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Ecuadorian Studies


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1.  Mission: Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos is the official, on-line, multidisciplinary journal of the Latin American Studies Association Section of Ecuadorian Studies.  The journal's mission is to expand and disseminate academic research on various aspects of the Republic of Ecuador.  Contributions in history, the humanities, or the social sciences are especially welcome, but other foci will be considered.  Comparative studies in which coverage on Ecuador constitutes at least half of the article will also be considered.

2.  Eligibility: Contributors need not be members of the Latin American Studies Association or of the Section of Ecuadorian Studies in order to submit their works for consideration for publication.  Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos encourages submissions from younger scholars, Ecuadorian nationals, and members of under represented minorities.

3.  Originality of submissions: Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos is primarily dedicated to publishing original works.  Submissions to Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos should not be under consideration for publication by any other journal.  Previously published articles, however, will be considered for republication in Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos in exceptional circumstances or if translated into a new language.  It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission for Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos to reprint copyrighted materials and to translate the article.

4.  Language(s): Contributions may be submitted in English or Spanish.  Works in multiple languages (e.g., Spanish and Quichua) will also be accepted.  Quotations in English or Spanish need not be translated.  Quotations in all other languages must be accompanied by their equivalents in English or Spanish, depending upon the primary language of the contribution.  Please note that for publication purposes the editors have selected Ecuadorian as the English equivalent of "ecuatoriano(a)."

5.  Length of contribution: Contributions should be limited to10,000 words or approximately 40 pages of double spaced text, including references, tables, illustrations, endnotes, and bibliography.  Longer contributions, however, will be considered on the basis of merit.

6.  Text format: Please note that Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos is not in a position to employ a copy editor.  Therefore the following formatting instructions must be observed.  Any contribution that does not adhere to these instructions will be returned to the author(s).

6a.  Contributions must be submitted in (Microsoft) Word or WordPerfect.  (N.B.  The latest versions of Word and WordPerfect spell check in multiple languages simultaneously, the modules for which are included in the programs.  But beware of false cognates.)  Indicate which program and version thereof has been employed.

6b.  Use Times New Roman and font size 12 throughout the entire document.  Font and font size should be set as defaults at the beginning of the text.

6c.  Double space the entire contribution, including tables and footnotes.  Employ one-inch or 2.5 cm. margins.

6d.  Include the title of the work on the first line of the submission, then the author's name two space below (with normal capitalization), the author's academic affiliation on the next line, followed by the date(s) when the contribution was originally submitted and revised (if revisions are required).

6e.  An abstract of no more than 150 words must follow this identifying information and precede the text.

6f.  The date(s) when the research for the work was undertaken and recognition of any funding received should be included in the introduction or the initial endnote.

6g.  Indent paragraphs, with the tab key (not the space bar).  Double space between sentences.

6h.  Do not triple space between paragraphs.

6i.  Parenthetical citations, examples of which are given below under Citation style, should be used for inter-textual references.  Endnotes may be employed to include additional information, but we regret that footnotes are technically impractical in an on-line journal.  Use Word or WordPerfect's "Insert menu" for creation of footnotes.

6j.  Contributions will include references when appropriate.  Bibliographic references must be in the author-date system (see Citation style below).

6k.  Use two hyphens (not em or long dashes) inter-textually.

6l.  Use single hyphens (not en or short dashes) before and between numerals.

6m.  All illustrations, including charts, graphs, maps, and tables, must be submitted to the webmaster as well as to the editors of Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos as separate computer file attachments.

6n.  Number the illustrations and give each illustration a title.  Refer to the illustrations by number(s) in the text.

6o.  Text, endnotes, and references should be left margin adjusted only (i.e., not full justified).

6p.  Do not hyphenate within words.

6q.  Do not use lower case "l" for "1."

6r.  Use italicization (not underlining) as needed for titles and foreign words.  In English language contributions, italicize only those foreign words that do not appear in Webster's College Dictionary (the 1991 or 2000 ed.) or Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1999 ed.).  In Spanish language contributions, italicize only those foreign words not incorporated in the Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua (1984 or 1991 ed.).  Do not italicize proper names of institutions in either language (e.g., United States Department of State or Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamí n Carrión").  Ordinarily sic is not italicized but it should be when inserted between square brackets within quoted matter.

6s.  Paginate the entire contribution, from 1 through "n."  Note, however, that it is impossible to paginate works published on-line.

6t.  Do not use headers (including running titles) or footers for the same reason.

6u.  Acronyms should be employed sparingly or better still avoided unless they are commonly used (e.g. NGO for non government organization).  Acronyms should always be spelled out on first occurrence.

7.  Citation style: Contributors must follow the author-date or text-reference system as explained in chapter 16, "Documentation 2: Author-Date Citation and Reference Lists" in The Chicago Manuel of Style, 14th ed. (p. 637-699) with accommodation for archival and other unpublished materials.  Although no comparable manual appears to exist in Spanish, authors will find David William Foster, Daniel Altamiranda, and Carmen de Urioste's The Writer's Reference Guide to Spanish (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000) helpful.

Full (not abbreviated) names must be employed in the bibliography or references.  Also note that nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinating conjunctions (but not articles within titles and prepositions) are uppercased in English language titles, but usually lower cased in Spanish language titles except, of course, for proper and place names.  For a more complete discussion and rules governing other languages see chapter 16 of The Chicago Manuel of Style.

7a.  Articles: Author's name (in inverted order).  Year.  Title of Article.  Title of periodical issue information (volume, issue number, month or season): pagination.

Example No. 1:

Tobar Donoso, Julio.  1972.  Fundación de la universidad y primer rectorado.  Revista de la Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 1, feb. : 11-81.

Parenthetical citation: (Tobar Donoso 1972) or (Tobar Donoso, [page no.])

Example No. 2:

Vickers, William T.  1989.  Traditional Concepts of Power among the Siona-Secoya and the Advent of the Nation-State.  Latin American Anthropology Review 1, no. 2: 55-60.

Parenthetical citation: (Vickers 1989) or (Vickers 1989, [page no.])

7b.  Books: Author's name (in inverted order).  Date.  Title.  Place of publication: Publisher.

Example No. 1:

NúZez Sá nchez, Jorge.  1994.  La historiografía ecuatoriana  contemporánea (1970-1994).  Quito: Ediciones de la FAU.

Parenthetical citation: (Nú Zez Sánchez 1994) or (N úZez Sánchez 1994, [page no.])

Example No. 2:

Whitten, Dorothea S., and Norman E. Whitten, Jr.  1988.  From Myth to Creation: Art from Amazonian Ecuador.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Parenthetical citation: (Whitten and Whitten, 1988) or (Whitten and Whitten, 1988, [page no.])

7c.  Contributions to Anthologies:  Author's name (in inverted order).  Year.  Title of chapter or other titled part.  In [title of anthology (italicized)], edited by [name of editor or editors], pagination.  Place of publication: Publisher.

Example No. 1:

Andrien, Kenneth J.  1994.  The State and Dependency in Late Colonial and Early Republican Ecuador.  In The Political Economy of Spanish America in the Age of Revolution, 1750–1850, edited by Kenneth J. Andrien and Lyman L. Johnson, 169-195.  Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

N.B. Please give pagination for chapters or other titled parts of a book.  Although not required by The Chicago Manuel of Style, it makes it easier for others who wish to consult the item in question, especially if it has to be obtained through inter-library loan.

Parenthetical citation: (Andrien 1994) or (Andrien 1994, [page no.])

Example No. 2:

Baleato, André s.  1820.  Monografía de Guayaquil.  In La Econom ía colonial: relaciones socio-económicas de la Real Audiencia de Quito, introducción y selección, Manuel MiZ o Grijalva.  [Quito]: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1984.

Parenthetical citation: (Baleato [1820] 1984) or (Baleato [1820] 1984, [page no.])

Although not mandatory and there are those who would argue that it is incorrect, the editors prefer to capitalize the first word in the title under which a title main entry work is usually entered in bibliographies and library catalogs.

N.B.  In reference to reprints of historic or publication of archival materials, include the original year of publication or year(s) when written.  Said year(s) should be given in brackets and precede the year in which reprinted or published.

7d.  Archival materials and other primary sources: Primary source references should include the name of the archive, library, museum, or private collection in which the source is to be found, the series title (if applicable), and any numbering that applies to the series or the piece, the date of the source, and the title of the source if it has one.  The date of the source may be day and month as well as year specific.  Titles may be assigned to untitled sources.  Because the author-date system does not lent itself well to the description of archival and other primary source materials, the editors of Ecuadorian Studies / Estudios ecuatorianos will entertain specific queries, but please consult chapter 15, especially 15.277 through 15.413, of The Chicago Manuel of Style first.

Example No. 1 (an archival source):

AGI [AGI having previously been identified as Archivo General de Indias], Quito, 64.  1659.  Carta de la Audiencia de Quito a S.M. remitiendo testimonios de las causas criminales contra Francisco Enrriquez Sanguesa.

Parenthetical citation: (AGI, Quito 64) or, if necessary (AGI, Quito 64, 1659).

N.B.  Always transcribe names of persons and place literally.

Example No. 2 (a primary source subsequently published in a compendium):

Descripción de la villa el Villar Don Pardo, sacada de las relaciones hechas en el aZ o de 1605 por mandado de Su Majestad.  [1605] 1991-92.  In Relaciones histórico-geogr áficas de la Audiencia de Quito: siglos XVI–XIX, edición de Pilar Ponce Leiva, t. 2 , 1-10.  2 vols.  Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Centro de Estudios Históricos, Departamento de Historia de Am érica.

Parenthetical citation:  (Descripción de la villa el Villar Don Pardo [1605] 1991-92) or (Descripción de la villa el Villar Don Pardo [1605] 1991-92 [page no.]).

7e.  Internet sources: Author's name (in inverted order).  Date (if known; if not, list the date on which the Internet source was accessed).  Title of web page.  URL (Uniform Resource Locator).


Becker, Marc.  2000.  The writing of a historical essay or research paper.  http://www2.truman.edu/~marc/rsources/guide.html

Parenthetical citation: (Becker 2000)

8.  Abbreviations: A separate list of standardized abbreviations for periodicals and repositories is being compiled.  In the meantime contributors should clear the abbreviations they propose to employ, together with the full names of the corresponding periodicals and repositories, with the editors for their approval.

9.  Submissions: Submit contributions as e-mail attachments to: Michael T. Hamerly ( Michael_Hamerly@brown.edu–N.B.  The space between l in Michael and H in Hamerly must be underscored) and/or Fredy Rivera (frivera@flacso.org.edu).  Hard copy submissions will also be accepted.  Please send a print out and disk copy to: Dr. Michael T. Hamerly, c/o John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA., and/or Profesor Fredy Rivera, FLASCO, Páez 118 y Avenida Patria, Quito, Ecuador.  Submit illustrations, preferably as computer file attachments, to the editor(s) and to the webmaster, Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org).  Hard copy submissions of illustrations should be directed to the editor(s) and to: Professor Marc Becker, Truman State University, Division of Social Science, McClain Hall 214, 100 E. Normal, Kirksville, MO 63501-4221, USA.

10.  Author's information: Please provide a cover letter (either as an e-mail or separate file for electronic submissions, or in print out, if submitting hard copy) noting your academic accomplishments.  The cover letter should include: a) name; b) rank; c) academic affiliation; d) research interests; e) major fellowships held; and f) recent books (including publisher and year of publication) and/or articles (including titles of journals in which they appear).

11.  Peer review: All contributions will be reviewed by either or both editors and one or more additional readers, including at least one in a discipline other than that of the author.  The identities of the outside readers will not be disclosed.