This is a Blog of my trip to Venezuela with the Venezuela Information Office from August 13-18, 2004, as an official observer for the referendum on the Hugo Chavez government.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
<Marc> The voting was originally supposed to end at 6 pm, and then it was extended to 8 pm, and now to midnite. we went back out this evening to see what is happening on the streets and in the polling places. Some polling places still had relatively long lines. But what was most striking was the difference btwn Miraflores and Altamira. Energetic pro-Chavista crowds have gathered at Miraflores chanting "Chavez ya gano" (Chavez already won) and are parading through the streets shouting, honking horns, and shooting off fireworks. On the other hand, the traditional opposition gathering point, Plaza Altamira, is almost completely deserted. Although the few people there try to put forward a positive face, the dejected attitude is clear. There is an embargo on reporting final results until midnite, but at this point the outcome appears clear. We anxiously await the final results.
</Marc> <!--10:17 PM-->
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