
Our goal is to explore the role of ethnicity in Resistance movements throughout Latin America.  We are looking at three areas of Latin America (Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru) to get a view of the situation that has been a problem throughout Latin America for many years.  We want to synthesize informantion from existing sources to get a coherent view of the role of ethnicity in motivating community/regional uprisings.  We view our web page as a collaboration of ideas, thoughts and opinions attempting to present a synopsis of each movement from a less bias point of view.  Any one of these sources can be used as an accurate view of what happened.  We are presenting them here, togther, in an attempt to give a more balanced point of view of history.
Felix, Gloria Alicia Caudillo.  "Peru:  Etnia, Politica y Violencia." Latino America  25(1992):  229-250.
This article explores in depth the role of ethnicity in the Shining Path movement.  Felix talks about indigenous myths and other indigenous practices/traditions that helped to create the precarious situation in Peru.

Harding, Colin.  "Antonio Diaz Martinez and the Ideology of Sendero Luminoso."  Bulletin of Latin Amreican Research  7(1988):  65-73.
In this article, Harding explores the creation of Sendero Luminoso and Antonio Diaz Martinez' role in it.  He also discusses the Communist origins of the movement and the role of President Gonzalo as its leader.

Izaguirre, Carlos Reyna.  "Shining Path in the 21st Century:  Actors in Search of a New Script."  NACLA Report on the Americas July/Aug 1996:  37-38.
This article briefly discusses the current status of Shining Path in Peru.  Since 1994, it has separated into two factions--one advocating peace and the other violence to achieve the same goal.  Izaguirre states that the movement is not currently as much of a threat as it once was, but it has potential for rising up again.  "Committe to Support the Revolution in Peru."  Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru. Hompage of the EZLN. Contains record of official announcements, explanation of goals, links to useful information, etc.  EZLN Declaration of War.  Official explanation of EZLN complaints, and it's demands for the future.  This is an English translation.  This page covers social struggles in Mexico.  There are links to other related sites and also to summaries of a variety of issues.  There are links to orient the reader to Mexico's history, links to news stories, links to a Mexico news bulletin, etc.

Gibert, Dennis. Sandinistas: The Party and the Revolution. New York: Basil Blackwell Inc., 1988.
This book covers the basic goals of the Sandinista revolutionaries. It explores many different aspects of the revolution, including motivation, actions taken during control of power, and the United States involvement in the revolution.

Bugajski, Janusz. Sandinista Communism and Rural Nicaragua. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1990.
This book focuses more on the indigenous people of Nicaragua and how they were involved in the Revolution.

http//"Sandinista Front of National Liberation." Jorge Capelan. Began July 19, 1998.
This is a Scandinavian web site that is aimed at supporting the Sandinista movements while educating readers about the Sandinista goals. It includes articles about the movemnet and links to news- letters, including a mailing group.

Berg, Ronald H.  “Sendero Luminoso and the Peasantry of Anahuaylas.”  Journal of Inter-American Studies  28:  165-196.

Brysk, Alison.  From Tribal Village to Global Village.  Stanford:  Stanford U. Press, 2000.

Castro, Daniel.  “War Is Our Daily Life.”  Confronting Change, Challenging Tradition--Women in Latin American History.  Ed. Gertrude M. Yeager.  1994, Wilmington, DE-Scholarly Resources, Inc.  219-225

Chang-Rodriguez, Eugenio.  “Sendero Luminoso.”  Nueva Sociedad 89 (1987):  152-162.

Coraje.  Dir. Alberto Durant.  Perf. Olenka Cepeda.  Videocasstte.  Latin American Video Archives, 1998.

Felix, Gloria Alicia Caudillo.  “Perú:  Etnia, política y violencia.”  Latino América 25 (1992):  229-250.

“Fujimori:  gobierno busca eliminar últimos remanentes senderismo.”  Spanish Newswire Services  8 Oct. 1999.  2 Nov. 2000

“Fujimori:  venció al terrorismo pero mantiene viva su amenaza.”  Spanish Newswire Services 3 Dec. 1999.  2 Nov. 2000

Harding, Colin.  “Antonia Diaz Martinez and the Ideology of Sendero Luminoso.”   Bulletin of Latin American Research 7 (1988):  65-73.

Izaguirre, Carlos Reyna.  “Shining Path in the 21st Century:  Actors in Search of a New Script.”  NACLA Report on the Americas July/Aug 1996:  37-38.

McCormick, Gordon H.  The Shining Path and the Future of Peru.  Washington, D.C.:  Rand, 1990.

Melgar Bao, Ricardo.  “Una Guerra etnocampesina en el Perú:  Sendero Luminoso.”  Anales de Antropología 23 (1986):  163-194.

New Flag, The.  4 Oct. 2000.

Poole, Deborah and Gerardo Renique.  “The New Chroniclers of Peru:  U.S. Scholars and Their ‘Shining Path’ of Peasant Rebellion.”  Bulletin of Latin American Research 10 (1991):  133-191.

Obando, Enrique.  “Al final del Sendero.”  Debate. Sept./Oct. 1994:  14-16.

“The True Story of the Ashaninka Inidans.”  Revolutionary Worker.  Home page.  26 Sept. 1993.  Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru.  16 Sept. 2000

Sarmiento, Abelardo.  ”Peru/Violence Five Years After Abimael Guzman’s Capture, Peru Still Lacks.”  Notimex 11 Sept. 1997.  2 Nov. 2000

Sohr, Raul.  “Perú:  un sendero sin destino.”  Mensaje  41 (1992) :  546-547.