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2024: "Functional representation and the fight for labor rights in Ecuador," Historical Society, Truman State University, November 19, 2024. 2024: "On sabbatical research, rabbit holes, and other distractions," Historical Society, Truman State University, February 20, 2024. 2022: Talk to Latin American history class, Miguel Tinker Salas, Pomona College, September 28, 2022. 2022: "Investigaciones académicas de ecuatorianos en América Latina," Flacso Radio, September 21, 2022. 2022: Student Climate Union (SCU) Anti-Nihilism Forum, Earth Week, Truman State University, April 20, 2022. 2022: "Imperialism, the Highest Form of Capitalism," The People's Party, Truman State University, April 12, 2022. 2021: "The CIA in Latin America," Historical Society, Truman State University, November 16, 2021. 2021: "Toward a History of Transnational Communism Across the Americas," presentation with Patricia Harms and Margaret Power to the Power & Resistance in Latin America Research Cluster, University of Manitoba, October 26, 2021. 2021: Talk to class "Latin American Social Systems: Revolutionaries, Radicals, and Resisters," Enrique C. Ochoa, California State University Los Angeles, September 23, 2021. 2021: Talk to class "Revolutions in Latin America," Leo J. Garofalo, Connecticut College, June 15, 2021. 2021: "Elections in Ecuador," discussion with the Americas Subcommittee of the Democratic Socialists of America, June 13, 2021. 2021: "The Strike Does Not Stop! - A Panel Discussion on the Current Popular Uprisings in Colombia," The Political Understanding and Activism Club (PUAC), University of Illinois Springfield, May 20, 2021. 2021: "Ecuador under the imperial gaze of the FBI and CIA," US Intervention in the World: Past and present, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, March 12, 2021. 2020: "Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements," talk to class "Indigenous Latin America," Sarah Foss, Oklahoma State University, December 3, 2020. 2020: "Ecuador and Indigenous Movements," talk to class "Latin American Revolutions," Heather Thiessen-Reily, Western Colorado University, November 5, 2020. 2020: "The FBI in Latin America," talk to class "From Cultural Encounters to Covert Ops: Approaches to Latin American Relations with the United States," Rebecca Herman, University of California, Berkeley, October 13, 2020. 2020: "Movimiento Indígena," Universidad Estatal de Bolívar y Instituto de la Democracia, August 20, 2020. 2020: "Jose Carlos Mariátegui: Marxism of the South," The People's Forum, July 1, 2020. 2020: "La politización de las identidades indígenas," Universidad de los Hemisferios y Instituto de la Democracia, June 4, 2020. 2019: "What's up with Venezuela?" Truman State University, February 20, 2019. 2018: "The FBI in Latin America," Lindenwood University, March 27, 2018. 2017: "The FBI in Latin America: The Ecuador Files," Purdue University Northwest, October 5, 2017. 2016: "Surgimiento de la idea de plurinacionalidad en el pensamiento ecuatoriano," Acto académico por los 30 años, Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE), Quito, Ecuador, November 25, 2016. 2016: Video conference, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador, September 30, 2016. 2015: "Indigenous Voices at the Frontier of a Globalized World: Ecuador," International Education Week 2015, Oakton Community College, November 16, 2015. 2015: "Rafael Correa, Indigenous Movements, and Extraction Sites in Ecuador," International and Area Studies Speaker Series, Washington University in St. Louis, November 6, 2015. 2015: "Rafael Correa and Indigenous Movements in Historical Context," Northwestern University, October 9, 2015. 2015: "Ecuador's 2008 Constitution from a Social Movement Perspective," Human Rights Workshop: Current Issues and Events, Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights at Yale Law School, October 1, 2015. 2015: Panel participant, "Ecuador's Indigenous Uprising 2015," Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies, The Graduate Center, CUNY, September 30, 2015. 2015: "Historia de Pueblo Kayambi," Escuela de Formación para Líderes y Líderesas Sumak Kawsay 2015, Cayambe, Ecuador, June 13, 2015. 2015: “Pachakutik y al via electoral después del levantamiento,” 1er Levantamiento Indígena, Jornadas de Conmemoración, CONAIE y Pueblo Kitu Kara, Quito, Ecuador, June 11, 2015. 2015: Lanzamiento de un libro por lo 25 años del levantamiento indígena, Pueblo Kichwa Karanki, Ibarra, Ecuador, June 11, 2015. 2015: Conversatorio por los 25 años de levantamiento indígena, Confederación del Pueblo Kayambi, Alcaldia del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Intercultural Plurinacional del Municipio de Cayambe, Ecuador, June 9, 2015. 2015: "Movimiento indígena en el Ecuador como Sujeto Político, su rol en la Democracia y en la Construcción de la Plurinacionalidad," Expositor Central, Foro Internacional “Los desafíos de la plurinacionalidad: miradas críticas a 25 años del levantamiento indígena de 1990,” Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito, Ecuador, June 3, 2015. 2014: "El FBI en el Ecuador," Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, December 1, 2014. 2014: "The FBI in Latin America," Faculty Forum, Truman State University, November 12, 2014. 2014: Guest lecturer, "Indigenous Rights in Ecuador, Prof. Anton Daughters Native Americas class, Truman State University, October 30, 2014. 2014: Discussion panel participant, "Starting a Movement: Ferguson Town Hall," Truman State University, September 24, 2014. 2014: "Drilling Oil to End Poverty: Challenges to the 'Good Life' in Ecuador," Assumption College, September 23, 2014. 2014: "Orígenes históricos y políticos del movimiento indígena ecuatoriano 1926-1973," Instituto Científico de Culturas Indígenas (ICCI), Quito, Ecuador, June 9, 2014. 2014: "Orígenes históricos y políticos del movimiento indígena ecuatoriano 1926-1973," Pueblo Kayambi, Cayambe, Ecuador, June 6, 2014. 2014: Participant, Conversatorio historiografía latinoamericana: reflexiones a propósito de LASA 2014, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Quito, Ecuador, June 4, 2014. 2014: Participant, Immigration Panel, Students for Social Change, Truman State University, April 17, 2014. 2014: Discussion panel on Latin American Women and US Latinas, Women's History Month: A Look at Latinas in America, Truman State University, March 30, 2014. 2014: Presenter, Research Roundtable, School of Social and Cultural Studies, Truman State University, February 18, 2014. 2013: "Tinterillos and the complications of legal mediations in South America, 1850-1950," History Departmental Seminar, University of Ghana, Legon, October 16, 2013. 2013: Guest lecturer, "Tradition and Revolution in Latin American Society," Prof. Nicole Fabricant, Towson University, October 10, 2013. 2013: "History of Modern Ecuador," Towson University, April 4, 2013. 2012: "From Social Movements to Political Participants: Ecuador's Lesson for the Rest of the World," Purdue University North Central, Westville, Indiana, December 3, 2012. 2012: "Construcciones de las nacionalidades indígenas en el pensamiento marxista ecuatoriano," Instituto Científico de Culturas Indígenas (ICCI), Quito, Ecuador, November 24, 2012. 2012: "Conversatorio sobre la historia del movimiento indígena ecuatoriano visto desde afuera," Fundación Sumak, Quito, Ecuador, November 21, 2012. ![]() 2012: "Construcciones de las nacionalidades indígenas en el pensamiento marxista ecuatoriano," keynote presentation, Primer Encuentro de Historia y Sociología de las Izquierdas del Ecuador, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN), Quito, Ecuador, November 13-15, 2012. 2012 "Ecuadorian History," Pambamarca Archaeological Project, Guachalá, Ecuador, July 9, 2012. 2012: Participant on a Peace Panel discussion on Security, Students for Social Change, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, April 12, 2012. 2012: Participant on panel "Academic Job Market," University Conference, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, February 16, 2012. 2011: "Ecuadorian History," Working Capital for Community Needs (WCCN), Madison, Wisconsin, August 15, 2011. 2011: "Dolores Cacuango como símbolo de la ecuatorianidad," keynote presentation, V Encuentro de la Sección de Estudios Ecuatorianos de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA), FLACSO, Quito, June 1-3, 2011. 2011: Participant on a Peace Panel discussion, Students for Social Change and the Truman Peace Fellows, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, March 22, 2011. 2010: Report back on 2010 United States Social Forum, Socialist Potluck, Madison, Wisconsin, July 10, 2010. 2010: "Victoriano Lorenzo," Innovative Academic Initiative Panama Experience Symposium, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, April 27, 2010. 2010: "Ecuadorian Indigenous Movements in Global Perspective," Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, April 19, 2010. 2010: "Haiti," Kirksville Optimist Club, Kirksville, MO, February 10, 2010. 2010: "Haiti," Historical Society, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, February 3, 2010. 2010: "Indigenous movements in Ecuador," Latin American Studies and Anthropology, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, February 1, 2010. 2010: "Haiti," GlobeMed, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, January 28, 2010. 2009: Seminar in Latin American History, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, March 23, 2009. 2009: "Ecuador," Spanish Club, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, March 18, 2009. 2009: "From Political Instability to Stability in Correa's Ecuador," Penn State New Kensington, New Kensington, Pennsylvania, February 23, 2009. 2009: "Indigenous struggles and the ambiguities of state power in Rafael Correa's Ecuador" and "Service learning and research 'Voices of Milan,'" Purdue University North Central, Westville, Indiana, February 19, 2009. 2009: Report back on 2009 World Social Forum, Socialist Potluck, Madison, Wisconsin, February 14, 2009. 2008: “Project Facilitation Across Community and Cultural Boundaries: The Milan Oral History Project,” 4th Annual Missouri Campus Compact Statewide Conference, Washington University in St. Louis, October 17-18, 2008. 2008: Discussion leader for documentary "Made in LA," Hispanic American Leadership Organization (H.A.L.O.), Truman State University, October 14, 2008. 2008: Panel member for “For Underclassmen Only: How to Prepare for Graduate School During Your First Two Years of Undergraduate Education,” Career Center, Truman State University, September 25, 2008. 2008: "Indians Push Back: Indians and Leftists in the Making of Ecuador’s Modern Indigenous Movements," Historical Society Meeting, Truman State University, September 17, 2008. 2008 "Ecuadorian History," Pambamarca Archaeological Project, Guachalá, Ecuador, July 11, 2008. 2008: Report on service learning project from Fall 2007 JINS 338 course interviewing immigrants in Milan, Missouri, Weekly Lunch Series, Center for Teaching and Learning, Truman State University, April 23, 2008. 2008: "From Oppressed Nationalities to an Ethno-Nationalist Discourse in Ecuadorian Indigenous Movements," Utah Valley State College, February 24, 2008. 2008: "Print-on-demand book as a class project," Technology Fair, Truman State University, February 20, 2008. 2008: "International Peace Teams," Peace Panel Forum, Student Peace Alliance's Peace of Week, Truman State University, February 7, 2008. 2008: "Immigration: Milan's Story," presentation to the Global Issues Colloquium Series, Truman State University, January 31, 2008. 2007: "Professors discuss Iraq," panel discussion sponsored by the College Democrats and the Stonewall Group, Truman State University, October 25, 2007. 2007: "International Election Monitoring - Promises and Pitfalls," talk presented to the Global Issues Colloquium Series, Truman State University, October 11, 2007. 2007: "Contemporary Venezuela," talk presented to Latin American Solidarity, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, September 24, 2007. 2007: "Law of Justice and Peace," talk presented to Colombia Support Network annual meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, May 4, 2007. 2007: "Constructing Women's Suffrage in Ecuador's 1944-1945 Constituent Assembly," Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program ( LACIS) Brownbag Presentation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 17, 2007. 2007: Report on visit to peace community in Colombia, Colombia Support Network, Madison, Wisconsin, April 12, 2007. 2006: "Elections in Ecuador: Politics in the streets and at the ballot box," talk presented to Community Action on Latin America (CALA), Madison, Wisconsin, October 24, 2006. 2006: "South America’s turn to the Left," talk presented to Kickapoo Exchange Natural Foods Co-op, Gays Mills, Wisconsin, April 22, 2006. 2006: "World Social Forum," talk presented to the Global Issues Colloquium Series, Truman State University, March 2, 2006. 2006: Report on Venezuela's Barrio Adentro program to the student section of Physicians for Social Responsibility at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM), Kirksville, Missouri, February 21, 2006. 2006: Report back on 2006 World Social Forum, Socialist Potluck, Madison, Wisconsin, February 11, 2006. 2006: "Hugo Chavez and the New Venezuelan Revolution," talk presented to Latin American Solidarity, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, February 9, 2006. 2006: "The World’s Other Superpower: The 2006 World Social Forum in Venezuela," Latin American Studies Merienda series, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, February 9, 2006. 2005: Participant on panel "Water Wars: From Bolivia to Hazel Creek," Global Issues Colloquium, Truman State University, December 1, 2005. 2005: "Frida Kahlo," presentation to Spanish Club in concordance with the film “Frida,” Truman State University, November 15, 2005. 2005: "Che Guevara and Latin America," presentation to Rotaract Club in concordance with the film “The Motorcycle Diaries,” Truman State University, September 21, 2005. 2005: Participant on Global Village Discussion Panel, Women's Resource Center, Truman State University, April 4, 2005. 2005: Led discussion of the film "The Fourth World War," Truman State University, April 3, 2005. 2005: Participant on panel "Reporting Back on the World Social Forum," Community Action on Latin America (CALA), Madison, Wisconsin, March 15, 2005. 2005: Overview of current Latin American events, Debate Club, Truman State University, March 8, 2005. 2005: “Teaching HIST 231 Introduction to History and Historiography as an Extended Truman Week Class,” Assessment Colloquia, Truman State University, March 7, 2005. 2005: Participant on panel "Anarchy in the classroom: A panel discussion," Renewing the Movement: A Truman Conference in Honor of Women's History Month (Sponsored by the Women's and Gender Studies Committee), Kirksville, Missouri, March 3-5, 2005. 2005: Participant on panel "Reporting Back on the World Social Forum," The Havens Center, UW-Madison, February 18, 2005. 2004: Panel discussant for documentary "Three Days in New York City," Truman State University, October 21, 2004. 2004: "Chávez no se va! (Chávez does not leave!): A First-Hand Account on the Referendum in Venezuela," talk presented to Community Action on Latin America (CALA), Madison, Wisconsin, August 25, 2004. 2004: "World Social Forum," talk presented to the Global Issues Colloquium Series, Truman State University, February 12, 2004. 2003: "Workers Rights in Colombia," talk presented to International Human Rights Day, Amnesty International, Truman State University, December 9, 2003. 2003: "Latin American Resistance," talk presented to the Great Plains Anarchist Network (GPAN), Kirksville, Missouri, October 18, 2003. 2002: "Indigenista y comunista: Mariátegui y el problema de las razas en Ameérica Latina," talk presented to the Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos "Bartolomé de Las Casas," Cuzco, Peru, October 2, 2002. 2002: Historical introduction to Chile poceeding the viewing of the film Missing for Community Action on Latin America (CALA)'s Movie Night, Madison, Wisconsin, July 10, 2002. 2002: "Indigenous movements in Ecuador," talk prepared for the annual History Banquet, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, May 8, 2002. 2002: "Plan Colombia and the Impact of U.S. Military Aid on the Colombian People," talk presented to the Graduate Students of Latin American Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, May 1, 2002. 2002: "Women and Violence in Colombia," talk presented at Global Feminisms: Past and Present, a Women's Studies Conference at Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, March 22, 2002. 2002: "Gender and Popular Protest in Latin American Indigenous Movements," talk presented to the Latin American Studies Program (LASP), University of Iowa, February 7, 2002. 2002: Presentation on my work with NativeWeb to the Latin American Studies Program (LASP) Faculty Seminar, University of Iowa, February 7, 2002. 2001: Report on the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE), Faculty Development Lunch Series, Truman State University, September 5, 2001. 2001: "Human Rights in Peru," talk presented to Amnesty International, Truman State University, April 19, 2001. 2001: "Group Web Construction Assignments and Other Electronic Technology in History Classrooms," talk presented at the First TLTR Showcase: New Media, New Visions, and New Skills for Faculty and Students, Truman State University, January 17, 2001. 2001: Panelist, "Technology Fitness Skills Luncheon" Faculty Development Lunch Series, Truman State University, January 17, 2001. 2001: "In the Footsteps of Martin Luther King: The Bees and Non-Violent Resistance in Chiapas, Mexico," talk presented to Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium, Truman State University, January 16, 2001. 2000: Featured speaker at Latin America's Indigenous Peoples: Cultural Diversity and Globalization, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, November 10, 2000. 2000: "White Women, Indian Women: Race, Class and Gender in Protest Movements in 20th-Century Ecuador," talk presented at Women on the Edge: A Truman Conference in honor of Women's History Month, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, March 23, 2000. 2000: "The Politics of Exclusion: Ecuador's Glorious May Revolution of 1944," talk presented to the Social Science Faculty Research Seminar at Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, March 13, 2000. 2000: "Finding a job after graduation," talk presented to the Phi Alpha Theta Graduate School night at Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, February 23, 2000. 2000: "The First Coup of the Millenium: An Analysis of the Events that Sparked the Overthrow of Ecuadorian President Jamil Mahuad Witt," talk presented with Kenny Kincaid to Latin American Solidarity, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, February 17, 2000. 1999: "Teaching with CourseInfo," talk presented with Harsh Bapat, Ian Billick, and Amanda Jones to the Faculty Development Lunch Series, Truman State University, December 1, 1999. 1999: "Chile and Pinochet," talk presented to the Gettysburg College Chapter of Amnesty International, April 13, 1999. 1999: "Protest and Ethnicity in Rural Ecuador, 1925-1944," talk presented to the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, April 12, 1999. 1998: "Chiapas and the Zapatistas in Mexico," talk presented with Cheryl Musch at Gettysburg College, September 17, 1998. 1998: "Indigenous Protest Movements in Twentieth-Century Ecuador," talk presented to the Latin American Studies Colloquia Series, Gettysburg College, September 14, 1998. 1998: "The Class Roots of an Ethnic Struggle: Early Indigenous Organizations in Ecuador," talk presented to the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Brownbag series, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, April 23, 1998. 1998: "Chiapas and the Zapatista Movement in Mexico," talk presented with Cheryl Musch to Community for Social Action, Normal, Illinois, March 13, 1998. 1998: "Chiapas and the Zapatista Movement in Mexico," talk presented with Cheryl Musch to the Global Review series, Illinois State University, February 19, 1998. 1997: "Peasant Identity, Worker Identity: Conflicting Modes of Rural Consciousness in Highland Ecuador, 1926-1944," talk presented to History Department Seminar Series, Illinois State University, September 17, 1997. 1997: "Come Ye to the Internet: Using Web Sites in Teaching," talk presented to the History Department Teaching Roundtable, Illinois State University, September 15, 1997. 1996: "Barley for Brew, Roses for Russia: Changing patterns of Land Use in Cayambe, Ecuador," talk presented with Cheryl Musch to the Latin American Studies Merienda series, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, September 26, 1996. 1995: "Revolutions in Nicaragua and Cuba," talk presented at the Latin American Solidarity Rice and Beans Dinner, Lawrence, Kansas, September 14, 1995. 1995: "Indigenous Resistance in Ecuador," guest lecture in Latin American History class, University of California at Davis, Davis, California, May 23, 1995. 1994: "Mariátegui y el marxismo latinoamericano" (Mariátegui and Latin American Marxism), talk presented at the Simposium Internacional José Carlos Mariátegui (International Symposium José Carlos Mariátegui), Lima, Peru, June 17, 1994. 1993: "Indigenismo and Ethnic Consciousness in the Bolivian Andes," talk presented to the Latin American Studies Merienda series, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, October 7, 1993. 1993: "Indigenismo and Indigenous Movements in Ecuador," talk presented for Cornell University Summer program in Cochabamba, Bolivia, July 6, 1993. 1993: "Class and Ethnicity in Latin American Revolutionary Movements," guest lecture in Latin American Nations class, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, April 26, 1993. 1993: "Central America," guest lecture in Modern Latin American History class, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, April 13, 1993. 1993: "Trip Report: Kansas Student Delegation to Central America," talk presented at Ecumenical Christian Ministries' University Forum, Lawrence, Kansas, February 17, 1993. 1993: "Trip Report: Kansas Student Delegation to Central America," talk presented to the Latin American Studies Merienda series, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, February 11, 1993. 1993: "Trip Report: Kansas Student Delegation to Central America," talk presented at the Latin American Solidarity Rice and Beans Dinner, Lawrence, Kansas, February 4, 1993. 1993: "Nicaragua and Central America," guest lecture in World Geography and History class, Ottawa, Kansas, February 3, 1993. 1992: "Indigenous Groups of Ecuador," guest lecture in the Peoples of South America Anthropology class, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, April 23, 1992. 1992: "The Cuban Revolution: Will it Survive?" talk presented with Kirk Shaffer at the Latin American Solidarity Rice and Beans Dinner, Lawrence, Kansas, April 9, 1992. 1992: "Latin American Revolution Theory," guest lecture in Modern Latin American History class, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, February 24, 1992. 1992: "Nicaragua and Central America," guest lecture in World Geography and History class, Ottawa, Kansas, February 3, 1992. 1991: "Mariátegui and Latin American Revolutions," talk presented to the Latin American Studies Merienda series, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, October 10, 1991. 1991: "Andean Indigenous Resistance," guest lecture in Modern Latin American History class, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, April 8, 1991. |