Roles of the People
Goals and Achievements
Ethnic Identities in Latin America

Web Site Overview

 I. Background
    A.  Chiapas
    B. Maya
    C. Economic Conditions
    D.  Governmental Actions
    E.  Protest Groups and Attempted Reforms
II.  The Roles of Men, Women, and Children Within the Zapatista Social Movement
       A. Men
            1. Men are divided into two main groups
            2. Men make up the majority of rebel soldiers and of the community councils that work closely with revolutionary
       B. Women
            1. Women are divided into two main groups
            2. Women work directly with the councils, not as soldiers but as community leaders working with revolutionary leaders.
       C. Children
            1. Children are increasingly being raised in the midst of this social movement.  This new generation is involved in the
                struggle.  They help the soldiers, men and women who remain at home, and the councils whenever possible.  Often
                they are virtually Zapatistas
III.  Goals and Accomplishments of the Zapatistas
       A. Societal Aims
       B.  Goals Achieved
             1. A settlement was reached with the Mexican government.
             2. Obtained laws guaranteeing the protection of the teaching and speaking of the Maya language in schools and local
        C. Calls for Wide Scale Land Reforms.
            1. Chiapas is very rich agriculturally, but the Maya are consistently denied access to the land.
        D.  Governmental Reforms
            1. Calls for more local autonomy.
            2. Calls for more democracy on the local and national level.
IV.  Obstacles
        A.  Poverty and the Mexican army in indigenous communities in Chiapas
        B.  Lack of Mexican political support
        C.  Impact of new president-elect
        D.  The future