Marc with Luis Catucuamba Cacuango, founder of Indigenous schools in Cayambe and son of Indigenous leader Dolores Cacauango |
Preliminary work on a project to make archival materials on Indigenous movements in Ecuador available to a broader audience. If you have suggestions or material to contribute to this archive, please contact Marc Becker at marc@yachana.org.
Constitutional changes in citizenship requirements (1830-1998) / Spanish transcription / English Translation
La Asamblea General de Campesinos de los Cantones Yaguachi y Milagro, a los Obreros y Campesinos en general / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
1928 document calling for the rights of peasants in the Constituyente Nacional. List of demands includes limiting latifundios, creation of agrarian colonies and cooperatives, selection of own authorities, expansion of rural work inspections, creation of a rural police force comprised of agricultural workers, creation of rural schools, support for rural medical services, municipal control over weighing of rice, development of road infrastructure, and ending legal charges for rural workers.
Source: Imp. del C.C. del P.S., Private Collection of
Leonardo J. Muñoz.
1931 Pesillo demands / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
Source: "Pliego de peticiones que los sindicatos 'El Inca' y 'Tierra Libre' situados en la parroquia Olmedo, presentan a los arriendatarios de las haciendas donde trabajan," El Dia, January 6, 1931, 1.
Convocation of Congress of Agricultural Laborers and Peasants / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
Invitation to First Congress of Peasant Organizations (Primer Congreso de Organizaciones Campesinos) in Juan Montalvo, Cayambe.
Source: Letter from William Dawson, Legation of the United States of America, Quito, to Secretary of State, Washington, February 27, 1931, Oficio no. 170, Record Group 59, 822.00B/27, National Archives Records Administration (NARA).
La huelga de los sindicatos “Tierra Libre” y “El Inca” / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
Source: Comité de Huelga, “La huelga de los sindicatos “Tierra Libre” y “El Inca”: Los crímenes de los latifundistas, authoridades y servidumbre,” Quito: Imprenta “Nueva Era,” March 18, 1931, Hojas Volantes, 1931-1940, D. Polit Partid. (985 1931-1940), p. 9, Biblioteca Ecuatoriana Aurelio Espinosa Pólit (BEAEP), Cotocollao, Ecuador.
Ricardo Paredes 1933 presidential platform / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
Source: "Ricardo Paredes, Candidato del Partido Comunista," Imprenta La Económica, [1933], Private Collection of
Leonardo J. Muñoz.
Conferencia de Cabecillas Indígenas / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
A November 1935 flyer announcing the closing session of the Conferencia de Cabecillas Indígenas (Conference of Indigenous Leaders) at the Casa del Obrero in Quito to create a regional or national organization to defend Indigenous interests.
Source: Presídium de la Conferencia de Cabecillas Indígenas, "Hoy se Clasura la Conferencia de Cabecillas Indígenas" (Quito: Editorial de El Correo, November 7, 1935), Hojas Volantes, 1933-1938, p. 298, Biblioteca Ecuatoriana Aurelio Espinosa Pólit (BEAEP), Cotocollao, Ecuador.
1940 Demands / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
Source: "¿Es de 'raza inferior' el 'indio'?" Ñucanchic Allpa, Epoca II, No. 15 (May 28, 1940), 1, 4.
1944 Debates over citizenship in Constituent Assembly / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
Source: “Actas de la Asamblea Constituyente de 1944,” t. 5, pp. 1-16 (October 24, 1944), Archivo Palacio Legislativo, Quito, Ecuador.
Carta de Tránsito Amaguaña a Director de la Junta Central de Asistencia Pública (Hacienda "La Chimba", 4 de julio de 1950) / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
Sobre un escanaloso disgusto entre los hermanos Nepas, y pide que la H. Junta se digne tomar las medidas necesarias para cortar estos abusos.
Fuente: Comunicaciones Recibidas, Haciendas en Administración, Segundo Semestre, 1950,
Archivo de la Junta Central de Asistencia Pública, Museo Nacional de la Medicina, Quito, Ecuador.
1960 La Chimba Petition to National Congress / PDF / Spanish transcription / English Translation
Source: Comité Interamericano de Desarrollo Agrícola (CIDA), Tenencia de la tierra y desarrollo socio-económico del sector agrícola: Ecuador (Washington: Unión Panamericana, 1965), 94-95.
Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios
The Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios (FEI, Ecuadorian Federation of Indians) was the first successful attempt in Ecuador to establish a national federation for and by Indigenous peoples. These are documents from and about the federation.
Ñucanchic Allpa
Ñucanchic Allpa (Quechua: "Our Land") was a bilingual newspaper that Indigenous
activists and their allies published on and off from the 1930s to the 1960s. Government officials
complained about its distribution in rural communities, and the threat that it represented to their
hegemonic control over the Indigenous population.
Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador
Since its formation in 1986, the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE, Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador) has led the Indigenous peoples of Ecuador from relative isolation to a position at center stage of Ecuadorian society. CONAIE is the representative body that guarantees Indigenous peoples the political voice that has too long been denied them, and that expresses their needs and goals within a rapidly changing world.
Preliminary collection of documents on foundation of the Partido Comunista del Ecuador (PCE, Ecuadorian Communist Party).
Comintern, incluyendo documentos de la Primera conferencia comunista latinoamericana (Buenos Aires, junio de 1929)
Documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) surveillance of the Ecuadorian left in the 1940s as part of the project on the FBI in Latin America.
Ensayos / Essays
Un proyecto para crear un repositorio de valiosos pero difíciles de localizar publicaciones sobre la historia de los movimientos sociales y las izquierdas en Ecuador.
Solidarity files
| e-archivo ecuatoriano
| Marc Becker's Home Page | marc@yachana.org |