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Monday, January 26, 2009


After a miserably long trip including a long layover in Sao Paulo (where I ran into town to the Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo to see the European masters including Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Monet), I finally arrived last night at midnight in Belem, right on the equator at the mouth of the Amazon. I guess stuff doesn't really start until tomorrow afternoon with an opening march at 3pm, but it takes a while to figure out where to pick up our credentials, try to figure out where the press center is, and stuff like that.

Belem is a big city, and it's hot & muggy so I get a heat migraine right away (I begin to associate social forums with heat migraines), but it is always nice to be back in this different environment, in this different world which is quickly on its way to being our dominant reality.

It doesn't look like I'll have much time and even less Internet access, but I'll try to write and post stuff as I can.

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