Ecuadorian Studies


No.  1 (September  2001)

Editors: Michael T. Hamerly and Fredy Rivera


Foreword [PDF]
 Michael T. Hamerly

Barricades and Ballots:
Ecuador's Indians and the Pachakutik Political Movement
 Scott H. Beck and Kenneth J. Mijeski

Abstract: The national-level indigenous confederation, the Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE), along with its regional and provincial constituent organizations, has advanced the interests and constitutionally recognized rights of indigenous peoples in Ecuador via mass mobilizations and direct negotiations with the government. For a number of years the leadership of CONAIE rejected direct participation in elections and even refused to endorse parties or candidates. This was reversed in late 1995 with the formation of a political movement called Movimiento de Unidad Plurinacional Pachakutik-Nuevo País. The purpose of this article is to analyze the electoral performance of this movement, especially in 1996 and 1998, in the context of the larger political environment and the various twists and turns of the indigenous movement between 1996 and 2000. The authors conclude with a brief discussion of the relative merits of barricades and ballots in advancing the cause of Ecuador's popular classes, both indigenous and non-indigenous.

Entre el bolero y el Internet:
Reflexiones desde la mitad del mundo
 Michael Handelsman

Resumen: Con el levantamiento indígena de 1990 y el creciente debate sobre la plurinacionalidad y la interculturalidad, los ecuatorianos se han visto obligados a repensar muchos conceptos que tradicionalmente han empleado para definir al Ecuador y las relaciones que vinculan y separan a los diferentes actores sociales del paí s.  Al pasar de un milenio a otro, poco se puede analizar respecto a lo ecuatoriano sin referirse a los efectos muchas veces contradictorios de la globalización y el neoliberalismo.  Raúl Pé rez Torres y Raúl Vallejo son dos autores de ficción quienes han recurrido a la literatura a examinar algunas de las inquietudes que marcan la actual crisis nacional.  Concretamente, mientras que Pérez Torres busca una especie de purgación espiritual del desencanto generado por los fracasos del idealismo revolucionario de los aZos 60, Vallejo suena una voz de alerta frente a las promesas vacías de un sistema globalmente deshumanizante.  Es decir, entre escuchar boleros de alguna rocola cantinera y leer dispersos mensajes transmitidos por el internet, se conoce a un paí s determinado a forjar un sentido del aparente caos en que se encuentra.

International NGOs and Sustainable Agricultural Development:
A Methodological Analysis with Examples from Highland Ecuador
 James R. Keese

Abstract: A recent focus of the literature on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has been their organizational and institutional capacities in relation to states, donors, and other NGOs. However, there is a continuing need to know what NGOs do in the field, the methods they use, and the results obtained at the community level. A field study of the projects of two international NGOs working in highland Ecuador offers conclusions about what NGOs need to do in order to promote sustainable agricultural development. The results suggest that NGOs must focus their efforts on community organization, income improvement, natural resource management, and actions that help local people deal effectively with larger society. Project methods were grounded in the principles of participatory development and agroecology. Both NGOs demonstrated the ability to learn from experience and to change and improve the methods used. Project activities that emphasized education and technical assistance over give-aways and expensive inputs, offered a greater possibility of achieving lasting results and reducing problems associated with paternalism.


Guidelines for Submission of Contributions [PDF]

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