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This is an Electronic Appendix of documents to accompany my book Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements (Duke University Press, 2008).

Colonial Revolts

Year Place Object Cited
1 1533-1534 Rumiñahui Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE
2 1535-1541 Huancavilca Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE; Albornoz
3 1535 Mantas & Caráquez Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE
4 1536 Quito Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE; Moreno2
5 1548 Paltas Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE
6 1550 Licta, Quilca, & Cahuasquí Against encomiendas and tributes CONAIE; Moreno2; Albornoz
7 1557 Cañari Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE; Albornoz
8 1560 Quijos Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE; Albornoz
9 1562 Quijos Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE
10 1568 Esmeraldas Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE; Albornoz
11 1578 Quijos Defense of land; against encomiendas and taxes CONAIE; Moreno2; Albornoz
12 1587 Quijos Albornoz
13 1599 Shuar Defense of land; against labor demands CONAIE; Moreno2; Albornoz
14 1600 Esmeraldas Albornoz
15 1611 Malabas Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE; Albornoz
16 1611 Cofanes Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE; Albornoz
17 1615 Otavalo Against diezmos and primicias CONAIE; Albornoz
18 1615 Shuar Against reducciones Albornoz
19 1619 Malabas Against Spanish exploitation CONAIE; Moreno2; Albornoz
20 1623 Latacunga Against abuses, non-payment of salaries, overwork CONAIE; Albornoz
21 1635 Napo Defense of land; against forced labor CONAIE; Albornoz
22 1635 Maynas Against encomiendas CONAIE; Moreno2
23 1635 Omaguas Against slavery Albornoz
24 1637 Maynas Against encomienda abuses Albornoz
25 1656 Pastaza Defense of land CONAIE; Albornoz
26 1660-1667 Pastaza Defense of land CONAIE; Albornoz
27 1667 Huahoranis Defense of land CONAIE
28 1667 Napo Defense of land CONAIE
29 1667 Avigiras Abuses of priests Albornoz
30 1676 Tucano & Zápara Abuses of priests Albornoz
31 1677, 1695 Napo Expulsion of the Spanish CONAIE; Albornoz
32 1677 Quito Against corregidor abuses CONAIE; Albornoz
33 1679 Chota & Pimampiro Fleeing abuses CONAIE; Albornoz
34 1694 Yete Against encomendero abuses CONAIE
35 1695 Ucayali Against Spanish abuses CONAIE
36 1695 Cunivos Expulsion of Spanish Albornoz
37 1700-1711 Píllaro Defense of land CONAIE; Albornoz
38 1706 Pomallacta Against reducciones CONAIE; Albornoz
39 1707 Napo Against Spanish exploitation CONAIE; Albornoz
40 1730 Pomallacta Defense of land CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2
41 1730 Píllaro Against working in mines CONAIE; Albornoz
42 1737 Cahuamares, Cahuaches, & Maguas Against abuses and forced labor CONAIE; Albornoz
43 1745 Payaguas & Secoyas Against Spanish exploitation CONAIE; Albornoz
44 1749 Payaguas & Secoyas Against Spanish exploitation CONAIE; Albornoz
45 1753 Napo Against Spanish exploitation CONAIE; Albornoz
46 1753 Cahuamares Against priests Albornoz
47 1760 Alausí Against abuses of priests and encomenderos CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2
48 1761 Latacunga Taxes Albornoz
49 1764 Cajabamba, Chiquicas, Licta, Sicalpa, Tungurahuilla, Cacha, Punio, Columbe Against census and taxes CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2; Albornoz
50 1766 Molleambato Against tribute payments CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2; Albornoz
51 1766 Guano Against tribute payments and abuses CONAIE; Albornoz
52 1768 San Idelfonso Against exploitation and abuses CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2
53 1770 Píllaro Against taxes CONAIE; Albornoz
54 1770 Patate Against Spanish exploitation CONAIE; Albornoz
55 1771 San Felipe Against landholder exploitation CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2
56 1776 Guano Exploitation Albornoz
57 1777 Otavalo Against landholder exploitation CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2; Albornoz
58 1778 Guano Against census and tributes CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2; Albornoz
59 1779 Guamote & Columbe Against diezmos CONAIE; Albornoz
60 1780 Pelileo Against taxes CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2; Albornoz
61 1781 Alausí Against census CONAIE; Moreno1; Albornoz
62 1784 Calpi, Luisa, & San Juan Against mitas CONAIE; Albornoz
63 1790 Columbe & Guamote Against mitas CONAIE; Albornoz
64 1791 Cayambe Against mitas CONAIE; Albornoz
65 1794 Pungala Against taxes CONAIE; Albornoz
66 1797 Riobamba Defense of land; against forced labor CONAIE; Moreno1; Albornoz
67 1799 Guamote & Columbe Against diezmos CONAIE; Albornoz
68 1799 Pillaro Defense of land Albornoz
69 1803 Guamote & Columbe Against tributes, diezmos, and taxes CONAIE; Moreno1; Moreno2; Albornoz
70 1820 Shuar Against priests Albornoz


Segundo E. Moreno Yánez, Sublevaciones indígenas en la Audiencía de Quito: Desde comienzos del siglo XVIII hasta finales de la Colonia, 3d ed. (Quito: Ediciones de la Universidad Católica, 1985).

Segundo E. Moreno Yánez, Alzamientos indígenas en la Audiencía de Quito, 1534-1803, 2d ed. (Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1989).

Oswaldo Albornoz Peralta, Las luchas indígenas en el Ecuador (Guayaquil: Editorial Claridad S.A., 1971).

Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE), Las nacionalidades indígenas en el Ecuador: Nuestro proceso organizativo, 2d ed., revised and expanded (Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala, 1989), 258-303.

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