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I am traveling to Nicaragua with Wisconsin Coordinating Council on Nicaragua (WCCN) from June 10-18, 2006 for their study seminar "Changing Nicaragua from the Ground Up: The Power and Promise of Nicaraguan Women."

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Arrived in Esteli about 7 pm tonite, and sitting in a painfully slow internet cafe again w-o pix. Spent the day around Malpaisillo with the women´s group Xochilt-Acalt. They are a very interesting and motivated group. In the morning we met with a youth group. After talking about a variety of issues for a while we asked them what they thought about the United States. The first student said that they watch TV and get positive images and like what they see. Then another student asked why the Bush administration is so harsh on immigrants. They have an image of the government violently removing people, and even killing them. It fills them with fear and sadness. After all, the immigrants are only going to work. Why does the government not want that? Racist and xenophobic attitudes and policies in the U.S. present a very bad image around the world.

We then met with a women´s group in the afternoon. I´ll try to write up something about that later. Our new bus had electrical problems (I think the starter is out) and we weren´t sure we were going to make it to Esteli, but here we are now--in a painfully slow internet cafe. good nite.
</Marc> <!--8:42 PM-->

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