
1895            Born in the village of Niquinohomo, Nicaragua.  His full name
                    was Augusto Nicolás Calderón Sandino.

1921            Sandino shoots Dagoberto Rivas, son of a Conservative prominent citizen. In order
                    to avoid punishment, Sandino flees to the Pacific coast in Nicaragua, and later goes
                    to Hondouras where he is employeed at a sugar processing plant.

1922-1926   Sandino becomes involved with many different spiritualist groups including
                    Seventh Day Adventists, Yoga masters and the Freemasons The Masonic lodges
                    acquaints Sandino with radical revolutionary ideas such as anti-imperialism,
                    anti-clericalism, anarchism, communism as well as "liberalism," socialism, and the
                    glorification of his Indian heritage.

1926            May: Sandino returns to Nicaragua after the Statute of Limitations on his attempted
                    murder charge expires. Dagoberto Rivas prevents Sandino from returning to his
                    home village and opening a business. Sandino then moves on to the city of León.
                    June: Sandino meets up with a troop of migrating workers and travels North to the
                    mining areas, finally finding work at the San Albino mine in July. Sandino is behind
                    a movement by the miners to commit sabotage and theft.
                    November: After receiving guns from Honduras, Sandino and a band of miners
                    unsuccessfully attack the garrison at El Jícaro. Sandino realizes that he needs better
                    weapons and travels to Puerto Cabezas to bargain for men and weapons with
                    rebelling Liberal troops against the US-backed Conservatives. December: The
                    Liberal rebel Commander General José María Moncada denies Sandino weapons
                    and a military commission. Fortunately for Sandino he was able to obtain some
                    weapons from the fleeing Conservative rebels.

1927            April: Sandino begins to have visions of himself entering the Managua victorious.
                    May: The United States force the warring parties to come to an agreement (The
                    Espino Negro Accords). Sandino accepts the agreement and convinces Moncada he
                    will lay his guns down once he reaches Jinotega in the North, then changes his mind
                    and complained that he had not been consulted for the agreement. He declares the
                    agreement a betrayal of the fatherland.
                    June:  Sandino new condition for his surrender is the establishment of an honorable
                    Liberal government. He receives no response. Sandino begins to act as constituted
                    authority in the region, appointing civil authorities, and renames El Jícaro, site of
                    his failed attack after himself, Ciudad Sandino (Sandino City).
                    July: Sandino issues his first two political manifestos in which he claims a mystical
                    tie with the Indian race and his intention to shed the blood of others for the sake of
                    his cause.
                    September: Sandino calls his troops The Army in Defense of the National
                    Sovereignty of Nicaragua, and creates guidelines for his fighters. He also changes
                    his name to Augusto "César" Sandino.
                    November: Sandino issues a decree identifying those he calls the "traitors to the
                    motherland." Anyone who does not follow Sandino is his enemy.

1928            January: Sandino demands the evacuation of the American Forces and the
                    resignation of President Adolfo. He also wants supervised elections.
                    October: Sandino organizes a Junta to take power with three marginal political
                    factions and the opportunist Nicaraguan exile Pedro J. Zepeda. Sandino also has
                    himself declared Generalissimo and uncontested military authority of the Republic.
                    November 4: Elections take place. Moncada wins the presidency. Sandino orders
                    his loyal personal representative abroad to join efforts with Zepeda in Mexico.

1929            January: Sandino writes to Mexican President requesting an audience to announce
                    his "far-reaching projects" for Latin America.
                    January 6: Sandino declares Moncada's government unconstitutional and that his
                    peasant army is the only source of legitimacy in the country. Sandino again demands
                    the withdrawal of the US troops.
                    February: Sandino confronts the European nations for not coming to his aid against
                    the United States.  He then threatens the lives of European nationals in Nicaragua.
                    March: Sandino writes to all the Presidents of the Continent seeking support and
                    announces that Nicaragua has been chosen to shed its blood for the rest of Latin
                    America. Moncada organizes a force of "volunteers" to fight Sandino.
                    June: Sandino travels to Mexico. He receives a stipend from the Mexican
                    government, who keeps him under surveillance. Sandino believing that the Mexican
                    government has set him up becomes withdrawn and depressed.

1931            Sandino reiterates to Pedrón that he is the Incarnation of God and his wife Blanca
                    is the incarnation of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. In his Manifesto Light and Truth,
                    Sandino predicts the end of the world and proclaims Nicaragua the seat of the
                    judgement against the unjust. His messianic calling emerges with renewed strength.
                    December: Sandino prepares to take over Nicaragua.

1932            August 31: Sandino plans to disrupt the upcoming election.

1933            January 1: Juan Bautista Sacasa is President; Anastasio Somoza is appointed Hea
                    of the National Guard.
                    January: Sandino is no longer receiving supplies The president plagued by internal
                    problems, named Sandino sympathizer Sofonías Salvatierra as negotiator.
                    Persuaded by his pleading wife, Sandino accepted to meet the presidential envoy.
                    February:  Sandino announced at dawn that he has to make peace or he will kill
                    himself. In the peace accords, Sandino pledged his loyalty to President Sacasa and
                    the surrender of his weapons, Sandino's men were granted amnesty for the crimes
                    they committed since 1927 and were allowed to settle in the Rio Coco basin,
                    where they would establish an "agricultural cooperative."
                    August 16: Sandino proclaims the Union of the Central American Republics and
                    establishes what he calls the Autonomist Army of Central America two days later.
                    Sandino allocated ministry portfolios to each country and outlined electoral rules to
                    choose the new entity's president. He declared himself Supreme Commander of the
                    new army and "Supreme Moral Authority of Central America." He travel led to
                    Managua to relieve tensions.

1934            February: Sandino reached an agreement with the President: the size of the National
                    Guard would be reduced within three months, and a Sandino sympathizer would be
                    placed in charge of the northern departments. As Sandino and his entourage made
                    their way out of the presidential compound, they were rounded up by Somoza's men
                    and executed. The next day, the National Guard descended on the northern
                    commune razing the cooperative and killing most of its members.