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World Social Forum

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Larry Walker once noted that it is difficult to attend sessions and blog about them at the same time, and that is definitely true here at the Forum. A lack of time and Internet connections means that I am way behind on most of what I wanted to do. The most I can do right now is to upload some random (and incomplete and perhaps inaccurate) notes and pictures. I hope to write a couple more complete and formal reports later.

Dialogo sobre la integración popular de nuestra América (Ginásio da Universidade Estadual do Pará, January 29, 2009)

Social movements gather four presidents in the WSF This Thursday (January 29), social movements participating in the activity "Prospects for the Integration of Latin America People," with the participation of Presidents Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Rafael Correa (Ecuador) and Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), at 1pm,in the World Social Forum.

Participate in this activity representatives of social movements throughout the continent, as part of joint movements of Alba, as Via Campesina, Jubileu Sul, ASC (Continental Social Alliance), World March of Women, CTA (Argentine Workers' Central), CUT ( Central Única dos Trabalhadores), CTB (Central of Workers of Brazil), Alai, Caoi, Fecoc, Comp, among others.

Haiti man (speaks some about Cuba)
Magdalena León (Ecuador)

Rafael Correa (Ecuador)

challenge Washington consensus
Indigenous movements
mentions José Carlos Maríategui, Paulo Freire, Fidel Castro
Bien Vivir
21st-century socialism
defend interests
use existing laws
Amazon: need to be responsible for the environment
conserve resources for the next generation
Afro-ecuadorians and history of exclusion
soldiers as citizens
* capitalism vs. socialism, vivir bien, no mejor
alternatives: dignidad

* times of change, time for 21st-century socialism

Fernando Lugo (Paraguay)

social movements make another country
has changed country
overthrow conservatives
but not enough to create society; need more
* creative force to make a more equal society
Guaraní prophecy
Paraguay has to reconsider dignity
protagonist participation
impatience for change
* other world is possible, is being realized

Evo Morales (Bolivia)

competition between Ecuador and Bolivia to remove neoliberal presidents
thanks Indians
* church enemy of positive change, other church/faith is possible
no military bases
new constitution
* proposals to save life
end US intervention
pluri-national state
need change
* quote Marcos: mandar obediciendo; need to govern like that

Hugo Chávez (Venezuela)

Evo & football
9th edition of forum
will speak for 20 min: socialist equality
* applause for Fidel, Che, youth
youth are the future
WSF: assembly for humanity
Fidel: emergence of new world
Marcos: poet
Rafael: washington consensus, full impact of fall of USSR on real socialism
but Cuba always there
VZ: began 20 years ago
first saw Fidel in Caracas in Feb 1989 where attended Perez's assumption (also Daniel Ortega was there)
90s: corana (??)
revolutionary awakening in VZ, including military cuartel (history of popular uprising)
Correa: Harvard economist/Chicago boy
Evo: Indian, Tupac Katari
and then a Bishop & a soldier
Fidel present with us
Lugo at sixth forum in Caracas
Bishop of people, poor, social movements
Chavez couldn't attend 2001 WSF
implementing laws
asked for 5 cases brought before International Criminal Court against Bush for genocide
* Obamba and change: asks for respect for VZ sovereignty
Doesn't have illusions, empire
in impact
Chavez is obstacle
Manta Base (Ecuador)
perfect storm
800M hungry before, 1B now (poverty)
* capitalism at fault
* socialism only path to liberation
depends on forum
Simón Bolívar was a feminist, Manuela Sáenz
* New world not only possible, but necessary
making it now and here
end illiteracy
Pushes Ecuador and Uruguay to oin Alba
Today more than ever have to be Bolivarians

João Pedro Stedile: – MST response

socialism doesn't solve problems??
many identities, movements and parties
Viva Latin American people

closes with singing of Comandante Che Guevara with Aleida Guevara

América Latina o desafio da crise internacional (Hanger)

woman (minister?)
Cândido Grzybowski
Blanca Chancoso (respect)
Amazonian woman

Evo Morales (Bolivia)

product of struggle
against neoliberalism
other world
against external debt
constitution against privatization
recognize Indigenous rights
sovereignty, dignity, identity
great opportunity to create other world
campaign for peace and justice
presidents work together against savage capitalism

Rafael Correa (Ecuador)

* just reflections of awakening of people
bicentennial of independence
crisis of capitalism
end long nite of neoliberalism
Ciudadana Revolucionaria
Latin America confronts crisis
begin new system
21st-century socialism
not capitalism=efficient and socialism = justice, but socialism is justice and much more efficient
need national development plan
catholic region, but most unequal in the world
ethnic justice
cultural project – Indigenous
21st-century socialism is new concept of development
buen vivir / Sumac Cawsay
shuar justice
Latin American integration, United States of Latin America
dignity for all

Fernando Lugo (Paraguay)

why do forums continue?

Hugo Chávez (Venezuela)

largely repeats afternoon?

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brazil)

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