Cayambe volcano |
- e-archivo ecuatoriano
- Preliminary work on a project to make archival materials on Indigenous
movements in Ecuador available to a broader audience.
- Quito archives, libraries, and bookstores
- A brief guide to some of my favorite places in Ecuador.
- FBI in Ecuador
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) surveillance of the Ecuadorian left in the 1940s.
- Electronic Appendix
- These documents accompany my book Indians and Leftists in the
Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements (Duke University Press, 2008).
- Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador
- An extensive collection of materials on Indigenous peoples in Ecuador.
- Ecuatorianistas
- The web page of the Ecuadorian Studies section of the Latin American
Studies Association (LASA).
- Yachana Lodge
- A project of FUNEDESIN, a non-profit
foundation whose goal is to protect Ecuador's rainforest by educating
and empowering its people (this website does not have a formal affiliation
with Yachana Lodge).
I have also worked on the web pages for the following Indigenous organizations in Ecuador:
- Confederación de Pueblos de la Nacionalidad Kichua del Ecuador (ECUARUNARI)
- Federation of Peoples of the Quichua Nationality of Ecuador / Ecuador Kichua Llaktakunapak Jatun Tantanakui.
- The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE)
- CONAIE has led the Indigenous peoples of Ecuador from relative isolation to a position at center stage of Ecuadorian society. CONAIE is the representative body that guarantees Indigenous peoples the political voice that has too long been denied them, and that expresses their needs and goals within a rapidly changing world.
- Escuela de Formación de Mujeres Lideres Dolores Cacuango
- La Escuela de Formación de Mujeres Lideres Dolores Cacuango de Ecuarunari se forjan mujeres como dirigentes, protagonistas y promotoras para sus comunidades, pueblos y organizaciones.
- Federación de Comunas Unión de Nativos de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana (FCUNAE)
- La FCUNAE es una organización indígena de segundo grado. Su objetivo principal es defender los territorios indígenas y promover el desarrollo económico autónomo de sus comunas filiales.
- Federación Ecuatoriana de Indígenas Evangélicos (FEINE)
- La Federación Ecuatoriana de Indígenas Evangélicos, FEINE, es una organización social, no gubernamental, encargada de armonizar el desarrollo integral de las organizaciones, comunidades y pueblos indígenas evangélicos del Ecuador, de manera equitativa y solidaria.
- Federación Indígena y Campesino de Imbabura (FICI)
- The Indigenous and Peasant Federation of Imbabura (FICI) is the Quichua organization of Imbabura, Ecuador. Its birth was the result of the historical heritage of thousands of years of cultural construction, discriminatory state policies, and more than five hundred years of resistance in the face of colonial and neo-colonial exploitation and oppression of our people.
- Federación Nacional de Organizaciones Campesinas, Indígenas y Negras (FENOCIN)
- La FENOCIN se define como una organización campesino-indígena de carácter multi-étnico, constituida por Uniones regionales y locales en todo el Ecuador.
- Instituto Científico de Culturas Indígenas (ICCI)
- El Instituto Científico de Culturas Indígenas (ICCI) es una institución privada y sin fines de lucro. Actúa como un frente técnico-científico recogiendo el pensamiento y las experiencias de lucha del proceso de organización de los distintos pueblos indígenas.
- Pintores de Tigua: Indigenous Artists of Ecuador
- The indigenous artists of Tigua, Ecuador are renowned for their colorful paintings depicting life high in the Andes mountains of rural Ecuador.
- Pueblo Kayambi
- El Consejo de Coordinación de Pueblo Kayambi, Ecuador.
- RICANCIE is a network of ten Quichua communities in the Upper Napo valley of Ecuador who have established a unique and genuine ecotourism programme.
- Union of Peasant and Indigenous Organizations of Cotacachi (UNORCAC)
- The Union of Peasant and Indigenous Organizations of Cotacachi (UNORCAC) is a non-profit, class-based, second-level organization constituted by forty-one communities, and various peasant, indigenous, and mestizo base organizations in the Andean zone of Cotacachi Canton, Imbabura Province, Ecuador.
- Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas (UINPI)
- La creación de la Universidad Intercultural de los pueblos y las nacionalidades
indígenas, es parte del proyecto político y estratégico del movimiento indígena
ecuatoriano, y constituye una de las iniciativas de mayor importancia en el futuro.
| Marc Becker's Home Page
| marc@yachana.org |