Environmental Issues in LA
Central America
Guiana Highlands
Andean Region
Southern Cone

The environment in Latin America has been as issue of debate ever since the Europeans came to the Americas.  Even then the whites had a different view of how the earth should be regarded: they saw it as a source of bountiful resources, while the Native peoples regarded the earth as a mother who provided for and cared for them so long as they cared for her in return.  The Native peoples did not exploit the earth; instead, they lived in conjunction with their environment.   

However, as the colonization process began, all of that changed.  Up through even today, we use our environment as though it were a never-ending source, put there to serve us.  We abuse the environment for our own means.  The environment in Latin America is especially delicate.  With its rainforests it is a plentiful source of timber.  The Latin American environment on a broad scale deals with such destruction of their natural resources as deforestation, air and water pollution, over-fishing, mining and the dumping of hazardous waste.  The environment and is resources will not be around forever.  Although first world countries do need adequate sources of raw materials, the sources are not being replenished and will soon run out if we are not careful with the earth.  We need to come up with other items and sources instead of the depleting rainforest for our material needs.  We need to have new ideas of what to do with hazardous waste instead of dumping it in rivers.  We need better mining techniques so as not to ruin the surrounding environment.  And we need more stringent, universal laws dealing with those who do not work to preserve the environment.  Trees and fresh drinking water need to be available to everyone in the world, our children and us.   
Image from: Deforestation: Causes and Solutions at 

Page created by Stephanie Richard, Amy Hebert, Stephanie Funk, Lee Hemming