Pyramid Regions
Overview of Maya and Aztec Civilizations
Nahuatl Language 
Maps of México
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Source Information
Bernal, Ignacio. A History of Mexican Archaeology: The vanished civilizations of Middle America. London; Thames and Hudson Ltd,  1980. 

Bernal, Ignacio. 3000 Years of Art and Life in Mexico. New York; Harry N. Abrams Inc. 

Blaton, Richard A., Stephen A. Kowalewski, Gary M. Feinman, Laura M. Finsten. Ancient Mesoamerica: A comparison of change in three regions. Cambridge University Press, 1981, 1993. 

Boone, Elizabeth Hill.  The Aztec World.  Washington D.C; St. Remy Press, 1994. 

Cotterell, Arthur.  The Encyclopedia of the Ancient Civilizations. New York; Mayflower Books, 1980. 

Diehl, Richard A. Tula: The Toltec Capital of Ancient Mexico. London; Thames and Hudson, 1983. 

Hunter, Bruce C. A Guide to Ancient Mexican Ruins. University of Oklahoma Press, 1977. 

Pasztory, Esther.  Teotihuacan: An Experiment in Living. London; University of Oklahoma Press, 1997. 

Werner, Michael S. The Encyclopedia of México: History, Society & Culture.  Chicago; Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1997. 

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Page created by Amanda Belzer, Kamis Courtney, Sharice Welch, Jennifer Wells