Today was the last full day of our delegation in Haiti, and our second day in Jacmel on the southern coast. This is a very beautiful area of Haiti, and I now understand why Haiti was once called the jewel of the Antilles and why it used to have a thriving tourist industry. I once heard somewhere that poverty was so extreme in Haiti that it had led to a complete deforestation of this part of the island of Hispaniola, that not a single tree remained. Obviously that is a complete exaggeration. This part of Haiti looks very much like a lush tropical paradise.
We spent the morning at the Bassin-Bleu waterfalls outside of town. The drive across the river and up into the mountains was as interesting and scenic as the falls themselves. The sign at the falls said there were three falls (Bassin Yes, Bassin Palmiste, Bassin Clair), but I really only remember 2 falls. The upper falls was about a 20-meter drop into a pool where some of us swam for a bit.
Tomorrow we head back to Port-au-Prince, and then on Friday I fly to San Diego for the
AHA. I'd much rather stay in Haiti.