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World Social Forum

These photos are from the fifth World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil in January 2005. Click on the photos for larger images.

Sunday, January 30, 2005: Beyond the Ivory Tower

At a meeting of academics, we dicussed how to make the university more relevent and responsible to the rest of the world. Here Jackie Smith lays out goals of developing concrete actions, building an international network, and deciding whether to work with other sectors of civil society.

Toward U.S. and North American Social Forums

NIGD helped organize and facilitate a panel on social forums in North America. Here Suren Moodliar and Janet Conway describe their work with social forums in Boston and Toronto. The forum was well attended and we had a good discussion. Later NIGD will post a more complete report on this discussion.

Victor Rosado and Mike Menser from the New York City Social Forum.

Mike Menser and Michael Guerrero from the United States Social Forum.

Beyond the World Social Forum

NIGD also sponsored a talk in the Caracol Intergalaktica by the Youth Camp on the Future of the World Social Forum. Teivo Teivainen, Thomas Ponniah, Meena Menon huddling on the left, and Immanuel Wallerstein on the right.

Hugo Chavez

In the evening, Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, spoke at the Gigantinho stadium in Porto Alegre. Venezuela TV carried the event live and direct.

The event began with a theater piece. A group of students from the Bolivarian University in Caracas waved a huge flag over their heads.

Hugo Chavez spoke for about 2 hours. See my report Hugo Chavez returns to the World Social Forum.

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