Terror Archives
This morning we went to the Terror Archive, which was an absolutely fascinating place to be. I'd like to return on a research trip to investigate more of what is available there.
The Stroessner dictatorship expelled Frisco Gilchrist, one of our delegation members, in 1976. Archive staff gave him a copy of the interview the police did with him in 1976, and the followup on his denouncing human rights abuses in Paraguay upon his returning to the States. There is audio of him describing these events at http://www.yachana.org/reports/paraguay/audio/7.FriscoGilchrist1.mp3. Absolutely fascinating.
In the afternoon we talked with Juan Martens of the Coordinadora de los Derechos Humanos de Paraguay about military abuses, and then Serpaj member Vidal Acevedo talked more about military conscription.
I have to run to a meeting right now, but I'll try to write more later.