Heretofore the only major bibliographies of travel accounts of Ecuador were the corresponding sections in Carlos Manuel Larrea's Bibliografía científica(items 110-111) and Robert E. Norris's Guía bibliográfica (item 150). Although this section endeavors to be comprehensive, it does not include every travel account devoted to Ecuador or that includes substantial coverage of Ecuador for two reasons. First, difficult as it may be to believe, given the magnitude of and long standing interest in this genre, not every travel account is known. That is to say, some accounts have yet to be rediscovered. In this regard, consult Darío Lara's Viajeros franceses al Ecuador en el siglo XIX (item 7343). Secondly, it has not been possible to flesh out the bibliographic particulars of all "known" accounts.

The most detailed and in many respects the most important geographies of the country have been: Theodor Wolf's classic, more than a century old Geografía y geología (item 7470); and the much more recent, multi-volume Geografía básica del Ecuador (item 581). Perhaps the best brief account continues to be Francisco Terán's Geografía (item 7451). Insofar as historical geography is concerned, Jean-Paul Deler's Genèse de l'espace équatorien, also published in Spanish as Ecuador, del espacio al estado nacional (item 564) is a superb as well as basic study.

7182. Acosta Solís, Misael. "Breves anotaciones sobre la historia de la climatología del Ecuador," Flora (Quito), 3:7/10 (dic. 1943), 10-45.

Also published as a separate: Breves anotaciones sobre la historia de la climatología del Ecuador, 2ª ed. Quito: Publicaciones Científicas MAS, 1944. 47 p.

7183. Acosta Solís, Misael. "Los climas en las regiones naturales del Ecuador," Flora (Quito), 4:11/12 (mayo 1944), 139-210.

For a listing of other publications of Acosta Solís relating to the ecology and geography of the country see his: Bibliografía biológica, botánica, agrícola y conservacionista del Dr. M. Acosta Solís: 1930-1960. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana [para el] Instituto Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, 1960. 36 p.

7184. Acosta Solís, Misael. Geografía y ecología de las tierras áridas del Ecuador. Quito: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, 1970. 117 p.

7185. Acosta Solís, Misael. Maderas económicas del Ecuador y sus usos. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1960. 321p.

7186. Acosta Solís, Misael. Los manglares del Ecuador. Quito: Instituto Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, 1959. 82 p.

7187. Acosta Solís, Misael. Los páramos andinos del Ecuador. Quito: Publicaciones Científicas MAS, 1984. 220 p.

7188. Acosta Solís, Misael. Por la conservación de las tierras andinas: la erosión en el Ecuador y métodos aconsejados para su control. Quito: Edit. Ecuador, 1952. 187 p.

7189. Acosta Solís, Misael. Los recursos naturales del Ecuador y su conservación, 1ª ed. México: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1965-1968. 4 v. (Plan piloto del Ecuador).

7190. Acosta Solís, Misael. La tierra agrícola: nuestro recurso básico. Quito: Publicaciones Científicas MAS, 1986. 402 p.

7191. Acosta Solís, Misael. "Toponomias indígenas de la geografía ecuatoriana," Revista colombiana de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales, 26:60 (mar. 1986), 99-133.

7192. Actas de la Reunión de Trabajo sobre el Fenómeno Conocido como "El Niño," Guayaquil, Ecuador, 4-12 de diciembre de 1974, organizado dentro del Decenio Internacional de Exploración Oceánica (IDOE) bajo los auspicios de la COI [et al.]. Roma: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, 1976. v, 411 p.

Also published in English as: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Phenomenon Known as "El Niño," Guayaquil, Ecuador, 4-12 December 1974, organized within the International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) [et al.]. Paris: UNESCO, 1980.

7193. Acuña, Cristóbal de. Nuevo descubrimiento del gran Río del Amazonas: al cual fue por la Provincia de Quito el año de 1639, publicación dirigida por Raúl Reyes y Reyes. Quito: Impr. del Gobierno, 1942. xiv, 79 p. (Biblioteca Amazonas; 4).

Reprint; originally published: Madrid: Impr. del Reino, 1641. [6], 46 leaves. An account of a 1639 journey from Quito to the mouth of the Amazon by a member of the Pedro de Tejeira expedition. Acuña, a Jesuit priest, was assigned by the Viceroy of Peru to accompany Tejeira on the return portion of his round trip reconnaissance of the Amazon and to report the results of the expedition's discoveries and travails. There are numerous other editions. Also published in English as: "A Relation of the Great River of Amazons in South-America," Voyages and Discoveries in South-America (London: S. Buckley, 1698), p. 1-190; and in French as: Relation de la riviere des Amazonas (Paris: C. Barbin, 1682).

7194. Adoum, Jorge Enrique. Ecuador, imágenes de un pretérito presente, 1ª ed. Quito: Edit. El Conejo, 1981. [188] p. Chiefly ill.

7195. Aguilar Vázquez, Carlos. El país del sol. Cuenca: Impr. del Colegio "Benigno Malo," 1926. 90 p.

7196. Albornoz G., Hugo L. Por tierras ecuatorianas, 1ª ed. Quito: Ministerio de Educación Pública, 1948. 56 p.

7197. Albrizzi, Carlo. "Carta de Carlo Albrizzi, S.J., misionero en el Marañón," Revista de historia de América, 69 (ene./jun. 1970), 85-105.

An amusing letter of 4 May 1756, in which Albrizzi recounts to his father the events of his two year voyage from Genoa to Quito. Translated from the Latin with an introduction by Charles E. Ronan.

7198. Alejandro Valdez, Erasmo. Geografía física, humana y económica del Ecuador. Loja: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja; Universidad Abierta, 1987. iv, 635, 14 p.

7199. Almagro, Manuel de. Breve descripción de los viajes hechos en América por la Comisión Científica enviada por el gobierno de S.M.C. durante los años 1862 a 1866. Madrid: Impr. de M. Rivadeneyra, 1866. 174 p.

On the Commission's explorations and activities in Ecuador, see pp. 76-152.

7200. Alsedo y Herrera, Dionisio de. Descripción geográfica de la Real Audiencia de Quito. Madrid: Impr. de Fortanet [for] the Hispanic Society of America, 1915. xxxv, 100 p.

Publishes for the first time, with a prologue, notes, and geographic index prepared by Angel González Palencia, Alsedo y Herrera's 1766 relación geográfica. A major cartographic as well as a historical geographic source. The original manuscript is entitled: "Plano geográfico, y hidrográfico del distrito de la Real Audiencia de Quito, y descripciones de las provincias, goviernos, y corregimientos que se comprehenden en su jurisdicción, y las ciudades, villas, assientos y pueblos que ocupan sus territorios ..."

7201. Alvarez, Eudofilo. Ocho cartas halladas por Eudofilo Alvarez. Quito: Tip. "La Rápida," 1903. 118 p.

This curious work, which I have not seen, nominally consists of eight letters written by one "Alfredo" from Granada, Spain, during his travels throughout Ecuador in the late nineteenth century. The "letters," however, are known to have been written by the Alvarez himself. Alvarez was born in Latacunga in 1876, sojourned in Europe, and occupied several high posts, including that of Director of the National Library.

7202. América pintoresca: descripción de viajes al nuevo continente, por los más modernos exploradores Carlos Wiener [et al.] Barcelona: Montaner y Simón, 1884. 859 p.

More than half of this profusely illustrated "coffee table" book is given over to accounts of Ecuador in the late 1870s and early 1880s: Carlos (i.e., Charles) Wiener, "Viaje al Río de las Amazonas y a las cordilleras" (p. 1-112); and Ed[ouard] André, "América equinoccial: Colombia, Ecuador" (p. 477-859). Wiener's travels took place between 1879 and 1882, and André's in 1876. Wiener was an engineer and André, a botanist. Although the illustrations consist of pen-and-ink drawings, the majority appear to have been reproduced from photographs and are comparable to those of scientific expeditions in detail and comprehensiveness. The illustrations--but not the text--have been reprinted as: América pintoresca (Madrid: ERISA, 1980; and Bogotá: Ancora Editores, 1984).

7203. Andrade Marín, Luciano. Altitudes de la República del Ecuador. Quito: Edit. Selecciones, 1931. 133 p.

7204.  Andrade Marín, Luciano. "La desconocida región de Oyacachi: rectificaciones geográficas, hallazgos etnológicos y de un precioso manuscrito inédito en poder oculto de los indios," Anales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, 79:331/332 (ene./jun. 1952), 5-64.

7205. Andrade Marín, Luciano. El Ecuador minero, el Ecuador manufacturero, el Ecuador cacaotero: (breve balance crítico de los recursos naturales del Ecuador). Quito: Impr. Nacional , 1932. 111 p.

A classic account of the economic geography of the country circa 1930.

7206. Andrade Marín, Luciano. Viaje a las misteriosas montañas de Llanganati: expedición italo-ecuatoriana Boschett-Andrade Marín, 1933-1934. Quito: Impr. Mercantil, 1936. 239 p.

7207. Anhalzer, Jorge. Parques nacionales del Ecuador. Quito: Impr. Mariscal, [1988?]. [166] p. Chiefly col. ill.

This and the following two items are coffee table books. Also published in English as: National Parks of Ecuador.

7208. Anhalzer, Jorge. Ecuador, tierras altas, 1ª ed. Quito: Impr. Mariscal, 1987. [144] p. Chiefly col. ill.

Also published in English as: Ecuador, the Highlands.

7209. Anhalzer, Jorge; and Ramiro Navarrete. Por los Andes del Ecuador = Through the Andes of Ecuador. Quito: Ediciones Campoabierto, 1983. 171 p. Chiefly col. ill.

In Spanish, English, and German.

7210. Anthony, H.E. "From Humid Forest to Snow Capped Height in Ecuador," Natural History, 21:5 (Sept. 1921), 458-473.

7211. Anthony, H.E. "High Andes of Ecuador," Natural History, 24:4 (July 1924), 429-441.

7212. Anthony, H.E. "Over Trail and Through Jungle in Ecuador: Indian Head-Hunters of the Interior," National Geographic Magazine, 40:4 (Oct. 1921), 327-352.

Describes the city and province of Loja and the Shuar in prose and black-and-white plates.

7213. Antología ecológica del Ecuador, Fausto Sarmiento Rodríguez, compilador. Quito: Corporación de Estudios para el Desarrollo, 1987. 196 p.

In Spanish and English.

7214. Atlas del Ecuador, Anne Collin Delavaud [et al.]. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador; Paris: Les Éditions, 1982. 80 p.

7215. Atlas geográfico de la República del Ecuador. Quito: Instituto Geográfico Militar, 1977. 82 p.

7216. Avendaño, Joaquín de. Imagen del Ecuador: economía y sociedad, vistas por un viajero del siglo XIX, introducción y organización documental de Leoncio López-Ocón Cabrera. Quito: Corporción Editora Nacional, 1985. 322 p.

Detailed reports from 1857-1858 by the Spanish consul in Guayaquil and Quito on the state of the country, especially its economic conditions and potential (e.g., "Memoria sobre el comercio y la navegación del Ecuador con los demás países, y especialmente con España: precedida de un bosquejo del estado físico, agrícola e industrial de las diez provincias de la república" [p. 237-322]).

7217. Banda, Francisco. The Republic of Ecuador and Her Principal Agricultural Products. Quito: Impr. Nacional, 1936. 19 p.

7218. Barker, Barry W.; and Charles R. Barett. Haciendas of Ecuador. Ft. Lauderdale: Earthworld Press, 1995. 91 p.

A bed-and-breakfast guide.

Variant title: Metropolitan Guide to the Haciendas of Ecuador. A guide to "bed and breakfast" haciendas. Contains some historical data. Well illustrated.

7219. Bayern, Therese von. Reisestudien aus dem Westlichen Sudamerika. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1908. 2 v.

For Princess Therese's impressions of Ecuador see vol. 1, p. 262-379.

7220. Bedoya Maruri, Angel Nicanor. Nevados de Ecuador y Quito colonial. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1976. 258 p.

This work actually consists of three (not two), separate studies. Pt. 1, "Nevados," recounts ascensions and explorations of snow covered peaks; pt. 2, "Los conquistadores," abstracts coeval accounts of the Spanish conquest and subsequent civil wars between the conquistadores; and pt. 3, "Quito colonial,"consists of well documented descriptions of monuments and vignettes of personages of the colonial period.

7221. Bemelmans, Ludwig. The Donkey Inside. New York: Viking Press, 1941. 224 p.

Delightful as well as insightful impressions in prose and drawings (some in color) of Ecuador in the 1930s, by the creator of Madeleine.

7222. Benalcazar Rosales, César. Ecuador, país de primera en la mitad del mundo, 2ª ed., aum. y actualizada. Quito: Edit. Epoca, 1981. 302 p.

7223. Blanchard, Dean Hobbs. Ecuador, Crown Jewel of the Andes. New York: Vantage Press, 1962. 223 p.

The country circa 1960.

7224. Blandín Landívar, Carlos. El clima y sus características en el Ecuador. Quito: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, Sección Nacional del Ecuador, 1976. 83 p.

7225. Blomberg, Rolf. Buried Gold and Anacondas. London: Ruskin House; New York: Nelson, 1959. 144 p.

Originally published in Swedish as: Guld att Hämta. Also published in German as: Anakonda, auf Filmjagd im Urwald Ekuadors und Kolumbiens ... Wiesbadden: E. Brockhaus, 1957. 159 p. Recounts several trips made during the first half of the 1950s into the Llangantes Mts. and "uninhabited jungles" of eastern Ecuador in search of lost treasure and giant snakes.

7226. Blomberg, Rolf. Latitud Oº, glimtar från Ecuador. Stockholm: H. Geber, 1960. 162 p.

7227. Borja A., Cristina; and Sergio Lasso B. Plantas nativas para reforestación en el Ecuador. Quito: Fundación Natura, 1990. 208 p.

7228. Borrero Vintimilla, Antonio. Geografía económica del Ecuador: la economía ecuatoriana. Cuenca: Universidad de Cuenca, 1974. 580 p.

A solid general geography of the country, notwithstanding the title and subtitle.

7229. Bouguer, Pierre. La figure de la terre: déterminéc par les observations de Messieurs Bouguer, & de la Condamine, de l'Académie royale des sçiences, envoyés par ordre du Roy au Pérou, pour observer aux environs de l'équateur. Paris: C.A. Jombert, 1749. [24], cx, 394 p.

7230. Bouguer, Pierre. Relation abregée du voyage du Pérou. Paris, 1744-1746. 2 v.

Also published in English as: "An Abridged Relation of a Voyage to Peru, Undertaken ... to Measure the Degrees of the Meridian near the Equator," A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World, [edited by] John Pinkerton, vol. 14 (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1813), p. 270-313.

7231. Boussingault, Jean Baptiste Joseph Dieudonné. Viajes científicos a los Andes ecuatoriales, o, Colección de memorias sobre física, química e historia natural de la Nueva Granada, Ecuador y Venezuela, traducción por J. Acosta. Paris: Lasserre, 1849. xxi, 322 p.

Boussingault spent nearly ten years in northern South America, culminating his explorations in 1831 with an attempt to scale Chimborazo. See also his: Memorias (Bogotá: Comisión Preparatoria para el V Centenario del Descubrimiento de América : Instituto Colombiano de Cultura-Colcultura, 1994; 3 v.); and Francis Hall's "Excursions in the Neighborhood of Quito, and towards the Summit of Chimborazo, in 1831" Journal of Botany: Being a Second Series of the Botanical Miscellany, edited by William Jackson Hooker, 1 (1834), 327-354. N.B. Hall usually accompanied Boussingault on his Ecuadorian excursions. This time around they were joined by William Jameson.

7232. Browning, Webster E. The Republic of Ecuador: Social, Intellectual and Religious Conditions Today. New York: Committee on Co-operation in Latin America, 1920. 30 p.

7233. Brownrigg, Leslie Ann. Al futuro desde la experiencia: los pueblos indígenas y el manejo del medio ambiente. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1986. 243 p.

7234. Buchet, Martine. Panamá: sombrero de leyenda. Quito: Ediciones Libri Mundi, 1995. 143 p. Chiefly col. ill.

A coffee table book on the Panama hat and its manufacture in Ecuador.

7235. Caldas, Francisco José de. Obras completas. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1966. 531 p.

Does not include his correspondence for which see item 1363.

7236. Caldas, Francisco José de. Relación de un viaje hecho a Cotacache, la Villa, Imbabura, Cayambe, etc.: comenzado el 23 de julio de 1802, [edición de] Agustín Barreiro. Madrid: V. Suárez, 1933. 214 p.

Caldas's travels throughout the highlands. Reprinted in his Obras completas (item 7236).

7237. Caldas, Francisco José de. Viajes: (viaje al corazón del Barnuevo). Bogotá: Impr. Minerva, 1936. 161 p.

Caldas's travels in the central and southern highlands. Reprinted in his Obras completas (item 7236).

7238. Canby, Thomas Y. "El Niño's Ill Wind," National Geographic, 165:2 (Feb. 1984), 144-183.

Places the El Niño of 1982/1983 in global perspective. See p. 146-147 and 164-167 for its impact on Ecuador. See also items 7247 and 7249.

7239. Cañadas, Luis. El mapa bioclimático y ecológico del Ecuador. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1983. 210 p.

7240. Carpenter, Frank George. Lands of the Andes and the Desert. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1924. xiv, 285 p.

An early-twentieth-century account of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia replete "with 104 illustrations from original photographs."

7241. Carpio Vintimilla, Julio; and Rodrigo López Monsalve. Guía turística del Ecuador. Cuenca: Ediciones La Golondrina, 1994. 242 p.

7242. Carrera Andrade, Jorge. La tierra siempre verde: el Ecuador visto por los cronistas de Indias, los corsarios y los viajeros ilustres. Paris: Ediciones Internacionales, 1955. 281 p.

An impressionistic account of the colonial period. Loosely based on the accounts of chroniclers, pirates, and scientific travelers. Riddled with errors.

7243. La Carretera Rumichaca-Babahoyo. Quito: Tall. Tip. del Estado, 1930. 128 p.

Published for the Oficina de Información y Propaganda anexa a la Secretaría de la Presidencia.

7244. Casal, Manuel Alfredo. Gran guía estadística sud-americana: refutación. Guayaquil: Oficina Tipográfica, 1895. 122 p.

Refutes the "errors" regarding Ecuador in the Gran guía estadística sud-americana (Geneva, 1892). A quasi-guía de forasteros, replete with exceptionally interesting minutiae.

7245. Casey, Alfredo. Tiempo y ambiente de la República del Ecuador. La Plata, Argentina: Municipalidad de La Plata, 1962. 82 p.

7246. Castro, Julio. "Páginas de una cartera de viaje: un viaje con García Moreno en 1861," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 33:82 (jul./dic. 1953), 173-220.

An account of travel by mule and river launch between Guayaquil and Manabí and to Latacunga.

7247. Caviedes, César N. "El Niño 1982-83," Geographical Review, 74:3 (July 1984), 267-290.

7248. Cicala, Mario. Descripción histórico-topográfica de la Provincia de Quito de la Compañía de Quito. Quito: Biblioteca Ecuatoriana "Aurelio Espinosa Pólit," 1994. 669 p.

Not just the first Spanish version of this 1771 account but the first complete edition of Cicala's Descrizione istorico-física de la Provincia del Quito to have been published in any language. Translated from the Italian by Julián G. Bravo and Marcos Gándara Enríquez. Cicala, one of the Jesuit expulsos, spent nearly twenty-three years in the future Ecuador. An exceptionally important historical geographic source as well as a major coeval description.

7249. Los Climas del Ecuador, Pierre Pourrut [et al.]. Quito: Centro Ecuatoriano de Investigación Geográfica, 1983. 87 p. (Documentos de investigación, Centro Ecuatoriano de Investigación Geográfica; no. 4).

Contents: Pierre Pourrot, "Los climas del Ecuador: fundamentos explicativos"; Jorge Acosta T. and Alain Winckell, "Apuntes sobre la cartografía de las inundaciones en la Cuenca del Guayas (invierno de 1982-1983)"; and José Rodríguez Rojas, "El fenómeno del Niño y sus efectos en el litoral insular de Galápagos."

7250. "A Comparison of Montane and Lowland Rain Forest in Ecuador," P.J. Grubb [et al.], Journal of Ecology, 51:3 (Nov. 1963), 567-601; 54:2 (July 1966), 303-331.

7251. Compendio de información socio-económica de las provincias del Ecuador. Quito: Oficina de los Censos Nacionales, 1975-1977. 16 v. in 20.

Primarily a set of place maps. Exceptionally detailed but unfortunately not indexed.

7252. Coral Vega, Pablo. Andes del Ecuador: paisajes del silencio. Quito: Andes Editores: Villegas Editores, 1992. 130 p. Chiefly col. ill.

This and the following two items are coffee table books. Also published in English as: Andes of Ecuador: Silent Landscapes.

7253. Coral Vega, Pablo. Tierra desnuda = The Bare Earth: A Pictorial Book on Ecuador. Quito: Corporación de Promoción Universitaria, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, 1989. 95 p. Chiefly col. ill.

In Spanish and English.

7254. Coral Vega, Pablo; and Cristóbal Coral Vega. El Ecuador de la magia al espanto. Quito: Impr. Mariscal, 1993. 154 p. Chiefly col. ill.

7255. Coulter, John. Adventures on the Western Coast of South America, and the Interior of California: Including a Narrative of Incidents at the Kingsmill Islands, New Ireland, New Britain, New Guinea, and Other Islands in the Pacific Ocean. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1847. 2 v.

Reprinted in photofacsimile: Boston: Longwood Press, 1978. 2 v. in 1.

7256. Cremieux, Robert F. Geografía económica del Ecuador: economía agraria e industrial. Guayaquil: Impr. de la Universidad de Guayaquil, 1946. <1> v.

Only vol. 1 was published. Notwithstanding the title, a useful, general geography of the country.

7257. Cruz, Marco. Montañas del Ecuador. Quito: Dinediciones, [1992?]. 175 p. Chiefly col. ill.

Primarily a coffee table book.

7258. Cruz Astudillo, Roberto. "Los recursos hídricos y su impacto en el desarrollo del Ecuador," Cultura, 8:24a (ene./abr. 1986), 315-324.

7259. Cultural, Educational, Tourist, Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural, and Livestock Information Handbook of the Republic of Ecuador = Manual de información cultural, educativa, turística, industrial, comercial, agrícola y ganadera de la República del Ecuador. Cuenca: Científica Latina Editores, 1980. 3 v.

An encyclopedic account.

7260. Cuvi, Pablo. Ecuador paso a paso: guía turística. Barcelona: Grupo Edit. Norma, 1994. 184 p.

7261. Cuvi, Pablo. En los ojos de mi gente: relatos y fotografías de viajes por el Ecuador, 1ª ed. Quito: Dinediciones: Grijalvo, 1988. 205 p. Chiefly ill.

A superior picture book. Also published in English as: In the Eyes of My People: Stories and Photos of Journeys through Ecuador.

7262. Church, George Earl. Ecuador in 1881. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1883. 56 p. (47th Congress, 2nd session; Senate doc. 69 [serial 2076]).

An account of the country during the "Progressive" era by a North American ambassador. For President Antonio Flores' reaction thereto, see item 7297.

7263. De Noni, Georges; and Germán Trujillo. "Degredación del suelo en el Ecuador: principales causas y algunas reflexiones sobre la conservación de este recurso," Cultura, 8:24b (ene./abr. 1986), 383-394.

7264. Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, Earl of. Six Weeks in South America. London: Printed for private circulation by T. and W. Boone, 1850. iv, 132 p.

The author went ashore at Santa Marta and Cartagena, crossed the Isthmus of Panama, and spent several weeks in Ecuador, mostly in and around Guayaquil and Quito.

7265. Descubriendo Ecuador, François Ancellet [et al.]. Quito: Impr. Marcial, 1994. 240 p. Chiefly ill.

Also published in English as: Discovering Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.

7266. Desmarest, David Clarence. An Adventure at Three Score-and-Ten. Quito: Impr. Nacional, 1937. 133 p.

Recollections of areal reconnaissances over the highlands in the 1930s.

7267. Dickey, Herbert Spencer. The Misadventures of a Tropical Medico, in collaboration with Hawthorne Daniel. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1929. 304 p.

Travels in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. The author was a physician.

7268. Division político-administrativa de la República del Ecuador. 1981-. Quito: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, 1981-. Annual.

Continues: División política territorial de la República del Ecuador and División territorial de la República del Ecuador, the publication histories of which remain to be established. Not published for every year; appeared for 1996 and 1998, but not for 1997, for example.

7269. Domínguez, Marco. "La geografía y la planificación de los recursos hidráulicos de la Cuenca del Río Guayas," Revista geográfica (Quito), 21 (abr. 1985), 41-63.

7270. Dyott, George M. On the Trail of the Unknown: In the Wilds of Ecuador and the Amazon. London: Thornton Butterworth, 1926. 288 p.

An account of the author's attempts to scale Sangay (unsuccessful) and Tungurahua (successful) and his visit to the Shuar of the Macas region in the mid 1920s--nowhere does the author stipulate the year of his travels, but it has to have been after the establishment of the Salesian mission in 1924. See also Dyott's account of his first visit to the Shuar: Silent Highways of the Jungle: Being the Adventures of an Explorer in the Andes and Reaches of the Upper Amazon. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1922. 319 p.

7271. Dyott, George M. "The Volcanoes of Ecuador: Guideposts in Crossing South America," National Geographic Magazine, 55:1 (Jan. 1929), 49-93.

7272. Ecuador. Boulogne: Delroisse, 1977. 160 p.

Primarily a picture book with reproduction of photographs by Bodo Wuth and others and some text in English, French, German, and Spanish by Juan Cueva Jaramillo.

7273. Ecuador, edited by Tony Perrottet; photography by Eduardo Gil [et al.], lst ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company for APA Publications, 1993. 372 p.

A photographic portrait of and useful guide, as of the early 1990, to the country in well reproduced, stunning photographs and eminently readable prose. The text is by various authors, some of them exceptionally well versed. The occasional references to historical events and personages, however, are not altogether reliable. Periodically updated in revised editions.

7274. El Ecuador actual. Guayaquil: Impr. El Universo, 1936. 222 p.

Probably a picture book.

7275. El Ecuador en Chicago. Guayaquil: Diario de Avisos, 1894. xiv, 432 p.

The country circa 1892. Includes numerous reproductions of coeval photographs--some of which appear nowhere else--of places, buildings, and persons. Published as a record of Ecuador's participation in the Columbian Exposition of 1892. Preface signed: "L.F. Borja, director de 'El Ecuador en Chicago.'"

7276. El Ecuador en el centenario de la independencia de Guayaquil, 9 de octubre de 1920: 1820-1920, J.J. Jurado Avilés, editor. New York: De Laisne & Carranza, 1920. 272 p.

In Spanish and English. Ecuador circa 1920. Well illustrated.

7277. El Ecuador, guía comercial, agrícola e industrial de la república. Guayaquil: Compañía Guía del Ecuador, 1909. 1327 p.

A vade mecum on the geography and economy of the country as of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Exceptionally detailed and profusely illustrated.

7278. Ecuador, guía práctica. Guayaquil: Empresa Periodística Prensa Ecuatoriana, 1929. 359 p.

7279. Ecuador, guía práctica, 2ª ed. Guayaquil: Empresa Periodística Prensa Ecuatoriana, 1932. lxiv, 361 p.

This early twentieth-century Baedeker was compiled, edited, and published by Carlos Manuel Noboa as was also item 7278. It is not known if there were any other editions.

7280. Ecuador: la naturaleza y el hombre = Nature and Man = Le Nature et l'home = Die Natur und der Mensch , coordinación general, promoción y edición, Héctor Merino Valencia; autores, Humberto Vacas Gómez [et al.]. Quito: Ediciones Paralelo Cero, [1977]. 2 v.

Primarily a picture book of no extraordinary value. The texts and captions (in Spanish, English, French, and German) are superficial. The color plates are poorly done. Some of the black-and-white illustrations, however, are more or less well reproduced, eloquent, and revealing.

7281. Ecuador, Official Standard Names Approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1957. iii, 189 p.

7282. Ecuador, a Synthesis of the World in the Andes. Quito: Impr. Mariscal, 1992. 109 p.

Prepared for distribution at the Exposición Universal de 1992 (Seville). Includes the catalog of the Ecuadorian exhibit.

7283. Ecuador visto por los extranjeros. Quito: Salvat Editores Ecuatoriana, 1983. 1 v. (not paginated). Chiefly ill.

7284. El Ecuador visto por los extranjeros: viajeros de los siglos XVIII y XIX, estudio y selecciones de Humberto Toscano. Puebla, México: Cajica, 1960. 580 p. (Biblioteca ecuatoriana mínima; [11]).

An anthology of travel accounts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Toscano's "Introducción" (p. 17-96) is exceptionally useful.

7285. Eichler, Arturo. Ecuador, un país, un pueblo, una cultura. Quito: Ediciones Libri Mundi, 1982. 129 p.

Also published in English as: Ecuador, a Land, a People, a Culture; and in German as: Ecuador, ein Land, ein Volk, eine Kultur.

7286. Eichler, Arturo. Nieve y selva en Ecuador. Quito: Edit. Bruno Moritz, 1952. 131 p.

Mountains and rainforests of Ecuador circa 1950 in prose and in 191 black and white plates. Includes photographic views of damages suffered during as a result of the earthquake of 1949. Also published in English as: Ecuador, Snow Peaks and Jungle. New York: Crowell, 1955. 216 p.

7287. Elementos básicos para la planificación de los recursos hídricos en el Ecuador, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Programa Nacional de Regionalización Agraria; Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre mer. Quito: Programa Nacional de Regionalización Agraria; Paris: Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre mer, [1979?]. 64, 21 p.

Includes 14 maps.

7288. Ellis, Bengt. Landet narmast solen: en resa i Ecuador. Stockholm: Tidens Bokklubb, 1971. 133 p.

7289. L'Equateur et les isles Galapagos, Eliance Nancy [et al.]. Paris: Découverte du nouveau monde, 1976. 320 p.

7290. La Erosión en el Ecuador. Quito: Centro Ecuatoriano de Investigación Geográfica, 1986. 96 p. (Documentos de investigación, Centro Ecuatoriano de Investigación Geográfica; no. 6).

7291. Fazio Fernández, Mariano. Recuerdos del reino de la luz. Guayaquil: Ecuatoriana Gráfica, 1989. 39 p.

The sympathetic impressions of an Argentine Jesuit stationed in Guayaquil in the 1980s.

7292. Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr. Studies in Ecuadorian Geography. Santa Fe: School of American Research, 1950. vi, 86 p.

"With the collaboration of Malcolm H. Bissell in 'The Climates of Ecuador,' and an appendix by William C. Steere, 'The Phytogeography of Ecuador.'"

7293. Festa, Enrico. Nel Darien e nell'Ecuador: diario di viaggio di un naturalista. Torino: Edit. Torinenese, 1909. xvi, 397 p.

Based on wide ranging excursions, especially in rural areas, undertaken between 1895 and 1898.

7294. Festa, Enrico. En el Darien y el Ecuador: diario de viaje de un naturalista. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1993. 430 p.

Spanish version of item 7293.

7295. Fitzell, Jill. "Cultural Colonialism and Ethnography: European Travelers in Nineteenth-Century Ecuador." 1994. 409 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of British Columbia.

A comprehensive analysis of the "ethnographic" data in European accounts of the 1800s, their relative value, and the cultural as well as ideological biases underlying them.

7297. Fitzell, Jill. "Teorizando la diferencia en los Andes del Ecuador: viajeros europeos, la ciencia del exotismo y las imágenes de los indios," Imágenes e imagineros (item 1940), p. 25-73.

A précis of Fitzell's doctoral dissertation (item 7296). She finds that European travelers, regardless of their ideological differences, uniformly perceived the Indian not only as the "other" but as "inferior," with the notable exception of the Spaniard Manuel de Almagro (item 7199).

7297. Flores, Antonio. "El Ecuador en 1881" [con una introducción de] Samuel Guerra Bravo, Cultura, 5:13 (mayo/ago. 1982), 285-333.

The President's reaction to Church's not altogether favorable but generally accurate account (item 7262).

7298. The Forests of Western and Central Ecuador, L.R. Holdridge [et al.]. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Forest Service, 1947. 134 p.

7299. Franck, Harry A. Vagabonding down the Andes: Being the Narrative of a Journey, Chiefly Afoot, from Panama to Buenos Aires. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1917. xi, 612 p.

The author spent four years in South America, including six months in Ecuador, on which see chapters 6-8 (p. 127-208).

7300. Franklin, Albert B. Ecuador, Portrait of a People, lst ed. Garden City: Doubleday Doran, 1943. vii, 326 p.

The country and its inhabitants circa 1940. Also published in Spanish as: Ecuador, retrato de un pueblo. Buenos Aires: Claridad, 1945. 348 p. And: Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1984. 351 p.

7301. Gartelmann, Karl Dieter. Ecuador, 3ª ed. Quito: Impr. Mariscal, 1979. 127 p. Chiefly ill.

Primarily a picture book. The cursory text is in Spanish, English, and German.

7302. Gentry, Alwyn. "Sumario de patrones fitogeográficos neotropicales y sus implicaciones para la conservación en el Ecuador," Cultura, 8:24a (ene./abr. 1986), 401-420.

7303. Gómez E., Nelson. Atlas del Ecuador: geografía y economía, 3ª ed. Quito: Edit. Ediguías, 1994. 114 p.

7304. Gómez E., Nelson. Guía turística del Ecuador. Quito: Ediguías, 1994. 112 p., [12] leaves of color maps (11 folded).

A useful pocket guide and atlas.

Also published in English as: The Pocket Guide to Ecuador.

7305. Gondard, Pierre. "Cambios históricos en el aprovechamiento del medio natural ecuatoriano: papel de la demanda social," Cultura, 8:24 (ene./abr. 1986), 567-577.

Explores changes in the utilization of the environment and the concurrent transformation of agricultural areas in Ecuador from prehistoric times through the present.

7306. Gondard, Pierre. Inventario y cartografía del uso actual del suelo en los Andes ecuatorianos. Quito: PRONAREG : ORSTOM, 1984. v, 92 p.

7307. Gosselman, Carl August. Informes sobre los estados sudamericanos en los años de 1837 y 1838, edición, introducción y notas por Magnus Mörner, traducción del sueco por Ernesto Dethorney. Stockholm: Biblioteca e Instituto de Estudios Ibero-Americanos de la Escuela de Ciencias Económicas, 1962. 172 p.

See p. 89-111 for author's report on the population and economy of the "República del Ecuador." The latter has been reprinted with a "Nota introductoria" by Julio Oleas Montalvo in: Revista ecuatoriana de historia económica, 4:8 (1990), 169-196. And the work as a whole: Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1994.

7308. Gran guía de la República del Ecuador: (agricultura, comercio, industrias, profesiones). Quito: Tip. Fernández, 1936. 220 p.

A commercial directory.

7309. Griffin, Keith B. "Systems of Labour Control and Rural Poverty in Ecuador," in his: Land Concentration and Rural Poverty (New York, Holmes & Meier, 1976), p 172-220, 287-291.

As of the late 1990s, Griffin's conclusions remained lamentably valid: that the agricultural policies of the Ecuadorian government are of technocratic inspiration with little likelihood of improving the economic well-being of the majority of the rural population.

7310. Grijalva, Agustín. Datos básicos de la realidad nacional, 1ª ed. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1994. 224 p.

7311. Grijalba y López Falcón, Alfonso R. de. Por tierras colombianas: impresiones y apuntes de la República del Ecuador, 1924-1929. Guayaquil: Tip. y de la Sociedad Filantrópica del Guayas, [1930?]. xi, 178 p.

The impressions of a member of the titled nobility of Spain.

7312. Grubb, Kenneth G. Amazon and Andes. London: Methuen, 1930. xiii, 296 p.

7313. Gutersohn, Heinrich. Ecuador, Peru, Bolivien. Bern: Kummerly & Frey, 1948. vi, 126 p.

7314. Hall, Minard L. El volcanismo en el Ecuador. Quito: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, Sección Nacional del Ecuador, 1977. 120 p.

7315. Hammen, Thomas van der. "Historia de la vegetación y del clima en la región norandina," Cultura, 8:24a (ene./abr. 1986), 203-209.

7316. Hardoy, F. Report on a Visit to the Riverine Belt of Ecuador. Turrialba, Costa Rica: Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 1960. 103 p.

7317. Hassaurek, Friedrich. Four Years Among Spanish-Americans. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1867. x, 401 p.

A classic account. Hassaurek was minister plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary of the United States during García Moreno's first presidency. Also published in abridgement as: Four Years Among the Ecuadorians, edited and with an introduction by C. Harvey Gardiner. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1967. In German as: Vier Jahre unter den Spanisch-Amerikanern. Dresden: W. Baensch, 1887. xv, 386 p. In Spanish as: Cuatro años entre los ecuatorianos. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1993. 436 p.

7318. Hastenrath, Stefan. The Glaciation of the Ecuadorian Andes. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1981. xiv, 159 p.

7319. Hegen, Edmund Edward. Highways into the Upper Amazon Basin: Pioneer Lands in Southern Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1966. 168 p.

Delineates "past attempts to penetrate into the Upper Amazon Basin" and investigates "present processes of migration into the Basin."

7320. Hess, Carmen G. "'Moving Up-Moving Down': Agropastoral Land Use Patterns in the Ecuadorian Páramos," Mountain Research and Development, 10:4 (Nov. 1990), 333-342.

Argues that population pressure has triggered an upward expansion of agropastoralism into the páramos.

7321. Hintermann, Heinrich. Im Reiche des Sonnengotes: Reise durch Ecuador und das östliche Peru. Zürich: Druck und Verlag Müller Werder & Cia., 1927. 319 p.

A travel account.

7322. Holinski, Alexandre. L'Equateur: scenes de la vie sud-americanine. Paris: Amyot, 1861. 250 p.

Ecuador in the 1850s. A classic account. Reprinted by the same publisher in 1876.

7323. Humboldt, Alexander von. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent during the Years 1799-1804, translated from the French by Helen Maria Williams. Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1815. 5 v.

Humboldt spent over a year in Ecuador (1801-1802), usually accompanied by the quiteño Carlos Montúfar as well as by his compatriot and traveling companion Aimé Jacques Alesandre Bonpland (1773-1858). For the complete as well as the original edition thereof see: Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent: fait en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804 par Al. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland. Paris: Librairie grecque-latine-allemande, 1816-1831. 13 v. Also published in Spanish in multiple editions: e.g., Viaje a las regiones equinocciales del nuevo continente hecho en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, y 1804, 2a ed. Caracas: Ediciones del Ministerio de Educación, Dirección de Cultura y Bellas Artes, 1956; 5 v.

7324. Humboldt, Alexander von. Sites des cordilleres et monuments des peuples indigenes de l'Amérique. Paris: Grecque-Latine-Allemande, 1816. 531 p.

Also published in Spanish as: Sitios de las cordilleras. Madrid: Impr. y Librería de Gaspar, 1878. viii, 439 p. And as: Vistas de las cordilleras y monumentos de los pueblos indígenas de América, prólogo de Charles Minguet y Jean-Paul Duviols; introducción, traducción y notas de Jaime Labastida; notas de Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, Mercedes Olivera y Cayetano Reyes. México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1995. 2 v. See especially plates X, XVI-XX, XXIV, XXV, XXXI, XLII, LI, LXI-LXIII, and corresponding text for various views and descriptions of the Andes of Ecuador and the ruins of Ingapirca and Callo.

7325. Impacto ambiental de la minería en cuatro areas protegidas del Ecuador, director, Carlos Luzuriaga Cisneros; participantes, Arturo Hernández [et al.]. Quito: Fundación Natura, 1993. 88 p.

7326. Indice toponímico de la República del Ecuador. Quito: Instituto Geográfico Militar, 1978-. <8> v.

7327. Jameson, William. "Excursion Made from Quito to the River Napo, January to May, 1857," Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 28 (1858), 337-349.

7328. Jaramillo de Dávila, Violeta. Atlas geográfico del Ecuador, 2ª ed. Quito: Instituto Geográfico Militar, 1983. 80 p.

7329. Juan, Jorge; and Antonio de Ulloa. Dissertación histórica, y geográphica sobre el meridiano de demarcación entre los dominios de España, y Portugal, y los parages por donde passa en la América Meridional: conforme a los tratados, y derechos de cada estado, y las mas seguras, y modernas observaciones. Madrid: Impr. de A. Marín, 1749. vii, 75 p.

Also published in a photofacsimile reprint: Madrid: Instituto Histórico de Marina, 1972.

7330. Juan, Jorge; and Antonio de Ulloa. Epoca, génesis y texto de las "Noticias secretas de América," de Jorge Juan y Antonio de Ulloa. Madrid: Instituto "Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo," 1985. 2 v.

Vol. 1 is a 440 p. study of El viaje a América (1735-1745), de los tenientes de navío Jorge Juan y Antonio de Ulloa, y sus consecuencias literarias by Luis J. Ramos Gómez, and vol. 2 is an Edición anotada del texto original de las "Noticias secretas de América." The Ramos Gómez edition of the Noticias secretas should be preferred to the David Barry version (Londrés: Impr. de R. Taylor, 1826; xiii, 707 p.)--the most recent edition (a photofacsimile) of which as of July 1997 appeared to have been that of Madrid: Edit. Turner, 1982 [2 v.]--and to the English version, Discourse and Political Reflections on the Kingdoms of Peru ..., edited and with an introduction by John J. TePaske (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1978). Barry is supposed to have rewritten Juan and Ulloa for political reasons, according to some scholars, and TePaske excluded several of the chapters on Ecuador. Ramos Gómez' version was also published as: Noticias secretas de América (Madrid: Historia 16, 1991).

7331. Juan, Jorge; and Antonio de Ulloa. Observaciones astronómicas y físicas hechas de orden de S. Mag. en los reinos del Perú ..., introducción y edición de José P. Merino Navarro y Miguel M. Rodríguez San Vicente. Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española, 1978. xxviii, 396 p.

Photofacsimile edition of the original edition: Madrid: Impreso de orden del Rey Nuestro Señor por Juan de Zúñiga,1748 [i.e., 1749]). The fifth vol. of the Relación histórica del viaje a la América Meridional (item 7332). Usually cited separately. Not included in the English translation.

7332. Juan, Jorge; and Antonio de Ulloa . Relación histórica del viaje a la América Meridional hecho de orden de S.M. para medir algunos grados de meridiano terrestre ..., introducción y edición de José P. Merino Navarro y Miguel M. Rodríguez San Vicente. Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española, 1978. 4 v. in 2.

Photofacsimile of the original edition: Madrid: Antonio Marín, 1748 [i.e., 1749]). It will be recalled that Juan and Ulloa (not brothers) were the Spanish members of the geodesic or earth measuring expedition of 1735, and that they spent eleven years altogether in the future Ecuador as well as in Peru proper. Published in English as: A Voyage to South America (London, 1758), of which there were eight editions and a modern abridgement by Irving A. Leonard (New York, 1964). Also published in Dutch, French, and German, for the bibliographic particulars of which see: Francisco de Solano, Antonio de Ulloa y la Nueva España, 1ª ed. (México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1979), lxxxv-cvii.

See also: Antonio de Ulloa's Noticias americanas: entretenimientos phísico-históricos, sobre la América meridional, y la septentrianal oriental: comparación general de los territorios, climas, y producciones de las tres especies, vegetales, animales, y minerales: con relación particular de las petrificaciones de cuerpos marinos[,] de los indios naturales de aquellos países, sus costumbres, y usos: de las antigüedades: discurso sobre la lengua, y sobre el modo en que pasaron los primeros pobladores. Madrid: Impr. Real, 1792. [16], 342 p.

7333. Judde, Gabriel. "Viaje a la República del Ecuador en 1852 por Henri Comynet," Anuario de estudios americanos, 31 (1974), 597-680.

7334. Kling, Kevin. Ecuador, Island of the Andes. London: Thames and Hudson, 1988. 1 v. (not paginated). Chiefly ill.

An album of exquisite, well reproduced photographic views of the highlands. Also published in French: Equateur, ile des Andes. Paris: Editions du Chéne, 1987. [170] p.

7335. Knapp, Gregory W. Geografía quichua de la sierra del Ecuador: núcleos, dominios y esfera. Quito: Abya Yala, 1987. 75 p.

7336. Koepcke, Cordula. Andenlander Sudamerikas: Peru, Bolivien, Ekuador, Kolumbien. Nurnberg: Glock und Lutz, 1966. viii, 310 p.

7337. Kolberg, Joseph. Nach Ecuador. Freiberg: B. Herder, 1876. xxiii, 327 p.

Kolberg, a German Jesuit, taught at the Escuela Politécnica in Quito between 1871 and 1876, and traveled extensively throughout the country, his impressions of which are here within recorded. Also published in Spanish as: Hacia el Ecuador (Quito: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1977); and "1ª ed. completa en español." Quito: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1996. 350 p. The Abya-Yala edition includes "170 grabados de la edición alemana de 1881."

7338. Krarup-Nielsen, Aage. Blandt hovedjagere i Ecuador. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1934. 190 p.

7339. La Condamine, Charles Marie de. Relation abrégée d'un voyage fait dans l'interieur de l'Amerique Meridionale ... Paris: Pissot, 1745. xv, 216, 64 p.

La Condamine was the leader of the earth measuring expedition of 1735. Includes: La Condamine's separately published Lettre à Madame *** sur l'emeute populaire exciteé en la ville de Cuenca au Perou, le 29 d'août 1739 (item 6695). The definitive or 1773 edition also includes the account of the misadventures of Jean Godin des Odonnais and his wife Isabela de Grandmaison y Bruno, reunited after twenty years and separate voyages down the Amazon: "Carta de M. Godin des Odonnais y la aventura trágica de un viaje de la Provincia de Quito a Cayena, por el Río Amazonas." Also published in Spanish as: Relación abreviada de un viaje hecho por el interior de la América Meridional ... (Madrid: Calpe, 1921); subsequently retitled: Viaje a la América Meridional (Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpe, 1942, etc.); and as: Diario del viaje al Ecuador: introducción histórica a la medición de los tres primeros grados del meridiano, editor Nelson Gómez E.; traducción de Eloy Soria Sánchez (Quito: Coordinación General del Coloquio Ecuador, 1986; Quito: Ediguías, 1992).

7340. La Condamine, Charles Marie de. Viaje a la América Meridional por el Río de las Amazonas; Estudio sobre la quina, edición y presentación de Antonio Lafuente y Eduardo Estrella, 2ª. ed. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1993. 223 p.

Reprints: Extracto del diario de observaciones hechas en el viaje de la Provincia de Quito al Pará por el Río de las Amazonas y del Pará a Cayena, Surinam y Amsterdam ... (Amsterdam: Imprenta de Joan Catuffe, 1745; [4], 121 p.), and publishes in facsimile: "Descripción del arbol de la quina hecha en 1737," traducida ... y aumentada ... por Sebastián Josef López Ruiz, the original of which is in the Archivo del Real Jardín Botánico in Madrid. See also item 1375.

7341. Lanks, Herbert C. By Pan American Highway through South America. New York: Appleton-Century, 1942. xii, 205 p.

7342. Lara, Dario. "Viaje de Gabriel Lafond de Lurcy de Guayaquil a Quito (1826)," Cultura, 9:26 (set./dic. 1986), 263-283.

7343. Lara, Darío. Viajeros franceses al Ecuador en el siglo XIX. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1972. 206 p.

Nominally vol. 1. The proffered vol. 2, however, was never published. Discourses on known and previously unknown French travelers of the nineteenth century, especially the Viscount René-Maurice de Kerret, the painter Ernest Charton, and the sea captain Eugéne Souville. Also published in a: 2ª ed. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1987. 178 p. Unfortunately the projected vol. 2 never appeared, but see also item 3339.

7344. Larrea, Fernando; and Patricio Mena. La nueva faz del ambiente: manual de ecología para comunicaciones sociales. Quito: Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales: Ministerio de Energía y Minas, Subsecretaría de Medio Ambiente, 1992. 98 p.

7345. Larrea Donoso, Galo. Patrimonio natural y cultural ecuatoriano. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1982. 456 p.

7346. Lasso, Raphael V. The Wonderland Ecuador, limited ed. New York: Alpha-Ecuador Publications, 1944. xiv, 296 p.

Primarily a delineation of the political and territorial organization of the country and of economic conditions as of the early 1940s. Nowadays a bibliographic curiosity but important at the time of its publication because the literature on Ecuador in English was then meager.

7347. Lee, Joseph. "Beautiful Ecuador," National Geographic Magazine, 18:2 (Feb. 1907), 81-91.

7348. Lhevinne, Isadore. The Enchanted Jungle. New York: Coward-McCann, 1933. 310 p.

A musician's search for "primitive" melodies from Esmeraldas through "Jibaro" country.

7349. Lisboa, Miguel María. Relaçâo de uma viagem a Venezuela, Nova Granada e Equador. Brusells: A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven e Cie., 1866. 393 p.

Lisboa, a Brazilian diplomat, visited Ecuador in 1853. Also published in Spanish as: 1) Relación de un viaje a Venezuela, Nueva Granada y Ecuador. Caracas: Ediciones de la Presidencia de la República, 1954. 442 p.; 2) 2ª ed. en español (nueva traducción). Bogotá: Fondo Cultural Cafetero, 1984. 335 p.; and 3) Relación de un viaje al Ecuador en 1853. Cuenca: Instituto Azuayo de Folklore, 1990. (Descripciones del Ecuador de antaño; v. 1)

7350. Living in Ecuador, Ecuadorian-American Chamber of Commerce. Quito: Editora Luz de América, 1989. 278 p.

Although long since out-of-date as a guide to residency for foreigners, nonetheless, a useful source of information on living conditions in the country, especially in the primary cities, during the second half of the 1980s.

7351. Lizárraga, Reginaldo de. Descripción breve de toda la tierra del Perú, Tucumán, Río de la Plata y Chile . Madrid: Ediciones Atlas, 1968. p. 1-211. (Biblioteca de autores españoles desde la formación del lenguaje hasta nuestros días [continuación]; t. 216).

Lizárraga (1545-1615) spent some time in and around Quito as an adolescent and as an adult. A member of the Dominican order, he traveled extensively throughout the Perus. For Lizárraga's impressions of Quito, the Province of Quijos, Riobamba, Tomebamba (the future Cuenca), and Loja, see especially p. 51-55. Published together with Toribio de Ortiguera's Jornada del Río Marañón (item 6514).

7352. Loch. Erskine E. Fever, Famine and Gold: The Dramatic Story of the Adventures and Discoveries of the Andes-Amazon Expedition in the Unchartered Vastness of a Lost World in the Llanganatis Mountains. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1938. xiv, 257 p.

The memoirs of a treasure hunter--in this case of a retired English army officer--who led an expedition into the Llanganati area (1935-1937) in search of fabled lost treasure of the Incas.

7353. López, Felicísimo. Atlas geográfico del Ecuador: arreglado según la carta del Dr. Teodoro Wolf. New York: American Bank Note Company, 1907. [43] p. Chiefly maps.

The first atlas of Ecuador.

7354. López Cordovez, Luis A. Estudio preliminar de las zonas agrícolas del Ecuador. Quito: Junta Nacional de Planificación y Coordinación Económica, 1961. 149 p.

7355. Lourie, Peter. Sweat of the Sun, Tears of the Moon: A Chronicle of an Incan Treasure. New York: Atheneum Pubs., 1991. 307 p.

Not a work about Ecuador per se but a tale replete with the usual myths and half truths about the deluded few, including the author, who continue to search for Indian gold in the Llanganati Mountains.

7356. Llerena, José Alfredo. Ecuador, perfil de su progreso: notas de geografía económica. Quito: Edit. Universitaria, 1960. 130 p.

7357. Llorente Vázquez, Manuel. Cuadros americanos: Venezuela, Brasil, California, Guatemala, Montevideo y Ecuador. Madrid: F. Fe, 1891. xxiii, 432 p.

7358. MacFarlane, Thomas. To The Andes, Being a Sketch of a Trip to South America: With Observations on the Way on the Family, the Church and the State. Toronto: Belford Brothers, 1877. xiii, 174 p.

A Protestant minister's biased impressions of and moralizing on Ecuador as of 1876. Should not be read as a perception of "the Land of the Equateur," but as an example of how Ecuador has sometimes been misperceived and misdescribed to the "outer" world by foreign travellers.

Also published in Spanish as: Hacia los Andes: notas de viaje a América del Sur (1876). Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1994. 183 p.

7359. Mackay, Janet. Interlude in Ecuador. London: Duckworth, 1934. 214 p.

A woman's impressions of Ecuador in the early 1930s.

7360. Magnin, Juan. "Breve descripción de la Provincia de Quito," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 35:85 (ene./jun. 1955), 89-115.

A 1740 account by a Jesuit missionary. Also available in a monographic version: Quito: Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Investigaciones Históricas y Geográficas, 1989 (67 p.); and as: "Breve descripción de la Provincia de Quito y de sus misiones de Sucumbios y Maynas," Indianistas, indianofilos, indigenistas (item 7946), p. 375-412.

7361. Mann, Alexander. Yachting on the Pacific: Together with Notes on Travel in Peru, and an Account of the Peoples and Products of Ecuador. London: Duckworth & Co., 1909. xi, 286 p.

7362. Mannequin, Theodore. République de l'Equateur: notice historique, géographique, économique et politique. Paris: Impr. de Madame veuve Bouchard-Huzard, 1867. 64 p.

Prepared for the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1867.

7363. Maravilloso Ecuador: una visión inédita de su espíritu, sus tierras, sus hombres, su pasado y su presente, prólogo de Germán Arciniegas; [autores] Alfonso Barrera Valverde [et al.]; coordinación de Edgar Bustamante. Quito: Círculo de Lectores, 1978. 220 p.

7364. The March 5, 1987, Ecuador Earthquakes: Mass Wasting and Socioeconomic Effects, study team, Robert L. Schuster [et al.]. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1991. xii, 163 p.

7365. Martínez, Nicolás G. Ascensiones a los Andes, 1ª ed. Ambato: Librería e Impr. Escolar de Ricardo Costales, 1920. 197 p.

7366. Martínez, Nicolás G. Estudios meteorológicos y climatéricos. Quito: Impr. Nacional, 1932. 58 p.

7367. Martínez, Nicolás G.; Luis A. Martínez; and Augusto N. Martínez. Pioneros y precursores del andinismo ecuatoriano. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1994. 3 v.

Vol. 1 by Nicolás G. Martínez; vol. 2 by Luis A. Martínez; vol. 3 by Augusto N. Martínez. Vol. 2 subtitled: Andinismo arte y literatura. Vol. 3 subtitled: Contribuciones para el conocimiento geológico de la región volcánica del Ecuador.

7368. McIntyre, Lorin. "Ecuador, Low and Lofty Land Astride the Equator," National Geographic, 133:2 (Feb. 1968), 259-298.

7369. McNamara, Mary Patrice. Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela. Chicago: Mentzer, Bush & Company, 1946. 160 p.

7370. Mellet, Jullien. Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale ... Paris: Impr. Prosper Noubel, 1823. 291 p.

The impressions of a French commercial agent in the early nineteenth century. Includes a substantial section on Ecuador. Also published in Spanish as: Viajes por el interior de la América meridional, 1808-1820. Santiago de Chile: Edit. del Pacífico, 1959. 289 p.

7371. Mendoza, Luis Aníbal. Geo-economía del Ecuador, nueva ed., aum. y corr. Guayaquil: Nueva Luz, 1982. 346 p.

7372. Mera, Juan León. Catecismo de geografía de la República del Ecuador, 2ª ed., corr. y aum. notablemente, y hecha con autorización del ... Supremo Gobierno. Guayaquil: Impr. de "La Nación," 1884. 131 p.

Adopted as a grade school text by the national government in 1884, now a significant source as to the state of the country in the early 1880s.

7373. Meyer, Hans. In den Hoch-Anden von Ecuador: Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, etc.: Reisen und Studien. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1907. 551 p. + 1 atlas.

The atlas of 43 exceptionally high quality cromolithographic plates, mostly in color, consists almost entirely of spectacular views of mountain peaks and other alpine scenes of Ecuador. The atlas also appeared in French: Les hautes Andes de l'Equateur: Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, etc.: atlas et texte (Paris: A. Challamel, 1908). But only the text seems to have been published in Spanish as: En los altos Andes del Ecuador: viajes y estudios. Quito: Impr. de la Universidad Central, 1940. And in a "2ª ed. en español" or modern reprint: Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1993. 747 p.

7374. Michaux, Henri. Ecuador, journal de voyage. Paris: Gallimard, 1929. 196 p.

Ecuador in 1928. Also: Nouv. ed., rev. et corr. Paris: Gallimard, 1968. 188 p. Eventually published in English as: Ecuador, A Travel Journal, translated by Robin Magowan. London: Peter Owen, 1970; Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1970. 132 p.

7375. Miller, Eilif V. "Ecuadorean Soils and Some of Their Fertility Properties." 1948. 316 leaves. Thesis (Ph.D.)--Cornell University.

7376. Miller, Tom. The Panama Hat Trail: A Journey from South America, 1st ed. New York: Morrow, 1986. 271 p.

Some things remain as they were. The manufacture and sale of straw hats--although no longer as widespread in the Provinces of Manabí and Azuay as before--is a case in point as Miller delightfully recounts.

7377. Momsen, Richard P., Jr. "Precipitation Patters of West-Central Ecuador," Revista geografica, 69 (dic. 1968), 91-105.

7378. Monnier, Marcel. Des Andes au Pará: Equateur, Pérou, Amazone. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1890. 439 p.

A travelogue of the author's 1886-1887 sojourn up the Andes from Guayaquil, across the highlands, and down the Amazon to Pará. Together with Johann Jakob von Tschudi (1818-1889), Monnier also explored the Canelos region. The sections on Ecuador have been published in Spanish as: "Un relato inédito sobre el Ecuador," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 54:118 (jul./dic. 1971), 337-349; 55:119 (ene./jun. 1972), 129-134; 55:120 (jul./dic. 1972), 272-276; and "Un relato inédito sobre Guayaquil," Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 53:116 (jul./dic. 1970), 172-192; 54:117 (ene./jun. 1971), 152-163.

7379. Montúfar y Frasco, Juan Pío. "Razón que sobre el estado y gobernación política y militar de las provincias, ciudades, villas y lugares que contiene la jurisdicción de la Real Audiencia de Quito da ..." (1754), Tres tratados de América: siglo XVIII (Madrid: Libr. de Victoriano Suárez, 1894), p. 113-185.

A mid-eighteenth-century relación geográfica by the then President of the Audiencia, the I Marqués de Selva Alegre.

7380. Moore, W. Robert. "From Sea to Clouds in Ecuador," National Geographic, 80:6 (Dec. 1941), 717-740.

7381. Morales y Eloy, Juan. Ecuador, atlas histórico-geográfico. Quito: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, 1942. 1 v.

7382. Morales y Morales, Joaquín. Guía comercial del Ecuador. Año 1 (1908)-año 2 (1909). Quito: Tip. de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios, 1909-1910. 2 v.

7383. Moreyra Avellafuertes, Francisco de Paula. "Viaje de Guayaquil a Quito en marzo de 1851," Mercurio peruano, año 27, 38:305 (ago. 1952), 367-389.

7384. Muller, Richard. Geographical Notes on Ecuador. London: H.J. Ryman, [1929]. 23 p. (Scientific Information for Travelers in Ecuador; 1).

7385. Murphy, Robert Cushman. "Equatorial Vignettes: Impressions of the Coasts of Peru and Ecuador, 1925," Natural History, 25:5 (Sept./Oct. 1925), 431-449.

Consists of observations of birds and fishermen.

7386. Murphy, Robert Cushman. "The Littoral of Pacific Colombia and Ecuador," Geographical Review, 29:1 (Jan. 1939), 1-33.

7387. Murphy, Robert Cushman. "Oceanic and Climatic Phenomena Along the West Coast of South America during 1925," Geographical Review, 16:1 (Jan. 1926), 26-54.

7388. Naranjo, Plutarco. Indice de la flora del Ecuador. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1981-<1983>. <2> v.

This set appears to have been truncated; only vols. 1-2 are known to have been published.

7389. Navarro Andrade, Ulpiano. Geografía económica del Ecuador: geografía aplicada para colegios de bachillerato y colegios técnicos. Quito: Edit. Santo Domingo, 1965-1966. 2 v.

A solid survey of the geography of the country, notwithstanding the title.

7390. Nesheim, Margaret. From the Hinterland of Ecuador to the Shores of Galapagos, 1st ed. Smithtown, N.Y.: Exposition Press, 1981. xii, 154 p.

7391. Niles, Blair. Casual Wanderings in Ecuador. London: John Long, 1923. x, 249 p.

A lively account of Ecuador in the early 1920s, from a woman's point of view. Also published in Spanish as: Correrías casuales en el Ecuador. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1995. 225 p.

7392. "Noticias puntuales de las posesiones y distancias de la ciudad de Quito, y de las costas, ríos, pueblos y caminos de las provincias de Esmeraldas: según las observaciones de los académicos de París, y de don Pedro Maldonado," Museo Histórico, 3:10/11 (ago./dic. 1951), 21-36.

7393. Ochoa, Emilio; Washington Macías; and Jorge G. Marcos. Ecuador, perfil de sus recursos costeros. Quito: Fundación Pedro Vicente Maldonado, 1987. 258 p.

7394. Onffroy de Thoron, Enrique. Amérique équatoriale: son histoire pittoresque et politique, sa géographie et ses richesses naturalles, son état present et son avenir. Paris: Ve Jules Renouard , 1866. 468 p.

A detailed account of mid-nineteenth-century Ecuador by a French engineer who spent nine years in the country (1852-1861). Also published in Spanish as: América ecuatorial: su historia pintoresca y política, su geografía y sus riquezas naturales, su estado presente y porvenir, traducción [e] introducción, Filoteo Samaniego. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1983. 2 v.

7395. Orellana, J. Gonzalo. Guía comercial geográfica. Quito: Tip. de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios, 1922. 1 v.

"Comprende las Provincias de Pichincha, León, Tungurahua, Chimborazo y Guayas." Only vol. published.

7396. Orton, James. The Andes and the Amazon, or, Across the Continent of South America, 3rd ed., rev. and enl. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1875. 645 p.

The results of two Smithsonian expeditions to Ecuador, Brazil, and Peru, written up for the general public. On Orton's and his companions's impressions of Ecuador in the late 1860s, see chaps. 1-15.

7397. Osculati, Gaetano. Esplorazione delle regioni equatoriali, lungo il Napo ed it fiume delle Amazzoni: frammento di un viaggio fatto nelle due Americhe negli anni 1846-47-48. Torino: Il Segnalibro, 1990. 50, 344 p.

Photofacsimile reprint "con un saggio introduttivo di Alberto Guaraldo" of the "2. ed. cor. ed accresciuta." Originally published: Milano: Fratelli Centenari e Comp., 1854. Osculati was the first Italian scientist to explore South America. Here within he recounts his journey from Guayaquil, Ecuador to Belém, Brazil and his "discoveries" along the way.

7398. Paisajes del Ecuador: Colección Martínez del Fondo Audiovisual del Archivo Histórico del Banco Central del Ecuador, selección de fotografías y textos, Cosme Vásquez G. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1984. 138 p. (Colección imágenes; no. 5).

Visual images of Ecuador in the early 1900s, reproduced from original photographic plates made by the Martínez brothers (Augusto N., Luis A, the author of A la costa, and Nicolás G.) during their scientific outings.

7399. Parsons, James J. "The Northern Andean Environment," Mountain Research and Development, 2:3 (Aug. 1982), 253-262.

An introduction to the geography of the highlands of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador.

7400. Patzelt, Erwin. Fauna del Ecuador, 1ª ed. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1989. 433 p.

7401. Patzelt, Erwin. Fauna, flora, indígenas en el Ecuador. Guayaquil: Cromos, 1972. 58, [19] p.

A picture book. Text in Spanish, German, and English.

7402. Patzelt, Erwin. Flora del Ecuador. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1985. 192 p.

7403. Paz Ayora, Vicente. Almanaque del comercio ecuatoriano. Guayaquil, 1900. 176 p.

7404. Pérez T., Aquiles R. Geografía del Ecuador, 2ª ed. Quito: Edit. Gutenberg, 1940. 356 p.

7405. Pérez y González, Felipe. Impresiones de un viaje por el Ecuador: (por un viajero ciego). Quito: Impr. de El Progreso, 1919. 180 p.

An account of an early-twentieth-century journey from Tulcán to Quito from a different perspective. The author was visually impaired.

7406. Petrocokino, Ambrose. Along the Andes: Notes of a Trip through Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador. London: Gay and Bird, 1903. viii, 147 p.

7407. Platt, Raye Roberts. Ecuador. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1956. 64 p.

7408. Popeoe, Wilson. "Hunting New Fruits in Ecuador," Natural History, 24:4 (July 1924), 429-441.

7409. Pourrot, Pierre. "Algunas consideraciones acerca de los fenómenos climáticos extremos observados en el Ecuador," Cultura, 8:24a (ene./abr. 1986), 257-272.

7410. Pritchett, George James. "Explorations in Ecuador in the Years 1856 and 1857," Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 30 (1860), 65-75.

A report on the author's two year sojourn in the country. Includes a sketch map of his "explorations." See also Pritchett's Report ... of His Mission to the Republic of Ecuador. London: Richard Clay, 1858. 36 p.

7411. Quevedo Coronel, Rafael. "El Ecuador, país de turismo y de convalescencia," El Ecuador en cien años de independencia (item 1926), vol. 1, p. 219-234.

7412. Rachowiecki, Rob. Ecuador & the Galápagos Islands : A Travel Survival Kit, 4th ed. Hawthorn: Lonely Planet, 1997. 509 p.

As of July, 1997, the most comprehensive and utilitarian travel guide to Ecuador in English. The first edition appeared in 1986, the second in 1989, and the third in 1992. There are the usual historical errors, however, such as the depiction of the Barrio de las Peñas in Guayaquil as "colonial" when in fact the oldest buildings date from the late nineteenth century, the entire neighborhood having been lost in the great fire of 1896, or the misidentification of several neocolonial style buildings (constructed in the 1930s) in Cuenca as colonial period in origin.

7413. Rivera Villavicencio, Oswaldo. Ecuador, provincias y capitales: historia, geografía, división política, recursos y comercio, turismo, folclor, valores humanos. Quito: Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, 1995. 416 p.

7414. Rodríguez Saltos, Roberto. La región interandina ecuatoriana. Riobamba: Edit. Freire, [1996]. 203 p.

A travel guide for Ecuadorian nationals and other Spanish readers.

7415. Romero, Emilio. Por el norte: Ecuador. Lima: J. Mejía Baca & P.L. Villanueva, 1954. 163 p.

A Peruvian scholar's not altogether favorable impressions. Garnered while he was embassador to Ecuador.

7416. Russell, William Richard. The Bolivar Countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela. New York: Coward-McCann, 1949. xii, 308 p.

A travel guide from the late 1940s.

7417. Salazar, Francisco Javier. Rasgos descriptivos de varias poblaciones y sitios de la República del Ecuador. Guayaquil: Impr. Merino, 1871. 26 p.

7418. Samaniego Salazar, Filoteno. Ecuador, un mundo verde junto al sol. Boulogne, France: Editions Delroisse, 1985. 2 v.

Also published in English as: Ecuador, a Fertile Land Blessed by the Sun (Boulogne, France: Editions Delroisse, 1985; 2 v.); and in French as: Equateur, terre fertile sous le soleil (Boulogne, France: Editions Delroisse, 1985; 2 v.).

7419. Sampedro V., Francisco. Atlas geográfico del Ecuador "SAM": con las básicas nociones históricas de la nacionalidad. Quito: Gráficas Claridad, 1979. 1 atlas (87 p.).

Available in several editions.

7420. Sampedro V., Francisco. Atlas histórico geográfico del Ecuador. México: Edición SAM, 1960. 78 p.

7421. Sarmiento, Alberto. Refutación al libro del embajador peruano Emilio Romero, intitulado Por el norte, Ecuador. [Quito?: s.n.], 1957. 161 p.

"Refutes" item 7415.

7422. Sassen, Georgette. Ponchos, zhanzas y bananos. Quito: Edit. Fray Jodoco Ricke, 1960. 227 p.

7423. Sauer, Walther. Geología del Ecuador. Quito: Tall. Gráf. del Ministerio de Educación, 1965. 383 p.

7424. Seedorff Pedersen, Hans Hartvig Otto. To tredje, Eldorado! Copenhaven: Jespersen og Pios, 1929. 225 p.

A Dane's impression of Ecuador in the 1920s.

7425. Serrano de Wilson, Emilia, Baronesa de Wilson. Una página en América: apuntes de Guayaquil a Quito. Quito: Impr. Nacional, 1890. 34 p.

7426. Sheppard, George. "Geología de la región interandina de la República del Ecuador," Anales de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, 60:304 (abr./jun. 1938), 493-510.

7427. Sheppard, George. The Geology of South-Western Ecuador. London: T. Murby, 1937. xiv, 275 p.

Also published in Spanish as: La República del Ecuador: un estudio de geografía, geología y clima. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 1985. 234 p.

7428. Sheppard, George. "Notes on the Climate and Physiography of Southwestern Ecuador," Geographical Review, 20:3 (July 1930), 445-453.

7429. Sheppard, George. "The Occidente of Ecuador: A Journey from Quito to the Pacific," Geographical Journal, 86:3 (Nov. 1935), 411-421.

7430. Sheppard, George. "The Rainy Season of 1932 in Southwestern Ecuador," Geographical Review, 23:2 (Apr. 1933), 210-216.

7431. The Shrimp Farmer's Guide to Ecuador. San Diego: Bob Rosenberry, 1987. 32 p. (Aquaculture Digest; Jan. 1987)

7432. Sick, Wolf-Dieter. Wirtschaftsgeographie von Ecuador. Stuttgart: Selbstverlag des Geographischen Instituts der T.H. Stuttgart, 1963. ix, 275 p.

An economic geography of the country.

7433. Sievers, Wilhelm. Geografía de Ecuador, Colombia y Venezuela, traducción del alemán por Carlos de Salas. Barcelona: Edit. Labor, 1931. 207 p.

7434. Sievers, Wilhelm. Reise in Peru und Ecuador ausgeführt 1909. München: Dunker & Humblot, 1914. xii, 411 p.

7435. Simson, Alfred. Notes of Recent Journeys in the Interior of South America: (from Guayaquil to Napo). London, 1877. 25 p.

See also item 6562.

7436. Sinclair, Joseph H. "Some Reminiscences of Travel in Ecuador," Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, n.s., 41:2 (1931), 344-354.

7437. Small, John. "Stratigraphy of Southwest Ecuador and Ancon Oil Field Studies." 1962. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Colorado. 185 leaves.

7438. Southgate, Douglas DeWitt; and Morris D. Whitaker. Economic Progress and the Environment: One Developing Country's Policy Crisis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. ix, 150 p.

An analysis and interpretation of the negative impact of excess population growth, economic "development," and inadequate government policies on the environments of the Amazon Basin, the Coast, and the Galápagos. Also reviews the degradation of farmlands and the misallocation of water resources throughout the country. As a historian, however, I would have preferred a more detailed and less prescriptive approach.

7439. Southgate, Douglas DeWitt; and Morris D. Whitaker. "Promoting Resource Degradation in Latin America: Tropical Deforestation, Soil Erosion, and Coastal Ecosystem Disturbance in Ecuador," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40:4 (July 1992), 787-807.

A preview of item 7438. Examines negative impact of over "development" on the environment, especially in the Oriente and on the coast.

7440. Southgate, Douglas DeWitt; and Robert Macke. "The Downstream Benefits of Soil Conservation in Third World Hydroelectric Watersheds," Land Economics, 65:1 (Feb. 1989), 38-48.

Estimates the major downstream benefits of erosion control in the Paute hydroelectric watershed, then the country's principal source of hydroelectric power.

7441. Southgate, Douglas DeWitt; Rodrigo Sierra; and Lawrence A. Brown. "The Causes of Tropical Deforestation in Ecuador: A Statistical Analysis," World Development, 19:9 (Sept. 1991), p. 1145-1151.

7442. Spruce, Richard. Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and the Andes. London: Macmillan, 1908. 2 v.

Detailed narrative of Spruce's and Alfred Russel Wallace's botanical explorations between 1849 and 1864. Also published in an abridged version in Spanish: Notas de un botánico sobre el Amazonas y los Andes. Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, 1942. 422 p. And in a complete version as: Notas de un botánico sobre el Amazonas y los Andes: apuntes de los viajes por el Amazonas y sus tributarios, el Trombetas, Río Negro, Usupés, Casiquiari, Pacimoni, Huallaga y Pastaza: también por las cataratas del Orinoco, a lo largo de la cordillera de los Andes ecuatorianos y peruanos y por las costas del Pacífico durante los años 1849-1864, 1ª ed. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1996. xlviii, 749 p.

See also Spruce's "On the Mountains of Llanganati, in the Eastern Cordillera of the Quitonian Andes, Illustrated in a Map Constructed by the Late Atanasio Guzman," Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 31 (1861), 163-184.

7443. Stabler, Jordan H. "Travels in Ecuador," The Geographical Journal, 50:4 (Oct. 1917), 241-254.

7444. Stadel, Christoph. "Environmental Stress and Sustainable Rural Development in the Tropical Andes," Mountain Research and Development, 11:3 (Aug. 1991), 213-223.

7445. Stevenson, William Bennet. A Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence in South America. London: Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1825-1827. 3 v.

Stevenson was private secretary to President Ruiz de Castilla and an eyewitness to the events of 1809. Also published in French as: Relation historique et description d'un sejour de vingt ans dans l'Amerique du Sud. Paris: A.J. Kilian, 1826. 3 v.; and as: Voyage en Araucanie, au Chili, au Perou et dans la Colombie ... Paris: Leroie, 1832. 3 v. And in Spanish as: Narración histórica y descriptiva de 20 años de residencia en Sudamérica, primera edición completa en español. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1994. 723 p.

7446. Stübel, Alphons. Die Vulkanberge von Ecuador: Geologisch-Topographisch Aufgenommen und Beschrieben. Berlin: A. Asher, 1897. xxi, 556 p.

Reports on the extensive exploration of volcanoes undertaken by Stübel (1835-1904), a geologist, together with his countryman Wilhelm Reiss (1838-1908), a naturalist, between 1871 and 1874, and the Ecuadorian artist Rafael Troya (1845-1920). The engravings of topographic scenes are based on paintings undertaken in situ by Troya.

See also: Reiss and Stübel's Skizzen aus Ecuador (Berlin: A. Asher, 1886; xiii, 96 p.) that recounts some of their fields trips within the country; and Reisen in Süd-Amerika: das Hochgebirge der Republik Ecuador, edited by Reiss and Stübel (Berlin: A. Asher, 1892-1902; 2 vols.) which includes is given over to the geology and related aspects of the mountains of Ecuador, especially of Cotopaxi, with contributions by Max Belowsky, Richard Herz, Ernst Elich, Adolf Klautzsch, Ernst Esch, and Alfred Prentice Young.

7447. Suárez, Luis; and Mario García. Extinción de animales en el Ecuador: descripción de 60 especies amenazadas. Quito: Fundación Natura, 1986. 153 p.

7448. Sumwalt, Martha Murray. Ecuador in Pictures. New York: Sterling Pub. Co., 1969. 64 p. Chiefly ill.

7449. Sztolcman, Jan. Viajes por el Ecuador. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1995. 225 p.

A Spanish version of a heretofore unknown or at least forgotten early- twentieth-century travel account by a Polish author.

7450. Terán, Francisco. Breve visión geográfica del Ecuador. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1957. 72 p.

7451. Terán, Francisco. Geografía del Ecuador. Quito: Ediciones Libreria "Cima," [1979]. 425 p.

A standard high school geography, updated and reissued many times. Apparently published for the first time in 1948: Quito: Tall. Gráf. Nacionales. 265 p.

7452. Ternaux-Compans, Henri. "Informe de Henri Ternaux Compans sobre la Gran Colombia en 1829: notas de viaje por Panamá, Quito y Provincia de Popayán," [traducido del francés con una introducción] por Sergio Elías Ortiz, Boletín de Historia y Antigüedades, 56:651/653 (ene./mar. 1969), 59-73.

7453. Thournout, Frank van. "Depósitos minerales en el Ecuador relacionados con terrenos geológicos y eventos tectónico-magmáticos," Cultura, 8:24a (ene/abr. 1986), 291-308.

7454. The Threatened Forests of South-West Ecuador: The Final Report of the Ecuadorian Dry Forest Project, 1991, edited by Brinley Best. Cheshire, U.K.: Biosphere Publications, 1992. xvi, 240 p.

7455. Urrutia, Virginia. Two Wheels & a Taxi: A Slightly Daft Adventure in the Andes. Seattle: Mountaineers, 1987. vii, 246 p.

The adventures of a bicyclist in Ecuador in the 1980s.

7456. Uzcátegui Andrade, Byron. Los Llanganates y la tumba de Atahualpa. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, Sección Nacional del Ecuador, 1992. 171 p.

An Ecuadorian contribution to the legend of the Llanganates. Maintains that Rumiñahui rescued Atahualpa's body and interred it in a huaca, dating from pre-Incan time, somewhere in the Llanganates.

7457. Valenzuela, Javier. Recuerdos e impresiones de un viaje por los países occidentales de Sud-América. Guatemala: Tip. "Sánchez y de Guise," 1895. 143 p.

A late-nineteenth-century account of "memoirs and impressions" of Ecuador, Peru, and Chile by a Central American.

7458. Veatch, Arthur Clifford. Quito to Bogotá. New York: George H. Doran , 1917. xx, 338 p.

7459. Vigne, G.T. Travels in Mexico, South America, etc.: Travels from Guayaquil to Riobamba, Quito, Popayán and Direct to Bogotá. London: W.H. Allen, 1863. 2 v.

Also published in photofacsimile reprint: New York: AMS Press, 1973.

7460. Villarroel Gutiérrez, Fernando. El Ecuador que Ud. no ha visto, 1ª ed. Quito: F. Villarroel Gutiérrez, 1985-<1987>. <4> v.

7461. Villavicencio, Manuel. Apéndice de la Jeografía del Ecuador y defensa de los terrenos baldíos. Valparaiso: Impr. y Librería del Mercurio de S. Tornero y Ca., 1860. 73 p.

Primarily concerned with the question of territorial limits, especially in the Oriente. Includes a map. Reprinted in: Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 38:91 (ene./jun. 1955), 9-48.

7462. Villavicencio, Manuel. Geografía de la República del Ecuador. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1984. xxvii, ix, 505 p.

Photofacsimile reprint with a new introduction of the first geography of Ecuador. Originally published: New York: Impr. de R. Craighead, 1858. Includes contemporary maps of Guayaquil and Quito. N.B. Does not reprint the separately published Apéndice (item 7461). A revealing portrait of the country as of the mid-nineteenth-century. See also the separately printed, exceptionally rare 74 x 100 cm., colored Carta corográfica de la República del Ecuador : dilineada en vista de las cartas de don Pedro Maldonado, el Baron de Humboldt, Mr.Wisse, la de las sondas de las costas por M.M. Fitzroy i H. Kellet i las particulares del autor (New York, 1858).

7463. Vivens y Roig, Toni. Ecuador. Barcelona: Laertes, 1990. 327 p.

A travel guide for Spanish speakers.

7464. Vizcaíno V., Julio A. Directorio general de la República. Quito: Tall. de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios, 1928. viii, 413 p.

Intended to have been an annual register, but only one vol. is known to have been published.

7465. Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang. Ecuador, the Unknown: Two and a Half Years' Travels in the Republic of Ecuador and Galápagos Islands. New York: Oxford University Press, 1940. 296.

A popular account by a naturalist who did not hesitate to set himself up as an authority on everything regarding Ecuador. His prose and his facts in this and his other works on Ecuador leave something to be desired, however.

7466. Weaks, Dan. "Portraits of Ecuador," Radical History Review, 27 (1983), 99-109.

Published ten photographs of Indians and mestizos of the highlands, sans text or meaningful captions.

7467. Wéry, Paul. Notes sur la République de l'Equateur et sur la ville de Guayaquil, capitale du commerce. Paris: Impr. de M. Picard, 1900. 67 p.

There are copies of this little known work in the Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris) and in the British Library (London). It is not known to be held by any library in the United States or in Ecuador, however. The section on Guayaquil was reprinted as: La ville de Guayaquil, capitale du commerce de la République de l'Equateur (Amérique du Sud). Paris: Impr. de Chaix, 1906. 32 p.

7468. Whymper, Edward. Supplementary Appendix to Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. London: John Murray, 1891. xxii, 147 p.

With contributions by H.P. Bates et al. No known reprint or translation.

7469. Whymper, Edward. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1891; London: John Murray, 1892. xxiv, 456 p.

Whymper was the first European to climb Mt. Chimborazo (1880). It has been attempted before, to no avail, by several others, including Humboldt in 1802 and Boussingault in 1831. Whymper also contributed significantly to scientific knowledge of this and several others of the high peaks of the country. See also the reprint: new ed. with introduction and photographs by Loren McIntyre. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books, 1987. Also published in Spanish: Entre los altos Andes del Ecuador: relaciones de viaje, versión española de C.O. Bustamante. Quito: Impr. y Encuad. Nacionales, 1921. And as: Viajes a través de los majestuosos Andes del Ecuador, 2ª ed. en español. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1994. 448 p.

7470. Wolf, Theodor. Geografía y geología del Ecuador. Quito: Edit. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, 1975. 798 p.

A reprint with additional materials. Originally published: Leipzig: Tip. de F.A. Brockhaus, 1892. xii, 671 p. The 1975 edition includes 61 pages of added notes, "updating" Wolf. The original edition was also published in English as: Geography and Geology of Ecuador. Toronto: Grand and Troy, 1933. 684 p. An important source of demographic, economic, and social data for the late nineteenth-century, given Wolf's interest in "human geography," as well as the most detailed geography of the country until the Geografía básica del Ecuador (item 581) began to appear. There is also a 3ª ed (Guayaquil: Universidad de Guayaquil, 1992) but I do not know if it is a reprint of the original edition or of the updated edition of 1975.

7471. Wolf, Theodor. Viajes científicos por la República del Ecuador. Guayaquil: Impr. del Comercio, 1879. 3 v. in 1.

Contents: Relación de un viaje geognóstico por la Provincia de Loja (57 p.); Relación de un viaje geognóstico por la Provincia del Azuay (78 p.); Memoria sobre la geografía y geología de la Provincia de Esmeraldas( 87 p.).

7472. Wright, R. A Brief Sketch of the Lands and Mines of the Republic of Ecuador. London, 1838. 23 p.

7473. Zahn, John Augustine. Along the Andes and down the Amazon. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1912. xx, 542 p.

Published under the pseudonym: H.J. Mozans.