Autonomy qualifications-definition
of autonomy
I. Human rights
A. Conditions needed to deserve group rights
B. Indigenous demands
II. Is the Miskitu people a separate nation?
A. Nietschmann
B. United Nations
C. International Commission of Jurists
III. Effects after the peace agreement with the Sandinistas
A. Points of resolved and unresolved issues
B. Indigenous concerns
C. Political problems
D. Economic problems
IV. Discussion if autonomy should be granted to Miskitu people
A. Yes, autonomy should be granted
1. They are a nation
2. They are not an ethnic
3. Have separate identity
a. Moravian Church
1. History
2. Important to maintain ethnicity
3. Politics in the church
4.Sandinistas were oppressive
B. No, autonomy should not be granted
1. Miskitu people are a
2. Ethnic chauvinism
3. Their demands are unreasonable
4. Sandinistas were not
5. They don't have a solid
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