Environmental Issues in LA
Central America
Guiana Highlands
Andean Region
Southern Cone
What About the Future of the Environment in  
Latin America? 

Although we cannot predict the future, it is realtively easy to assume what it will be like.   Unless we come up with better ideas, better solutions, better legislation and better company incentives, the environment that is so important to us and to our future will be gone.  It has just as easily been going since the invasion of the "New World" and environmental destruction will continue to snowball unless WE do something to stop it.  Large companies only worry about themselves and making money so they and their children will be happy.  Governments concern themselves with sustaining their power and making themselves and the masses happy.  No one will worry about our happiness and that of our children except for us.  We do not want to have to tell our children that Power and Money and the Environment do not last forever.  Let's try to leave that last one out.   

We, of course, do not have all the answers, nor hardly any of them.  We have, however, tried to make this site a place in which we can all think about what environmental issues are going on in Latin America today.  We have tried to provide helpful information that you may be able to think about.  Perhaps you have an answer.  

Links For the Future:  

Eco Travels in Latin America Website.  
“The goal behind the Travels in Latin America website is not to fill but create a niche which explores the options pursued throughout the hemisphere that promote environmental conservation, cultural understanding and local economic development, particularly through responsible tourism.”  

Designing the Future – Proceedings from a 1996 Permaculture Conference.  
“These Proceedings are a collation of submitted papers, presentation transcriptions and presentation reports which cover most of the sessions presented at the Sixth International Permaculture Conference and Convergence. A very small number of sessions are not included here because neither papers, recordings nor reports were available.”  

Earth Council  
Fifth Earth Council Meeting  
San Jose, Costa Rica, 7-9 November 1998  

Page created by Stephanie Richard, Amy Hebert, Stephanie Funk, Lee Hemming