
para la Patria y la Libertad

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Need more content from your Bolivian web page?  Here's the CIA World Factbook

General info regarding Bolivia (and the rest of the Andean nations).  This includes geography, climate, economic conditions, government info, and items of historical note.

The BBC News Online provides an in-depth look at recent events in Bolivia as well as a comprehensive historical overview.

The Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario is still the party of the people as evidenced by the snazzy graphics on their web site.

Several other parties also strive for the affection of the people.  Links to each of their sites may be found here.

Democracy in Bolivia?  The latest election results.

Numerous Bolivian newspapers are also available online.  English speakers beware, these are all in Spanish.

You know you've always wanted to sing the Bolivian National Anthem

Here's a Marxist interpretation of current and past events in Bolivia.

Tired of talking to Marc in English?  Try Quechua!

Bolivia on the web?  We recommend  (They've got "I love Bolivia" BBQ aprons, need I say more?)

After all that Bolivia you're probably ready to go home... I know I am.  Here are some other sites about various and sundry Latin American revolutions.

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