About the Authors

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Adam Aderton is a senior history major, Greek minor from Savannah, Missouri.  During the Spring 2001 semester he will be working as an intern in the Missouri General Assembly.  Following graduatoin in May he will be attending law school.  He is the president of Phi Kappa Tau Social Fraternity, a former captain of the Truman College Bowl team and an all-around good guy.  Adam created the pages on the Miskitu-Sandinista conflict, helped create the Links, About the Authors, and Outline pages and linked the website's pages together.
Joshua Raaz,a senior history major graduating December 16, 2000, will be proceeding to law school next fall to study international law.  He is a libra who enjoys Latin cultures and women.  He is 6' 2", 250 lbs. of twisted steel and sex appeal.  For this project, Josh created the page on Miskitu history, helped create the links and simulation pages.
Monica Neil is a senior marketing student with minors in Spanish and international relations.  She will be graduating on time in August 2001 as mother to Ethan and wife of Brock.  Monica created the pages on autonomy, the class simulation and the photo gallery.