We are pleased to announce the Ecuador Studies Section's "Ecuabulletin," our official newsletter. The newsletter contains a host of
information that we hope will be useful to pursuing your interests of Ecuador. We encourage you to share the bulletin with others with similar interests. The
bulletin will be published in electronic form only at the beginning of each month and will arrive in members' email accounts as an attachment. We will periodically send out reminders on the listserv
asking members to send us their bits of information and news. At anytime, though, members are welcome and encouraged to send contributions to the the Ecuabulletin account.It is our intention that this on-line forum will help to reduce message traffic on our
listserv while at the same time increasing intra-section communication on issues of general interest to the Ecuadorian studies community. We anticipate publishing a variety of information helpful to the section members:
general announcements, opportunities for research and study funding (both in the U.S. and Ecuador, including application deadlines), calls for conference papers and publishing opportunities, researchers seeking out
collaborators, employment listings, as well as media links and other resources germane to our mission. In addition, we plan to compile "books received" to alert members of new and noteworthy books and research
reports regarding Ecuador. While serving as an "information clearinghouse" of sorts, the newsletter will also afford occasional opportunities for section members to submit short commentaries and short
opinion pieces alerting our community to a contemporary issue regarding Ecuador. Please send submissions to
ecua_bulletin@hotmail.com or c/o Jason Pribilsky, Dept. of Anthropology, Syracuse, NY 13244We hope you enjoy and find useful the bulletin and we
welcome any suggestions or comments on how to improve it. With regards, Jason Pribilsky Kenny Kincaid Richard Quintero Andrade
<><><>ECUABULLETIN<><><> Volume 1, Number 1 (November 2000)