Morley, Sylvanus. Sylvanus G. Morley and the World of the Ancient Mayas. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1971 Thompson, Eric. The Rise and Fall of the Maya Civilization University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1954. Patch, Robert. Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1648-1812. Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1993. Jones, Grant. Anthropology and History in Yucatan. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1977. Portilla, Miguel. Time and Reality in thought of the Maya. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1968. Wauchope, Robert. Handbook of Middle American Indians. Volume 7, Ethnology, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1969. Wiltord, John. "What Dammed the Maya? Maybe warfare run Amok." New York Times, November 19, 1991. Schele, Linda. "The Owl Shield and Flint Blade." Natural History, November 1991. Abate, Tom. "Climate and the Collapse of Civilization." Bioscience, Volume 44, September 1994. "The Mayan Dust Bowl." Discover, Volume 16, September 1995. Links to Maya Internet Sites http://www.ukans.edu/~hoopes/aztlan/History.htm http://www.stockton.edu/~gilmorew/consortil/ccenso.htm http://www.mysteriousplaces.com/mayan/TourEntrance.html http://www.execpc.com/~urbanlee/MayaWelcome.html |