"Pachakut'i...Cosmic upheaval...Preparing a triumphal return; his head was growing a new body to launch the pachakut'i, the reversal of upper and lower worlds and, by implication, upper and lower social orders...Just as each earthquake, each pachakut'i, in Qosqo or Mexico City demolishes a little more of Spanish architecture to reveal a little more of the Inka or Aztec foundations that lie below, it is stripping away a little more of the colonial body paint that covers the indigenous heart of the Americas...Pachakut'i has moved in from the realm of myth as aspiration to become an everyday concept... Today we are entering the age of a new pachakut'i, a  fundamental change"  -Phillip Wearne
We chose the groups on this web site because they are unified through the concept of pachakut'i.  Each has in some way implemented a "fundamental change" in Latin America.


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Zapatistas (EZLN)
Cultural Survival
Popular Revolutionary Army
Shuar Federation
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalism of Ecuador (CONAIE)
Coordination Indigena de la Cuenca Amazonica (COICA)
Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)