En Español
2006 minutes

eMeeting of the Ecuadorian Studies Section; Latin American Studies Association Meetings; 8 pm. March 16, 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

In attendance: Maria Isabel Silva, Emily Walmsley, Michael Handelsman, John Sanbrailo, Maria Eugenia Chaves, Cecilia Ortiz, Fredy Rivera Velez, Simon Pachano, Roberta Rice, Marc Becker, Kenneth Kincaid, Kathy Fine, Carmen Martinez Novo, Frank Hutchins, Heike Wagner, Esther Cuesta, Liisa North, Carlos de la Torre, Luciano Martinez, Juan G. Ramos, Greg Buchholz, Catherine Timura, Jason Pribilski, Will Waters, Ximena Sosa-Buchholz , Scott McKinney.

The Ecuadorian Studies Section's first book,  Estudios Ecuatorianos: un aporte a la discusión, edited by Ximena Sosa-Buchholz and William F. Waters, was presented. The Ecuadorian Studies section and FLACSO jointly supported the project, and the book was published by Abya Yala. 

The meeting opened with a discussion of how to carry out the elections for new officers and board members.  Michelle Wibbelsman, who had to leave to go to another meeting,  spoke in support of elections being held using the internet so that all members of the section could vote.   There was also some discussion of the decision to have the vice-president be the president-elect.  The presiding officer decided that the members present should vote among three options: 1) that all officer and board members be elected at the meeting; 2) that all officers and board members be elected by internet; 3) that 2 members of the board be elected by internet, everyone else at the meeting.  The third option was supported by a majority of those present.  Scott McKinney and Heike Wagner volunteered to count votes for the internet election.

Will Waters, vice-president was confirmed as president by 16 votes. Jorge Leon was nominated for the vice-presidency and received 16 votes.  Scott McKinney accepted nomination as Secretary-Treasurer and received 18 votes. Michael Handelsman (15 votes) and Luciano Martinez (20 votes) were elected to the board.   Ximena Sosa-Buchholz accepted a position on the board in order to work on a project to advance the exchange of academic research being done in Ecuador and elsewhere; she received 23 votes. Maria Isabel Silva will continue as Human Rights Coordinator; she received 18 votes.  Michelle Wibbelsman resigned as Outreach Coordinator; Marc Becker explained the nature of the position, but no one was nominated to the position.

NB – Jorge Leon was contacted and turned down the position of vice-president.  He accepted a nomination to the board and was elected by internet election.

Maria Isabel Silva raised the question of how to streamline the process of sending letters in cases where the section wanted to take a position and make certain parties aware of it.  It was suggested that we send out an e-mail and provide a short period for members to support or oppose the position. In the case of sufficient support, the section could quickly send out the letter with an indication of the level of support.

Fredy Rivera raised the issue of the on-line journal, indicating that it was inoperative.  There were few submissions and Michael Hamerly, the co-editor with Fredy Rivera, was more selective about submissions than Fredy thought reasonable.  It was decided to discuss the issue further during the summer meeting in Quito.

Will Waters indicated that the summer meeting was scheduled for 29 June-1 July.

Ximena Sosa-Buchholz emphasized the importance of keeping membership high.  Will compared the membership dues to the number of pizzas that could be purchased in Quito with that money. We were each encouraged to rush out and recruit a new member.

As waiters were beginning to appear, and the Peru section was already celebrating, the meeting was adjourned.