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2025: "Latin American Mediation of Cold War Conflicts," paper presented on a Peace History Society (PHS) and Radical History Review (RHR) panel "Alternatives to War in US History," American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting, New York City, January 3-6, 2025. 2025: "20th-Century Latin American Revolutions," paper presented on panel "Understanding Major Themes and Topics in a Modern Latin American History Survey for K–16 Educators," Conference on Latin American History, New York City, January 3-6, 2025. 2024: "Philip Agee and the CIA in Ecuador, 1960-1963," paper presented on panel "Biography and Latin American History" at the Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Section (LACS) of the Southern Historical Association (SHA), Kansas City, Missouri, October 24-27, 2024. 2023: "Latin American Mediation of Cold War Conflicts," paper presented on panel "Peacemaking in the Global Cold War" at the 2023 Peace History Society Conference, Gwynedd Mercy University, October 26-28, 2023. 2021: "Latin American Women’s Movements during the 1950s," paper presented on panel "Latin American Solidarity and Transnational Activism in the Twentieth Century" (which I organized) at the Peace History Society Virtual Conference "Struggling for justice, struggling for peace: peace history engages with visions and movements around racial, climate, gender, and social justice," Atlanta, Georgia October 21-23, 2021. 2019: "Latin American Peace Committees," paper presented at “Commemorating Violent Conflicts and Building Sustainable Peace” conference, joint effort of the Peace History Society, the Peace Studies Section of the International Studies Association, and the School of Peace and Conflict Studies at Kent State University, Kent State University, October 24-26, 2019. 2019: "Rediscovering the Relations between Latin American, European and Chinese Communists in the 1950s and its contemporary legacy," LASA2019, Latin American Studies Association, Boston, MA, May 24 – 27, 2019. 2019: "Ecuador’s early bilingual schools," paper presented at Thinking Andean Studies, an Interdisciplinary Conference, Northwestern University, April 12-13, 2019. 2019: Chair & commentator, "Imperialism and Resistance in Latin America," Missouri Conference on History, Kansas City, MO, March 7-8, 2019. 2019: "Women's Activism and Leadership in Latin America: A Roundtable Discussion," 2019 Women's Leadership Conference, Truman State University, February 16, 2019. 2019: "Relations between Latin American Communists and Their European and Chinese Comrades," paper presented on the panel "Loyalties and Disloyalities: Communist Parties and Members from the Americas to the World," American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, January 3-6, 2019. 2019: Participant on roundtable "Gran Colombia Studies Committee Meeting: Historians Facing a Contentious Present in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Panama," Conference on Latin American History, Chicago, January 3-6, 2019. 2019: Chair for panel "New Perspectives on Latin American Labor History," Conference on Latin American History, Chicago, January 3-6, 2019. 2018: "Dolores Cacuango, Professional Agitator," paper presented on the panel "Elite and Popular Responses to the Left: transformation or return to neoliberal globalization?," LASA2018, Latin American Studies Association, Barcelona, Spain, May 23-26, 2018. 2018: "Ricardo Paredes y Partido Comunista vistos desde los EEUU" and "Ricardo Paredes y la cuestión indígena," papers prepared for “Jornadas en Memoria del Dr. Ricardo Paredes Romero,” Quito, Ecuador, March 19-22, 2018. 2018: "Indigenous Movements in the Eye of the Hurricane," paper presented on the panel "Rethinking the Left in 20th-Century Latin America," American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 4-7, 2018. 2018: Chair, "State-Building and Transnational Indian Policies in the Americas, 1940-1980," American Historical Association (AHA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 4-7, 2018. 2017: Roundtable participant, "Amplifying Muted Voices: A Roundtable on Peace History and the Digital Humanities," and chair for panel, "Engaged Voices in the African Diaspora," Remembering Muted Voices: Conscience, Dissent, Resistance, and Civil Liberties in World War I through Today, National WWI Museum, Kansas City, MO, Oct. 19-22, 2017. 2017: "Dolores Cacuango, Professional Agitator," paper presented at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the North Central Council of Latin Americanists (NCCLA), Madison, Wisconsin, October 5-7, 2017. 2017: "The Comintern and the Question of Race in the South American Andes," paper presented at Transnational Leftism: The Comintern and the National, Colonial and Racial Questions Workshop, The L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, September 21-22, 2017 2017: "Indigenous Movements in the Eye of the Hurricane," paper presented on the panel "New Histories of the Latin American Left," LASA2017, Latin American Studies Association, Lima, Peru, April 29-May 1, 2017. 2017: Session organizer and roundtable participant, "Exploring U.S. Intelligence Agencies in Twentieth-Century Latin America," LASA2017, Latin American Studies Association, Lima, Peru, April 29-May 1, 2017. 2017: "Indigenous Movements in the Eye of the Hurricane," paper presented at Thinking Andean Studies, an Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Pennsylvania, February 10-11, 2017. 2016: Discussant on panels "Indigenous Collective Action" and "Pathways beyond productivist/extractivist development: Efforts to forge more just and sustainable socio-ecological worlds," LASA2016, Latin American Studies Association, New York, May 27-30, 2016. 2016: Panelist on Indigenous movements, environmental law and social movements from a global perspective, Workshop on Inclusive Democracy and Marginalized Peoples in Global Perspective, India China Institute, The New School, New York, May 14-16, 2016. 2016: "Indigenous Voices and the New Left in the Andes," paper presented at the conference What’s Left? The Left Turn in Latin America, 15 Years After, Réseau d'études latinoaméricaines de Montréal (RELAM), Montreal, Quebec, March 23-24, 2016. 2016: "Ecuador’s First Female Congressional Deputy," paper presented at the Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST) Conference, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, January 28-31, 2016. 2016: "Anticolonial and Anticommunist Resolutions at the Ninth Pan American Conference," paper presented for the panel "Transnational Activism in the Western Hemisphere in the Twentieth Century," Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), Atlanta, January 7-10, 2016. 2015: “Ecuador’s early no-bases movement,” paper presented for the panel "Anti-Military Movements in Latin America," Peace History Society conference Historical Perspectives on War, Peace, and Religion, University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, Connecticut, October 22-24, 2015. 2015: Panel participant, "Researching and Writing Ethnohistory: Challenges and Successes," Fourth Conference on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean (ERIP), Virginia Commonwealth University, October 15-17, 2015. 2015: "Trotskyism in Ecuador," paper presented on the symposium "Ejes y tiempos de ruptura en la izquierda latinoamericana," Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA), San Salvador, July 12-17, 2015. 2015: Session organizer, "The FBI and United States counter intelligence networks in Latin America," author of "The FBI in Ecuador," and chair of panel "Globalized Social Movements: Latin America the Arab Spring and Beyond," XXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27-30, 2015. 2015: Chair and commentator for panel "Ethnic Cleansing or Genocide? Native Peoples and the United States," Organization of American Historians 2015 Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, April 16-19, 2015. 2015: “The Bogotazo in Ecuador” and “Inter-relations for Scholars and Activists” on roundtable “¡Por Fin! ¿Normalización de Relaciones?: A Roundtable Discussion on the Proposed Changes in U.S.-Cuba Relations,” Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS), Tucson, Arizona, April 8-12, 2015. 2015: “Indigenous Negotiation of Legal Petitions in Twentieth-Century Ecuador” and presenter on keynote roundtable “Negotiation and Law in Latin American History,” Midwest Workshop on Latin American History: “Negotiation and Law in Latin American History: New Connections,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 3-4, 2015. 2015: "How to Fight Like an Indian," paper prepared for the panel "Indigenous Citizens before the Indigenous Movements in Latin America," Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), New York City, NY, Jan. 2-5, 2015. 2014: "Neoextractavismo y el Sumak Kawsay," Encuentro sobre Buen Vivir, Estado Pluricultural e Interculturalidad en Latinoamérica, Otavalo, Ecuador, November 20-22, 2014. 2014: "International Solidarity and Rafael Correa’s Citizens’ Revolution in Ecuador," Empire and Solidarity in the Americas Conference, University of New Orleans, October 24-25, 2014. 2014: "La Gloriosa bajo la mirada imperial de los EE UU," A 70 años de "La Gloriosa": la revolución que no fue, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador, May 28-29, 2014. 2014: Session co-organizer, "Social Movements and Challenges to Liberal Democracy II/Los movimientos sociales y los retos a la democracia liberal II," discussant for panels "Los movimientos sociales y los retos a la democracia liberal" and "Inter-Ethnic Popular Struggle in the Twentieth Century: The Andes and Central America," as well as author of "Resource Extraction and the Sumak Kawsay in Ecuador under Rafael Correa," XXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, IL, May 21–24. 2014: Chair for panel "Masculinity and Politics in Latin America Since 1800," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2–5, 2014. 2013: Chair for panel "Movimientos sociales y procesos politicos en America Latina," as well as the author of "The Myths of Ecuador's Rafael Correa," XXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, May 29 – June 1. 2013: Discussant for panel "State Violence, Indigenous Communities, and Memory Struggles in Twentieth-Century Latin America," XXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, May 29 – June 1. 2013: “Intermediaries in the South American Andes,” The School of Social and Cultural Studies Research Presentations, Truman State University, April 15, 2013. 2013: Chair, "The New Conscientious Objectors: Solders Who Refuse to Commit War Crimes in a Particular War," The New Faces Of War: A Conference for Historians and Activists, Baltimore, Maryland, April 5-7, 2013. 2012: "Intermediaries in the South American Andes," 6th Faculty Research Conference, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, October 6, 2012. 2012: "En busca de tinterillos," VIII Congreso Ecuatoriano de Historia, Montecristi, Ecuador, July 11-14, 2012. 2012: "The Ministry of Indigenous Affairs and the failure to administer subaltern populations in Ecuador," XX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2012. 2012: Chair and commentator for panel "Rafael Correa And The Citizens' Revolution: Ecuador At The Five-Year Mark, 2007-2012," XX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2012. 2012: "Empowered Women of Latin America," 17th Annual Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST) Conference, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, January 19-21, 2012. 2012: "Problems Establishing a Ministry of Indigenous Affairs in Ecuador," paper prepared for the panel "Legislating the Subaltern in the Andes and Beyond," Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), Chicago, IL, Jan. 5-8, 2012. 2012: Participant on the Andean Studies roundtable "How Can I Explain What is Happening Today?: Historicizing the Contemporary Andes," Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), Chicago, IL, Jan. 5-8, 2012. 2011: "Indians and Leftists in the Making of Modern Social Movements," paper presented at the conference Latin American Studies and globalization: present, past and future, Center of Latin American Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, November 18-19, 2011. 2011: "Correa's 2011 Referendum and Indigenous Movements in Ecuador," paper prepared for the panel "Indigenous Politics in Ecuador," Second Conference on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean, University of California, San Diego, November 3-5, 2011. 2011: "Indigenismo in Ecuador," paper prepared for the panel "Historical and Cultural Aspects of Indigenismo" (which I organized and chaired), Second Conference on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean, University of California, San Diego, November 3-5, 2011. 2011: Facilitator for panel "Commitment and Change in Central America and the Caribbean," Peace History Society conference "The Inter-personal as Political: Individual Witness for Peace and Justice in a Global Perspective," Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida October 20-22. 2011: "Empowered Women of Latin America," 5th Faculty Research Conference, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, October 1, 2011. 2011: "WWRPD (What Would Ricardo Paredes Do?)," paper presented at the conference 2011 World Human Geography Conference: Communities and Ethics, Lawrence, Kansas, September 15 and 16, 2011. 2011: Participant on panel "Presentación del libro: El autor se encuentra con sus críticos: Pidiendo caridad en la ciudad, mujeres y niños indígenas en las calles de Ecuador de Kate Swanson," V Encuentro de la Sección de Estudios Ecuatorianos de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA), FLACSO, Quito, June 1-3, 2011. 2011: "Indigenismo e izquierdas," paper prepared for the V Encuentro de la Sección de Estudios Ecuatorianos de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA), FLACSO, Quito, June 1-3, 2011. 2011: "Ecuador, President Correa and the Social Movements," paper presented on the panel "Latin America: The Crucible of Conflict and Change," The Global Studies Association of North America, Chicago, IL, May 20 - 22, 2011. 2011: Participant on roundtable "The World Social Forum in Dakar," The Global Studies Association of North America, Chicago, IL, May 20 - 22, 2011. 2011: Moderator, "University of Kansas Center for Global and International Studies," Missouri Conference on History, Kansas City, April 14-15, 2011. 2011: "Indigenismo in Ecuador," paper presented at the conference Imagining Ecuador organized by the Círculo Micaela Bastidas Phuyuqhawa - Michigan Andeanists, University of Michigan, April 2, 2011. 2011: "The Correa Coup," paper presented on the panel Power and Politics in Latin America, Left Forum, New York City, March 18-20, 2011. 2011: Participant on roundtable "The World Social Forum in Dakar: Towards New Universalisms?" Left Forum, New York City, March 18-20, 2011. 2011: Chair for the panel "The Home as a 'Sacred Domain' in Latin American History," Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), Boston, MA, January 6–9, 2011. 2011: Chair for the CLAH Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee roundtable "Teaching 'Abroad,'" Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), Boston, MA, January 6–9, 2011. 2010: Discussant for panel "Academia and Indigenous Activism: New analytical models and strategies for mapping anti-colonial and decolonization in the Americas," XIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, October 6-9, 2010. 2010: Discussant for panel "Classical Left, Post-Neoliberal Left, and Indigenous Peoples," XIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, October 6-9, 2010. 2010: "Indigenous Movements and Rafael Correa in Ecuador" for panel "Movimientos sociales y articulaciones politicas en America Latina," XIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, October 6-9, 2010. 2010: Workshop participant, "Scholar Activism in the Global Justice Movement" and "Future of the Forum: The Social Forum Process from a Global Perspective" at the United States Social Forum, Detroit, Michigan, June 22-26, 2010. 2010: “In Search of Tinterillos in Ecuador," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, January 7-10, 2010. 2010: Chair for the CLAH Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee roundtable "New Approaches/New Texts: Re-Envisioning the Latin American History Surveys," Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), San Diego, January 7-10, 2010. 2009: "Constructions of Indigenous nationalities in Ecuadorian Marxist Thought," for the symposium "La Comintern y la izquierda en America Latina: significados historicos y politicos," 53º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Mexico City, July 19-24, 2009. 2009: "Indigenous Struggle and the Ambiguities of State Power in Ecuador" for panel "The Resurgence of Latin American Radicalism," XXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 11-14, 2009. 2009: Discussant for panel "Nuevos movimientos y actores sociales: desafíos en el internacionalismo y el interculturalismo," XXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 11-14, 2009. 2009: Participant on roundtable discussion "Radical Democracy in the Andes," XXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 11-14, 2009. 2009: "Gonzalo Oleas, Defensor," for the panel "New Research in North Andean Ethnohistory," Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS), Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 4-7, 2009. 2009: Chair/discussant for panel "Race, Class, and Gender in the Nineteenth Century Andean World," Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS), Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 4-7, 2009. 2009: Chair/discussant for panel "Images of the Indian in Spanish America," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, New York City, January 2–5, 2009. 2009: "Increasing Student Commitment By Making a Print-On-Demand Book as a Class Project," presentation to CLAH Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee Roundtable "Making the Most of Media in Teaching Latin American History," Conference on Latin American History (CLAH), New York City, January 2–5, 2009. 2008: "Tinterillos" and "Indigenous Struggles and the 2008 Ecuadorian Constituent Assembly," Midwest Association for Latin American Studies (MALAS), San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 20-22, 2008. 2008: "Navigating local ethnic landscapes with tinterillos in twentieth-century Ecuador" for panel "Gender, Ethnicity and Class in the North Andes," American Society for Ethnohistory (ASE) Annual Meeting, Eugene, Oregon, November 12-16, 2008. 2008: "Nacionalidades indígenas en el pensamiento marxista ecuatoriano," paper presented to the Cuarto Encuentro de la Sección de Estudios Ecuatorianos de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA), FLACSO, Quito, July 17-19, 2008. 2008: “Indigenous movements from oppressed nationalities to an ethno-nationalist discourse,” paper presented to First Conference on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean, University of California, San Diego, May 22-23, 2008. 2008: Facilitator for roundtable “Teaching about Empire and War in World History Survey Courses,” War And Its Discontents: Understanding Iraq And The U.S. Empire, Atlanta, Georgia, April 11-13, 2008. 2008: Participant on roundtable “Indians Between Multiculturality, Transnationalism, Post-Colonialism and Memory: Where Does Latin American Ethnohistory Go From Here?” Third Annual Midwest Workshop on Latin American History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 4-5, 2008. 2008: "Pachakutik and Indigenous Political Party Politics in Ecuador," paper presented on panel “Politics of Inclusion in the Andes,” Changes in the Andes: Realities, Challenges, and Opportunities for Inter-American Relations, Brown University, February 12-13, 2008. 2008: "Indigenous movements from oppressed nationalities to an ethno-nationalist discourse," paper presented on joint American Historical Association / Conference on Latin American History panel "Raising the Wiphala: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Andean Nationalism," Washington, D.C., January 3-6, 2008. 2007: "Construcciones de ciudadanía y sufragio en la Asamblea Constituyente de 1944-1945," paper on the panel "Episodios constituyentes y lucha política en Ecuador: una perspectiva histórica" presented to the Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO-Ecuador, October 29-31, 2007. 2007: "Constructing Women's Suffrage in Ecuador's 1944-1945 Constituent Assembly," paper presented to the Peace History Society conference "Historical Perspectives on Engendering War, Peace and Justice," Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ, October 19-20, 2007. 2007: "Requirements to be a citizen in 1944 Ecuador," paper presented to the XXVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, September 6-8, 2007. 2007: Moderator for panel "The Future of the Forum," United State Social Forum, Atlanta, Georgia, June 27 - July 1, 2007. 2007: Participant on roundtable "Indigenous Self-Determination: Iris Young's Vision and Global Realities," 48th Annual International Studies Association Convention, Chicago, IL, February 28 - March 3, 2007. 2007: Chair for panel "Scholars-Activists and the World Social Forum Process," World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya, January 20-25, 2007. 2007: Chair of joint CLAH Colonial Studies/Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee Roundtable "Putting Gender into Practice: Primary Sources for Researching and Teaching Colonial Latin American History," Conference on Latin American History, Atlanta, Georgia January 4–7, 2007. 2007: Participant on Andean Studies panel "The Return of the Andean Left in Historical Perspective: A Roundtable," Conference on Latin American History, Atlanta, Georgia January 4–7, 2007. 2006: Participant in Research Workshop on the North American World Social Forum Project, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, November 9-11, 2006. 2006: "Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in Ecuador’s Indigenous Movements," paper presented to Rethinking Marxism 2006, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, October 26-28, 2006. 2006: "Communists, indigenistas and indigenous people in the making of the Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios and the Instituto Indigenista Ecuatoriano," paper presented to the Tercer Encuentro de LASA Sobre Estudios Ecuatorianos, Quito, Ecuador, June 29 - July 1, 2006. 2006: "Indigenous Movements in Ecuador," 12th Annual Latino Issues Conference, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, April 27, 2006. 2006: “Beauty Queens and Empire at the World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela,” paper presented to the Gender And Empire: A Truman Conference in honor of Women’s History Month, Truman State University, March 30-31-April 1, 2006. 2006: "Communists, Indigenistas and Indigenous peoples in the making of the Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios and the Instituto Indigenista Ecuatoriano," paper presented to the XXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, on the panel La Cuestión agraria en el Norte de los Andes siglo XX: campesinos, intelectuales y paradigmas teóricos sobre los movimientos agrarios en Ecuador y Colombia (which I organized and co-chaired), San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15-18, 2006. 2006: "Remaking Leftist Politics in the Andes for the Twenty-First Century," paper presented to The Andean World: Environment, Identity and Nation Building, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, February 23-25, 2006. 2006: "Mariátegui, the Comintern, and the Indigenous Question in Latin America," Andean and Amazonian Seminar, Hall Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, February 9, 2006. 2006: Chair for panel "What Activists and Historians Can Learn from Each Other," Empire, Resistance, and the War in Iraq A Conference for Historians and Activists, University of Texas, Austin February 17-19, 2006. 2006: Chair for panel "U.S. Left and U.S. Social Forum," World Social Forum, Caracas, Venezuela, January 24-29, 2006. 2006: "Gender in Ecuador's Indigenous Movements," Conference on Latin American History, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 5-8, 2006. 2006: Chair of CLAH Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee Roundtable "Primary Sources in the Classroom," Conference on Latin American History, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 5-8, 2006. 2005: "World Social Forum," paper prepared for the Peace History Society, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina, November 3-5, 2005. 2005: "Estado y etnicidad en la Asamblea Constituyente de 1944-1945," paper prepared for the coloquio "El reto de la etnicidad en el espacio político," Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador, October 13-14, 2005. 2005: "World Social Forum," paper prepared for the North Central Conference of Latin Americanists (NCCLA), Marian College, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, October 7-8, 2005. 2005: Organized and participated on panel “The Latin American Left: From the Jungles to the Presidential Palace," RadFest 2005, Midwest Social Forum, Aurora University George Williams Lake Geneva Campus, Wisconsin, June 3-5, 2005. 2005: "The World Social Forum: Women and Civil Society," paper prepared for Renewing the Movement: A Truman Conference in Honor of Women's History Month (Sponsored by the Women's and Gender Studies Committee), Kirksville, Missouri, March 3-5, 2005. 2005: Chair for panel "Towards U.S. and North American Social Forums," World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil, January 26-31, 2005. 2005: Chair of CLAH Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee Roundtable "Teaching about Africans and their Descendants: Henry Louis Gates on Latin America," Conference on Latin American History, Seattle, Washington, January 6-9, 2005. 2004: "Writing the history of the twentieth-century Indigenous movement in Ecuador through Ñucanchic Allpa," paper presented to the XXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, on the panel Hidden Dialogues with Power in the Andes (which I organized), Las Vegas, Nevada, October 7-9, 2004. 2004: "Escribiendo la historia del movimiento indígena por las paginas de Ñucanchic Allpa," paper presented at the Congreso Ecuatoriano de Historia, Cuenca, Ecuador, July 8-10, 2004. 2004: "Escribiendo la historia del movimiento indígena por las paginas de Ñucanchic Allpa," paper presented at the Segundo Encuentro de LASA Sobre Estudios Ecuatorianos, on the panel Diálogos Ocultos de Poder en los Andes (which I organized), Quito, Ecuador, June 24-26, 2004. 2004: Organized and participated on panels “Another World is Possible: The Social Forum Movement” and "The New Latin American Left: Origins and Future Trajectory," RadFest 2004, Midwest Social Forum, Aurora University George Williams Lake Geneva Campus, Wisconsin, June 4-6, 2004. 2004: "Indigenous struggles for land rights on the Zumbahua hacienda in twentieth-century Ecuador," paper prepared for New Directions in the History of Rural Society, April 23-25, 2004, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 2004: "Indian Women Struggles for Land and Wages in Twentieth-Century Ecuador," paper prepared for Women and Food: A Truman Conference in Honor of Women's History Month (Sponsored by the Women's and Gender Studies Committee), Kirksville, Missouri, March 25-26-27, 2004. 2004: Chair for panel "Past as Prologue: Teaching about Empire and Resistance in Latin America," Conference on Latin American History, Washington, D.C., January 8-11, 2004. 2003: "Peasants and Citizens: Struggles for Land Rights on the Tolontag Hacienda in 20th-century Ecuador," paper presented at the 2003 meeting of the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies (MALAS), Charleston, Illinois, November 6-8, 2003. 2003: "Mariátegui y el problema de las razas en América Latina," paper presented to the 51st International Congress of Americanists, Santiago, Chile, July 14-18, 2003. 2003: Organized panel on "Social Movements in Latin America," RadFest 2003, Midwest Social Forum, 20th Anniversary, Aurora University George Williams Lake Geneva Campus, Wisconsin, May 30-June 1, 2003. 2003: "Nonviolent Insurrection in Ecuador: The 1944 Glorious May Revolution," paper presented to the Peace History Society, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, April 25-27, 2003. 2003: "Ecuadorian Studies and New Electronic Ethnic Frontiers," paper presented to the XXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, Texas, March 25-27, 2003. [also available in PDF format] 2003: "Indigenous Struggles for Land Rights on the Zumbahua Hacienda in Twentieth-Century Ecuador," paper presented to the 2003 meeting of the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS), Tempe, Arizona, February 19-22, 2003. 2002 "Movimientos campesinos en Cayambe," paper presented at the Primer Encuentro de LASA Sobre Estudios Ecuatorianos, on the panel Relaciones Inter-étnicas y Inter-culturales en la Sierra Norte (which I organized), Quito, Ecuador, July 18-20, 2002. 2002 "Extending Technological Resources to Indigenous Peoples around the World: NativeWeb," paper presented at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, January 2002. 2001: Co-chair with A. Kim Clark for the panel "Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador" for the XXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., September 6-8, 2001. Presented paper "State Building and Ethnic Discourse in Ecuador's 1944-1945 Asamblea Constituyente" on this panel, and commented on the panel "Entre la dolarización y la plurinacinoalidad: Ecuador visto desde la globalización." 2001: "Using NativeWeb to Create a Space on the Web for the World's Indigenous Peoples," presentation to the panel "Social Movements, Marginalized Groups and the Internet: Issues for Librarians and Researchers" at the American Library Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, June 17, 2001. 2001: "Mariátegui and the Problem of the Races in Latin America," paper presented to the 2001 meeting of the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS), Tucson, Arizon, March 1-4, 2001 (read the abstract for this paper). 2001: "Pedagogical Implications of Using Web Page Construction as a Classroom Assignment," presentation on the panel "Using the Internet in Teaching and Research on Latin America," Conference on Latin American History, Boston, Massachusetts, January 4-7, 2001. 2000: "Class and Ethnic Discourse in Ecuador's 1944-1945 Asamblea Constituyente," paper presented at the 2000 meeting of the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies (MALAS), Huatusco, Verazcruz, Mexico, November 18-20, 2000. 2000: Chair of the panel "Discourses in Latin American Politics: Class, Ethnic, Progressive, Revolutionary" and presenter of the paper "Class and Ethnic Discourses in Ecuador's 1944 Glorious May Revolution" at the Marxism 2000 conference, Amherst, Massachusetts, September 21-24, 2000. 2000: The Politics of Exclusion: Ecuador's Glorious May Revolution of 1944," paper presented on a panel "State Formation in Ecuador" which I co-chaired with A. Kim Clark at the XXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Miami, Florida, March 16-18, 2000. 1999: Panel organizer, chair and discussant, "Rural Latin American Responses to Modernization and Change," Rural Network of the Social Science History Association, Fort Worth, Texas, November 11-14, 1999. 1999: "Citizens, Indians and Women: The Politics of Exclusion in Ecuador," paper presented at the Conference on Latin American History, Washington, D.C., January 7-10, 1999. 1998: "Land Tenure Patterns and the Huasipungo in Cayambe, Ecuador," paper presented at the Social Science History Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 19-22, 1998 (read the abstract for this paper). Also chaired the Rural Network panel "Transforming Agriculture and Agriculturalists: Cross-Cultural Perspectives from Latin America and India." 1998: "Inter-ethnic Coalition Building in the 1930s: Indigenous Protest Movements in Cayambe," paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 24-26, 1998. 1998: "The Caranqui Roots of Twentieth-Century Cayambe Identity in Highland Ecuador," paper presented to the 26th Annual Midwest Andean and Amazonian Conference, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, February 28-March 1, 1998 (read the abstract for this paper). 1998: "White Women, Indian Women: Race, Class, and Gender in Ecuador's Indian Movement," paper presented at the Conference on Latin American History, Seattle, Washington, January 9-11, 1998 (read the abstract for this paper). 1997: "Comunas and Rural Community Organizations in Cayambe, Ecuador," paper presented at the 1997 meeting of the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies, St. Louis, Missouri, October 30-November 1, 1997 (read the abstract for this paper). 1997: "Peasant Identity, Worker Identity: Conflicting Modes of Rural Consciousness in Highland Ecuador," paper presented at the panel "Peasantries By Any Other Name: Rethinking Social Transformations and Struggles in Rural Latin America in the 19th and 20th Centuries" (which I organized) at the Twenty-second Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Washington, DC, October 16-19, 1997. 1997: "Organizaciones campesinas y indígenas en Cayambe, Ecuador (1925-1944)" (Peasant and Indian Organizations in Cayambe, Ecuador, 1925-1944), paper presented at the 49th International Congress of Americanists, Quito, Ecuador, July 7-11, 1997. 1997: "Class and Ethnicity in Rural Movements in Cayambe, Ecuador," paper presented at the panel "The Politics of Ethnicity and Indigenous Movements in Ecuador and Colombia" at the 1997 meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Guadalajara, Mexico, April 17-19, 1997 (also available in PDF format on the LASA97 Papers Online page). 1997: "Pan-Indianism and Indigenous Organizations in Ecuador," paper prepared for the panel "Strategies for Empowerment: Indigenous Rights & Resources in Latin America" at "Indigenous Peoples: An International Symposium," sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in conjunction with the E. N. Thompson Forum on World Issues, April 8-9, 1997 (read the abstract for this paper). 1997: "Ethnicity, Legitimacy and the State: Understanding Ethnic Movements in Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru," paper presented on a panel "Constructing a National Identity: Ethnicity, Political Protest and Social Policy" at the 1997 Update on Latin American Conference, University of Kansas, March 15, 1997. 1996: "Una Revolución Comunista Indígena: Rural Protest Movements in Cayambe, Ecuador, 1925-1944," paper presented at the conference Politics and Languages of Contemporary Marxism, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, December 5-8, 1996. 1996: "Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios: Ethnicity in a Peasant Movement," paper presented at the Twenty-first Meeting of the Social Science History Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 10-13, 1996. 1995: "Indigenismo and Indian Movements in Twentieth-Century Ecuador," paper presented at the 1995 meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., September 28-30. 1995: "Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios: Class and Ethnicity in a Twentieth-Century Peasant Movement," paper presented at the First Joint Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (RMCLAS) and Pacific Coast Council for Latin American Studies (PCCLAS) Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 5-9, 1995. 1994: "La presencia intelectual de Mariátegui en los Estados Unidos en los años veinte" (The Intellectual Presence of Mariátegui in the United States in the 1920s), paper presented at the Simposium Internacional: "Mariátegui y el Perú" (International Symposium: "Mariátegui and Peru"), Cuzco, Peru, June 10, 1994. 1993: "The Construction of Ethnic Identity and Nationalist Ideology in the Ecuadorian Amazon," paper presented to the Canadian Historical Association, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, June 7, 1993. 1992: "Nationalism and Pluri-Nationalism in the Ecuadorian Amazon," paper presented to the Fifteenth National Third World Studies Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, October 9, 1992. 1992: "Nationalism and Pluri-Nationalism in a Multi-Ethnic State: Indigenous Organizations in Ecuador," paper presented to the Fourteenth Annual Mid-America Conference on History, Lawrence, Kansas, September 17, 1992. |