En Español
2007 minutes

Dear member of LASA´s Ecuadorian Studies Section:

I am happy to send you the report of the Section's business meeting, conducted
during the recent International Congress in Montreal.  At the same time, this
is a preliminary call for papers for the Section's Cuarto Encuentro, which
will be held in Quito in the summer of 2008.  Details, including the specific
dates of the meeting, will be announced as part as the first formal call for
papers, which will be sent at the end of next January.

Will Waters,
Section Chair

Estimado miembro de la Sección de Estudios Ecuatorianos de la LASA:

Me complace enviarle el informe de la reunión de la Sección, realizada durante
el Congreso Internacional en Montreal. Al mismo tiempo, éste es un llamamiento
preliminar de ponencias para el Cuarto Encuentro de la Sección, a realizase en
Quito en el verano de 2008.  Se anunciarán los detalles, incluyendo las fechas
específicas de la reunión, como parte del primer llamamiento formal de
ponencias, el mismo que se enviará a finales de enero próximo.

Will Waters,
Presidente de la Sección

Meeting of the Ecuadorian Studies Section of the Latin American Studies
Association:  September 6, 2007, Montreal, Canada.

In attendance: Jean-Francois Belisle, Richard Milk, Olga B. Milk, Cecilia
Mafla, Rosario Gomez, Amalia Garzon, Erin O'Connor, Carmen Martinez, Jill
DeTemple,  Liisa North, Luciano Martinez Valle, Catherine Conaghan, Andrea
Pequeño, Fabio Cabarcas, Greg Buchholz, Will Waters, Ximena Sosa-Buchholz ,
Scott McKinney, Esteban Ponce, Amalia Pallares, Chad Black, Kim Clark.

President Will Waters called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM and announced the
following agenda:

1. Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
2. Publications and other activities
3. Travel expense policies for invited and supported participants
4. Nominations and elections for section positions
5. Other points

The secretary-treasurer reported on the status of the section: it is seven
years old and has at the moment 114 members in Latin America, Europe, Japan,
and North America. As of June 25, 2007 the section account held $4,095.12. 
Recent expenditures include $1,000 for publication of the collected papers
from the 3er Encuentro, $500 each for the travel expenses of two scholars, and
$493 as our share of the reception held with the Peru section.

President Will Waters reported on and invited discussion on the following
1. the developing relation between the Canadian Association of Latin American
Studies and LASA as a result of the meeting in Montreal;
2.  the issue of providing travel funds for people who come to the summer
Quito conference from other parts of the country, who organize a session, or
who are invited for a special reason (Liisa North raised this issue);
3. the upcoming 4to Encuentro de los Ecuatorianistas, (Quito, summer 2008; the
issues are timing and appreciation for assistance from FLACSO Sede Quito;
4. the imminent publication of the collected papers from the 3er Encuentro;
5. publication of Marc Becker and Kim Clark's book on the state and highland
(University of Pittsburgh Press).

Nominations were solicited for section offices, and elections conducted.  The
results of the elections are as follows:
 1. Will Waters (reelected as chair)
 2. Scott McKinney (reelected as Secretary-Treasurer)
3. Michael Handelsman, Luciano Martinez, and Ximena Sosa-Buchholz (reelected
as section council members)
 4. Carmen Martinez (replaces Jorge Leon as section council member)

Finally, several other topics were discussed.  The question of reactivating
the archive of  Aurelio Espinosa Polit was raised.  Perhaps the section would
be interested in taking on this project; perhaps through a grant to the
section.  A brief discussion was held on how to help scholars get to the LASA
meetings in Rio for 2009.  LASA support is decided late and only 17% of the
applicants are supported. Will Waters encouraged members to place more
publications on the section's website. Liisa North announced her recent
article with Luciano Martinez.

The meeting was adjourned and the members in attendance tumbled out into the
great hall to compete with the Peruvianists for bocaditos.

William F. Waters, Ph.D.
Profesor de Sociología y Salud Pública
Co-Director, Instituto de Investigación en Salud y Nutrición
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Casilla Postal 17-12-841
Círculo de Cumbayá
Quito, Ecuador
Tel. (593-2) 297-1775     Fax  (593-2) 289-0070