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Is the Miskitu people a separate nation?

Black Law Dictionary-the right to self-government.
United Nations-The UN held a meeting of experts in 1991 to review schmes of internal self-government of Indians and concluded that "indigenous peoples are historically self-governing, with their own languages and cultures, laws and traditions" (UN Chronicle 49).  Indians have a great bond between their land spiritually, economically, and ancestrally.  The land gives them food, shelter, and posessions, and is very sacred to them (UN Chronicle 48).
Expert view-Nietschmann describes a nation as a common people based on a common ancestry, history, society, institutions, ideology, language, territory, and often religion within geographically bounded territory ("Third World" 1). 

Bell claims that political thinkers define cultural groups though their "language, race, or religion" (36). 

Vernon Van Dyke defines cultural groups as "'a group of persons, predominantly of common descent, who think of themselves as collectively possessing a separate identity based on race or on shared characteristics, usually language or religion'" (Bell 36).

International Commission of Jurists-says that a people is a self-defined group when it has these characteristics:1.A common history, 2. Racial or ethnic ties,3.Cultural orlinguistic ties,4.Religious or ideological ties,5.A common territory or geographical location,6.A common economic base, and7.A sufficient number of people (Nietschmann"Third World" 4).
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December 4, 2000