos; Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1988. 240 p.

Publishes the author's doctoral dissertation: The Application of Ethnobotanical Techniques to the Problem of Subsistence in the Ecuadorian Formative. 1979. 280 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1112. Pearsall, Deborah M. "Early Movements of Maize between Mesoamerica and South America," Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society, 9:1/2 (Fall 1977/Spring 1978), 41-75.

1113. Pearsall, Deborah M. "Phytolith Analysis of Archaeological Soils: Evidence for Maize Cultivation in Formative Ecuador," Science, 199:4325 (13 Jan. 1978), 177-178.

1114. Pearsall, Deborah M. and Dolores R. Piperno. "Antiquity of Maize Cultivation in Ecuador: Summary and Reevaluation of the Evidence," American Antiquity, 55:2 (Apr. 1990), 324-337.

The authors maintain that there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the presence of maize as a cultigen at Valdivia sites by at least 5,000 B.C. See also Pearsall's later article, "Prehistoric Subsistence and Agricultural Evolution in the Jama River Valley, Manabí Province, Ecuador," Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society, 20 (1992), 181-207, in which she reports on the presence of maize remains in Chorrera culture (1500-500 BC).

1115. Pearson, Richard. "Migration from Japan to Ecuador: the Japanese Evidence," American Anthropologist, 70:1 (Feb. 1968), 85-86.

1116. Peñaherrera de Costales, Piedad; and Alfredo Costales Samaniego. El Reino de Quito. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1992. 289 p.

Reviews ethnographic and archaeological data and the chroniclers and early colonial sources in a less than convincing attempt to prove that Father Velasco was right, that there was a pre-Inca and therefore a prehispanic Kingdom of Quito.

1117. Pérez T., Aquiles R. Los Cañaris. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1978. 501 p.

Items 1117, 1118, 1120, and 1123-1126 constitute a series of detailed studies of pre-Inca ethnic groups of the highlands. They also include considerable information on the post-conquest history of the groups in questions. Although richly detailed, they are difficult to read, given Pérez T.'s propensity to heap data upon data without adequate analysis and interpretation. Moreover, although he obviously did considerable archival research--in fact Pérez T. was the first scholar to make extensive use of national repositories for the reconstruction of the history of indigenes in Ecuador--he was an autodidact in archaeology, history, and linguistics.

1118. Pérez T., Aquiles R. Los Chimbus: Provincia de Bolívar. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1982. 164 p.

1119. Pérez T., Aquiles R. "El complejo prehistórico de Cangahua," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 79:133/134 (ene./dic. 1979), 33-46.

1120. Pérez T., Aquiles R. Contribución al conocimiento de la prehistoria de los pueblos del norte del territorio de la República del Ecuador. Quito: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Antropología y Geografía, 1958. p. 243-406. (Llacta; año 3, vol. 5-6)

Archaeological, historical and linguistic study of the prehispanic peoples of the Province of Carchi.

Published together with Piedad Peñaherrera de Costales and Alfredo Costales Samaniego's Yunga ñan (item 6225)

1121. Pérez T., Aquiles R. "Contribución al mejor conocimiento de los Cañaris," Llacta, 2:3 (1957), 45-67.

1122. Pérez T., Aquiles R. La minúscula nación de Nasacota Puento resiste la invasión de la gigantesca de Huaina Capac. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1978. 20 p.

1123. Pérez T., Aquiles R. Los Paltas: Provincia de Loja. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1984. 254 p.

1124. Pérez T., Aquiles R. Los Puruhuayes. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1969-1970. 2 v.

A historical and linguistic study of ethnic groups in what is now the Province of Chimborazo. Not all of the groups in question were Puruhuay as Pérez T. convincingly demonstrates. Whether the Cañari and "Jíbaro" languages had as much an impact on the Puruhuay language, for whatever reason(s), as he argues is another matter. Highly critical of the linguistic contributions of Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño and Luis Telmo Paz y Miño, probably rightly so, not that Pérez T.'s studies are necessarily any sounder.

1125. Pérez T., Aquiles R. Quitus y Caras. Quito: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Antropología y Geografía, 1960. 2 v. (Llacta; nos 9-10)

1126. Pérez T., Aquiles R. Los Seudo-Pantsaleos. Quito: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Antropología y Geografía, 1962. 264 p. (Llacta; no 14)

A linguistic, historical, and archaeological study of the prehistory of the Provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua. Pérez argues that the Pantsaleos are an invention of Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño, José María Coba Robalino, Father Juan de Velasco, and Velasco's sycophants, and that the original inhabitants of the Provinces of Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, and Tungurahua were Cayapas or Quitus and that subsequently they "were absorbed by the Colorados or Caras, who were more civilized."

1127. Pino, Inés del. Tipologías arquitectónicas precolombinas en el Ecuador. Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, 1981. 124 p.

1128. Piperno, Dolores R. "Primer informe sobre los fitolitos de las plantas del OGSE-80 y la evidencia del cultivo de maíz en el Ecuador," (in) Karen E. Stothert, La prehistoria temprana de la Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador (item 1235), p. 203-214.

1129. Plaza Schuller, Fernando. El complejo de fortalezas de Pambamarca: contribución al estudio de la arquitectura militar prehispánica en la sierra norte del Ecuador. Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 1977. 53 p.

A detailed study of 14 of 17 known prehispanic forts in the Province of Pichincha.

1130. Plaza Schuller, Fernando. La incursión Inca en el septentrión ecuatoriano: antecedentes arqueológicos de la convulsiva situación de contacto cultural. Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 1976. 130 p.

1131. Porras G., Pedro I. Arqueología de la Cueva de los Tayos. Quito: Centro de Publicaciones, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1978. 83 p.

1132. Porras G., Pedro I. Arqueología de Quito: I fase, Cotocollao. Quito: Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1982. 267 p.

Only vol. published.

1133. Porras G., Pedro I. Arqueología, Palenque, Los Ríos, La Ponga, Guayas. Quito: Quito: Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, PUCE, 1983. 238 p.

1134. Porras G., Pedro I. Arte rupestre del Alto Napo-Valle del Misagualli, Ecuador. Quito: Artes Gráficas Señal, 1985. 345 p.

1135. Porras G., Pedro I. Contribución al estudio de la arqueología e historia de los Valles Quijos y Misagualli (Alto Napo) en la región oriental del Ecuador. Quito: Editora Fénix, 1961. 172 p.

1136. Porras G., Pedro I. El Encanto-La Puná: un sitio insular de la fase Valdivida asociado a un conchero anular. Guayaquil: Ediciones Huancavilva, 1973. 167 p.

1137. Porras G., Pedro I. "Fase Alausí," Estudios arqueológicos: Antillas y tierras bajas de Sudamérica, Ecuador (item 853), p. 89-160.

1138. Porras G., Pedro I. Fase Cosanga. Quito: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1975. 192 p.

1139. Porras G., Pedro I. Investigaciones arqueológicas a las faldas del Sangay: tradición Upano. Quito: Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1987. 432 p.

1140. Porras G., Pedro I. Manual de arqueología ecuatoriana: nuestro ayer, 1ª ed. Quito: Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, 1987. vii, 326 p.

A scholarly and comprehensive but out-of-date survey. Reworks author's earlier, several times revised Arqueología del Ecuador,1ª ed. (Quito: P.I. Porras G., 1980), which in turn was a rework of Ecuador prehistórico (Quito: Impr. y Ediciones Lexigrama, 1975), the latter coauthored with Luis Piana B. Also a by product of Porras's earlier, multiple edition Breves notas sobre arqueología del Ecuador (e.g., 5a ed., corr. y aum. [Quito: [s.n.], 1974]).

1141. Porras G., Pedro I. "Paramentros incásicos en el casco colonial de Quito," Sociedad Amigos de la Genealogía, 1:2 (sept. 1983), 5-28.

See also Porras's "Reliquias incásicas en el casco colonial de Quito," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 67:143/144 (ene./dic. 1984), 19-41.

Both of these essays make clear that there was a Inca Quito in and around the modern Plaza de la Independencia. Furthermore, it appears that the "Palace of Atahualpa" was located on the same site or in front of the Palacio de Gobierno.

1142. Porras G., Pedro I. "Una plataforma convexa de lajas de esquisto, varias de estas esculpidas en forma de arabescos con motivos zoológicos y asociados a cerámica del Carchi y de Cosanga (Quijos) se descubre en Pimampiro, Provincia de Pichincha," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 22:39 (1972), 210-233.

1143. Porras G., Pedro I. "Reseña histórica de las investigaciones arqueológicas en el Oriente ecuatoriano," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 54:117 (ene./jun. 1971), 133-145.

1144. Porras G., Pedro I. "Se realizan excavaciones en uno de los concheros más grandes de América, situado en Agua-Piedra, al norte de la isla la Puná, llamado por los pobladores 'El Encanto,'" Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 21:38 (1971), 210-233.

1145. Porras G., Pedro I. "Seriación cerámica de la fase de Cozanga, en el nororiente ecuatoriano," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 53:116 (jul./dic. 1970), 238-242.

1146. Porras G., Pedro I. Sitio Sangay A.: informe preliminar de la primera etapa. Quito: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1981. 144 p.

1147. Prehispanic Agricultural Fields in the Andean Region: Proceedings, 45 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, [edited by] William M. Denevan, Kent Mathewson, and Gregory W. Knapp. Oxford, Eng.: B.A.R., 1987. 2 v.

Papers presented at the 45th International Congress of Americanists (Bogotá, 1985).

1148. Prümers, Heiko. "Zum Problem des 'Axtgeldes's im Alten Peru," Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte des westlichen Südamerika, Albert Meyers, Martin Volland (Hrsg.) (Opladen: Westdeutschler Verlag, 1990), p. 11-33.

An essay on money-axes in Ecuador and Peru. Identifies five types for Ecuador. See also item 950.

1149. Quito antes de Benalcázar. Quito: Centro Cultural Artes, 1988. 109 p.

Summarizes archaeological data on Guayllabamba basin from Paleo-Indian through "protohistoric" times. Includes report on salvage archaeology at Jardín del Este, on which see also item 808.

1150. Raddatz, Corinna. Kleidung und Schmuck im vorkolumbischen Esmeraldas. Bremen: Im Selbstverlag des Museums in Zusammenarbeit mit BAS, 1975; Druck: Übersee-Museum Bremen, 1977. xi, 107 p.

A well illustrated catalog of prehispanic ceramics from Esmeraldas and Manabí in European collections and museums.

1151. Ramírez Salcedo, Carlos. "Herramientas de carpenteria de la Cultura Milagro-Quevedo (costa ecuatoriana)," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 12 (feb. 1994), 246-257.

1152. Raymond, J. Scott. "Patrones de subsistencia durante el formativo temprano en el Valle de Valdivia, Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 7 (1987), 101-108.

1153. Raymond, J. Scott; Jorge Marcos; and Donald W. Lathrap. "Evidence of Early Formative Settlement in the Guayas Basin," Current Anthropology, 21:5 (Oct. 1980), 700-701.

1154. "Real Alto: an Ancient Ceremonial Center," Donald W. Lathrap [et al.], Archaeology, 30:1 (Jan. 1977), 2-13.

1155. Reino Garcés, Pedro Arturo. Los Panzaleos: una visión histórico-lingüístico. Ambato: Ediciones Universidad y Sociedad, 1988. 161 p.

1156. Reinoso Hermidia, Gustavo. "Excavaciones arqueológicas en Chontamarca," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 1 (1969), 167-188.

Chontamarca is a parish in the Canton of Cañar.

1157. Reinoso Hermidia, Gustavo. "Horizonte precerámico de Chopshi," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 2 (1970), 232-251.

Chopshi site is in the Canton of Sigsig, Province of Azuay.

1158. Reinoso Hermidia, Gustavo. Periodico precerámico de la costa ecuatoriana: bosquejo del periodo precerámico de la Peninsula de Santa Elena. Cuenca: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Azuay, 1982. 42 p.

Reprint; originally published: Cuenca: Colegio Nacional Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón, 1979. 35 p. Also published in: Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 7 (nov. 1981), 144-175.

1159. Reinoso Hermidia, Gustavo. El periodo precerámico del Ecuador. Cuenca: Departamento de Difusión Cultural, Universidad de Cuenca, 1993. 297 p.

1160. Reinoso Hermidia, Gustavo. "Punín y Chalán," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 4 (1973), 130-175.

1161. Reinoso Hermidia, Gustavo. "Vestigios arqueológicos en la región occidental del Nudo del Azuay," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 3 (1971), 227-248.

1162. Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina, editado por J.F. Bouchard and M. Guinea. Oxford, Eng.: B.A.R., 1989. iii, 258 p.

Papers presented at 46th International Congress of Americanists (Amsterdam, 1988). Those relating to Ecuador are listed and annotated separately here within.

1163. Reyes, Oscar Efrén. "Quito, culminación y fin del Incario," Ecuador, 2 (jul. 1936), 5-12.

1164. Ribadeneira Altamirano, Jorge. "Informe que el señor capitán Jorge A. Ribadeneira ... presenta ... sobre sus investigaciones geológicas, realizadas en la Provincia de Esmeraldas y, especialmente, en la población prehistórica 'La Tolita,'" Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 21:57 (ene./jun. 1941), 16-27.

1165. Rivera Dorado, Miguel. "Algunos rasgos mesoamericanos en la costa de Esmeraldas (Ecuador)," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 399-404.

1166. Rivera Dorado, Miguel. "Arqueología de Ingapirca, Ecuador: informe preliminar," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 24:41 (1974), 83-98.

Reports on the initial excavations undertaken by the Misión Arqueológica Española headed by José Alcina Franch and the not altogether surprisingly sparse work of any importance previously undertaken. Does consider to have been significant, interestingly enough, Charles Marie de La Condamine's write up of his 1739 visit, and the field work done by Juan Cueva Jaramillo in 1970 (see items 794 and 795).

1167. Rivera Dorado, Miguel. "Arqueología y etnohistoria de la costa norte del Ecuador," Revista de Indias, 38:153/154 (jul./dic. 1978), 547-562.

1168. Rivera Dorado, Miguel. "Ensayo de tipología de la cerámica Tiaone," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976, vol. 9a (Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac, 1979), p. 229-244.

1169. Rivet, Paul. Paul Rivet, 1876-1976: selección de estudios científicos y biográficos, [edición de] Luis A. León. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1977. 365 p.

1170. Robinson, Richard. "The Palace of the Inca at Tomebamba," History Today, 44:1 (Jan. 1994), 62-63.

1171. Robinson Pérez, Lillian. "Middle American Mosaic Crossroads of Culture on Ecuador's Coast," Pacific Discovery, 8:5 (Sept./Oct. 1955), 16-25.

1172. Rojas C., J. Heriberto. El Castillo de Ingapirca = The Castle of Ingapirca, 2ª ed. Cuenca: Edit. Amazonas, 1979. 182 p.

In Spanish and English.

1173. Rojas C., J. Heriberto. Miscelánea de arqueología cañari = Cañari Archaeological Miscelanea. Cuenca: Edit. Fondo de Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1988. 263, [8] p.

In Spanish and English.

1174. Romero R., Alfonso; and Ricardo A. Muñoz. "Empleo de la termoluminiscencia para la determinación de edades en objetos cerámicos ecuatorianos," Politécnica (Quito), 8:1 (1983), 123-148.

1175. Rumazo González, José. El Ecuador en la América prehispánica. Quito: Edit. Bolívar, 1933. 284 p.

Apparently important nowadays only as a source for the study of the history of history in Ecuador.

1176. Salazar, Ernesto. Cazadores recolectores del antiguo Ecuador. Cuenca: Museo del Banco Central del Ecuador, 1984. 100 p.

1177. Salazar, Ernesto. "Chinchiloma: análisis tipológico del material de superficie," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 5 (dic. 1974), 131-199.

Analysis of burins and other lithic materials found at a paleolithic site near Quito.

1178. Salazar, Ernesto. Entre mitos y fábulas: el Ecuador aborigen, 1ª ed. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1995. 236 p. (Biblioteca general de cultura; 4)

An outstanding survey of the prehispanic period from c. 10,000 B.C. through the eve of the Spanish conquest. Based on ethnohistorical as well as archaeological findings. Incorporates author's earlier Mitos de nuestro pasado (Quito: Museo del Banco Central, 1988; 87 p.).

1179. Salazar, Ernesto. "El hombre temprano en el Ecuador," Nueva historia del Ecuador (item 615), vol. 1, p. 73-128.

A solid survey of the "paleolithic" period.

1180. Salazar, Ernesto. El hombre temprano en la región del Ilaló, sierra del Ecuador. Cuenca: Departamento de Difusión Cultural de la Universidad de Cuenca, 1979. 112 p.

1181. Salazar, Ernesto. "El intercambio de obsidiana en el Ecuador precolombino: perspectivas teórico-metodológicos," Arqueología en América Latina hoy, Gustavo Politis, ed. (Bogotá: Fondo de Promoción de la Cultura, Banco Popular, 1992), p. 116-131.

1182. Salazar, Ernesto. "Investigaciones arqueológicas en Mullumica (Provincia del Pichincha)," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 5:5 (1985), 129-160.

Report on excavations at the Cueva del Colibrí (Mullumica Gorge) where obsidian was cut and worked. The cave is located in a natural outcrop of obsidian.

1183. Salazar, Ernesto. "El proceso cultural en el Ecuador aborigen y en América," Nueva historia del Ecuador (item 615), vol. 1, p. 33-71.

An introduction to the prehispanic period in Ecuador and throughout the Americas.

1184. Salazar, Ernesto. Talleres prehistóricos en los altos Andes del Ecuador. Cuenca: Departamento de Difusión Cultural de la Universidad de Cuenca, 1980. 129 p.

1185. Salomon, Frank. "Autobiografía de un mitmaj," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 6:6 (1986), 99-101.

A review of Espinoza Soriano's "Los mitmas huayacuntu en Quito" (item 835), and a commentary on how to read some of the data there within contained.

1186. Salomon, Frank. "Frontera aborigen y dualismo inca en el Ecuador prehispánico: pistas onomásticas," Arqueología de las Américas (Bogotá: Fondo de Promoción de la Cultura, 1988), p. 87-102.

See also: "La política vertical en las fronteras del Tahuantinsuyu," Memoria, MARKA, año 1, no. 1 (nov. 1990), 7-43.

1187. Salomon, Frank. Native Lords of Quito in the Age of the Incas: the Political Economy of North Andean Chiefdoms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 274 p.

A revision of his doctoral dissertation (item 1190). Pioneering ethnohistory of the northern and central highlands during the late 1400s and early 1500s. Mandatory reading.

1188. Salomon, Frank. "A North Andean Status Trade Complex under Inka Rule," Ethnohistory, 34:1 (Winter 1987), 63-73.

1189. Salomon, Frank. "Pochteca and Mindalá: A Comparison of Long-Distance Traders in Ecuador and Mesoamerica," Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society, 9:1/2 (Fall 1977/Spring 1978), 231-246.

1190. Salomon, Frank. Los señores étnicos de Quito en la época de los Incas Otavalo: Instituto Otaveleño de Antropología, 1980. 370 p. (Colección Pendoneros; 10)

Spanish version of Salomon's doctoral dissertation. Originally presented as: Ethnic Lords of Quito in the Age of the Incas: the Political Economy of North-Andean Chiefdoms. 1978. Cornell University.

1191. Salomon, Frank; and Clark Erickson. "Tulipe, un recinto sagrado en la montaña ecuatoriana," Antropología ecuatoriana, 2/3 (1984), 57-78.

1192. Salomon, Frank; and Sue Grosboll. "Names and Peoples in Incaic Quito: Retrieving Undocumented Historic Processes Through Anthroponymy and Statistics," American Anthropologist, 88:2 (June 1986), 387-399.

Also published in Spanish as: "Nombres y gente en el Quito incaico: recuperación de un proceso histórico indocumentado a través de la antroponimía y la estadística," Visita y numeración de los pueblos del Valle de los Chillos, 1551-1559 (item 5435), p. 49-68.

1193. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "La antigüedad del hombre en el Ecuador según los datos de la paleontología," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 52:114 (jul./dic. 1969), 151-195.

1194. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "Breve ensayo sobre paleobotánica ecuatoriana," Humanitas, 6:1 (1966), 88-104.

1195. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "Los Caras según la moderna arqueología," Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 85-87.

1196. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "Esquema para el estudio de la prehistoria del Ecuador," Anales de la Universidad de Cuenca, 26:1/2 (ene./jun. 1970), 157-166.

Also published in: Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 53:116 (jul./dic. 1970), 230-237.

1197. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "Nuevos datos sobre el problema de la antigüedad del hombre en el Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 45:102 (jul./dic. 1963), 239-244.

1198. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "Paleo-antropología física de la región andino-ecuatorial," Humanitas, 6:2 (1968), 5-50.

Reviews and analyzes controversy surrounding the Paltacalo, Punín, and Alangasí skulls.

1199. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "Posibles referencias al formativo en leyendas aborígenes," Humanitas, 6:1 (1966), 199-220.

1200. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "Quito en la prehistoria," Revista de la Universidad Católica del Ecuador (Quito), 1 (feb. 1972), 231-275.

1201. Salvador Lara, Jorge. "Los restos humanos más antiguos en el Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 50:110 (jul./dic. 1967), 182-201.

1202. San Andrés Tovar, José. Mi aporte a la arqueología del Ecuador: expedición y estudios en la región litoral. Guayaquil: Universidad de Guayaquil, 1951. 40 p.

1203. Sánchez Montañés, Emma. Las "figurillas" de Esmeraldas: tipología y función. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, 1981. 120 p. (Memorias de la Misión Arqueológica Española en el Ecuador; 7)

1204. Sánchez Montañés, Emma. "Precisiones sobre un estilo de figurillas del norte del Ecuador," Revista de Indias, 37:147/148 (ene./jun. 1977), 277-285.

1205. Sánchez Montañés, Emma. "Quince años de trabajos de la Misión Científica Española en el Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 4:4 (1984), 59-62.

1206. Sánchez Montañés, Emma. "Un tipo de placa ritual de la cultura Tumaco-Tolita," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976, vol. 9a (Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac, 1979), p. 273-281.

1207. Santiana, Antonio; and María Angelica Carlucci. "El paleoindio en el Ecuador," Plan piloto del Ecuador: sección de antropología (México, D.F.: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1960), p. 1-61.

Also published in: Humanitas, 3:2 (1962), 5-45.

1208. Santos Ortiz de Villalba, Juan. Antiguas culturas amazónicas ecuatorianas: fase Napo (1188-1480 d.c.) Pompeya: Centro de Investigaciones Culturales de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana, 1981. 78 p.

1209. Sarma, Akkaraju Venkata Nagarjuna. The Cultural Implications of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Ecology of Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador. 1969. v, 211 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Columbia University.

1210. Sarma, Akkaraju Venkata Nagarjuna. "Holocene Paleoecology of South Coastal Ecuador," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 18 (1974), 93-134.

1211. Sarma, Akkaraju Venkata Nagarjuna; and Barry Bogin. Effects of Climatic Change Upon Pacific Coastal (Ecuador) Archaeological Cultures. Greeley: University of Northern Colorado, Museum of Anthropology, 1986. [33] leaves.

1212. Saville, Marshall Howard. The Antiquities of Manabi, Ecuador. New York: Irving Press, 1907-1910. 2 v.

A comprehensive albeit considerably dated survey of the archaeology of Manabí.

1213. Saville, Marshall Howard. The Gold Treasure of Sigsig, Ecuador. New York: Heye Foundation, 1924. 20 p. (Leaflets of the Museum of the American Indian; no. 3)

1214. Schávelzon, Daniel. Arqueología y arquitectura del Ecuador prehispánico,1ª ed. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1981. 435 p.

1215. Schwarz, Frederock A.; and J. Scott Raymond. "Formative Settlement Patters, in the Valdivia Valley, SW Coastal Ecuador," Journal of Field Archaeology, 23:2 (Summer 1996), 205-224.

Focuses on the question of why ceremonial activities at old village sites (e.g., Valdivia itself, Loma Alta, and Real Alto) appear to have ceased at the end of the Formative period, "while the population seemingly remained dispersed."

1216. Scott, David A.; and E. Doehme. "Soldering with Gold Alloys in Ancient South America: Examination of Two Small Gold Studs from Ecuador," Archaeometry, 32:2 (Aug. 1990), 183-190.

Also published in Spanish as "La soldadura con aleaciones de oro en la América antigua: un análisis de dos pequeños adornos provenientes del Ecuador," Boletín del Museo del Oro, 29 (1990), 52-61.

1217. Serrano Iñiguez, Gonzalo. "Historia de las famosas huacas en la parroquia de Chordeleg," Revista de antropología, 6 (jul. 1979), 145-153.

1218. Simmons, Michael Patrick. The Ceramic Sequence From La Carolina, Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador. 1970. xxv, 530 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Arizona.

1219. Spath, Carl David. The El Encanto Focus: a Post-Pleistecene Maritime Adaptation to Expanding Littoral Resources. 1980. xii, 245 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1220. Stahl, Peter W. "Arid Landscapes and Environmental Transformations in Ancient Southwestern Ecuador," World Archaeology, 22:3 (Feb. 1991), 346-359.

Regarding continuity and change in the environment of the Peninsula of Santa Elena during the early Formative period. Based on field work at Loma Alta, a Valdivia site.

1221. Stahl, Peter W. "Hallucinatory Imagery and the Origin of Early South American Figurine Art," World Archaeology, 18:1 (June 1986), 134-150.

Utilizes knowledge of contemporary practices of shamans to intepret figurines of the early Formative period from the coast of Ecuador.

1222. Stahl, Peter W. "On Climate and Occupation of the Santa Elena Peninsula: Implications of Documents for Andean Prehistory," Current Anthropology, 25:3 (June 1984), 351-355.

Includes a commentary by Allison C. Paulsen.

1223. Stahl, Peter W. Tropical Forest Cosmology: the Cultural Context of the Early Valdivia Occupations at Loma Alta. 1984. 327 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

1224. Stahl, Peter W.; and Presley Norton. "Animales domésticos y las implicaciones del intercambio precolombino desde Salango, Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 4:4 (1984), 83-96.

Presents evidence of domesticated forms of cavy or "guinea pigs" and possibly domesticated muscovy duck from a Guangala phase site in southern Manabí. Authors believe that the "guinea pigs" originated as trade goods from Peru.

Also published in English as: "Precolumbian Animal Domesticates from Salango, Ecuador," American Antiquity, 52:2 (Apr. 1987), 382-391.

1225. Stahl, Peter W.; and James A. Zeidler. "Differential Bone-Refuse Accumulation in Food-Preparation and Traffic Areas on an Early Ecuadorian House Floor," Latin American Antiquity, 1:2 (June 1990), 150-169.

Based on field work at Real Alto Site, Valdivida Culture.

1226. Staller, John Edward. Late Valdivia Occupation in Southern Coastal El Oro Province, Ecuador: Excavations at the Early Formative Period (3500-1500 B.C.) Site of La Emergencia. 1994. xxii, 527 p. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Southern Methodist University.

1227. Stemper, David M. The Persistence of Prehispanic Chiefdoms on the Río Daule, Coastal Ecuador = La persistencia de los cacicazgos prehispánicos en el Río Daule, costa del Ecuador, Spanish translation by / traducción al español por Juana Camacho. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropology; Quito: Ediciones Libri Mundi Enrique Grosse-Luemern, 1993. 212 p.

In English and Spanish on facing pages. Detailed report of field work along the Daule. Analysis of ceramic remains from several sites suggest two phases: Silencio from c. 400 BC-250 AD; and Yumes, from c. 400-1600 AD, with chiefdoms emerging toward the beginning of the second phase. Raised fields, on the other hand, appear to have been in use by the beginning of the first phase. Stemper attributes their persistence to religious, economic, and military factors, in that order of importance.

1228. Stigler, Robert Leath, Jr. Negative Painted Pottery in South America. 1954. 181 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Columbia University.

1229. Stirling, Matthew Williams. "New Culture in Ecuador: Seven Figurines Found at Tachina," Archaeology, 16:3 (Sept. 1963), 170-175.

1230. Stothert, Karen E. "Early Economies of Coastal Ecuador and the Foundation of Andean Civilization," Andean Past, 3 (1992), 43-54.

Concludes that "the foundations of Ecuadorian civilization were not supported by a diet centered on food from the sea, but maritime trading did play a very salient role in the evolution of their civilization, and the ancient Ecuadorians became preeminent maritime sailors late in prehistory."

1231. Stothert, Karen E. "The Early Prehistory of the Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador: Continuities between the Preceramic and Ceramic Cultures," Actas del XLI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1976), vol. 2, p. 88-98.

1232. Stothert, Karen E. The Lithic Technology of the Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador: A Method for the Analysis of Technologically Simple Stonework. 1974. 340 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Yale University.

1233. Stothert, Karen E. "The Preceramic Las Vegas Culture of Coastal Ecuador," American Antiquity, 50:3 (July 1985), 613-637.

"Summarizes the excavation of the Vega type site (OGSE-80), and treats the analysis and interpretation of Las Vegas floral and faunal remains, burial and settlement patterns, paleo-environment, and culture history." Based on five years of field research, conducted between 1977 and 1982.

1234. Stothert, Karen E. "La prehistoria temprana de la Peninsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador: una interpretación preliminar," Vínculos, 5:2 (1979), 73-87.

1235. Stothert, Karen E. La prehistoria temprana de la Peninsula de Santa Elena: Cultura Las Vegas. Guayaquil: Museos del Banco Central del Ecuador, 1988. 271 p.

An in-depth study of the oldest known culture in Ecuador (10,800-6,600 B.P.) The people of Las Vegas were hunters, fishermen, and gatherers.

Includes contributions by Thomas Chase (item 798), Dolores R. Piperno (item 1128), Douglas H. Ubelaker (see item 1250), and Elizabeth S. Wing (item 1292)

1236. Stothert, Karen E. "Review of the Early Preceramic Complexes of the Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador," American Antiquity, 48:1 (Jan. 1983), 122-127.

Maintains that "the only securely defined [preceramic] cultural complex from southwest Ecuador is Las Vegas." In other words, that more in-depth research does not support the other sites defined by Edward P. Lanning in an apparently unpublished 1967 report as late Pleistocene and early post-Pleistocene. For a more detailed report of Stothert's findings see item 1233.

1237. Stothert, Karen E. Un sitio de Guangala temprano en el suroeste del Ecuador. Guayaquil: Museo Antropológico, Banco Central del Ecuador, 1993. 112 p. (i.e., p. 3-99)

Reports on field work conducted in a habitation site adjacent to Valdivia. The ceramics, burials, and subsistence remains found suggest that social stratification was still minimal.

Published together with: Douglas H. Ubelaker. Restos humanos esqueléticos de OGSE-MA-172, un sitio Guangala temprano en la costa del Ecuador (item 1251)

1238. Sullivan , Louis R.; and Milo Hellman. "El cráneo de Punín," Anales de la Universidad Central, 60:304 (1938), 729-742.

1239. Szászdi, Adám. "Las rutas del comercio prehispánico de los metales" Cuadernos prehispánicos, 9/10 (1982/1983), 5-131.

An ethnohistorical study of prehispanic trade in precious metals, gem stones, and other valuable commodities such as spondylus between western South America and the Antilles.

1240. Szászdi, Adám; and Dora León Borja. "Atavío, joyas y adornos de los pueblos balseros: estudio etnohistórico," Cuadernos prehispánicos (Valladolid), 8 (1980), 5-52.

1241. Szászdi, Adám; and Dora León Borja. "Localización del pueblo aborigen de Guayaquil," Cuadernos prehispánicos (Valladolid), 3 (1975), 5-18.

1242. Temme, Mathilde. "Excavaciones en el sitio precerámico de Cubilán (Ecuador)," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 2:2 (1982), 135-164.

1243. Tolstoy, Paul; and Warren R. DeBoer. "An Archaeological Sequence for the Santiago-Cayapas River Basin: Esmeraldas, Ecuador," Journal of Field Archaeology, 16:3 (Fall, 1989), 295-308.

1244. Turner, Christy G. "Dental Caries and Early Ecuadorian Agriculture," American Antiquity, 43:4 (Oct. 1978), 694-697.

1245. Turolla, Pino. Beyond the Andes: My Search for the Origins of Pre-Inca Civilization. New York: Harper & Row, 1980. xix, 364 p.

Tales, some tall, of an amateur archaeologist who made several trips to Ecuador between 1966 and 1972, in search of artifacts and adventure.

1246. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "Alteraciones dentales en el Ecuador prehistórico," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 6:6 (1986), 89-94.

1247. Ubelaker, Douglas H. The Ayalan Cemetery: A Late Integration Period Burial Site on the South Coast of Ecuador. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1981. 175 p.

1248. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "Drilled Human Teeth from the Coast of Ecuador," Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 67:2 (June 1977), 83-85.

Also published in Spanish as: "Dientes humanos taladrados de la costa ecuatoriana," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 6:6 (1986), 95-98.

1249. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "Human Skeletal Remains from OGSE-46, La Libertad, Guayas Province, Ecuador," Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 78:1 (Mar. 1988), 3-16.

1250. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "Human Skeletal Remains from OGSE-80, a Preceramic Site on the Sta. Elena Peninsula, Coastal Ecuador," Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 70:1 (Mar. 1980), 13-24.

Also published in Spanish as: "Restos de esqueletos humanos del sitio OGSE-80," in Karen E. Stothert, La Prehistoria temprana de la Peninsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador (item 1235), p. 105-132.

1251. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "Human Skeletal Remains from OGSE-172, an Early Guangala Cemetery Site on the Coast of Ecuador," Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences,7 3:1 ( Mar. 1983), 16-27.

Also published in Spanish as: Restos humanos esqueléticos de OGSE-MA-172, un sitio Guangala temprano en la costa del Ecuador (Guayaquil: Museo Antropológico, Banco Central del Ecuador, 1993), p. 99-112. The Spanish version was published together with Karen E. Stothert, Un sitio de Guangala temprano (item 1237).

1252. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "Prehistoric Human Biology at La Tolita, Ecuador: A Preliminary Report," Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 78:1 (Mar. 1988), 23-37.

1253. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "A Preliminary Report of Analysis of Human Remains from Agua Blanca: A Prehistoric Late Integration Site from Coastal Ecuador," Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 78:1 (Mar. 1988), 17-22.

1254. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "Skeletal Biology of Prehistoric Ecuador: An Ongoing Research Program," Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 78:1 (Mar. 1988), 1-2.

1255. Ubelaker, Douglas H. "Skeletal Evidence for Kneeling in Prehistoric Ecuador," American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 51:4 (Nov. 1979), 679-685.

Based on results of his excavation of the cemetery at Ayalán. Also published in Spanish as: "Evidencia esquelética de postura arrodillada en el Ecuador," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 5:5 (1985), 35-46.

1256. Uhle, Max. "Antiguas civilizaciones de Manta," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 12:33/35 (ene./jun. 1931), 5-72.

1257. Uhle, Max. [Las antiguas civilizaciones del Perú y Ecuador] Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 13:36/39 (ene./jun. 1936), 7-12.

Excerpts from Uhle's alleged Las antiguas civilizaciones del Perú y Ecuador con relación a la arqueología e historia del continente americano ([Berlin?], 1935), a work I have not been able to verify, but he is known to have published Die alten Kulturen Perús im Hinblick auf die Archäologie und Geschichte des amerikanischen Kontinents that year (Berlin: W. Süsserott, 1935; 50 p.).

1258. Uhle, Max. "Las antiguas civilizaciones esmeraldeñas," Anales de la Universidad Central, 38:259 (ene./mar. 1927), 107-136.

1259. Uhle, Max. Estado actual de la prehistoria ecuatoriana, prólogo de Carlos Manuel Larrea. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1960. 75 p.

Reprint; originally published: Quito: Tall. Tip. Gráf. Nacionales, 1929. 48 p.

1260. Uhle, Max. Estudio sobre las civilizaciones del Carchi e Imbabura. Quito: Tall. Tipográficos Nacionales, 1933. 62 p.

Also published in: Anales de la Universidad Central, 50:284 (abr./jun. 1933), 351-410.

1261. Uhle, Max. "Estudios esmeraldeños," Anales de la Universidad Central, 39:262 (oct./dic. 1927), 219-279.

Reports on the field work he conducted. In this and other publications, Uhle appears to have been incapable of accepting local or regional developments as having occurred independently. In item 1260, for example, he argues that the ceramics he found at La Tolita were of Toltec origin.

1262. Uhle, Max. "Influencias mayas en el alto Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 4:10/11 (mar./jun. 1922), 205-240; 5:12/14 (jul./dic. 1922), 1-3.

Uhle was convinced that the Mayas were responsible for the majority of developments in the highlands prior to their conquest by the Incas either directly through migration from Central America or indirectly through cultural diffusion.

1263. Uhle, Max. "El Reino de Quito," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 10:27/29 (ene./mayo 1930), 1-17.

1264. Uhle, Max. "Las ruinas de Cochasqui," Revista del Museo Nacional de Lima, 6 (1937), 86-91.

Maintains that the mounds and other ruins at this site were Inca in origin, an interpretation that has long since been superseded and supplanted (see item 779). Also published in: Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 18:54 (jul./dic. 1939), 5-14.

1265. Uhle, Max. Las ruinas de Tomebamba: conferencia leída en el Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos del Azuay. Quito: Impr. y Encuadernación de Julio Sáenz Rebollendo, 1923. 12 p.

1266. Uhle, Max. "Sepulturas ricas de oro en la Provincia del Azuay," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 4:9 (ene./feb. 1922), 108-114.

1267. Uribe, María Victoria. "La estratificación social entre los Protopasto," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 211-218.

1268. Usera Mata, Luis de. "Ensayo de tipología de la cerámica de Balao, Esmeraldas," Actes du XLIIe Congrès international des américanistes: Paris, 1976, vol. 9a (Paris: Fondation Singer-Polignac, 1979), p. 217-227.

1269. Uzcátegui Andrade, Byron. "Investigaciones arqueológicas en Achupallas," Estudios arqueológicos: Antillas y tierras bajas de Sudamérica, Ecuador (item 853), p. 227-257.

1270. Valdez, Francisco. "La evolución demográfica en los manglares de la costa noroeste del Ecuador en los períodos formativo y de desarrollo regional," Cultura, 8:24b (ene./abr. 1986), 593-610.

1271. Valdez, Francisco. "Investigaciones arqueológicas en La Tolita (Esmeraldas)," Arqueología y etnohistoria del sur de Colombia y norte del Ecuador (item 690), p. 81-107.

1272. Valdez, Francisco. Proyecto arqueológico "La Tolita," 1983-1986. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador Fondo Arqueológico del Museo Guillermo Pérez Chiriboga, 1987. 89 p.

Useful, well illustrated synthesis of chronology and characteristics of classic and late La Tolita.

1273. Vargas, José María. "Las huacas y los huaqueros en el Cañar," Memorias del V Congreso Nacional de Historia y Geografía del Ecuador (item 559), p. 135-144.

1274. Vásquez Fuller, César. "La antigüedad del hombre en Otavalo," Revista del Núcleo de Imbabura de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 12:25:24 (jul. 1979), 204-229.

1275. Vega Toral, Tomás. "El Castillo de Ingapirca: monografía histórica," Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos y Geográficos de Cuenca, 14 (nov. 1928), 87-99; 15 (nov. 1929), 43-100.

1276. Vega Toral, Tomás. La Tomebamba de los Incas. Cuenca: Universidad de Cuenca, 1921. 21 p.

1277. Velasco C., Raquel Guadalupe. "Breve información sobre Punín," Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 88-91.

1278. Velásquez, César Vicente. El Reino de Quito en tiempo de Atahualpa. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1980. 131 p.

1279. Vélez V., Carlos R. "Las grandes divisiones de la prehistoria ecuatoriana," Revista de antropología (Cuenca), 1 (1969), 102-116.

1280. Véliz Litardo, Jaime. Sumpa: proyección cósmica del cholo. Guayaquil: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1986. 116 p.

1281. Véliz Mendoza, Angel. El cacique Guayaquile: el pueblo y el río de su nombre, culturas de la época a la llegada de los conquistadores españoles. Quito: Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Sociales, 1990. 65 p.

1282. Verneau, René; and Paul Rivet. Ethnographie ancienne de l'Equateur. Paris: Ministére de l'Instruction Publique, 1912-1922. 2 v. (Mission du Service géographie de l'Armée pour la mesure d'un arc de méridien équatorial en Amérique du Sud sour le controle scientifique de l'Académie des sciences, 1899-1906; t. 6, fasc. 1 & 2)

The first professional attempt to reconstruct the prehistory of Ecuador.

1283. Villalba O., Marcelo. Cotocollao, una aldea formativa del valle de Quito. Quito: Museos del Banco Central del Ecuador, 1988. xxv, 571, [62] p.

1284. Villegas Domínguez, Rodrigo. "La cultura de las tolas," Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 92-105.

1285. Villegas Domínguez, Rodrigo. "Investigaciones prehistóricas," Revista de la Casa de la Cultura (Ibarra), 10:9 (mayo 1964), 28-38.

1286. Viteri Gamboa, Julio. "Importancia de la arqueología ecuatoriana para la prehistoria de América," Memoria del primer Congreso Ecuatoriano de Arqueología (item 784), p. 198-201.

1287. Viteri Gamboa, Julio; and Adolfo Héctor Venturini. Influencia de las culturas formativas del Ecuador en la región N.O. Argentina. Guayaquil: Escuela Politécnica del Litoral, 1981. 22 p.

1288. Volland, Martin. "Los Punaes: una jefatura del período tardío de integración," Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pacífico durante la época precolombina (item 1162), p. 247-258.

An ethnohistorical study that delineates and clarifies multiple aspects of the nature of the complex, apparently prosperous and populous chiefdom of Puná on the eve of the Spanish conquest. Among the more interesting of Volland's conclusions is that the Incas imposed a commercial blockade on Puná, at least during the early 1500s, in order to weaken and isolate what was still an independent polity.

1289. Wellmann, Klaus F. "Über Felsbilder in Ecuador," Almogaren, 9/10 (1978/1979), 225-235.

1290. Wiener, Charles. "Les Indiens Colorados et les siège de pierre de la région de Manabí," Revue d'ethnographie, 1 (1882), 454-458.

1291. Wiley, Gordon R. "Ecuadorean Figurines and the Ceramic Mold in the New World," American Antiquity, 13:3 (July 1947), 85-86.

1292. Wing, Elizabeth S. "Dusicyon Sechurae en contextos arqueológicos tempranos," (in) Karen E. Stothert, La Prehistoria temprana de la Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador (item 1235), p. 179-185.

1293. Zeidler, James A. Environment, Cultural Chronology, and Prehistoric Subsistence in the Jama River Valley = Medio ambiente, cronología cultural y subsistencia prehistórica en el Valle del Río Jama. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropology; Quito: Ediciones Libri Mundi Enrique Grosse Luemern, 1994. xxiii, 224 p. (Regional Archaeology in Northern Manabi, Ecuador = Arqueología regional del norte de Manabí, Ecuador, edited by James A. Zeidler, Deborah M. Pearsall; vol. 1)

Reports the stratigraphic, ceramic, sediment, and botanical evidence that bear witness to the occupation of the Jama River Valley from late Valdivia (i.e., circa 3620 BC) through the present.

1294. Zeidler, James A. "La etnoarqueología de una vivienda Achuar y sus implicaciones arqueológicas," Miscelánea antropológica ecuatoriana, 3:3 (1983), 155-193.

1295. Zeidler, James A. "Feline Imagery, Stone Mortars, and Formative Period Interaction Spheres in the Northern Andean Area," Journal of Latin American Lore, 14:2 (Winter 1988), 243-283.

1296. Zeidler, James A. Social Space in Valdivia Society: Community Plan and Domestic Structure at the Real Alto Site, 3000-2000 B.C. 1984. 724 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois, Urbana.

1297. Zeller, Richard. "Los sellos de la cultura Guangala," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 12/13:28/29 (1962-1963), 67-78.

1298. Zevallos Menéndez, Carlos. La agricultura en el formativo temprano del Ecuador (Cultura Valdivia) Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1971. 32 p.

Argues that the existence of habitation sites distant from the shore and the presence of grinding stones, female figurines, and incised and punctuate decoration resembling a maize plant indicate the presence of maize agriculture during the early Formative period on the coast, a hypothesis that was subsequently verified by a number of other archaeologists.

1299. Zevallos Menéndez, Carlos. Cámaras funerarias del cerro Bellavista. Guayaquil: Sub-Comité Ecuatoriano de Antropología, 1961. 17 p.

Reports on archaeological investigations made by the author in shaft tombs in the Bellavista hills, Guayas Province, between Guayaquil and Santa Elena peninsula near the modern town of Simón Bolívar. The shaft tombs consist of a vertical entrance with an antechamber, similar to those found in the highlands around Quito and in Colombia.

1300. Zevallos Menéndez, Carlos. "Estudio regional de la orfebrería precolombina de Ecuador y su posible relación con las areas vecinas," Revista del Museo Nacional de la Historia (Lima), 34 (1965-1966), 68-81.

Discusses metallurgical techniques employed on the coast, especially by the Milagro culture of the Guayas River Basin.

1301. Zevallos Menéndez, Carlos. La gran navegación prehispánica en el Ecuador. Guayaquil: Comisión Permanente para la Defensa del Patrimonio Nacional, 1987. 190 p.

Reviews evidence on maritime trade between what are now Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Panama, the Central American countries, and Mexico.

1302. Zevallos Menéndez, Carlos. "La mutilación dentaria en el antiguo Ecuador," Actas del primer Simposio de Correlaciones Antropológicas Andino-mesoamericanas (item 660), p. 233-257.

1303. Zevallos Menéndez, Carlos. "Orfebrería prehistórica del Ecuador," Cuadernos de historia y arqueología, 6:16/18 (dic. 1956), 209-215.

An illustrated article on prehispanic gold artifacts in the Casa de la Cultura, Núcleo del Guayas collection.

1304. Zevallos Menéndez, Carlos; and Olaf Holm. Excavaciones arqueológicas en San Pablo: informe preliminar. Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1960. 42 p.

Describes results of excavations at the site of San Pablo, an excellent example of the Valdivia Culture. Some new styles of pottery figurines were found, in addition to complete shell fish hooks and the tools used to make them. Includes 29 pages of excellent illustrations.

In addition to items 1298-1304, see Zevallos Menéndez's posthumously published Nuestras raíces huancavilcas (Guayaquil: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, 1995; 455 p.), an anthology that brings together his studies on the archaeology of the coast, especially of the Valdivia, Manteña, and Huancavilca cultures.

1305. Ziólkowski, Mariusz S.; and Robert M. Sadowski. "Investigaciones arqueoastronómicas en el sitio de Ingapirca, Prov. de Cañar, Ecuador," Rivista di archeologia, 9 (1989), 151-167.

Identifies calendrical-astronomical functions, focusing on the June solstice, in three of the structures at Ingapirca.

See also the authors's La arqueoastronomía en las investigaciones de las culturas andinas. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador; Otavalo: Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, 1992. 378 p. (Colección Pendoneros; 9)