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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Centro Educativo Integral Ko'e Pyahu

We woke up early this morning in Asuncion and drove out to the Integral Educational Center by Union in the department of San Pedro. Students and teachers met us at the front gate, and took us on a tour of the school. They have about 10 hectares planted with organic vegetables and fruit trees to grow for the school's use. The students come from organized communities both to gain a high school education and to learn how to develop sustainable agricultural programs. Their parents also volunteer at the school, so that they know what is happening with their children's educational process. Gaining the parents' support is critical to the educational process. There are 92 students (30 females and 62 and males) in six classes. They are developing a new educational process that responds to the current needs of campesinos. Director Jose Parra told us that they are working for better, more sustainable agriculture without transgenics. The school has functioned for 11 years.

Today was a beautiful day, but it quickly gets dark after 5pm and the temperature begins to drop. Now we're gathered around a table at a school where we are staying drinking mate and coffee and worrying about mosquitos. Why would mosquitos be out when it is so chilly?

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