The Samoza Dynasty 1937-1979

The Samoza Dynasty in Nicaragua began in 1937 under Anastasio Somoza Garcia. Samoza became involved in Nicaraguan politics in 1927 when he was interpreter for the United States delegation send to end a Liberal revolt.  In 1932 he was made commander of the Nicaraguan Army. After dispatching Augusto Sandino and his followers in 1937, and ousting the Republic’s President from power, he became President. In order to hold on to power Samoza changed the constitution, rigged elections, and used the National Guard as a bullying force. Samoza was the richest man in Nicaragua when he was assassinated in 1956. In 1967 when Somoza’s younger son Anastasio Somoza Debayle came to power after his brother, corruption of the government was still prevalent. An earthquake in 1972 and Samoza’s attempt to gain wealth, alienated Samoza’s supporters and led to the dynasty’s collapse.  This Family dynasty lasted until 1979 when the Sandinistas overthrew it.
