Global Issues Colloquium (IDSM 400)
Fall 2016
Office: MC 227
Office Hours: TR 10:30-11:30 |
Marc Becker
Phone: x6036 |
In this course students prepare for, attend, and reflect on Global Issues Colloquium topics. The colloquium topics vary from semester to semester, and are listed at http://globalissues.truman.edu/. Students will read assigned texts before each colloquium, craft questions for presenters, and write short reflections after each colloquium. The course is pass/fail and may be repeated for up to three credits. This course counts toward the 63-hour Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) graduation requirement.
Course Outcomes
You will:
- Practice being a critical reader, listener, and thinker, aware of global issues and the sort of investigation required to understand them.
- Strengthen your ability to formulate informed questions and to appreciate and evaluate responses to them.
- Become more aware of your own culturally constructed biases.
- Join a local community that recognizes a responsibility to think globally.
Course Texts
No books are required though each colloquium will require advance reading of essays posted to Blackboard.
Course Policies
Preparation: You will read three essays in preparation before each colloquium. You will write at least four thoughtful questions for each presenter, bring them to the colloquium, use them as best you can, and turn them in afterwards. (If you have personal experiences with an issue, those can be the source of especially rich discussions.)
Follow-up: By the following Monday, you will write and email me a one or two page reflection on each of the colloquiums, focusing on the issues discussed, and evaluating the sorts of evidence presented in support of positions and counter-positions.
Attendance: You will attend at least three colloquiums. If you must miss one of the colloquiums we will find an alternative event for you to attend.
Grading: This course is credit/ no credit. Not attending at least three colloquiums means you do not receive credit. Moreover, you must ask at least one question during two of the colloquiums.
Academic Integrity: Do your own reading; come up with your own questions; write your own responses. Stay in charge of your own thinking and be the sort of citizen this globe needs. Earn this credit.
ADA Policy: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, let me know and notify the Disability Services Office (x448) as soon as possible.
| Marc Becker's Home Page | marc@yachana.org | |