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Sunday, June 11: Coyuntura, tour of Managua, and Batahola Community Center

José Luis Rocha delegation

The day started with José Luis Rocha giving us a brief overview of Nicaraguan history, and a coyuntura--an analysis of current events. Our delegation includes Carlos (back to camera), Susan, Virginia, Mike, and Mary Ann. Anne is translating for José Luis.

New Cathedral inside cathedral

In the afternoon we took a tour of Managua, starting with a visit to the new cathedral, funded with Dominio Pizza money.

Sandino Managua

We then continued on to the Loma de Tiscapa, a hill in Managua that features a silhouette of Augusto César Sandino on top of what used to be Somoza's bunker. The top gives good views of Managua. Toward the lake is the Managua with the old Bank of America building and the shell of the old cathedral destroyed in the 1972 earthquake. To the back over the Tiscapa laguna is Managua's new commercial center, including the new cathedral and the Metrocentro mall. And here is our bus.

Tiscapa bus

Peace Park Carlos Fonseca tomb

The Parque de la Paz (Peace Park) features destroyed weapons from the contra war that you can see sticking out from behind the kids in this picture. Across the street from the park is the Plaza of the Revolution (or Republic) that is surrounded by the tomb of Carlos Fonseca (founder of the Sandinistas) and the old cathedral destroyed in the 1972 earthquake and the National Palace.

old cathedral Palacio Nacional

Fishing Daniel

A guy fishing in Lake Managua. Daniel Ortega election poster (El Frente, la solución! Nicaragua Triunfa).

Batahola Batahola

We then visited the Cultural Center in Batahola Norte that features a revolutionary mural with Che, Carlos Fonseca, and Sandino.

delegation street

Our tired delegation at the end of the day at Batahola. An old woman begging on the streets of Managua in a wheelchair. Back to the hotel to get ready for tomorrow.

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