Who is involved and why?


Men and women, Indians and mestizos.  There is not one group involved in this movement, but many.  It is a movement with the support of the People, mostly the peasant class, who are also mostly Indians.  This movement doesn't call to ethnic issues, but social issues.  They want their basic rights to be respected.  People around the world have formed support groups spreading the word about the situation of the EZLN in Chiapas.

Zapatista solidarity groups and related sites
    Listing of links to web pages of pro-zapatista organizations, etc.

Living Conditions for Indigenous Women in Chiapas
    This is a paper about Zapatista Women and their role inside and outside of the movement.

Indigenous Autonomy in Chiapas: The Women Are Missing
    This is the last chapter from a book by Rosa Rojas dealing with motivations of the EZLN and also motivations of individuals who take part in the movement.  In this chapter she discusses the corruptness of the government elections in Chiapas and the struggle for autonomy in 1994.  She doesn't focus on the EZLN so much as on the social problems and complications, especially women's conditions.

The Irish Mexicans
    Link to information about the bonds between the Irish and the Zapatistas.  The Zapatistas believe that their enemy is an international enemy shared with minorities across the globe.  They have held conventions to discuss this issue in Chiapas and in Spain.  Their enemy is identified as neoliberalism.  This link is full of interesting information about the history of the bond between the Irish and Mexicans.