Native Peoples: Indigenous Movements in Latin America
(LAS 275)
What does it mean to be "Indian" in Latin America? Do Rigoberta Menchú, the Maya Indian
from Guatemala who won the Nobel Peace Prize, and the Zapatista guerrillas, Maya Indians who
are fighting against neoliberalism in Chiapas, Mexico, have anything in common? We will
discuss challenges to Indian survival, and how Indians have confronted problems which they
face. How have these struggles changed Indian communities and ethnic identities? Through a
study of cultural, historical, and political dynamics, we will analyze themes such as the role of
women, environment concerns, economic development, the formation of Indigenous
organizations, assimilation, ethno-nationalism, and demands for territorial autonomy. Hopefully
you will leave this class with a better appreciation for the rich cultural and ethnic diversity of
Indigenous peoples in the Americas.
You are expected and required to attend every class session, and you are responsible for the
material covered in the lectures, readings and films, and for any announcements made in class.
Unexcused absences will negatively affect your grade. If you have suggestions for improving the
class, please bring these to my attention. In order to improve the quality and value of the class,
through consensus the class can modify the syllabus and assignments. I will post class schedule
updates and other information related to the class on the web site. If you have a disability or any
conflicts which may affect your class performance, please bring this to my attention immediately
so that we can make arrangements for this to be a positive learning experience for you.
There are five required books for this class. Read the assignments before class so that you are
prepared to carry on an intelligent discussion of the material in class. Lectures will complement
the readings and assume the base level of knowledge which they present, so it is critically
important that you keep up with the readings.
- Alderete, Wara, ed. Daughters of Abya Yala: Native Women Regaining Control.
Summertown, Tenn., USA: Book Pub. Co, 1992.
- Díaz Polanco, Héctor. Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: The Quest for Self-Determination. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press, 1997.
- Van Cott, Donna Lee, ed. Indigenous Peoples and Democracy in Latin America. New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1994.
- Wade, Peter. Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. Chicago, Ill: Pluto Press, 1997.
- Wearne, Phillip. Return of the Indian: Conquest and Revival in the Americas. Philadelphia:
Temple University Press, 1996.
This course makes use of a web site and a web-based discussion board
(http://cnav.www.gettysburg.edu:82/courses/las275a/) to extend the scope of the class beyond
that of the immediate classroom setting. Class schedule updates, additional information on
assignments, study guides, and other resources and information related to the class will be posted
to the web site. Please use the discussion board to ask questions, continue class discussions, and
as a resource to help you with assignments and exams. You are expected and encouraged to
make active use of these resources. Please let me know if you need assistance in using these
Assignments and grades
Course grades will be based on the following assignments. I will place more information on
these assignments on the class web page. All essays are to be three-pages long, typed, double
spaced, include citations and a bibliography, and follow good essay form. The format should
follow either the MLA or Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and
Dissertations. See the guide "The Writing of a Historical Essay or Research Paper" on the class
web page for additional advice on the format of your papers. Grades on late assignments will be
penalized one-half of a letter grade for each day that they are late.
- Ethnic self-awareness study (10%, due January 29). This assignment is designed to lead you
to think more critically about ethnicity in Latin America through an analysis of your own
ethnic identity and what that means to you.
- Zapatista essay (10%, due February 19). Analyze the current Zapatista movement in Mexico
in the context of historical developments in that country.
- Environmental essay (10%, due March 5). What environmental problems have Indigenous
peoples in Latin America faced? How have they confronted these problems?
- Midterm exam (10%, March 12). This exam will cover the first half of the class.
- Women essay (10%, due March 31). How is the role of Indian women different from other
women in Latin America? What unique problems do they face?
- Quizzes (10%). There will be periodic quizzes over the weekly readings.
- Internet research assignment (20%). Design a web page for the Internet either on one
Indigenous ethnic group in Latin America, on the Indigenous peoples of one Latin American
country, or a thematic topic related to Indigenous peoples. I will help you develop an
appropriate topic for the web page. The specifics of the web page are up to you, but it should
contain the following elements: a historical introduction to that particular group or groups, a
description of their culture (including food, language, religion, dress, etc.), current issues
which they face, their organizations and organizational strategies, and their prospects for the
future. You may also want to include links to other sites, maps, graphics, and photos (but be
careful not to break any copyright laws). This project is a chance for you to let your creative
juices flow.
This will be a collaborative project which you will develop with several other students. This
class has been assigned a Student Associate, Becca O'Connell, to assist you in the planning and
implementation of the web page. You should think of this assignment as the extension of a
research paper, and include all the appropriate items therein (footnotes, bibliography, etc.). Your
audience, however, will be the general public who will access your web page over the Internet.
At the end of the semester, we will review and critique the style and content of each other's web
pages in class and make suggestions for improvements. There are three important dates for this
- February 26: Deadline to select topic for web page.
- March 26: Deadline for you to meet with me in my office to discuss strategies and potential
problems with your topic.
- May 3-6: Presentation of web pages in class.
- Final exam (20%, Wednesday, May 12). The final exam is comprehensive.
Class Schedule
January 22 Introduction
January 25-29 Ancient Civilizations
- Read:
- Wearne, Ch. 1 ("Definitions and Diversity") and Ch. 2 ("Before Columbus")
- Wade, Ch. 1 ("Meaning of 'Race' and 'Ethnicity'")
- Díaz Polanco, Ch. 1 ("Nation Building and the Ethnic Question")
- Ethnicity Essay (January 29)
February 1-5 Conquest and Colonization
- Read:
- Wearne, Ch. 3 ("Human Rights, Human Wrongs")
- Díaz Polanco, Ch. 2 ("Colonial Policy and Slavery") and Ch. 3 ("Colonial Indigenism")
- Wade, Ch. 2 ("Blacks and Indians in Latin America")
February 8-12 Zapatistas
- Read:
- Tresierra, Ch. 8 ("Mexico"), in Van Cott, Indigenous Peoples and Democracy
- "A Brief History of the Zapatistas" and "First Declaration From the Lacandon Jungle"
- Special Lecture: Rodolfo Stavenhagen, "The Zapatista Rebellion and Its Political
Consequences" (Thursday, February 11, 7:30 pm, Lyceum, Penn Hall)
February 15-19 Assimilation
- Read:
- Díaz Polanco, Ch. 4 ("Indigenism after Independence")
- Wade, Ch. 3 ("Early Approaches to Blacks and Indians")
- Zapatista Essay (February 19)
February 22-26 Amazon: Land and Environment
- Read:
- Wearne, Ch. 4 ("Land and Environment")
- Marés de Souza, Ch. 9 ("Brazil") and Prieto, Ch. 10 ("Paraguay"), in Van Cott, Indigenous
Peoples and Democracy
- Special Lecture: Margaret Kek, "Environmental Movements in Latin America" (Thursday,
February 25, 7:30 pm, Lyceum, Penn Hall)
- Deadline to select web topic (February 26)
March 1-5 Nationalism and Ethno-nationalism
- Read: Wade, Ch. 4-7
- Environmental Essay (March 5)
March 8-12 Review and midterm exam
- Midterm Exam (March 12)
March 15-19 Spring Break
March 22-26 Indian women
- Read: Alderete, Daughters of Abya Yala
- Special Lecture: Margarite Guzman Bouvard, "The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina"
(Thursday, March 25, 7:30 pm, Lyceum, Penn Hall)
- Deadline to meet with me about your web page (March 26)
March 29-31 Bolivia and Colombia: Economic Development
- Read:
- Wearne, Ch. 5 ("Assimilation and Development")
- Albó, Ch. 3 ("Bolivia") and Avirama, Ch. 4 ("Colombia") in Van Cott, Indigenous Peoples
and Democracy
- Women Essay (March 31)
April 5-9 Ecuador: Pan-Indian Organization
- Read:
- Wearne, Ch. 6 ("Organization and Revival")
- Remy, Ch. 5 ("Peru") and Selverston, Ch. 6 ("Ecuador") in Van Cott, Indigenous Peoples
and Democracy
April 12-16 Guatemala: Maya nationalism
- Read: Adams, Ch. 7 ("Guatemalan Maya") in Van Cott, Indigenous Peoples and Democracy
April 19-23 Nicaragua: Autonomy
- Read: Díaz Polanco, Part 2 ("On the Road to Autonomy")
April 26-30 Globalization
- Read: Van Cott, Ch. 1 ("Democracy") and Brysk, Ch. 2 ("Globally") in Van Cott, Indigenous
Peoples and Democracy
May 3-6 Class presentations and final review
Final Exam: Wednesday, May 12, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
| Marc Becker's Home Page | marc@yachana.org | |