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Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples 

Monday, March 26, 2007


Arrived last nite in Guatemala. Before leaving I never did find out whether there would be transporation to th Cumbre, so instead I arranged to be taken to the San Carlos Hotel where the Americas Social Forum Hemispheric Council is meeting later this week. As it turned out, people were waiting to take me to the Cumbre but the Hotel San Carlos people were no where to be found. They say it is dangerous to travel at nite, so they have us a police escort. The ironies. My registration was all screwed up, but they put me in a home stay anyway. Now I'm registered as press, which gives access to Internet on site.

We woke up early this morning to come to Iximche where apparently the event will be held. The event started with a Maya religious ceremony, and then breakfast. Meetings are starting soon. The sun is shining brightly, and the weather is eternally springlike.

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